2009-12-04 GnuCash IRC logs
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09:06:00 <shade304> What is the quickest way to get gnucash to use a database on a fedora system,?
09:06:25 <shade304> I see in 2003 there were packages gnucash-backend-postgres...
09:07:27 <shade304> Is everything in one package now?
09:09:43 <warlord> There is no DB backend in 2.2.x
09:09:47 <warlord> There will be in 2.4
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09:19:48 <shade304> ok
09:55:12 <shade304> Is there a way to enter two invoices at a time, I can open two new invoice dialogs at a time, but they both have the same keyboard and mouse, if I put each one on a different desktop, can I assign a different keyboard and mouse to each desktop?
10:02:12 <warlord> No.
10:02:16 <warlord> Well, I doubt it.
10:02:31 <warlord> ( that would be an X config question )
10:04:07 <shade304> sorry
10:04:29 <shade304> if I can figure it out, do you think anyone would find it interesting?
10:05:08 <jsled> I don't believe X supports multiple concurrent but separate inputs.
10:05:41 <shade304> ok
10:06:03 <jsled> but I can't even recall the context where I picked up that belief, so maybe it's wrong. :)
10:09:45 <shade304> Another bug I have with Fedora 12 is the System>>Appearance>>Interface tab is gone to enable custom shortcuts in GNUCash, so I had to modify %gconf.xml to make it work, it is hard to get anything done when you have to switch back and forth mouse to keyboard!
10:10:12 <jsled> custom shortcuts?
10:10:19 <jsled> like accelerators for menu items?
10:10:24 <shade304> yes
10:10:35 <shade304> sorry, i mangle the terms all the time
10:10:46 <jsled> you can use the existing menu affordances, you know.
10:10:53 <jsled> I believe every menu item has one.
10:10:59 <jsled> If not, there's always the arrow keys.
10:11:30 <shade304> <entry name="can_change_accels" type="bool" value="true"/>
10:12:34 <shade304> I'm using the Fedora 12 package, I don't know if it is any different, but there are no shortcuts for the business menu, which is pretty much all I am using
10:13:42 <shade304> I guess I could use Alt + B + V + B
10:13:53 <jsled> that's what I'm suggesting, yeah.
10:13:59 <shade304> but I set it to Ctl+b
10:14:01 <jsled> it's not as convenient, but it doesn't require the mouse.
10:14:48 <shade304> I know that should be "bold" in a word processor, but if you have to enter 50 invoices today, Ctl+b isn't as bad
10:16:10 <shade304> Thanks j
10:19:44 <warlord> jsled: do you think that academia.edu message to -user is spam or not? I'm not sure.
10:20:33 <jsled> yeah.
10:20:48 <jsled> they apparently subscribed, though.
10:20:52 <jsled> cause I didn't moderate that through.
10:21:58 <jsled> I've seen a bunch of similar things, usually like "GnuCash is being featured as the download-traffic-capturing-site-of-the-week.com Finance product of the month! Click here to see our GnuCash download page!"
10:22:45 <warlord> Yeah, I've seen stuff like that, too, to webmaster.
10:32:22 <warlord> linas: do you happen to know (or can you check) if www has the nl locales loaded?
10:40:14 <warlord> jsled: any ideas about the empty messages to the lists?
10:40:25 <warlord> Is there some mailman config we need to set to accept/translate those messages?
10:40:30 <jsled> warlord: what's that?
10:41:10 <warlord> Go look at the recent -user messages from Joe Conway
10:43:53 <jsled> ah
10:45:16 <jsled> it looks like gnucash-user is setup to: "Should Mailman convert text/html parts to plain text?", set to "yes".
10:47:08 <warlord> Should it not do that?
10:47:51 <jsled> The setting seems reasonable as-is. I wonder why it doesn't seem to do that conversion for him, thouhg.
10:50:12 <warlord> linas: nevermind. It was an update issue.
10:50:23 <warlord> It's not just him -- it's a few other people.
10:50:29 <warlord> I wonder if there's a helper app that's missing?
10:53:17 <warlord> Hmm, I also wonder why the update-website script didn't get run for geert?
10:58:05 <warlord> Hmm.. it was mode 765. I wonder if what would be it?
10:58:11 <warlord> (I made it 755)
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13:01:46 *** maxo has joined #gnucash
13:01:51 <maxo> hi
13:02:37 <maxo> I've got a bit of a problem - my gnucash file has suddenly disappeared. In its place is a folder with the same name as the file, and in the folder is a binary file called 'snapshot.etl'. Any idea where my .gnucash file has gone?
13:03:53 <warlord> Nope. What's an etl?
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13:26:42 <maxo> warlord: I have no idea! It's tragic, I might have lost all my accounts! :-(
13:27:08 <warlord> what OS/Distro?
13:28:15 <warlord> maxo: from http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080519052032AAGhgj7
13:28:25 <warlord> leads me to http://filext.com/file-extension/etl
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13:28:54 <warlord> Looks like an Eclipse thing
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17:46:35 <shade304> I just moved my company data folder to a nfs drive, then copied it to another workstation, when I open it there are no company names on the Due Bills Reminder, also no company names on reports, have you heard of this happening?
17:48:02 <shade304> I opened up the original on my laptop and it is the same way, the only thing I can think of is my laptop went to sleep once today because I shut the lid too far. Could my data be corrupted?
17:58:30 <warlord> Did you shut it while you were saving? Are you sure you saved the file with the settings? Those settings are all in the data file itself.
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18:09:35 <shade304> It was just minimized at the bottom of the screen, it does autosave, but I don't know if it will do that when minimized
18:10:20 <warlord> Oh.. /me doesn't trust autosave.
18:11:38 <shade304> It may have gotten messed up when I moved it
18:12:32 <shade304> Usually when I double click it the archive mounter brings it up, then I can extract it to the desktop and open it and see what is in there
18:12:32 <jsled> shade304: is this your company name, or customer company names?
18:13:00 <shade304> customer and vendor names
18:13:13 <shade304> now when I double click it won't extract
18:13:29 <shade304> What if it is just straight data corruption
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18:22:23 <shade304> I have a backup from Nov 02
18:22:46 <shade304> and log and xac files from Nov 03 on
18:24:04 <shade304> what is an xac file? it is about the same size as my data file
18:24:15 <jsled> the .xac files are literal backup copies
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18:24:27 <shade304> :)
18:24:29 <jsled> the log files are a semi- and pseudo-"transaction log" of changes.
18:24:40 <shade304> I love whoever did that
18:24:54 <jsled> "xac" is the original file extension for XAccountant, the precursor to gnucash.
18:26:43 <shade304> the last 2 logs have mod trans_guid split_guid time_now date_entered date_posted acc_guid acc_name num description notes memo action reconciled amount value date_reconciled-----------------
18:27:31 <shade304> so i take that to say it was opened and nothing happened as far as the program was concerned
18:28:44 <jsled> well. I say "semi-" because many things are not recorded in the .log files.
18:28:49 <jsled> Like all business features.
18:32:50 <shade304> lucky for me the last thing I did is a manual check book register update
18:32:52 <shade304> looks like it got that
18:32:52 <shade304> :)
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19:03:23 <shade304> not as lucky as I thought
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19:05:05 <shade304> I had to go back to 2 days ago to find a copy that would open and show company names
19:07:00 <shade304> What does not make sense is how I could use the broken file for 2 days, and not notice, but I guess if I didn't refresh my reports they would still look the same as before, and because I was only entering new bills, I guess I just didn't notice
19:07:24 <shade304> I do wish that I knew what went wrong, at least to avoid doing it again
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20:31:08 <shade304> is there a procedure to check for errors in the data file?
20:46:08 <warlord> Read your gnucash.trace?
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21:15:42 <shade304> where is the standard location?
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21:20:55 <shade304> using Ctl+Esc as the shortcut to Close the current window (instead of default Ctl+W), can it be changed to just Esc?
21:21:47 <shade304> I have a gnucash.trace in /tmp
21:22:01 <shade304> the only complaints are a missing logo file
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23:07:03 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk