2010-05-04 GnuCash IRC logs

00:57:24 *** eliasp has joined #gnucash
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08:46:36 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:46:45 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot_
08:46:47 <warlord> @nice gncbot
08:46:47 <gncbot_> warlord: Error: "nice" is not a valid command.
08:46:54 <warlord> @nick gncbot
08:46:54 *** gncbot_ is now known as gncbot
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08:56:14 <zippity> Lets suppose that i own 50 shares IBM shares that bought in 2008 and another 50 IBM shares that bought in 2009. Total shares owned 100 My main currency is EUR so i exchanged it for USD (at different rates for each transaction) in order to buy them Now in 2010 i sell all of them and i convert my USD cash back to EUR (different exchange rate again) How i track
08:56:30 *** gour has left #gnucash
08:56:31 <zippity> How i track my gain/loss in EUR that comes from these three different exchange rates?
09:01:46 <warlord> zippity: you need to track the gain/loss of IBM in USD.. And then the gain/loss of the USD-EUR conversion. So you need to compute two sets of gain/loss
09:02:06 <warlord> E.g: EUR -> USD -> IBM and then IBM -> USD -> EUR
09:04:13 <zippity> All these have to be done mannualy?
09:04:54 <warlord> What version of gnucash are you running?
09:05:04 <zippity> 2.3.12
09:05:51 <warlord> Ah. You can turn on Trading Accounts.
09:05:58 <warlord> .. and it should help.
09:07:02 <zippity> i saw some option named "trading accounts" but dont know how to use them? any docs?
09:08:20 <zippity> what is the difference between a trading account and a normal account?
09:12:17 <gary> Hrm, i'm trying to delete an account that was created when I was testing something related to tax tables. It complains that it can't because a tax table still exists that uses that account (actually it lists the same tax table twice), so I delete the tax table and then try to delete the account, but it complains with the same message. However, it now lony lists the tax table once. But if I look at the tax tables, it lists no tax tables.
09:13:11 <gary> I'm assuming that I managed to somehow confuse GNUCash into creating the same tax table twice on an older version of GNUCash, now I want to tidy up on a newer version and it's obviously not letting me.
09:13:30 <gary> Is there anything obvious I can do to delete this tax table that it thinks exists?
09:22:01 <warlord> zippity: Sorry, 2.3/2.4 docs are not complet4e
09:22:27 <warlord> trading accounts is an automatic system to compute gains/losses for commodity exchanges.
09:23:01 <warlord> gary: You used the tax table on an invoice.
09:23:37 <warlord> Generally, no, you cannot delete the biz objects.
09:23:48 <warlord> I'd recommend you start over with a new file.
09:27:00 <gary> What if I can't do that? :)
09:27:26 <warlord> If you can't do that.. and can't go back to a backup, then live with it. Hide the account?
09:27:39 <gary> there's no database edit I can do or anything?
09:29:37 <warlord> nope
09:30:13 <warlord> thou shalt not edit the gnucash datafile by hand
09:30:21 <gary> bummer :)
09:33:47 <gary> I can't find an invoice that has used this tax table.
09:37:04 <warlord> the only reason it would be used twice is if you had used it on something
09:38:55 * gary hrms
09:40:32 <warlord> gnucash makes a shadow copy so that if you change the tax table it wont change the invoice.
09:47:23 * gary deffo can't find an invoice that's currently using it. It's possible that a previous invoice was using it during my testing, but the tax table has since then been removed from the invoice.
09:49:54 <warlord> There's no real refcounting on the shadow tax tables, so it's possible that there are no references to it anymore if you posted an invoice with a tax table, then unposted the invoice and removed the tax table reference..
09:50:18 <warlord> ... and now the shadow tax table is undeleteable.
09:52:53 <gary> ah right
09:53:01 <gary> that would exaplin it
09:54:08 <warlord> While it's not supported.... it's possible that you could manually delete the tax table from the data file.
09:54:14 <warlord> .. that might be sufficient.
09:56:36 <gary> The data file... being the one that GNUCash opens when I start it and the one that I save to?
09:57:53 <gary> And if so, how do I edit it? My file isn't plain text, it's some sort of binary.
10:06:20 <warlord> Well, it depends which backend you're using. It's either sqlite or gzipped-xml
10:08:11 <gary> oh ok, is there a simple way to tell other than trying with sqllite or gunzip? :)
10:08:58 <gary> aha, gzipped-xml it is then
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10:11:28 <warlord> You could run "file"
10:11:40 <gary> That seemed to fix it. I deleted the section about the tax table, gzipped it back up and now gnucash has allowed me to delete the account that I couldn't before.
