2009-10-27 GnuCash IRC logs

00:12:54 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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06:01:35 *** daedeloth has joined #gnucash
06:02:54 *** Xzanron has joined #gnucash
06:04:15 <Xzanron> Hi. I've a usage question. In the import screen I've got a red transaction. I see 5 bars in the info for the matching score. 3 red 2 yellow. How do I get extra information on that transaction to see how that matching score was generated?
06:05:18 <Xzanron> There's no button, left or right clicking anywhere on the transaction does nothing. I'm sure i've seen a window before that shows the matching score breakdown but I can't find it anymore
06:08:28 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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07:29:24 *** web31337 has joined #gnucash
07:29:32 <web31337> hey
07:29:40 <web31337> any site staff around?
07:29:51 <kimmo_> nope
07:30:29 *** Jimraehl has joined #gnucash
07:30:50 <web31337> i need to contact some of staffers it's important
07:40:28 *** Jimraehl has left #gnucash
07:48:06 *** nodje has quit IRC
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08:41:52 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:41:59 <warlord> what do you need, web31337?
08:42:52 <web31337> warlord may i pm you?
08:43:37 <warlord> Is it really a private matter?
08:44:21 <web31337> i guess so... something about vulnerability reporting
08:44:42 <warlord> Ummm... okay....
08:54:46 <warlord> Okay, back to here.
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09:50:37 *** mark1 has joined #gnucash
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13:08:35 <przemo> hi, any developer online?
13:09:19 <jsled> przemo: please don't meta-ask, just ask. :)
13:09:40 <przemo> got damed i'm asking from last two weeks and still don't have any answer :)
13:10:02 <przemo> ok, i just wondering if there will be any solution to xml bug i have reported
13:10:35 <jsled> your best bet it to make sure it's filed in bugzilla.
13:10:45 <przemo> it is
13:10:47 <jsled> more stable than IRC, and has a wider number of people looking at it.
13:11:35 <przemo> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=599630
13:11:46 <jsled> the currently-active developers aren't here much, so that's probably your best bet. you could try raising it on gnucash-devel, too, but if you're just going to say "hey, look at this bug over here", that's probably more noise than signal.
13:11:58 <przemo> I just only now if my gnucash will work with my data or should I migrate it by hand (explained in bug)
13:13:13 <przemo> jsled: you are right but it really pissing me off that one gay gave me solution, but when this solution didn't work there was no reply for that
13:14:51 <jsled> well, it's a volunteer effort. It's certainly less than great that the few people working on it don't have time to followup on every bug, but that's the way it is.
13:15:02 <jsled> It'd be really helpful if your bugs were more isolated
13:15:21 <jsled> Certainly not everyone is seeing a crash on every datafile, so it's probably something about your datafile.
13:15:44 <jsled> trying to find the minimal datafile that causes the crash would be helpful.
13:16:10 <jsled> though if you're willing to post your datafile entirely, that might help someone reproduce the problem (or not, which would be interesting too)
13:16:11 <przemo> so try to create file in gnucash 2.2 and then open it in 2.3.7?
13:16:27 <przemo> i don't know that nobody can reporduce that bug if I don't have an reply for ma comment
13:16:43 <przemo> eh...
13:16:50 <przemo> ok, I will think about it
13:17:17 <jsled> I guess you have to assume that a bug so severe isn't reproducible unless proven otherwise.
13:17:18 <przemo> maybe you know why I can't open my file under linux 2.3.7 gnucash after own compilation, file was created and read at windows
13:17:22 <przemo> ?
13:17:46 <przemo> message unable to parse an url (wtf???) appear
13:18:47 <jsled> when you open a file, we convert it to a URL internally … so maybe there's something wrong with the url that's being generated.
13:18:49 <jsled> What's the filename?
13:18:56 * jsled takes a wild guess
13:22:40 <przemo> Finanse_Gnucash
13:22:49 <przemo> in sql format
13:23:19 <przemo> i would like to try open it under linux and save then into xml, maybe under linux it won't crash
13:23:44 <przemo> beacuse coping all transaction by hand makes me crazy
13:24:35 <jsled> I don't really know why it can't be opened, sorry; I haven't been following recent development closely.
13:25:10 <przemo> ok,fuck it
13:26:51 *** przemo has quit IRC
13:28:05 <warlord> man, that was rude.
13:28:19 * jsled shrugs
13:29:22 <warlord> You were just trying to help...
15:07:27 *** sjc has joined #gnucash
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15:30:14 <przemmaj> warlord: I've just uploaded stack trace, hope this will help
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18:24:40 <warlord> przemmaj: Aha! Yes, that stack trace helps greatly.
18:56:54 *** daedeloth has quit IRC
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22:18:59 <jsled> warlord: I'm out of town until Sunday evening … not sure if you want to jump on mailing-list moderation duties, or just wait.
22:19:17 <jsled> I've been gone for longer in the past couple of years and just (mostly) waited, so it's not a big deal if not.
22:20:16 * jsled afks…
22:24:10 *** tyabux has quit IRC
22:35:33 <warlord> jsled: i'll see if i have time.
22:35:54 <warlord> I fly to Japan on Monday
22:40:09 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk