2009-10-19 GnuCash IRC logs
00:32:08 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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06:27:59 <voting> How hard is it to move my info from QuickBooks to GNUCash?
06:29:05 <voting> Is GNUCash ready to handle a small biz?
06:29:31 <voting> Should I consider any other personal fn software to run a small consulting firm?
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09:04:26 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:05:29 <warlord> voting: there's not a good way to move your data from QB.. However many people do use GnuCash to run a small biz.
09:19:01 <voting> warlord: can I PM you?
09:20:03 <warlord> voting: is it really personal? Generally we like to keep questions and answers here for the logs.
09:25:37 <voting> Is there an easy way to send info from GC to QB so that my bookkeeper does not need to re-key anything, assuming that I set it up so that the accounts of the same names, etc.?
09:30:12 <voting> Are there any features that, as a small biz person, I"m going to miss relative to QuickBooks?
09:38:37 <voting> What are the things that the was smallbiz person does every month to keep their books more-or-less current in either QB or GC? I'm bad about keeping things current and part of the point is to get good habits.
09:58:04 <warlord> voting: sorry, was off in another room and missed your questions.
09:58:52 <warlord> 1) there are a number of ways to export data from GnuCash; I don't know which is the best way to "import" into QB. However I just send my accountant a Balance Sheet, Profit&Loss(Income Statement), and a full transaction report, all exported as HTML.
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09:59:11 <warlord> 2) I dont know which QB features you use. But GnuCash doesn't have payroll.
09:59:55 <warlord> 3) for good habits... I don't think there's anything specific to GnuCash.. Just make sure to enter all your receipts.
10:01:08 <voting> enter income and exp every month and backup the file, eh?
10:01:47 <warlord> Yep.
10:02:00 <warlord> And reconcile your Assets and Liabilities when you get your statements, too. (Banks, CCs)
10:02:14 <voting> warlord: What's that process like?
10:02:19 <warlord> FWIW, I enter my transactions as they occur.
10:02:49 <voting> what do you mean, "as they occur" ?
10:02:52 <warlord> voting: try it. It's simple. You enter the ending date and ending balance and then click on the transactions on your statement.
10:03:14 <warlord> Like, if you buy something, enter it when you buy it. Dont wait until the end of the month.
10:05:18 <voting> even if you pay via CC, don't wait for the CC statement to show up?
10:16:22 <voting> warlord: other advice for effective use of GC?
10:17:14 <warlord> voting: right, enter the txn as soon as you make it.
10:18:21 <voting> then when the CC statement shows up,what do you do with that?
10:19:58 <voting> warlord: what's the best thing for me to read about reconciling a bank account? or any other sort of acount?
10:20:26 <warlord> Basically, Assets and Liabilities.
10:24:00 <voting> warlord: I don't understand. (I"m really dumb aboutthis stuff.)
10:25:36 <warlord> Any Assets (Banks, Investments, etc), and Liabilities (Credit Cards, Loans, etc)
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11:43:15 <Mer|in> anyone know if webkit will be enabled in the 2.4 builds on win32
11:43:18 <Mer|in> ?
11:44:45 <warlord> They should be before 2.4 is released.
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11:56:00 <voting> warlord: webkit? does that mean there will be a web interface to gnucash soon?
11:58:19 <warlord> No, webkit is a different HTML engine (replacement for GtkHTML)
11:58:30 <warlord> it will allow us to use CSS for reports
11:58:34 <jsled> voting: the reports have "always" been HTML.
11:58:40 <jsled> but no web interface, no
12:00:48 <voting> warlord: would be GREAT to be able to keep everything on a server and be able to use it only over the web but I suppose that is obvious.
12:01:34 <warlord> voting: not going to happen.
12:01:41 <warlord> If you want that, use SQL-Ledger.
12:11:43 <Mer|in> voting: you could always use one of the DB backends and roll your own ui for the rest
12:12:42 <Mer|in> although really with the portable versions and the db backend i'm not sure the need for a web-ui is there
12:14:31 <jsled> the biggest reason would be multi-user.
12:14:37 <jsled> which the "db backend" doesn't get you.
12:15:40 <jsled> but the gnucash internals are not setup to be friendly to a request/response workflow, exactly. And there's a lot of refactoring that would need tohappen to move app/business logic away from the existing f/e to re-present it via web-ui.
12:17:04 <voting> warlord: even if it isn't multi-user, it would still be cool to put the software and data on a server.
12:17:38 <voting> warlord: for someone like me, even locking the UI so only 1 user can get in at a time would be HUGE.
12:17:49 <voting> warlord: just a thought.
12:18:22 <jsled> that happens now.
