2009-11-03 GnuCash IRC logs
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00:56:18 <kimmo> mornin
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03:11:50 <madko> Hi all, how does the export work in gnucash? Only get an xml file with no operations inside
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03:24:28 <madko> is there any simple way to export to csv?
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10:24:29 <shade304> Is there a way in the sales register or any other register to change the sort method by name or dollar amount, or any other column?
10:26:42 <jsled> View > Sort By…
10:27:32 <shade304> I did that but it did not change, is there a way to refresh, or should I close it and reload?
10:27:45 <shade304> I'm in the accounts receivable window
10:28:52 <shade304> I ran the cash flow report, then clicked on the Accounts Receivable line and it pulls up the register
10:29:51 <shade304> It is changing the order, but the date and transaction type seem to still be overriding
10:31:18 <shade304> OK, i sorted by Description and it is accomplishing what I want
10:31:50 <shade304> I was using memo, because that is what the column said, but I guess something else is going on I can't see.
10:32:54 <shade304> I have to fix dates to make payments match invoices, so I needed them next to each other, even if they are on different dates, and alphabetical order makes them easier to find!
10:33:02 <shade304> Thanks j
11:19:23 <shade304> Yesterday I was trying to figure out how to deal with customers with a negative balance, do you have any insight into the situation with credits?
11:19:56 <jsled> I want to say "process payment with a negative value", but I really have no idea.
11:20:50 <shade304> I opened the original invoice and added a line with todays date and a negative amount to show the return, this would lower the sales and salestax, but then it is hard to make the negative balance go away
11:21:55 <shade304> warlord was stumped also, he said they used to manually enter in a different account instead of AR, but in the current version there are checks enabled that won't allow it.
11:22:36 <jsled> if warlord's stumped, I have no chance of knowing. :)
11:35:04 <shade304> :) agreed
11:35:41 <shade304> unless i didn't explain myself properly
12:02:32 *** cortana has joined #gnucash
12:02:43 <cortana> can I prevent gnucash from creating log and backup files? setting the retention time to 0 days doesn't seem to do it
12:04:01 <cortana> pretty much ever user I have ever set up with gnucash has ended up accidentally opening a backup file instead of the main file, and not noting for two weeks
12:04:14 <jsled> awesome.
12:04:15 <cortana> which makes unpicking what's going on rather confusing!
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14:02:57 <shade304> I had over 900 log/xac files in my directory, a lot to scroll through
14:05:00 <shade304> ls -Q /home/myuser/mydirectory/*xac | xargs -n1 basename>/home/myuser/mydirectory/.hidden
14:05:58 <shade304> ls -Q /home/myuser/mydirectory/*log | xargs -n1 basename>>/home/myuser/mydirectory/.hidden
14:07:00 <shade304> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/ls-do-not-list-full-path-only-filename-657894/
14:07:40 <shade304> http://www.dailygyan.com/2008/01/3-ways-to-hide-files-and-directories-in.html
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14:12:53 <shade304> sudo crontab -e -u myuser
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14:14:53 <jsled> er, or just `crontab -e` :) ?
14:14:53 <shade304> type your password
14:15:19 <shade304> that would run as root i think, the -u just changes the user
14:15:33 <jsled> no. not `sudo crontab -e`. Just `crontab -e` as the user.
14:15:43 <shade304> ok
14:15:52 <shade304> 15 * * * * ls -Q /home/myuser/mydirectory/*xac | xargs -n1 basename>/home/myuser/mydirectory/.hidden
14:15:52 <shade304> 15 * * * * ls -Q /home/myuser/mydirectory/*log | xargs -n1 basename>>/home/myuser/mydirectory/.hidden
14:15:59 <jsled> but … just dial the log/xacc retention down to "1 day" or something.
14:16:09 <jsled> Or patch the code to not create backups if day = 0.
14:16:23 <shade304> I like the backups :) I just don't want to see them
14:18:56 <shade304> j
14:19:01 <shade304> can you help me modify this
14:19:13 <shade304> it is getting file attributes of rw r r
14:19:24 <shade304> when run from cron
14:19:33 <shade304> so it doesn't work
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14:22:51 <jsled> I don't know about that, but I'm not sure why the xargs part would work at all.
14:23:54 <jsled> why not just `mv /home/user/dir/*.{xac,log} /home/user/dir/.hidden/` ?
14:27:21 <shade304> ok
14:27:26 <shade304> i think that would be better
14:27:46 <shade304> so gnucash doesn't use those files after they are created
14:27:51 <jsled> correct.
14:28:29 <shade304> so you could set the retention to 1 day, if you move the files every day, it wouldn't really matter
14:28:52 <shade304> but then gnucash couldn't do the housekeeping
14:28:58 <jsled> I'd question why you'd want to move the files at all.
14:29:10 <jsled> Just set the retention to a period you're comfortable with, and let gnucash manage it.
