2009-10-18 GnuCash IRC logs

02:30:26 *** tyabux has joined #gnucash
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07:42:24 *** bentob0x has joined #gnucash
07:44:32 *** he-sk has joined #gnucash
07:45:10 <he-sk> is there a macports package that provides glib gettext?
07:45:33 <he-sk> I've gettext installed installed but 2.3.7 configure fails with "Cannot find Glib Gettext. Maybe you need to install the gettext package"
07:53:13 <he-sk> never mind, my CFLAGS where wrong
07:54:03 <he-sk> btw, 2 other bugs
07:54:23 <he-sk> The Quartz packages on sf.net won't start
07:54:58 <he-sk> dyld: Symbol not found: _iconv_open
07:54:58 <he-sk> Referenced from: /Users/he-sk/Desktop/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libintl.8.dylib
07:54:58 <he-sk> Expected in: /Users/he-sk/Desktop/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
07:54:59 <he-sk> Expected in: /Users/he-sk/Desktop/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
07:55:17 <he-sk> and 2.3.7 configure hangs while looking for slib if guile 1.8 is installed
07:55:25 <he-sk> guile 1.6 appears to work
07:55:49 <he-sk> i'd post a bug report, but gnome bugzilla won't send me my account registration link
08:12:33 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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08:46:15 *** cortana has joined #gnucash
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09:57:03 <eightbytes> Hi! I'm new on IRC... Maybe a dumb question, but: I just changelled the configure command of gnucash2.3.7, all dependencies are ok. Trying to ./make -- but the command isn't found! Where is it?
10:00:41 *** ottoshmidt_ has quit IRC
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10:13:04 <eightbytes> <- solved.
10:13:09 <eightbytes> thx and bye
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11:21:43 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
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12:23:00 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
12:23:06 <warlord> he-sk: you could send to gnucash-devel too..
12:23:22 <warlord> ... especially if the .dmg doesn't work.
12:23:54 <he-sk> i've posted a bug report
12:24:00 <he-sk> the registration email finally came through
12:24:25 <he-sk> should i still send to gnucash-devel?
12:33:20 <warlord> Um, doesn't hurt.
12:46:43 <he-sk> done
12:47:09 <warlord> thanks
12:49:07 *** nimrod has joined #gnucash
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13:01:03 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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13:59:44 *** aba has joined #gnucash
14:02:08 <aba> Hi. I read about the different ways to import data (qif, ofx as far as I found) - any recommendation which one to take? Or - "just the one that's easier to write to"?
15:01:58 <fell> aba: what is your situation?
15:02:24 <fell> Do you want to import or write a tool ...
15:02:56 <aba> I have a database of my own, which has the information who should pay what, and I want to push stuff from the database into gnucash, and the pay information from gnucash back to the database.
15:03:21 <aba> (or just all information back from gnucash)
15:04:33 <fell> can you access your db in openoffice or excel?
15:05:05 <aba> I'd prefer python, or perl, or if really necessary jython, java or even php.
15:05:14 <aba> but I should be able, yes.
15:05:39 <aba> (well, I can write code. I just don't know much about gnucash yet)
15:06:00 <fell> then you could use http://xl2qif.chez-alice.fr/calc2qif_en.php. to get your data in gnucash
15:06:32 <fell> or calc2qif ...
15:09:05 <aba> ah, that site has a few more qif documentation stuff I didn't know yet.
15:09:23 <aba> (btw, the command line switches the wiki tells about like --evaluate seem to have gone?)
15:09:51 <fell> context?
15:11:01 <aba> "Q: I would like to add transactions from the command line with "gnucash --evaluate something". How do I do this?". However, my gnucash here (2.2.6) tells "Error parsing command line arguments: [Unknown option --evaluate]"
15:11:20 <aba> (in section http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Importing.2FExporting_Data )
15:13:39 <fell> I dunno. If gnucash --help does not list them.
15:14:03 <aba> doesn't.
15:14:54 <fell> May be in 1.x and not ported.
15:15:46 <aba> probably.
15:19:00 <fell> below http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/De/Links#Werkzeuge_und_Erweiterungen you can find a list of external tools.
15:21:24 <fell> hm, somebody should integrate this section in the english pages.
15:22:18 *** sjc has joined #gnucash
15:28:27 <aba> hm, and where did the python bindings in the release go? That'd be my favourite actually :)
15:30:14 <fell> last change was in 2.3.6
15:32:11 <aba> well, and they're not in 2.2.*
15:33:41 <fell> AFAIK. Which OSDistro?
15:33:55 <aba> Debian
15:34:02 <fell> OS/Distro?
15:34:08 <aba> but the upstream files don't have python as well.
15:35:06 <fell> OK, then: svn co ...
15:35:30 <aba> well, that's what I feared.
15:40:07 *** blizgerg has joined #gnucash
15:41:28 <fell> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Debian
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18:11:31 *** KaiForce has joined #gnucash
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18:13:33 <KaiForce> I downloaded transactions from my bank, which did not appear in my account window. i closed my account window, re-opened it, and they were there but without the accounts I had specified in the transaction importer. when I tried to update, them, I got an error saying they were being updated in another window (which they were not.) I closed GnuCash and re-opened and they are gone. any way...
18:13:34 <KaiForce> ...to fix this mess?
18:24:24 *** KaiForce has quit IRC
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23:42:45 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
23:43:05 <warlord> aba: python isn't in 2.2. the bindings will hopefully be in 2.4 (but you'll need to enable them)
23:43:07 *** Michael1 has joined #gnucash