2009-11-12 GnuCash IRC logs

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10:56:37 <muczy> hi
10:56:59 <muczy> how can i get the root account without knowing any information?
10:57:10 <muczy> in scheme btw
10:59:24 <muczy> hmm, maybe (gnc-get-current-root-account)?...
11:13:45 <muczy> it seems like
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11:58:27 <muczy> bye
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14:09:53 <kimmo> damnit, this is weird
14:12:19 <kimmo> running fedora core 11, with standard fedora 2.2.9 gnucash installed; Running "/usr/bin/gnucash --nofile" and opening my file, my income statement gives me an error (An error occurred while running the report). However running "/usr/bin/gnucash --nofile --debug" from bash and opening that file, the report shows up just fine
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14:14:59 <kimmo> ah, problem found
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14:17:17 <kimmo> warlord: seems like load-path for .scm files is such that any .scm files in $PWD override the ones in /usr/share/gnucash/scm (at least those), is this on purpose?
14:17:49 <kimmo> better take my working copies elsewhere
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17:36:55 <Timslin> Can i get GNUCash to to show tax?
17:51:53 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
17:52:02 <warlord> kimmo: It all depends on your LOAD PATH. ;)
17:52:10 <warlord> Timslin: show tax in what context?
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18:33:37 <Timslin> Sorry was away. When i add income and expenditure i would like it to show the amount of VAT i'm paying at 15%, how do i get the app to show me that?
18:35:41 <warlord> Hoew are you entering it? In a normal transaction (that you enter in the register) you need to Split that off manually.
18:38:29 <Timslin> what you mean "split that off manually"? I eneter the rigister and double click whatever i need to edit and enter a new figure
18:44:15 <warlord> Right. If you want to keep track of the VAT you need to manually make a split.
18:44:26 <warlord> (see the docs on Split Transaction)
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18:54:13 <Timslin> i don't have no split button
18:54:52 <warlord> @op linas
18:54:53 *** gncbot sets mode: +o linas
18:56:42 <Timslin> ok found the spolit button but i dont understand, i have to enter the VAT manually right??
18:59:22 <warlord> Right
19:00:33 <warlord> GnuCash will not auto-compute it for you. BUT, you could use math. So e.g. if you spend $121.12 and VAT is 15%, you could do something like: credit Cash 121.12, debit VAT 121.12*.15, debit expense with the remainder
19:01:32 <Timslin> don't see why this option hasn't been implemented, Sage does it perfectly fine
19:03:10 <jsled> use sage, then. :)
19:04:26 <Timslin> going to try postbooks, if that doesn't have the option then definietly going back to Sage
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19:13:37 <warlord> well then...
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19:39:03 <otac0n> lol
19:39:22 <otac0n> so, If I get this message:
19:39:23 <otac0n> !!! QTDIR is not set. Please install Qt and set that variable in custom.sh, or deactivate AQBANKING_WITH_QT !!!
19:39:35 <otac0n> what exactly does it want me to do?
19:41:25 <otac0n> I mean, what is the difference between my two choces?
19:41:27 <otac0n> *choces
19:41:31 <otac0n> *choices
19:41:47 <otac0n> and, what / where is Qt?
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19:46:19 <otac0n> Ok, nevermind, scratch that. Do I need the Full Qt SDK or just the libraries?
19:47:32 <warlord> if you're building, the full sdk
19:47:39 <warlord> but install.sh should pull it for you
19:54:36 <otac0n> it didn't
19:54:58 <otac0n> just spits that error message.
19:56:58 <warlord> Well, let's back up a second -- why are you building it yourself?
19:57:18 <otac0n> Well, am I allowed to ;)
19:58:02 <otac0n> I am having trouble tracking down a bug, and I thought I had to build myself to get debugging symbols...
19:58:43 <warlord> Ah...
19:58:50 <warlord> Yeah, if you're trying to debug, better to build yourself.
19:58:57 <warlord> What did you put into custom.sh?
19:59:20 <otac0n> Nothing, yet. Just been letting install.sh do its thing...
20:00:29 <otac0n> I don't actually see a custom.sh file here...
20:00:46 <warlord> Right, it's a file you would create on your own to change the values in defaults.sh
20:00:57 <warlord> See the top of defaults.sh
20:03:00 <otac0n> right, so, should I set AQBANKING_WITH_QT = no?
20:05:19 <otac0n> Sorry if I'm a little slow here, this is not my usual territory.
