2009-12-18 GnuCash IRC logs
02:38:44 *** bentob0x has joined #gnucash
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08:44:52 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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09:27:47 *** tommcauliffe has joined #gnucash
09:31:29 <tommcauliffe> I'm setting up Gnucash on a MacBook Pr and want to use Finance::Quote, but I'm not familiar enough working at the Unix file level to do it on my own. Can anyone help with a walk-through of the instructions?
09:32:19 <warlord> This was recently discussed on gnucash-user. You should check the archives for the past week.
09:40:18 <tommcauliffe> I went through the logs back to Dec 1 and I only found a very brief reference to Finance::Quote. Can you point me to the discussion?
09:47:35 <warlord> I didn't say logs, I said gnucash-user archives.
09:50:11 <tommcauliffe> OK, where do I find those?
09:50:57 <warlord> well, it's a few links off www.gnucash.org
09:51:35 <warlord> try https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user
10:09:19 <tommcauliffe> Thanks, warlord. I found the correct command, and it went through a long installation process, but then displayed the following. I have no clue what to do. Can you help?
10:09:20 <tommcauliffe> CPAN.pm: Going to build D/DL/DLAND/Crypt-SSLeay-0.57.tar.gz
10:09:22 <tommcauliffe> ========================================================================
10:09:23 <tommcauliffe> No installed SSL libraries found in any of the following places.
10:09:26 <tommcauliffe> /local
10:09:26 <tommcauliffe> /local/ssl
10:09:28 <tommcauliffe> /opt/ssl
10:09:29 <tommcauliffe> /usr
10:09:30 <tommcauliffe> /usr/local
10:09:32 <tommcauliffe> /usr/local/ssl
10:09:33 <tommcauliffe> /usr/local/openssl
10:09:35 <tommcauliffe> You will have to either specify a directory location at the following
10:09:36 <tommcauliffe> prompt, or rerun the Makefile.PL program and use the --lib switch
10:09:38 <tommcauliffe> to specify the path. If the path in question is considered standard
10:09:39 <tommcauliffe> on your platform, please consider filing a bug report in order to
10:09:42 <tommcauliffe> have it taken into account in a subsequent version of Crypt::SSLeay.
10:09:42 <tommcauliffe> Which SSL install path do you want to use?
10:10:11 <warlord> tommcauliffe: Please don't paste so many lines here. Use pastebin!
10:10:45 <warlord> Sorry, I don't use a Mac. Try sending mail to gnucash-user and asking?
10:10:52 <warlord> @op jsled
10:10:52 *** gncbot sets mode: +o jsled
10:11:32 *** kling0n has quit IRC
10:11:59 <tommcauliffe> OK, thx. For future reference, how do I use pastebin?
10:12:22 <warlord> http://pastebin.ca (amongst many)
10:13:14 <jsled> http://dpaste.com/ http://pastebin.com/ http://paste.lisp.org/ …
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13:26:28 <shade304> Is it appropriate to include attachments when emailing the gnucash-devel, for instance a pdf of a report, or jpg of a screen shot?
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18:13:30 *** jlamothe has joined #gnucash
18:14:30 <jlamothe> Anybody know how to delete a placeholder account?
18:17:00 <warlord> first move all its subaccounts to a new parent and then click 'delete'?
18:17:26 <jlamothe> That's what I thought, but I can't see it.
18:17:34 <jlamothe> It's definitely there though.
18:17:39 <warlord> can't see what?
18:17:42 <jlamothe> The account.
18:18:16 <warlord> what do you mean, can't see it? maybe you need to view hidden and/or 0-value accounts from the view menu?
18:18:45 <jlamothe> I can't see it. I've already checked on the whole hidden/zero-value thing. Both are set to visible.
18:18:49 <jlamothe> I still don't see it.
18:19:35 <jlamothe> When I try to create an account with the same name, it says that it already exists.
18:19:49 <jlamothe> I suppose I can just use a different name, but it's irritating that it's still there.
18:19:52 <jlamothe> :/
18:21:58 <jlamothe> Nevermind... I'm just blind.
18:22:04 <warlord> ummm... if you cant see it, and you're viewing everything... what account name?
18:22:08 <jlamothe> I forgot to click on the little arrow beside the parent account.
18:22:10 <warlord> Oh. Well, I cant help you with that.
18:22:12 * jlamothe feels like an idiot now. :/
18:22:27 <jlamothe> Thanks for the assistance anyways.
18:22:30 <cort> :)
18:30:17 <warlord> you're welcome.
18:32:08 *** Administrador has joined #gnucash
18:32:26 <Administrador> Hello everybody
18:34:25 *** Administrador is now known as kimera
18:40:47 <kimera> Hello, i am new using gnucash, i was following the tutorial that comes with the program, but i got stucked cuz the transactions they ask me to create change in the next chapters, so it doesn't match with the following exercises, i have no knowledge of contability, but i was understandign pretty good until that part, i guess someone did a mistake when creating the tutorial, anyother help or...
18:40:48 <kimera> ...alternative tutorial, thank you very much
18:41:42 <warlord> Well, which part of the tutorial? what's it saying to do that isn't working?
18:45:07 <kimera> transactions/the account register, that part is clear at the begining, i see the pictures that show me the numbers, entries.etc. and i following, but then when it gets to split the opening ballance is not there anymore, so i thought mine should look the same, if i delete it or create a new one my numbers are different, so the rest of the tutorial wont work
18:45:46 <kimera> cuz the rest of the tutorial is based on those accounts, they ask me to create at the begining
18:47:51 <kimera> even i i leave the opening balance, my numbers dont match, i have tried many times, i dont know what im doing wrong, but i think somethings is not right on the tutorial
18:48:39 <warlord> Possibly, but more likely you're not entering the data correctly.
18:48:51 <warlord> URL to the tutorial page you're on?
18:52:41 <kimera> the tutorial is not on the web, it is the tutorial the comes with the program, , in the help menu (Tutorial and concepts guide)
18:54:09 <jsled> it's also on the web.
18:54:09 <jsled> http://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.0/C/gnucash-guide/
18:54:59 <kimera> thank you, right here is where the problem begins http://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.0/C/gnucash-guide/txns-registers1.html#txns-registers-multiaccount2
18:55:35 <kimera> the steps here dont match the steps at the begining of the transaction chapter
18:56:51 <kimera> well, when i start slip transacion actually
18:56:59 <kimera> split*
19:01:54 <kimera> what i dont understand is why in the graphics, as you move with the steps, the opening balance entry disapear, and then the grocery store entry disapear later
19:06:18 <kimera> in any case if im doing it wrong, i think the part of the split transaction is not clear, maybe someone shouuld take it a look and make it more clear, thank you
19:09:13 <jsled> it's not a step-by-step tutorial.
19:09:20 <jsled> it's a set of disconnected examples.
19:09:24 <jsled> in terms of transactions, at least.
19:09:36 <jsled> the account structure remains the same.
19:12:08 <kimera> i know, the structure is the same, it is when i enter the numbers, everything becomes a mess, the toturial, beofre and after this part has been very clear for me, i will give it one more patiently try,
19:12:32 <kimera> thank you jsled
19:15:39 *** jlamothe has left #gnucash
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20:50:49 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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