10:11:45 <gary> Oh yeah, forgot about file :)
10:14:05 <gary> thanks warlord
10:15:14 <warlord> you're welcome
10:34:20 *** cpm80 has joined #gnucash
10:48:00 *** fell has joined #gnucash
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10:50:27 <fell> Strange, I'm suddenly getting "make: *** No rule to make target `configure.in', needed by `Makefile.in'. Stop."
10:51:52 <warlord> fell: that's because it was changed to configure.ac. re-run autogen
10:52:19 <fell> aha, thx warlord!
10:52:39 <warlord> if you're tracking SVN you should follow the gnucash-patches list.
10:57:03 <fell> Since last summer I am experimenting with git, but some parts are still beyond my understanding. :-)
10:59:30 <fell> And currently I am concentrating on the ISO-currency stuff.
11:02:13 <warlord> ok
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11:56:02 *** andyla has joined #gnucash
11:57:04 <andyla> Hi everyone, is it possible to ask about a problem i have with gnucash 2.2.9?
11:57:48 <warlord> only if you ask your question ;)
11:58:03 <andyla> allright, i will
11:58:29 <andyla> i am using ubuntu lucid with gnucash 2.2.9 and i have problems to add stocks
11:59:09 <andyla> according to the help page it should be possible to choose shares as an account
11:59:30 <andyla> unfortunatly i cannot choose anything else than just "currency"
12:00:06 <andyla> but i have no problems to add stocks in the stock editor (not sure if the name is' correct, for i am using the german version)
12:01:20 <andyla> is it clear, what i mean, or should i show you some screenshots or give more detailed description?
12:03:21 <warlord> What's the account type?
12:03:30 <warlord> Make sure it's of type Stock or Mutual Fund
12:03:58 <andyla> where can i set this?
12:04:11 <andyla> i just tried to open a new account
12:05:16 <andyla> (right click on the account asset -> stock -> new account)
12:05:22 <andyla> is this wrong?
12:06:23 <andyla> oh my gosh, i found it
12:06:26 <andyla> thank you so much
12:06:50 <andyla> i didnt see the accont type
12:07:01 <andyla> thank you warlord
12:07:04 <warlord> you're welcome
12:07:32 <andyla> you prevented us from a senseless bug report!
12:07:50 <gjanssens> warlord: have you seen the mail re the zh_CN translation of the website on gnucash-devel ?
12:08:39 <warlord> Yes. Most likely the zh_CN locale isn't installed on the server. We'll need Linas' help to install it.
12:08:41 <warlord> linas_: you around?
12:08:52 *** andyla has left #gnucash
12:09:20 <gjanssens> Yes, I just wondered if this was passed on already.
12:10:50 <warlord> I didn't send him email.
12:13:08 <gjanssens> Ok
12:13:28 * gjanssens doesn't even know linas' email address
12:13:46 <gjanssens> Is he online frequently on irc ?
12:14:07 <warlord> Sometimes.
12:14:19 <gjanssens> Or can you forward the list message to him perhaps ?
12:15:34 <warlord> Yeah, I'll do that.
12:16:06 <gjanssens> Ok, thanks
12:17:42 *** ErKa has quit IRC
12:22:20 <warlord> Forwarded to him
13:01:37 *** Zoolooc_ has joined #gnucash
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13:18:40 <linas_> hey all
13:18:45 <linas_> yes zh_CN
13:24:35 <warlord> hiya linas_
13:24:35 <warlord> gjanssens, meet linas. linas, meet gjanssens
13:24:56 <warlord> grump.. vmware ate my shift/control/meta keys.
13:26:41 <linas_> I'm updating locales now.
13:34:03 <warlord> thanks linas_
13:35:19 <linas_> I got the impression that there was no en_US.utf8 locale; I will double-check after the locale build is complete. But ... is this normal?
13:37:29 <warlord> i dont know..
13:55:46 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
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14:02:00 <warlord> @op
14:02:00 <gncbot> warlord: Error: I need to be opped to op someone.
14:02:25 <warlord> oops. jsled, gjanssens, linas_, can one of you op gncbot?
14:02:36 *** jsled sets mode: +o gncbot
14:03:48 <warlord> @op
14:03:49 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
14:03:52 <warlord> thanks jsled
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22:22:10 <Ropate> Hi, Guys and Dolls. Can anone tell me when 2.4 will be released?
22:22:29 <warlord-afk> when it's ready
22:22:33 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
22:23:12 <Ropate> Good answer! But is there any date approximation?
22:25:18 <Ropate> :) OK.
22:26:15 <warlord> ummm.. check the wiki?
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