2009-11-10 GnuCash IRC logs
00:58:31 *** ottoshmidt has joined #gnucash
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04:32:14 *** karinlag has joined #gnucash
04:32:35 <karinlag> Hi!
04:32:48 <karinlag> I am new to gnucash, but was attracted to it due to the db feature
04:32:55 <karinlag> I am on osx 10.5
04:33:08 <karinlag> I am wondering if any could point me to how to make the db feature work with osx?
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06:58:47 *** mib_xpshaf has joined #gnucash
06:59:02 <mib_xpshaf> hi
06:59:32 <mib_xpshaf> i have a little question about using gnucash with my hbci card
07:00:10 <mib_xpshaf> it always tells me that the server does not sighn it's answers and i should contact the bank support
07:00:50 <mib_xpshaf> i've done that and they tell me to get in touch with the developers because they are ignorant fools who don't know about gnucash
07:01:29 <mib_xpshaf> so my question is: is this really a serious issue that the server answers are not signed?
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10:43:11 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
10:43:34 <warlord> karinlag: the alpha-test 2.3.x dmg should have the DB code enabled. But it's purely a test release.
11:00:56 <karinlag> ok
11:01:05 <karinlag> how do I specify where the db is?
11:04:48 <warlord> depends which DB backend you use. the dialog should prompt you based on your choice.
11:09:07 <abuchbinder> Does anyone have any information about the clickable pie-chart problem, and can any of the devs here let the libgoffice developer know what he needs to implement? See here: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=580545
11:10:26 <warlord> abuchbinder: he came here the other day to tlak about it.
11:11:18 <abuchbinder> Ah; I must have missed that. I didn't see any updates to the bugs.
11:13:25 <abuchbinder> I see it, here. http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2009/11/2009-11-08.html#T16:00:00
11:14:37 <warlord> I dont think the bugs were updated.
11:27:38 <warlord> anyways, bedtime.
11:27:39 *** warlord is now known as warlord-af
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14:24:01 <aba> what is the recommended way to import data which needs to be confirmed? Just importing and looking at the journal? Or can one mark it as "needs to be confirmed"?
14:42:49 <aba> (and how can one import transactions that are split over multiple accounts?)
15:00:43 *** feisar has joined #gnucash
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19:05:38 *** Noccy has joined #gnucash
19:06:19 <Noccy> evening, trying to sort my finance out with the help of gnucash and i'm curious of the "P" column in the ledger view that can be set to "n" or "c"
19:07:15 <Noccy> sorry, not "P" - it's "R" :)
19:12:47 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
19:12:48 <warlord> reconciled
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19:22:12 <Noccy> warlord: could you explain it it somewhat basic terms? I'm swedish, so I'm not that good at english language financial terms lol
19:22:45 <warlord> Please look in the documentation for the definition of "reconciliation"
19:23:26 <warlord> The flag can hold three items. In English: n - Not Reconciled, c - Cleared, y - Yes, Reconciled.
19:23:37 <Noccy> i've been looking through the documentation for 3 days, i came here as the last resort :) there's plenty of info on the menu items, buttons, and gadgets, but there is less to find on the terminology - especially when all you got is an "R" lol :)
19:29:23 <warlord> Well, now you know to look for "reconciliation" which is definitely in the docs :)
19:33:09 <Noccy> yeah i'm reading and trying to wrap my head around it :)
19:34:45 <Noccy> tho i still can't quite figure out what a cleared transaction is :)
19:42:43 <warlord> One that has actually cleared the bank.
19:55:26 <Noccy> ah, okay so any bills that are paid should just be clicked to "c"?
20:02:33 <warlord> Dont worry about it in the A/R and A/P accounts. You can't change them anywyas.
20:03:53 <Noccy> okay :) thanks, i'll go over the docs tomorrow again, been putting my credit card transactions in gc today to get a better overview of them :)
20:17:24 <warlord> okay. no need to use A/P and A/R for that.
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