2009-10-02 GnuCash IRC logs
00:20:15 *** Michael1 has joined #gnucash
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07:23:18 *** markvader has joined #gnucash
07:37:34 <markvader> hi all, have a problem trying to run gnucash on window home server (built on server 2003). The program starts to load, tip of the day appears, gets as far as loading gnu/reports/stylesheets then it crashes. screenshot just before crash http://markvader.com/pics/gnucash_load.jpg. Ive tried setting compatability mode for win XP but same thing happens.
07:37:46 <markvader> Is there a debug option/log file
07:38:57 <markvader> or is there a version that runs on win 2003
07:39:04 <markvader> thanks for any help
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07:54:28 <Jimraehl> markvader: if you are trying to run versioon 2.3.6, there is a known bug which causes it to crash. wait for 2.3.7...
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08:08:22 <markvader> thanks, should 2.3.5 work or should i go to the last stable build 2.2.9? im starting from scratch here so no risk of losing data
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08:39:03 <warlord> markvader: if you're doing this for real data you should use 2.2.9
08:39:11 <warlord> the 2.3.x series are test versions
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11:44:43 *** BenB has joined #gnucash
11:45:11 <BenB> hi. how do I associate an AqBanking HBCI account with a GnuCash account?
11:46:34 <BenB> I could setup my HBCI bank account in Gnucash/Aqbanking, and I have a pre-existing GnuCash account (type bank) for it, but when I do any actions in "Online-Banking", nothing happens.
11:46:51 <BenB> it works with another account at the same bank, I just don't remember how I got them together.
11:58:36 <warlord> You need to do the online banking setup.
12:12:42 <BenB> warlord: I did
12:13:39 <BenB> the HBCI account appears there, but I see no place where to tell Gnucash which Gnucash account this HBCI account goes to
12:20:16 <warlord> It's there somewhere.
12:20:25 <warlord> I just dont know where offhand.
12:20:38 <warlord> Maybe from the Actions item of the account register?
12:27:25 <warlord> (sorry, I dont use the online banking features so I'm not keenly aware of how they work)
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12:39:16 <BenB> ah! duh!
12:39:42 <BenB> the setup assistant in gnucash has a button on the first page to start the aqbanking assistant.
12:40:11 <BenB> I finished the aqbanking assistant and then closed the setup assistant, which still showed the "start aqbanking" button.
12:40:20 <warlord> Oh.....
12:40:29 <BenB> what I didn't notice is that gnucash now enabled the forward button in the wizard.
12:40:50 <warlord> That would do it.
12:41:01 <BenB> you can call me stupid, but I think that's a bit subtle. shouldn't gnucash advance the page automatically after I finished the aqbanking wizard?
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12:44:02 <warlord> Arguably.. But I think forcing a page advance is much harder to do.
12:45:15 <BenB> aqbanking wizard is an external process that you start with Process.start() or the like?
12:45:28 <warlord> something like that, yes.
12:46:06 <BenB> usually, the API allows for the process to terminate. if that happens, just find the Forward button and send a click :)
12:46:21 <BenB> s/allow/allows to wait/
12:49:14 <warlord> The "send a click" is the hard part.
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15:35:58 *** Cobbds has joined #gnucash
15:37:15 <Cobbds> Hi,
15:37:16 <Cobbds> I am having a problem with Aqbanking connecting to bank one. It connects, but bank one needs a challenge question answered before it will complete the connection. Has anyone figured a way around this?
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15:40:49 *** Zwieferl has joined #gnucash
15:42:23 <Zwieferl> Hi@all :-) I want to install gnucash on windows and later work on with Ubuntu. How can I export the gnucash data from windows to linux?
15:44:35 <Cobbds> All you need to do is copy your .xac and .log files for your account. Then open them when you cross platforms. I run both a windows version and linux version. It's easy to move the data.
15:46:33 <warlord> Cobbds: HBCI? OFX?
15:46:56 <Cobbds> OFX.
15:46:59 <warlord> Zwieferl: Actually, you don't need the .xac and .log files, you just need your main data file.
15:47:12 <warlord> (which you named during the first time you ran 'save')
15:47:24 <warlord> Just copy the data file over and you'll be fine..
15:47:51 <warlord> (note that if you're running 2.3.x you need to be careful about what format you save your data file -- default is SQLite, which isn't supported by 2.2.x)
15:48:06 <warlord> Cobbds: Huh.. I've never heard of OFX-DC requiring a challenge/response.
15:48:17 <warlord> I think you might need to ask on the aqb mailing list.
15:48:40 <Zwieferl> thanks for your answers. I think I have to copy the files to the ~/.gnucash - i it right?
15:49:37 <Cobbds> Capital One has just done an upgrade on there server in June or July. Haven't be able to connect since. When I used Quicken online and setup my account it came back and said i needed to answer a challenge question and everything worked fine.
15:51:02 <Zwieferl> for now i'm going to install the gnucash 2.3.6 on windows (linux freezes on my pc so I have to buy a new one when i have enough money)
15:51:27 <warlord> Nope, no need to copy anything out of ~/.gnucash
15:51:57 <warlord> freezes?
15:52:10 <warlord> Cobbds: I suggest asking on the aqb list first.
15:52:13 <Zwieferl> whereto do i have to copy the files?
15:52:24 <warlord> If AqB doesn't support it, then GnuCash can't do it.
15:52:32 <warlord> Zwieferl: wherever you want. Your homedir?
15:52:38 <Zwieferl> yes! freezes
15:52:47 <Cobbds> Thanks warlord. Off to aqb mailist.
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15:53:17 <warlord> Zwieferl: um, how does it freeze? where? doing what?
15:53:23 <Zwieferl> ok! my homedir
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15:55:20 <Zwieferl> I ran Ubuntu 8.04. after changing the harddisk I copied all partitions (WindowsXP, Ubuntu; data-partitions) to the new disk, then I upgraded ubuntu to 9.04 and some days later ubuntu freezes after some 2 to 3 minutes.
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15:56:24 <Zwieferl> the same happens with all distributins I have; as live version and from RAM e.g. puppy
15:59:06 <jsled> Zwieferl: you should run something like memtest86 and make sure you have good/adequate CPU cooling
15:59:41 <jsled> presumably, though, windows on the same hardware doesn't freeze?
16:01:01 <Zwieferl> I did it several times, the cpu is cooled enough (this was the reason to change the harddisk: it heated up to more than 50°C). I also updated the bios and changed the acpi file
16:01:31 <warlord> Ah, so it's not gnucash that freezes, it's your system that freezes...
16:02:01 <Zwieferl> windows runs, but sometimes it reboot by itself - I think somewhere is hardware-bug
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16:02:55 <Zwieferl> yes the systems freezes. that is the reason why I want to run gnucash on windows now and later, on a new pc, on linux
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16:07:20 <warlord> gotcha. okay. yeah, sounds like a hardware bug to me.
16:07:52 <warlord> Just be careful in 2.3.x about the data format. You probably want to make sure you use the XML data format if you want to be able to go back to Ubuntu.
16:16:26 <Zwieferl> ok! Thanks for your answer and good bye for today. Best wishes from Vienna/Austria ;-)
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17:01:01 <borg117763> hey all, I need some help--gnucash wont boot for me with the new version
17:01:11 <borg117763> just dwlded it two or three days ago
17:01:15 <borg117763> and installed it
17:01:23 <borg117763> goes to the flash screen, and then shuts down
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17:01:52 <borg117763> has anyone heard of this happening?
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17:03:58 <borg117763> hello?
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