2009-10-08 GnuCash IRC logs
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04:38:17 <bartek> hi, can gnucash be compiled without the gconf requirement?
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06:27:39 <muczy> hello
06:27:41 <muczy> can gnucash generate reports _without_ openning the gui?
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08:08:28 <warlord> muczy: not as-is.
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09:49:33 <muczy> warlord: can i generate reports somehow "from the command line"?
09:50:07 <warlord> muczy: not as-is.
09:50:21 <warlord> the APIs exist, but there's no "application" support for it.
09:51:27 <muczy> i see
09:51:46 <muczy> what kind of apis are available? c/c++/scheme/other?
09:51:55 <warlord> C, Scheme
09:52:32 <muczy> can you give me some link which describe this?
09:52:45 <warlord> http://code.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/
09:58:49 <muczy> if i get it, i should use "gnc_plugin_page_report_new (int reportId)" to generate a report
10:03:28 <warlord> No, that generates a page from a reportId
10:03:41 <warlord> I'm honestly not sure exactly what you'd need to do.
10:05:43 <muczy> i would like to generate reports with custom scheme "scripts" without starting the gnucash gui
10:06:00 <muczy> so they could be auto-generated
10:06:39 <warlord> I understand what you WANT to do...
10:06:50 <warlord> I'm not sure what coding would need to be done to actually DO it.
10:07:01 <muczy> i see
10:07:05 <muczy> thanks for the support btw
10:07:14 <warlord> You would need to effectively run the report, somehow set the report options (assuming the default settings weren't what you wanted), and then do something with the HTML output.
10:07:35 <muczy> yepp
10:11:33 <warlord> You;'re welcome.
10:12:05 <warlord> For the record, if you DO come up with a patch to gnucash for --run-report, please submit it. We've had a few people ask about it.
10:16:07 <muczy> ah, okay :)
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11:06:25 <bin10101> having trouble getting the bank downloads to work
11:07:50 <bin10101> I am on 2.2.6, will there be a huge difference in the online stuff? I guess I could try to build it from source unless there is a ppa somewhere for ubuntu
11:08:01 <bin10101> ;)
11:13:20 <warlord> Depends... what trouble are you having?
11:14:53 <bin10101> I downloaded the getfidata.sh and I guess I am using the wrong codes in the wrong places. I can't get it to connect.
11:18:14 <bin10101> I will start from scratch again and see if it goes better... :)
11:25:55 <warlord> ok
11:27:13 <bin10101> so is the bank id the 7392 or something in the 7392.xml
11:31:01 <bin10101> if I go into the "select bank for this user", I see Bank of America (all except...) but bank code is empty. I have only banks with online banking on.
11:32:16 <bin10101> well 7392 is not it, just crashed when I went to "get accounts" or something like that... LOL
11:32:46 <bin10101> darnit, it didn't save the info :(
11:34:25 <bin10101> i don't see a bankID in the 7392.xml
11:41:06 <warlord> Sorry, I really dont know. I dont use online banking.
11:41:51 <bin10101> lol, it keeps crashing the Online banking wizard
11:53:19 <bin10101> is there a log I can view...its connecting, but it scrolls by and goes away too fast
11:55:13 <bin10101> found it...thanks
11:56:54 <bin10101> doh...there is no ofx.log in /tmp...any ideas?
12:03:59 <warlord> check CWD?
12:04:06 <warlord> (not sure where it gets put)
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22:34:30 <blizgerg> mmmm
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23:22:03 <bin10101> anyone know what the typical 2.2.6 build is configured with? --enable-ofx, etc
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23:50:17 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
23:50:43 <warlord> bin10101: what do you mean "typical 2.2.6 build"? 2.2.9 is current. Or are you asking "how does Debian/Ubuntu build GnuCash?"
23:56:15 <warlord> sorry, gotta run.
23:56:17 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk