2009-11-18 GnuCash IRC logs
04:05:27 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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08:21:24 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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11:54:34 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
13:07:43 *** CarlRP has joined #gnucash
13:08:09 <CarlRP> I need exact instructions for Downloading Discover Card transactions into Gnucash
13:08:30 <CarlRP> I've tried using Aqbanking but so far no success.
13:09:04 <CarlRP> Is there another transaction downloading program I can use beside Aqbanking within Gnucash?
13:12:12 <CarlRP> Anybody here?
13:12:17 *** mag has left #gnucash
13:13:54 <jsled> yup
13:14:16 <jsled> no, thre's no other transaction downloading subsystem.
13:14:29 <jsled> IIRC, there was an external script to do discover data download.
13:14:38 <jsled> see the FAQ and the Wiki, perhaps.
13:18:04 <CarlRP> what about that jongsma (or whatever his name is) program?
13:19:39 <CarlRP> http://www.jongsma.org/gc/
13:19:51 <CarlRP> God only knows how to set that thing up!
13:22:16 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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13:45:13 *** cortana has joined #gnucash
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13:52:29 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
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17:10:29 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
18:12:23 *** feisar has quit IRC
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18:19:38 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
18:44:51 *** kling0n has quit IRC
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20:14:46 *** randomusr has joined #gnucash
20:14:53 <randomusr> hello
20:15:21 <randomusr> is anyone here?
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20:16:52 <randomusr> hello?
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20:18:23 <randomusr> hello
20:18:46 *** ErKa has quit IRC
20:19:27 <jsled> randomusr: if you have a question, just go ahead and ask; don't meta-ask, it just wastes time.
20:20:25 <randomusr> sorry, didn't think anyone was here
20:20:42 <randomusr> is it possible to download live account info with gnucash?
20:21:02 <jsled> yes, though it's … "finicky"
20:21:14 <randomusr> I don't like finicky
20:21:19 <randomusr> I like stable and secure
20:21:27 <randomusr> are there showstoppers?
20:21:57 <jsled> the best I can do is point you to http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Setting_up_OFXDirectConnect_in_GnuCash_2 and say good luck. I really don't know that part of the app well
20:23:08 <randomusr> wow, I have to provide the strings for the connection? That's kind of lame
20:24:09 <jsled> well, many man years of effort have got us to that point. feel free to help it along. :)
20:25:00 <randomusr> hmm... not a programmer, but that feature in working functionality is worth a donation.
20:25:24 <randomusr> does gnu cash put a value on this feature? or the program as a whole?
20:25:42 <jsled> I can't parse the second question.
20:26:57 <randomusr> well, in terms of a business model... what kind of donation accurately reflects the cost to an end user?
20:27:19 <jsled> there's no business model around gnucash.
20:27:30 <randomusr> right, it's open source
20:27:49 <jsled> what I said doesn't necessarily follow from what you said.
20:27:54 <jsled> but: there's no business model around gnucash.
20:28:39 <randomusr> even non profits have a business model, whether to pay for expenses or maintain the objective
20:28:40 <jsled> in any case, you're free to donate whatever you wish, but that won't affect any improvement to OFX Direct Connect.
20:28:46 <randomusr> lol
20:29:02 <randomusr> where's the donation page?
20:29:23 <jsled> And posting it as a bounty on the mailing list might help, but the track record is not good, unfortunateyl.
20:30:31 <jsled> http://sourceforge.net/project/project_donations.php?group_id=192
20:33:39 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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21:11:58 *** Yang_ has joined #gnucash
21:12:29 <Yang_> Hey, How would I pay employees as sub contractors per job in GNU/Cash?
21:17:22 <Yang_> Would a good way to that that be having the employees as vendors and adding a part to every invoice ?
21:29:10 <Yang_> anybody?
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21:46:11 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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