14:29:12 <shade304> it would be better not to
14:53:12 <shade304> ok, it really wasn't a permissions problem
14:53:20 <shade304> they were running over each other
14:53:24 <shade304> 15 * * * * ls -Q /home/myuser/mydirectory/*xac | xargs -n1 basename>/home/myuser/mydirectory/.hidden
14:53:24 <shade304> 16 * * * * ls -Q /home/myuser/mydirectory/*log | xargs -n1 basename>>/home/myuser/mydirectory/.hidden
14:53:33 <shade304> 1 minute made the difference
14:55:40 <jsled> given they're operating on two different sets of data, it shouldn't matter.
14:55:51 <jsled> I still don't understand what that xargs bit is supposed to do, though.
14:56:09 <jsled> "basename>/.../.hidden ${file}"?
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15:10:17 <kimmo> or maybe just: find /path/to/gnucash/datafiles -type f -name \*.\{xac,log\} -mtime +2 -exec mv {} /path/to/.hidden \;
15:16:03 <shade304> the first command over writes the file, so that it won't keep getting longer and longer
15:16:19 <shade304> the second command appends the file, since we know what is in it
15:17:04 <shade304> my understanding is that in order to use the basename command you can only have one input
15:18:01 <jsled> Uh.
15:18:06 <jsled> have you looked at hte files in .hidden?
15:18:22 <shade304> it wasn't there when I started
15:18:23 <jsled> Are you sure it's actually working?
15:18:27 <shade304> yes
15:18:46 <shade304> when I browse to it in nautilus you can ctl+h to show and unshow
15:18:59 <shade304> +900 files, or 1 file and 2 backups
15:19:08 <jsled> but … what about the contents of the .xac and .log files?
15:19:16 <shade304> they are still there
15:19:28 <shade304> it's just nautilus doesn't show them
15:19:45 <shade304> if you ls the dir they show up
15:19:53 <shade304> so it is just a nautilus hack
15:20:01 <shade304> wonder if it works in kde
15:20:32 <shade304> nope
15:20:38 <shade304> dolphin doesn't care
15:20:56 <jsled> I'm sorry, can you ls the dir and pastebin it? I'm really curious. These commands should not do what you claim they do.
15:21:06 <shade304> :)
15:21:08 <shade304> i understand
15:21:12 <shade304> here goes
15:21:13 <jsled> beside this being an entirely obsfucated and confusing way to do something else. :)
15:21:48 <shade304> what is pastebin?
15:23:29 <jsled> http://dpaste.com/
15:23:30 <kimmo> pastebin.com
15:23:35 <jsled> or http://pastebin.org/
15:23:56 <kimmo> crap
15:25:30 <kimmo> jsled, is there a way (buildtime or runtime) to have gnucash use some other location than ~/.gnucash for profile data?
15:25:37 <jsled> hrm.
15:25:42 * jsled looks
15:25:54 <kimmo> ./configure doesn't list one
15:26:16 <kimmo> --config-path in the binary?
15:28:27 <kimmo> no way to force reloading of .scm files without restart, I presume?
15:29:59 <warlord> jsled: can you op gncbot?
15:30:00 <jsled> dotgnucash = g_strdup(g_getenv("GNC_DOT_DIR"));
15:30:05 *** jsled sets mode: +o gncbot
15:30:09 <warlord> @op
15:30:09 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
15:30:11 <warlord> @op linas
15:30:12 *** gncbot sets mode: +o linas
15:30:16 <jsled> from src/engine/gnc-filepath-utils.c
15:30:20 <warlord> thx
15:30:26 <jsled> yw
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15:36:27 <paul> how do I upgrade from 2.2.6 to 2.2.9 on jaunty jackaloup? Synaptic tells me that 2.2.6 is the latest version.
15:39:14 <jsled> paul: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Ubuntu#LaunchPad
15:39:19 <shade304> http://pastebin.org/50595
15:40:07 <jsled> shade304: er … `ls -l`, perhaps?
15:41:22 <kimmo> warlord, is there a way to access STDERR and STDOUT from within the app? Like a "Show console" menu option?
15:42:27 <shade304> sorry
15:42:36 <shade304> try now
15:43:15 <jsled> appears unchanged
15:43:18 <warlord> no
15:45:05 <shade304> http://pastebin.org/50596
15:45:09 <shade304> http://pastebin.org/50597
15:45:11 <shade304> sorry
15:45:19 <shade304> 96 is ls -l
15:45:30 <shade304> 97 is the output from my command
15:45:54 <shade304> which is why I had to use basename to strip
15:46:15 <shade304> I couldn't get basename ls -Q ... to work
15:46:33 <shade304> so thats why the xargs
15:47:15 <jsled> And this .hidden … is a file in the directory?
15:47:21 <jsled> that contains one file name per line?
15:47:45 <shade304> yes, sorry
15:47:51 <jsled> ah.
15:47:52 <shade304> should have been more clear
15:48:02 <shade304> I'm really happy with the outcome
15:48:03 <jsled> no … I should have realized that earlier.
15:48:09 <shade304> if that counts for anything
15:48:28 <shade304> I actually was trying to find a solution for cortana
15:48:33 <shade304> but they left
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15:48:53 <jsled> fwiw, `cd /home/myuser/mydir; ls -1 *.{log,xac} >> .hidden` will do what you want much simpler.
15:49:08 <jsled> cortana didn't want them hidden, but actually not created, I believe
15:49:13 <shade304> ok
15:49:44 <shade304> thanks, that is way simpler
15:50:05 <shade304> but I would > so the file doesn't keep getting longer
15:50:18 <shade304> is cron cool with ";"
15:50:30 <jsled> true.
15:50:55 <jsled> yes, it is.
15:51:11 <jsled> at least, vixie-cron seems to be, emperically.
15:53:09 <shade304> ok
15:53:11 <shade304> just tested
15:53:14 <shade304> it does work
15:53:16 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
15:53:44 <shade304> much better, because at least you can look at it and understand instantly what is going on
15:54:16 <shade304> i think gnucash should add to the .hidden file automatically since it is doing the house keeping
15:54:27 <shade304> i'll be back in a little bit
15:54:35 <shade304> thanks for the help though!
15:57:25 <shade304> btw pastebin has too many adds
16:06:05 <cortana> oh hello
16:06:14 <cortana> is .hidden a nautilus thing, or kde? or something else?
16:06:18 <cortana> haven't heard of it before
16:14:55 <muczy> bye, thanks for all the help warlord-afk
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16:17:54 <cortana> it's a tricky thing to google for
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17:19:42 <paul> I can't work out how to sell shares from a Funds account. Can anyone help?
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17:30:23 <paul> just figured it out: http://www.gnucash.org/docs/v1.8/C/gnucash-guide/invest_sell1.html
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22:16:52 <pwnguin> hmm. i recall this channel being bigger in the past
22:17:18 <pwnguin> ive got a question about personal accounting
22:17:54 <pwnguin> would a prepayment fit under asset?
22:18:26 <pwnguin> ie, prepaid phone, or the money i prepaid to linode
22:21:42 <pwnguin> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prepaid_expense
22:21:47 <pwnguin> wikipedia to the rescue
22:24:28 <pwnguin> i'll mark it as an asset because i can cancel and get money back
22:26:37 <jsled> sounds right to me.
22:26:54 <jsled> and, yeah … now that you mention it, this channel has been bigger in the past.
22:30:32 <pwnguin> must be stupid users and mint.com
22:31:35 <pwnguin> hmm. i guess while im here, i should try doing scheduled loan payments again
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22:37:31 <pwnguin> i wish the loan tool knew more than mortgages
22:38:41 <pwnguin> i have no idea how long my student loan will take to repay
22:39:43 <pwnguin> i have a fixed rate and the fixed payment
22:41:44 <blizgerg> from what little I've played with the calculator it shoudl be able to calculate that I thought?
22:45:01 <pwnguin> hmm
22:45:09 <blizgerg> yea, the financial calculator yous houdl be able to clear the payment periods and then put in the interest and the presetn value and the periodic payment and future value as 0 and hit calculate and it'll tell you how many periods to pay it off
22:45:24 <pwnguin> the first druid screen demands a number of months
22:45:43 <blizgerg> I'm looking at something different I see
22:46:11 <pwnguin> what im after is a series of payments that split off principal and interest payments
22:46:28 <blizgerg> yea
22:47:03 <pwnguin> i guess you're using the calculator
22:47:11 <blizgerg> yea
22:47:58 <pwnguin> hmm
22:48:04 <pwnguin> 4,294,967,289
22:48:31 <pwnguin> what the heck is future value?
22:49:04 <blizgerg> you need to have the periodic paymnet in ()
22:49:09 <pwnguin> oh
22:49:45 <blizgerg> what that calc is doing is solving the future value presetn value equations for a given amount of money and a fixed stream of cash flows
22:50:21 <pwnguin> 174 payments
22:50:42 <pwnguin> so 15 years
22:51:01 <blizgerg> that's about what I calculated for mine at the minimum payment they specified
22:51:14 <pwnguin> man, they really let these things linger
22:52:29 <blizgerg> that's why I am paying like 5 times the minimum payment...
22:52:37 <pwnguin> bah
22:52:42 <pwnguin> my rate is 2.25 percent
22:52:48 <blizgerg> Ah
22:53:01 <blizgerg> nice
22:53:35 <pwnguin> if i were clever, id push it lower somehow and invest the difference in 10year tbills
22:55:03 <blizgerg> how in the world did you get an interest rate that low?
