2009-12-29 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:30:01 <warlord> @tell ubuntum yes, you must unpost the Invoice in order to edit the transaction. (A/R accounts are designed to work with the biz features and cannot be used by hand)
08:30:01 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
08:30:10 <warlord> @tell jsled please op me
08:30:10 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
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10:42:21 *** bougi has joined #gnucash
10:44:59 <bougi> I am impressed with GnuCash both the program and the documentation. Well done!
10:45:01 <bougi> How can I remove the currency code (USD or EUR) from the column "Total" in the Account tab? I want only "35" or "-35" instead of "EUR 35" or "EUR -35"
10:45:52 <bougi> I looked on the net and the documentation but couldn't find sth
10:46:27 <bougi> I use version 2.2.6 on ubuntu
10:48:17 <warlord> You cannot... The currency symbol is printed for any "non-locale" currencies.
10:53:44 <bougi> `echo $LANG` gives me "en_US.UTF-8", so this means USD is the default right?
10:54:28 <bougi> or is there a different setting for the currency?
10:55:59 <bougi> In GnuCash Preferences->Accounts I see: Default Currency->Locale USD
10:56:16 <bougi> is there a way to change this setting system-wide?
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11:05:57 <warlord> Sure, change your system locale.
11:06:30 <warlord> (and then restart gnucash0
11:11:18 *** stjepan has joined #gnucash
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11:18:26 <stjepan> Hello! I am using gnucash for a non-profit organization, and trying to figure out how to keep track of what grant was used for each expense. The problem is that each grant is not in its own account - we have one bank account and one credit card, and multiple grants that we have received. So when I enter an expense, it comes out of a physical account (bank or credit), goes into an expense account, but also needs to be marked as using fun
11:18:26 <stjepan> ds that came from a particular grant. To allow this, I had to make two accounts for each grant - a grant account and an imbalance account. Each transaction is then a split transaction that a) moves funds from a physical account to an expense account, and b) moves funds from a grant account to a grant imbalance account. My question is - is there a better way of doing this?
11:22:06 <warlord> stjepan: I'm not sure if there's a better way. How would you do it using pen and paper? You COULD consider each grant to be a 'vendor' and then use the vendor tools to apply expenses to that... But that's not quite right either.
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11:24:16 <bougi> warlord: I tried setting the locale. GnuCash Preferences->Accounts I see: Default Currency->Locale EUR (Euro)
11:24:31 <bougi> now the "EUR" is removed from the amount
11:24:39 <warlord> There you go.
11:24:40 <bougi> however the euro sign is still there
11:24:54 <bougi> it's much better, but can this also be removed?
11:25:09 <warlord> In the Chart of Accounts? No.
11:25:20 <bougi> warlord: ok thanks alot!
11:25:30 <warlord> You're welcome.
11:25:39 <bougi> again congratulations on the program and the documentation
11:25:42 <warlord> The reason is that you could have a mix of accounts so showing the symbol is important.
11:26:46 <bougi> ok, but when different currencies are used, I 'll always get in the account the crrency code in front of the amount
11:26:52 <bougi> like DKK, USD, whatever
11:26:56 <warlord> Yes
11:27:10 <warlord> Because only the locale presents a currency symbol.
11:27:27 <warlord> (and currency symbols are reused across multiple currencies)
11:27:39 <warlord> E.g., If I said $, what currency do I mean?
11:27:43 <bougi> :) yep
11:28:09 <bougi> I have never used programs like these before (total noob)
11:28:25 <bougi> so the documentation helped alot, in making things right from the beginning
11:28:52 <warlord> Good!
11:32:31 <stjepan> warlord: thanks for the Vendor tip - I'll give that a try. The way I conceptually think about it is that a grant is like an account with "value-less" dollars. That is, if I receive a $1000 grant then I have $1000 in the bank account, and $1000 in the grant account, but the grant $ have no real value (I still only have $1000 total assets). Hence, if I have a transaction that takes $100 from the checking account and puts it into an expense
11:32:31 <stjepan> account, and also takes $100 from the grant account, because the grant $$ have no value there is no imbalance left (i.e., it's a legal double entry transaction). Another way of thinking about it is that a grant account is really a "label", not an account. I can label various transactions with that label, keep track of which transactions were labeled by a grant, and find out what the net sum of those transactions is (i.e., how much of the
11:32:34 <stjepan> grant is unspent). The vendor tools might be something like the latter. Thanks again!
