2009-10-05 GnuCash IRC logs
00:20:51 *** warlord is now known as warlord-adk
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13:37:22 <lloyd> I need to import a gnucash chart of accounts to start a new fiscal year with the same account structure. I exported the chart of accounts using gnucash 2.2.6, but I can't figure out how to import it.
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13:43:31 <lloyd> Please someone say something so I can see if my irc client is working for incoming messages. I see no conversation going on at all.
13:44:40 <jsled> that's weird.
13:44:52 <jsled> Oh, wait, not so weird.
13:44:56 <jsled> There's no conversation going on. :)
13:45:11 <lloyd> Ok, I saw that, good!
13:45:13 <jsled> In any case, you can just File > Open the exported account tree.
13:45:34 <lloyd> I tried that and gnucash crashed.
13:46:07 <lloyd> But it's good to know that is the way it is supposed to work, thanks!
13:46:35 <warlord> The crash could be the Debian/Ubuntu 2.2.6 bug.
13:46:37 <lloyd> Maybe there was a bug that is fixed in a later version. I have 2.2.6
13:46:50 <warlord> There are known bugs in 2.2.6-3..
13:46:57 <warlord> You could upgrade to 2.2.9, or downgrade to 2.2.6-2
13:47:00 <lloyd> Hmmm, I am using Debian (Lenny)
13:47:41 <warlord> Debian hasn't updated GnuCash is a very long time
13:48:01 <lloyd> That is good info, thanks. I am starting a new fiscal year, and think maybe I should start a new acounts file. I have 4 full accounting years in one file.
13:48:47 <lloyd> And the software is really great! I would be lost without it. Hope praise is not off-topic here.
13:49:09 <warlord> Not at all. :)
13:51:16 <lloyd> Great. I am having trouble with automatic OFX import (I can do it manually), but I think I better upgrade to a later version before asking any questions.
13:52:52 <lloyd> Umm, I do have one question. Is it best to start a new accounts file for a new fiscal year? I have found having past years summaries right there very convenient.
13:54:12 <warlord> I dont.
13:54:24 <warlord> I use the same file.
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13:58:19 <lloyd> My current .xac file is acout 460 KB. Doesn't seem too big to add more years.
13:58:25 <lloyd> about*
14:03:34 <lloyd> I just realized my version is 2.2.6-2. So the crash should not be the bug warlord mentioned.
14:04:19 <lloyd> However the accounts file was not gzipped, and gnucash seems to expect compressed files...
14:04:20 <warlord> Hmmm
14:04:36 <warlord> gnucash can use compressed or uncompressed
14:05:21 <lloyd> I could just try again.
14:06:44 <lloyd> It crashed again. Makes me worry it will corrupt my data.
14:07:45 <lloyd> Maybe I should have had a dummy chart of accounts open before trying something like that.
14:08:07 <lloyd> I reopened gnucash, looks OK.
14:11:18 <lloyd> Hmmm, the xml type is different...
14:12:00 <lloyd> that is, I looked at a new empty chart of accounts that gnucash created for me. It shows an xml header like this:
14:12:21 <jsled> lloyd: please pastebin.
14:13:00 <jsled> (e.g., http://dpaste.org/ or http://pastebin.ca/ )
14:13:09 <lloyd> just a moment...
14:13:12 <jsled> (excuse me, http://dpaste.com/ )
14:14:26 <lloyd> you mean I cannot paste xml into this chat without special encoding, right?
14:14:34 <jsled> no.
14:14:44 <jsled> Pasting more than 1-2 lines is in bad form.
14:14:56 <lloyd> I see
14:15:11 <jsled> pastebin services are preferred pretty much universally for these things.
14:15:24 <lloyd> I was only going to past about 3 lines, that give the xml header stuff.
14:15:36 <jsled> yer pushing it. :)
14:16:13 <jsled> (really, just the root tag is the key one, after the <?xml?> noise)
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14:16:24 <lloyd> right
14:17:21 <lloyd> In the chart of account that gnucash reads in fine, it is <gnc-v2
14:17:38 <lloyd> that's the root tag after the <?xml stuff
14:18:08 <jsled> That's the standard gnucash version 2 xml root.
14:18:24 <jsled> Oh, did you use the QSF export?
14:19:13 <lloyd> whoops, looks like I'm wrong, and the root tags are the same. Don't know what I was looking at...
14:20:13 <lloyd> wait, it is different!
14:20:41 <lloyd> now I see <qof-qsf xmlns="http://qof.sourceforge.net/">
14:21:06 <lloyd> after the <?xml ...?> stuff
14:21:08 <jsled> yeah, you did QSF export.
14:22:16 <lloyd> So how do I import QSF?
14:22:19 <jsled> which is basically useless. you'll want to re-open your file and do Export > Export Accounts
14:22:20 <jsled> You cannot
14:22:45 <lloyd> Oh, it is for another program, not gnucash, to use (QSF)?
14:22:55 <jsled> yeah.
14:24:23 <lloyd> thanks a lot. Sorry, I should have looked into what QSF meant.
14:24:39 <jsled> it's okay, I don't think you'd find anything useful.
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14:25:26 <lloyd> I have learned a lot of good tricks to use gnucash with multiple currencies. Maybe I can hang around here sometime and answer some questions myself.
14:25:41 <jsled> cool.
14:26:25 <lloyd> I have to go now. See you later, and thanks.
14:28:16 <jsled> yw
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14:41:10 <nmx> oh, people are around now?
14:41:18 <nmx> any answer to my question? :)
14:42:06 <warlord> nmx: when did you ask it?
14:42:34 <nmx> about 21 hours ago
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14:49:04 <warlord> try re-asking now?
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14:51:52 <nmx> warlord: ok. i'm running 2.2.9 and when i add new entries to a stock register, it always recalculates the price as $1, no matter what values i enter
14:52:09 <nmx> the existing entries in the register are fine, and i can edit those and it calculates correctly
14:52:25 <nmx> the security is set correctly so i have no idea what's wrong
14:53:52 <warlord> nmx: What's the parent account?
14:54:34 <nmx> warlord: "Roth IRA" and the parent of that is "Investments" and the parent of that is "Assets"
14:56:04 <warlord> What is the account type and security of "Roth IRA"?
14:58:21 <nmx> dohhh. type is Cash
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15:02:58 <warlord> That's fine.
15:03:04 <warlord> That's what it's supposed to be...
15:03:30 <warlord> er, wait.. Is this the RothIRA account?
15:03:39 <warlord> Or is this a subaccount of RothIRA?
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17:33:51 <nmx> warlord: sorry. the Roth IRA account is a placeholder and is type Cash. the account i'm having trouble with is a subaccount of that. the type of that is Mutual Fund.
17:35:11 <warlord> Can you verify that it's a MF and the Security?
17:36:35 <nmx> i just looked at it. the security is set to the symbol of the fund
17:36:42 <nmx> and it is of type MF
17:41:20 <nmx> i'm wondering, would the values in the Price Editor affect this at all? or should it obey the price i enter in the transaction, regardless of any saved quotes
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18:33:51 <warlord> It should obey regardless.
18:34:04 <warlord> Are you setting two of the three columns?
18:39:46 <nmx> warlord: it actually doesn't matter
18:40:13 <nmx> if i set two of them, it changes one so that the price comes out as $1. if i change all three, it asks which i want to recalculcate, but it ignores my selection and changes the price to $1
18:40:32 <warlord> Check the security SCU and account SCU settings?
18:40:45 <warlord> (min decimal places)
18:41:01 <nmx> what's SCU?
18:41:19 <warlord> Smallest Commodity Unit
18:41:37 <nmx> ah. the security is set to 1/1000 and the account says 'use commodity value'
18:42:37 <warlord> Hmm
18:43:47 <warlord> So, when did this change?
18:44:39 <nmx> that is a good question. it might have been after i set up a recurring scheduled transaction for it
18:45:07 <nmx> i can't say for certain though. basically i have them entered with a price of 1 every month, and when i get my quarterly statement i update the prices on the transactions
18:45:27 <nmx> this worked fine on a different account
18:46:39 <warlord> Hmmm..
18:47:09 <nmx> i take it back, the start date of the recurrence is before the last entry that worked correctly
18:47:18 <warlord> OH!!! You can't use an SX for stocks.
18:47:22 <nmx> so, after the recurrence was set up, it worked at least once
18:47:27 <nmx> eh?
18:47:56 <warlord> You can't use the SX system for stock txns
18:48:20 <nmx> does SX mean scheduled transactions? it worked before.... but even if i add a transaction by hand i get the same behavior
18:48:29 <warlord> Yes
18:49:49 <nmx> how was i doing it before then? i mean i will take you at your word if you say it is not officially supported, but i have been doing it for a couple years
18:50:10 <nmx> it would pop up a dialog asking me to enter the price at the time it created the transaction
18:50:19 <warlord> I have no idea how or why it worked before.. The SX system doesn't necessarily know how to set the proper commodities.
18:50:55 <nmx> ok. assuming that won't work, why can't i add entries by hand to the register either?
18:54:36 <warlord> Are you using auto-fill? (re-using an existing txn?)
18:54:43 <warlord> quickfill...
18:54:52 <nmx> hm. yeah. or editing an existing one
18:55:12 <warlord> Right..
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18:55:21 <nmx> aha.
18:55:24 <warlord> Try entering one by hand, using a completely random Description.
18:55:26 <nmx> if i create a brand new one, it does work
18:55:27 <nmx> yup
18:55:38 <warlord> Right, quickfill is just pulling in a bogus txn.
18:55:46 <nmx> that makes sense now
18:55:48 <warlord> I recommend you delete all you $1 ones and then create them by hand.
18:56:21 <nmx> very good. thanks for your help, i didn't even think of the fact that autofill just copied the whole txn
18:56:32 <warlord> You're welcome.
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