22:57:01 <pwnguin> clever planning
22:57:13 <pwnguin> first, i graduated in 2004
22:57:22 <pwnguin> i didnt consolidate
22:57:30 <pwnguin> then i went to grad school and got a deferment
22:57:56 <pwnguin> still didnt consolidate, but a roommate did, and bragged about it at 4.4 percent fixed
22:58:07 <pwnguin> then the economy exploded
22:58:58 <pwnguin> because my loans are old, consoldiation rates arent fixed at 6.8
22:59:11 <pwnguin> instead it's tied to the 91day note
22:59:36 <pwnguin> the auction on the day of record went for like .21 percent
23:00:12 <pwnguin> so they consolidated me for 2.5 percent and i get a .25 percent discount for electronic payments
23:01:17 <blizgerg> huh
23:01:17 <pwnguin> if you think thats good, guess how much my car loan rate is
23:01:36 <blizgerg> 1%?
23:01:42 <pwnguin> well no
23:01:54 <pwnguin> those are introductory rates
23:02:08 <pwnguin> 2.99 fixed for the life of the loan
23:02:14 <blizgerg> nice
23:02:44 <pwnguin> i had to do a 3 year to get it, and you could tell the finance guy didnt get paid for it because he tried very hard to talk me out of it
23:03:04 <pwnguin> i also think he was not happy that i put down 5k
23:03:08 <blizgerg> hehheh
23:03:19 <pwnguin> theres no way id not qualify with that
23:03:36 <pwnguin> even if i didnt have like an undeserved 800 credit rating
23:04:31 <pwnguin> freshman year a telemarketer called me to ask to send a credit card app, and i got a card instead
23:04:42 <pwnguin> so ive had a discover card for ages unused
23:05:36 <pwnguin> if i get a promotion, it's likely my highest interst rate would be a mortgage
23:05:44 <pwnguin> which i find insane
23:06:18 <blizgerg> haha
23:06:41 <pwnguin> ooh, and if i stick around here, i could switch to IBR and get my student loan discharged after ten years
23:08:40 <pwnguin> unfortunately im only 3/4ths time
23:16:40 <pwnguin> oh wait, its 2.90
23:23:28 <pwnguin> yea, this is the same problem i had before
23:23:40 <pwnguin> i cant get the loan druid to match up with the terms of my loan
23:24:22 <blizgerg> :(
23:24:28 <pwnguin> hmm
23:24:33 <pwnguin> gnucash 2.29
23:25:15 <pwnguin> could be a bug fixed by now
23:25:58 <jsled> (2.2.9.)
23:26:16 <pwnguin> yes
23:26:21 <pwnguin> im made of fail today
23:26:47 <shade304> What is the best way to handle partial returns from a customer?
23:27:34 <pwnguin> reverse a line item in a split transaction?
23:39:50 <pwnguin> can i schedule transactions in the past?
23:40:47 <pwnguin> http://paste.ubuntu.com/309134/
23:41:41 <pwnguin> it seems to cut off the last two payments as shown in review
23:46:06 <shade304> Ok, so I made a credit to sales and sales tax and balanced it with a payment to AR on an existing payment, and it seems that everything is in balance and recorded with the desired effect of the customer receiving credit and sales not being artificially inflated
23:47:04 <shade304> I can't create a return from scratch via Business>Customer>Payment, because most accounts are missing
23:47:55 <pwnguin> honestly, i cant imagine using gnucash for a business
23:47:59 <shade304> Is there a way to create this type of transaction from scratch
23:48:10 <pwnguin> on the other hand, i cant imagine what i would use
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23:48:53 <shade304> after what we have been through with quickbooks we can't go back
23:49:56 <shade304> Still looking for a good sales management tool
23:49:59 <pwnguin> its just, how do you handle inventory?
23:50:56 <shade304> even with quickbooks we always used a spread sheet because it was never up to date
23:51:28 <shade304> with 3 locations and transfers, keeping track is a disaster
23:51:39 <shade304> snapshots are about the best we can do
23:52:10 <pwnguin> see, this is why i like operating systems
23:53:03 <pwnguin> i dont need to learn tax law and accounting practices to write a new filesystem
23:55:19 <shade304> :)
23:55:22 <shade304> whenever an accounting system tries to be a pim and sales driver there are always going to be compromises
23:55:51 <pwnguin> i just want to keep track of my personal net worth and spending
23:56:16 <shade304> my driving goal is to know profit
23:56:52 <shade304> I still haven't got the perfect report with gnucash
23:56:57 <pwnguin> and im already wondering how the hell to account for assets like video games with a depreciation but non zero end value
23:57:29 <shade304> but at least I know that it can be done
23:57:47 <pwnguin> well, good luck!
23:57:56 <shade304> I'm going to do the time
23:57:57 <shade304> Thanks