2009-11-11 GnuCash IRC logs
00:57:52 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
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04:33:56 <karinlag> OK, I am now trying to save my gnucash to a database
04:34:09 <karinlag> I am on osx, and th options I have are sqlite3 and xml
04:34:25 <karinlag> however, the fields for the database connection is greyed out, and I can't type anything there
04:34:40 <warlord> Right, because all you have built are SQLite and XML.
04:34:48 <karinlag> ok
04:34:52 <warlord> You dont have any other DBD drivers.
04:35:08 <karinlag> hmmm.... so, that would be something I need to install on my computer?
04:35:24 <karinlag> (sorry if these are faqs, I am just very new to this stuff)
04:35:39 <warlord> yes
04:35:43 <karinlag> thanks!
04:35:47 <warlord> Note that 2.3.x is still a test-release.
04:35:53 <karinlag> I know :D
04:35:58 <warlord> It's not guaranteed to not destroy your data.
04:36:16 <karinlag> well, that's the charm of using a test release, now isnt it :D
04:36:29 <warlord> Yep :)
04:36:36 <karinlag> I am just happy you have a db version
04:36:50 <karinlag> and that you actually respond to user questions like this
04:37:06 <warlord> Well, you're lucky... it's 4:36am back home, but I'm not home.
04:37:14 <karinlag> heh!
04:37:17 <warlord> Normally nobody would be awake at this hour to answer you.
04:37:40 <karinlag> well, it does say to wait, and since I am stuck in front of this screen for like 16hrs a day, I don't mind
04:37:42 <warlord> (normally you'd have had to wait about 4h)
04:38:33 <karinlag> well, I did get answers to my question, so that more than makes up for the wait
04:38:46 <warlord> :)
04:39:19 <warlord> My point is that *normally* you would have had to wait until morning in US/EST. But I'm in UTC+9 right now so I'm still wide awake. But that's only for this week.
04:39:59 <karinlag> I know that, and I did expect to wait, so getting such a rapid answer is just a bonus
04:40:07 <warlord> :)
04:40:10 <karinlag> I just wanted to ask while I still remembered what my question would be
04:40:14 <warlord> Ok
04:40:32 <warlord> If you want MySQL or PG support you'll need to build the DBD support for it.
04:40:47 <warlord> (I dont think you need additional GnuCash support, but I dont recall offhand)
04:41:26 <karinlag> I think it said that if it was installed, gnucash would detect it and show it as an option, yes?
04:42:00 <warlord> i believe that's how it works
04:43:50 <karinlag> ok, thanks!
04:44:31 <karinlag> I'll go install PG support now then :D
04:48:39 *** Zero has joined #gnucash
05:00:17 <warlord> good luck!
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09:09:07 <warlord> @op linas
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12:17:32 *** Sjlver has joined #gnucash
12:18:17 <Sjlver> Hello,
12:18:33 <Sjlver> as a user starting with gnucash, I have a question about how to organize my accounts.
12:18:54 <Sjlver> I live in a shared flat together with another students. If one of us buys groceries, we store the receipt. Once in a while, we add up all the receipt and settle the difference
12:19:36 <Sjlver> Now how do I register such payments with gnucash?
12:19:49 <Sjlver> Do I have an account "Flat" where I put payments that I or my flatmate makes?
12:20:02 <Sjlver> Or do I have an "Assets Receivable" account to which I add half the value of all my receipts?
12:23:24 <jsled> the latter. Something like <Assets:Money Owed To Me:$flatmate>
12:23:46 <jsled> (Or, perhaps, {Liabilities:Money I Owe:$flatmate} if it usually works out hte other way. ;)
12:25:21 <Sjlver> Thanks jsled.
12:26:55 <Sjlver> There's just one point which is not clear to me yet. Imagine my flatmate makes some payments. This would result in me paying him the money back after a while...
12:27:25 <Sjlver> ... but in reality, the money I give to my flatmate has been spent for food. It would be nice if the accounts allow me to see that.
12:33:51 <Sjlver> So what I don't quite understand is the relationship between food (or expenses for the flat in general), myself and my flatmate. Like when I transfer things from one account to the other.
12:35:19 <jsled> if you spend $100 at the grocery store, but $50 is your flatmate's expense, then you would {Assets:Checking $100, Expenses:Food $50, Assets:MoneyOwed:Flatmate $50}
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12:36:25 <Sjlver> OK, sounds good. And the other way around it would be flatmate->food and later me->flatmate? Or the same in one split?
12:36:42 <Sjlver> (one transaction, sorry)
12:39:19 <jsled> correct
12:41:35 <Sjlver> OK. Thanks a lot! I just discovered the world of bookkeeping today (because my account balance got dangerously low and I thought I'd need to know better where my money went :( ) but the documentation of Gnucash is really good!
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14:09:59 <kimmo> it's funny how people who don't keep books should, and most people who do, wouldn't really need to
14:16:14 *** mib_3m6496 has joined #gnucash
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14:17:39 <mib_3m6496> Great App Gnucash, thank you guys!
14:19:27 <mib_3m6496> when is 2.3.8 coming out?
14:31:01 <mib_3m6496> anybody there?
14:33:01 <jsled> I'm not sure there's a hard schedule at this pint
14:33:03 <jsled> point, even.
14:33:54 <jsled> there's -devel mlist traffic from earlier in the month subject "release Schedule for 2.4" that had no dates mentioned.
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14:45:09 <mib_3m6496> got it, thanks
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15:18:12 <kov> yo; I am having problems with gnucash hanging after I import an ocx file from my bank, when saving the transaction; I fear it might be because the transactions are not balanced yet; I seem to remember gnucash would automatically balance transactions in such imports to an 'Imbalanced-CURRENCY' account
15:18:17 <kov> any hints?
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16:30:06 <CarlRP> How do I fix the "The external program "AqBanking Setup Wizard" has not been found." problem?
16:35:33 <CarlRP> Anyone here?
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17:20:14 <CarlRP> Do you know how to setup for online banking?
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19:22:36 <otac0n> compiling on windows aint easy, is it?
19:23:13 <warlord> It's pretty easy.. But why?
19:23:42 <warlord> we have the nightly build and we have builds of all the test releases.
19:24:00 <otac0n> well, im doing it right now... i need debugging symbols.
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