2010-02-22 GnuCash IRC logs

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04:17:43 <up_the_irons> i'm writing a script to output some OFX data for gnucash to import. the data is payments from customers. at first I used the <STMTTRN> tag, and that worked fine, yet i couldn't figure out if it was possible to specify the income account (it ends up being "Imbalance-USD"). would <BANKACCTFROM> be used for this purpose, or is a whole different transaction type needed? (I see a <PMTINFO> aggregate
04:17:45 <up_the_irons> is available, but looks a little overkill for what I need)
04:18:27 <up_the_irons> payments from customer == simple one-time payments, no invoices or anything else
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08:32:00 <warlord> up_the_irons: During the import you need to specify the Import account.
08:32:10 <warlord> You cannot specify it inside the OFX file
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09:19:53 <Andy> Hello!
09:20:37 <Andy> Can anybody tell me how to use gnucash v. 2.3.10 with SQLite-support on Windows?
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09:23:53 <warlord> When you save the file select SQLite as the backend method.
09:29:19 <Andy> Oh, I see! Didn't think it would be that easy. I thought you had to set it during installation or export...
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09:32:03 <warlord> Nope, just set it during File -> Save (As)
09:32:18 <Andy> OK, thanks a lot!
09:32:32 <warlord> you're welcome.
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10:28:09 *** gjanssens-afk is now known as gjanssens
10:28:31 <gjanssens> When opening a book, the splashscreen says "Reading File..." at some point
10:28:49 <gjanssens> Not really the right words when a database is being loaded.
10:29:22 <gjanssens> I thought of changing it to "Reading book..." but that seemed too much like a joke
10:30:00 <gjanssens> How about "Loading book..." ? Would that convey sufficiently accurate information (from a user's point of view) ?
10:31:48 <gjanssens> An alternative would be to have two separate strings: "Reading File..." and "Reading Database..."
10:31:57 <gjanssens> Depeding on the backend used.
10:32:14 <gjanssens> s/Depeding/depending/
10:32:26 <MRT> question. I'm running gnucash 2.2.9 on Ubuntu. I need to delete my list of saved reports. Have searched the whole computer looking for file saved-reports-2.0 but no file found. Can anyone give me a idea what to do? Thanks so much
10:32:30 <gjanssens> But I find the less userfriendly.
10:32:59 <gjanssens> Should bin in /home/<username>/.gnucash/
10:33:07 <gjanssens> Note that that is a hidden directory
10:33:19 <gjanssens> So your file manager won't show it by default
10:34:07 <gjanssens> MRT: the last three lines were for you, I forgot to make that clear
10:34:24 <warlord> Loading data?
10:34:55 <gjanssens> Thought of that as well. But data may be slightly too vague
10:35:21 <gjanssens> It could mean data used by the app, not necessarily user data
10:35:30 <MRT> gjanssens. Got it. Thanks so much.
10:36:29 <warlord> gjanssens: Okay, "Loading user data"? or "loading financial data"?
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10:37:13 <gjanssens> Saved reports are also user data, but they have separate entries
10:37:30 <gjanssens> But I suppose Loading user data will be ok
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15:24:06 <KindOne> If I recoeve say $50 cash, and I put that into a bank account, what would the " transfer " be called ?
15:24:17 <KindOne> recieve *
15:36:48 <jsled> Income?
15:37:07 <jsled> Depends on where the $50 comes from, really.
15:37:54 <KindOne> it was a gift
15:38:07 <jsled> Income:Gifts
15:38:09 <jsled> :)
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15:51:35 <up_the_irons> warlord: right, that's fine; I specify, for example, "Checking #1", and it works. But all the transactions are missing the item, say, "Income:Sales:Bandwidth" or "Income:Sales:Foo"
15:51:54 <warlord> up_the_irons: right, you need to do that in the importer.
15:52:05 <warlord> .. particularly in the transaction matcher dialog.
15:55:09 <up_the_irons> warlord: Oh, i see. I have about 300 transactions to do this with, on a regular basis, and I frankly may not know what transacion was for which sale; with quickbooks, I specified this in the IIF file that was generated. Is there a way to do this w/ gnucash (not necessarily with OFX, but somehow...)? I'm open to suggestions, I have not invested too much time into OFX
15:58:48 <warlord> With QIF you could specify it.
15:59:19 <warlord> With OFX you could turn on bayesian matching and then it will learn the mapping from your txn desc/memo info to the target account.
15:59:38 <up_the_irons> warlord: roger, I'll look into QIF then
15:59:48 <up_the_irons> warlord: oh, that is interesting w/ the bayesian matching
16:00:29 <up_the_irons> warlord: thanks for the suggestions
16:00:35 <warlord> You're welcome.
16:00:48 <warlord> Note that the mappings only help between imports.
16:01:08 <warlord> The qif importer maps on full strings. OFX (with bayesian matching) will map on partial strings.
16:04:03 <up_the_irons> warlord: yeah, I think I'll experiment with qif. I don't have much a need for for partial string matching; whenever a sale is made, the income account is recorded, so I will already have that information, specified exactly. just need a way to tell gnucash about it
16:07:02 <KindOne> I think i am doing this wrong... i enter in the data, and it creates a duplicate below
16:08:12 <jsled> KindOne: http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/txns-registers1.html#txns-registers-twoaccount2
16:08:27 <jsled> there's an "Income" example at the bottom, though start with the basic double-entry stuff nearer the top.
16:08:48 <KindOne> alright
16:08:56 <warlord> up_the_irons: yeah, in QIF you can specify the Income/Expense "Category" which can get mapped directly to an account.
16:09:44 <warlord> KindOne: sounds like you're working in Account A and then specified account A in the xfer column
16:09:48 <up_the_irons> warlord: yeah, that's what I'm looking for, thanks
16:10:17 <warlord> up_the_irons: L
16:12:24 <up_the_irons> warlord: yeah, I just saw the "L" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quicken_Interchange_Format)
16:21:50 <warlord> okay
16:25:37 <KindOne> Alright, I have tried a few times, and I keep getting this http://i47.tinypic.com/10gbp79.png its calling it a " charge "
16:27:30 <kimmo> that's because you're missing the other account
16:27:42 <kimmo> it's a transaction from gifts to gifts
16:28:47 <kimmo> change the account in transfer column on the one with the income to "Assets:Bank account" or something like that
16:28:57 <KindOne> alright
16:32:19 <jsled> KindOne: you're "in" the Income:Gifts Received account … so from here you want to make the transfer account Assets, as kimmo said. If you're "in" the Assets:Bank Account register, then vice versa.
16:32:39 <jsled> We recommend doing input from the Asset account registers, usually.
16:33:44 <KindOne> Alright
16:48:42 <KindOne> Alright, Thanks for the help
16:49:16 <kimmo> np
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17:15:53 <KindOne> later
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