11:34:14 <warlord> Maybe, but not quite. The Customer/Vendor does add a label to transactions, but uses A/R and A/P which might not be right for you.
11:37:08 <warlord> Really what you want is a "Transaction Tag" that would allow you to tag each transaction... Sort of like a Quicken Class.
11:37:39 <warlord> But GnuCash doesn't have Tags.
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11:38:09 <bougi> bb and thanks everyone!
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11:41:26 <stjepan> warlord: yeah that would be perfect. if I started studying the code, how long do you think it would take me to add that feature?
11:42:18 <warlord> Honestly, I dont know.
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12:00:21 <julien> Hi all, I appear to have a stupid display issue with Gnucash (2.2.6). In the budget window the "account name" field in about 100 or 200 screens wide... And I cannot reduce its size... Making in impossible to view the budget values and the labels at the same time... Any clue ? Thanks ...
12:01:56 <warlord> julien: sorry for your trouble. Unfortunately I dont use the budget window so dont know why it might be so wide...
12:03:17 <julien> warlord: well, thanks anyway...
12:03:37 <warlord> What happens if you try to resize the column?
12:03:47 <warlord> ... grab the right hand side of the column header and shrink it?
12:04:49 <julien> Well, its size remains the same :(
12:06:56 <warlord> What do you mean? The column doesn't shrink?
12:07:13 <julien> Well... No, it does not ...
12:14:07 <warlord> What happens if you just make the window itself smaller? Does it add a scrollbar?
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12:27:26 <warlord> julien: also note that 2.2.9 is the latest stable release.
12:27:55 <julien> warlord: making the window smaller does not help. The scrollbar remains (about the same size) since it's so big already. What is weird is that quitting and restarting does not solve the problem...
12:28:22 <julien> warlord: I may give a try to 2.2.9 then. I'm under debian though. And 2.2.9 is only in testing.
12:31:25 <warlord> That's pretty weird... If there's a scrollbar you should be able to reduce the size of the column. Or it could be a bug. *shrugs* Like I said, i don't use that feature so I really have no first-hand experience.
12:32:06 <julien> I'm installing 2.2.9 on a test box right now.
12:32:32 <julien> I'll try to see if I can reduce the size with 2.2.9 and go back to 2.2.6 then... Or simply to use 2.2.9 ...
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12:36:27 <warlord> Another possibility is that gconf is all screwed up and somehow 'saved' the wrong column size.... But that shouldn't prevent you from resizing downwards.
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12:44:40 <julien> warlord: brilliant ! Thanks ! Problem solved.
12:44:54 <julien> The gconf entry had : <entry name="name_width" mtime="1262107897" type="int" value="22720818">
12:44:55 <warlord> what was the solution?
12:45:14 <julien> I replaced the value by a more reasonnable one (1000) ... :)
12:45:25 <warlord> ok
12:45:33 <julien> Maybe the window was resizing...
12:45:45 <julien> but so slowly that I would look like it did not
12:46:30 <julien> I did manage to go from 22720818 to 226 something by keeping my mouse scrolling for 2 minutes :)
12:46:38 <julien> Anyway, thanks!
12:48:12 <warlord> You;'re welcome.
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17:29:04 <shade304> What dangers would opening a gnucash file over a vpn connection create?
17:29:56 <shade304> typ 1m up / 1m down
17:34:08 <shade304> any thoughts nfs / samba / webdav ?
17:36:09 <shade304> I would probably use nfs over ssh, but the thing that alway confuses me with nfs is the soft option, can it corrupt my file without me knowing, and if I don't use the soft option and the connection locks up my session forcing me to Ctl+Alt Backspace, will that corrupt the data even more so..?
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