12:18:55 <jsled> at least for locking aroudn the datafile. Thoguh I don't even know if that carried over to the file-based db-backend.
12:22:47 <voting> jsled: even if only one person could login at a time, just to have the data in one place would be way cool.
12:22:58 <Mer|in> voting: yea the db-backend gets you that, just need to d/l gnucash instead of logging onto a website
12:23:02 <jsled> you can put the datafile on a shared/network filesystem.
12:23:04 <warlord> All the data is in one pace
12:23:05 <warlord> place
12:23:38 <voting> oh, so you are saying that we CAN keep the data on one place...
12:24:07 <Mer|in> voting in 2.3+ you can use a postgresql/mysql/etc server for data storage
12:24:21 <voting> Mer|in: wow, cool.
12:24:41 <Mer|in> if you're on the go you can connect through that database remotely (preferably on a tunnel/vpn)
12:24:53 <Mer|in> s/through/to
12:25:14 <voting> oh, gee... not likely to get to set that up on my bookkeeper's machine.
12:25:44 <Mer|in> but you'd have an easier time setting up a web server?
12:25:59 <voting> Mer|in: yes, I would.
12:26:10 <Mer|in> you'd still need a database server
12:26:25 <voting> Mer|in: in either case, but yes.
12:26:28 <Mer|in> or @ least want one
12:26:39 <voting> I guess I could use VNC on a server machine.
12:27:28 <Mer|in> just keep in mind what jsled said - it's still not multiuser
12:28:03 <voting> right - that might be the most practical thing for me. Anyway, what's the best way to get basic data from QuickBooks into GnuCash? Re-key the most important stuff?
12:28:59 <warlord> right now, yeah.. unless you can export your QB data as QIF?
12:29:21 <voting> does qb expert to QIF? if so, no problem.
12:29:35 <warlord> i have no idea.
12:29:39 <warlord> never used qb
12:34:56 <voting> anyone know anyone who transitioned from QB to GC?
12:41:28 <warlord> i just started using gnucash on jan 1 (many years ago) and didn't worry about previous years.
12:48:27 <voting> warlord: so you just set up the matching accounts, put in starting blances and went from there?
12:49:36 <warlord> yep
12:49:57 <voting> warlord: that might make sense for me also.
12:59:19 <Mer|in> same thing that happens with archiving
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15:16:38 <roe_> anyone know what the hold up is with getting the 2.3.x branch into debian?
15:17:34 <cortana> roe_: i doubt the unstable series will be packaged for debian
15:18:01 <roe_> ah, gnucash follows the same scheme as gnome? 2.odd == unstable while 2.even == stable?
15:18:07 <cortana> it does, indeed
15:18:11 <cortana> so wait for 2.4.0 ;)
15:18:14 <roe_> I guess that makes sense
15:18:27 <roe_> it is all clear now
15:18:34 <roe_> thanks for the info
15:18:53 <cortana> no problemo
15:19:46 <cortana> i guess it would help if the sourceforge page didn't advertise 2.3 as the latest available version :)
15:20:19 <roe_> perhaps
15:20:27 <roe_> is that a common question in here?
15:22:16 <cortana> not really, it comes up on the mailing list occasionally
15:33:25 <warlord> I dont know why SF says 2.3.x is 'stable'
15:33:40 <warlord> I thought Phil had pegged that at 2.2.9
15:37:59 <cortana> looking at it now, it lokos ok
15:38:27 <cortana> however the files page lists 2.3.7 under latest files -- i suspect because it is truly a latest file
15:38:41 <cortana> sorry, in newest files
15:44:54 <Mer|in> that would be the newest file
15:45:25 <Mer|in> guess it would remove confusion if the default view was latest stable
15:45:32 <Mer|in> if that's an option
15:45:45 <cortana> hai
15:50:06 <warlord> I have no idea if it's an option
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17:21:37 <null> Is it possible to batch print all accounts in sequence? Our auditors want pdf files of the Account Report for each account.:)
17:24:06 <warlord> no, there's no batch reporting.
17:24:27 <warlord> If they want all that why not just send them the whole datafile and let them print them out as they see fit?
17:24:38 <warlord> ... or run a full transaction report?
17:30:23 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
17:57:23 <null> Thanks for your answers. IA whole datafile
17:59:21 <null> Sorry about last comment. I already suggested the whole datafile option, but they refuse to install gnucash. They can't hear the message that paper is old hat!
18:05:06 <null> Transaction report has no whole financial year option, only monthly
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23:33:09 <robs> www.robs.co.nz is the site
23:33:51 <robs> hi there
23:33:53 <robs> r
23:33:53 <robs> r
23:33:53 <robs> r
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