20:06:27 <warlord> Well, that would disable aqb w/ qt. if you dont need it you're welcome to do that.
20:07:06 <otac0n> I'm not exactly sure what that is, so I assume I don't need it (yet, anyways).
20:07:19 <otac0n> I'm a recent migration from MS Money.
20:07:35 <warlord> what bug are you trying to track down?
20:07:59 <otac0n> 1 sec..
20:08:23 <otac0n> I have a test case and some screenshots on bugzilla.
20:08:52 <otac0n> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=601323
20:11:59 <otac0n> Why do you ask?
20:12:15 <warlord> Just curious.
20:12:15 <warlord> :)
20:12:52 <otac0n> Also, I wanted to create a custom report, to emulate the functionality of the MS Money cash flow analyzer, and was having trouble finding documentation on the functions available...
20:13:16 <otac0n> And, I'm new to lisp/scheme too.
20:14:21 <otac0n> Is that available anywhere? Or, should I just read all of the reports and wing it?
20:15:28 <warlord> There are some good Scheme manuals out there on the net.
20:15:43 <otac0n> Well, I got the hang of scheme pretty fast.
20:15:45 <warlord> As for the API, the scheme API pretty much mimics the C api, so you could use the C api docs.
20:15:50 <otac0n> ok
20:15:54 <warlord> But yes, you should look at existing reports.
20:16:05 <otac0n> Is there a C# api in the future?
20:16:09 <warlord> No
20:16:19 <jsled> there is whenever someone contributes it
20:16:26 <otac0n> :( I wrote a parser for the file already, anyways...
20:16:30 <jsled> but no one is and there are no plans
20:16:39 <otac0n> I see...
20:16:51 <jsled> but look at the swig wrappers/interface definitions … should be trivial to coax C# out of it.
20:17:05 <otac0n> what is swig?
20:17:39 <jsled> http://www.swig.org/
20:18:08 <jsled> aww, dollhouse is cancelled.
20:18:09 <otac0n> Oh, sweet. C# is supported.
20:18:44 <otac0n> Why doesn't C# work OOB, if you are using swig?
20:18:53 <warlord> jsled: yeah i heard.
20:19:09 <jsled> we don't generate every binding possible, and no one is using/has shown interest in C#.
20:19:13 <warlord> otac0n: because you still need to write the C# interface file.
20:20:19 <otac0n> oh, well, how hard could that be?
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20:25:47 <otac0n> Are ya'll seeing an influx of people, now that MS Money has been cancelled?
20:26:31 <warlord> Some, yes.
20:26:44 <otac0n> Good.
20:26:53 <otac0n> I've recruited three of my friends...
20:27:04 <warlord> heh
20:27:57 <otac0n> So, this build has been going for days now...
20:34:51 <warlord> Wow! The build server does a full build in only a couple hours. And that includes all the dependencies!
20:35:06 <warlord> how much ram/cpu do you have?
20:37:19 <otac0n> Quad Core w/ 8GB
20:37:42 <otac0n> Of course, I'm on a pretty slow conncetion...
20:37:55 <warlord> Ohh..... It could be that most of the time is spent downloading the deps!
20:38:00 <otac0n> I think it is done downloading by now,
20:38:12 <otac0n> Oh, yeah certainly.
20:38:19 <warlord> It downloads one at a time.. download/build/download/build/...
20:38:31 <otac0n> oh, well then, who knows?
20:38:32 <otac0n> lol
20:38:50 <warlord> what is it working on now?
20:40:05 <otac0n> i haven't the slightest clue...
20:40:34 <otac0n> report-system?
20:40:52 <warlord> oh, it's already building gnucash!!
20:41:12 <warlord> Then you're in the home stretch. Just dont delete the dep downloads
20:41:21 <otac0n> oh, ok.
20:41:32 <otac0n> Will it re-download them, even if they are installed?
20:42:02 <warlord> well, no, but if you reset it will recompile them... but wont re-download them unless you delete the downloads, too.
20:42:22 <warlord> So you could delete everything but the downloads dir to rebuild everything, if you needed.
20:42:40 <otac0n> oh, i see.
20:42:58 <otac0n> ok, so it just tells WGET to download, w/o clobber? or something?
20:44:44 <otac0n> Also, do you know if WinDbg will support gcc's debug symbols?
20:44:52 <warlord> or something
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21:11:39 <otac0n> yay!
21:11:43 <otac0n> build finished!
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