2010-02-13 GnuCash IRC logs

00:09:39 *** Gokee2 has joined #gnucash
00:15:55 <Gokee2> Hello all, I just started working with gnucash. I was able to connect to my credit card account through OFX. However I got a whole bunch of "SECURE NUMBER credit_card_xxxx_number_used" transactions. The 0 dollar transactions are saying what virtual card number was used (which is handy) however it would be nice if they appeared in the transaction they were used for rather then on a blank transaction. Is there any way to do that other then ma
00:15:56 <Gokee2> nually moving them all?
01:00:30 *** fDavid has joined #gnucash
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01:48:28 <ectospasm> gnome.org has the official gnucash forums page, yes? << warlord-slow
01:48:56 <ectospasm> maybe I'm wrong
01:50:14 <ectospasm> ...the topic should list where to find official websites, mailing lists, and forums
01:50:37 <ectospasm> I guess maybe I thought it was on gnome.org because this channel is on the gnome.org IRC server...
02:27:04 *** Zoolooc has joined #gnucash
02:28:04 *** swaddo has joined #gnucash
02:28:56 <swaddo> i have an issue with easy-invoice in 2.3.8 - printing the invoice inserts a tiny version at the top of an a4 page
02:28:59 <swaddo> like so
02:29:01 <swaddo> http://longpaddockit.com.au/gnucash_borked_invoice.pdf
02:29:14 <swaddo> anyone got any ideas?
02:31:38 <swaddo> sorry, just removed the file as i found the personal details in it were visible if you zoomed a lot
02:31:57 <swaddo> anyway, the invoice is crammed into an area about 20mm wide
02:35:43 <swaddo> try this http://longpaddockit.com.au/gnucash_borked_invoice.png
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04:46:30 <thomas___> If I have a split with 1,000.00 and edit it to 1,001.00 by backspacing over the 0 and then when I type the 1 I get an error message that processing failed for 1,00.00. I get the right result when I dismiss the message. Should I report this as a bug (I'm on svn trunk).?
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04:56:40 <swaddo> anyone know how to alter with width of an invoice in 2.3.8
04:56:57 <swaddo> the option seems to have been removed and printed invoices are boned
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08:54:29 <warlord-slow> ectospasm: try www.gnucash.org, which should be in the topic!
08:55:26 <warlord-slow> Oh, I guess it's not.
08:57:08 *** itsols has joined #gnucash
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09:10:46 *** jsled changes topic to "Free GPL Personal and Small Business Accounting || Please don't ask to ask, just ask and wait! || publically-logged channel || latest stable: 2.2.9 || www.gnucash.org"
09:11:14 <jsled> ectospasm: GnuCash is very loosely affiliated with GNOME.
09:11:39 <jsled> Think of GnuCash more as a separate project that happens to use the gnome DE stack, not a GNOME project per se.
09:14:01 *** Jimraehl has left #gnucash
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09:17:20 *** raleightile has joined #gnucash
09:27:55 <raleightile> If you pay an employee with cash is it acceptable to write a payroll transaction from the cash account, or would you write the transaction in the checking account like normal, and then transfer the take home pay to the cash account, or is it a good idea to set up a seperate asset account for special cases like this?
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09:29:30 <jsled> raleightile: I'd suggest asking your accountant for that one. :)
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09:29:44 <jsled> If there's no legal consequence to it … then do whatever's easiest. :)
09:30:13 <swaddo> i have an issue with the latest unstable
09:30:25 <raleightile> ok, thanks
09:30:28 <swaddo> when i print invoices they come out 20mm wide
09:30:38 <swaddo> in the middle of an a4 page
09:30:49 <jsled> ectospasm: if you're looking for gnucash forums/mailing lists, see http://lists.gnucash.org/
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09:32:25 <swaddo> like this
09:32:25 <swaddo> http://longpaddockit.com.au/gnucash_borked_invoice.png
09:32:47 <swaddo> this seems to be independant of the invoice style chosen
09:33:03 <swaddo> and the width setting has been removed form the properties
09:33:20 <swaddo> any way to remedy this?
09:38:01 <gjanssens> swaddo: there is a known problem with report printing on windows if Webkit is used as html renderer
09:38:07 <gjanssens> swaddo: see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=591177
09:38:27 <gjanssens> For windows, gtkhtml is to be used for now
09:38:45 <gjanssens> A quick check in the code suggests this modification hasn't been done yet.
09:38:48 <swaddo> hmm, im assuming that the default build for winblows uses webkit then
09:39:11 <gjanssens> Indeed.
09:39:24 <swaddo> buggery bollocks
09:39:25 <swaddo> :)
09:39:54 <swaddo> thanks for the info
09:40:02 <swaddo> i'll try to build a gtkhtml version
09:43:35 <raleightile> I have an order that came in, and I can't remember their name, but I know one of the invoice lines says Duraceramic, is there a way to find all invoices containing that word?
09:58:09 <swaddo> can you search by date?
09:58:27 <jsled> raleightile: I don't know the business features, but you might try searching the A/R register directly for that.
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10:07:47 <gjanssens> svn r18428 is causing some noise on the mailing lists. Several people are not happy with the extra date field that is now visible.
10:08:10 <gjanssens> I haven't seen any of the devs voice their opinion about this.
10:09:05 <gjanssens> I'm tempted to revert that revision until the new feature is refined
10:09:15 <gjanssens> Are there any objections to this ?
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13:55:23 *** GSA has joined #gnucash
13:56:12 <GSA> I have a question about the OFX import matching - why does the transaction amount have to match exactly? I have some regular transactions that vary slightly and it doesn
13:56:36 <GSA> I have a question about the OFX import matching - why does the transaction amount have to match exactly? I have some regular transactions that vary slightly and it doesn't match unless I edit the amount in the scheduled transaction
13:57:19 <GSA> Ok, I should correct that.
13:58:06 <GSA> It doesn't match unless the register amount (which was generated from a scheduled transaction) matches the import amount exactly. It doesn't even suggest transactions that are close!
13:59:45 <GSA> Hello? Anyone there?
14:07:16 <GSA> #exit
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14:28:01 <tmightybye> Is there any way to associate multiple transactions with the same account when importing from e.g. .QFX?
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21:04:26 <OCC> Installed gnucash for windows but unable to run the program. Once the program boots it give me an error message stating that it cannot run without this .dll, libintl-1.dll. Anyone have some insight into this problem?
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