2009-10-01 GnuCash IRC logs
00:02:38 *** localhost1 has quit IRC
00:05:22 *** localhost has joined #gnucash
00:18:32 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
01:16:48 *** XiXaQ has joined #gnucash
03:30:25 *** Demitar has joined #gnucash
06:00:00 *** Zwieferl has joined #gnucash
06:01:26 <Zwieferl> Hi @all :-) I want to run gnucash on windows, but later on linux. can I use my files of windows in linux?
06:09:43 *** Simon_ has joined #gnucash
06:10:00 *** Simon has quit IRC
06:10:01 *** Simon_ is now known as Simon
06:36:19 *** Michael1 has joined #gnucash
06:36:21 *** Michael1 has left #gnucash
07:11:42 *** Zwieferl has quit IRC
07:22:39 *** tyabux has joined #gnucash
07:30:29 *** XiXaQ has quit IRC
08:09:05 *** tradiuz has quit IRC
08:20:53 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:52:47 *** KaiForce has joined #gnucash
09:00:42 *** Jimraehl has left #gnucash
09:11:27 *** KaiForce has quit IRC
09:14:25 *** JimRaehl2 has joined #gnucash
09:18:43 *** JimRaehl2 has left #gnucash
09:19:12 *** JimRaehl2 has joined #gnucash
09:19:29 *** bentob0x has joined #gnucash
09:31:18 *** rockfx01 has joined #gnucash
10:49:34 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
11:59:43 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
12:16:15 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
13:28:59 *** ErKa has quit IRC
14:03:29 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
14:54:38 *** bentob0x has quit IRC
15:12:00 *** ErKa has quit IRC
15:35:52 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
15:37:13 *** sjc has joined #gnucash
15:55:16 *** blizgerg has quit IRC
16:02:21 *** andyt has joined #gnucash
16:11:37 *** ErKa has quit IRC
16:49:51 *** rockfx01 has quit IRC
17:01:59 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
17:33:10 *** Jimraehl has joined #gnucash
17:33:56 *** paulproteus_____ is now known as paulproteus
17:36:02 *** Jimraehl has left #gnucash
18:30:43 *** andyt has quit IRC
18:32:33 *** cortana has joined #gnucash
18:54:49 *** sjc has quit IRC
19:11:08 *** ErKa has quit IRC
19:31:23 *** jes__ has joined #gnucash
19:38:40 *** tyabux has quit IRC
19:40:10 *** Simon has quit IRC
19:40:40 *** Simon_ has joined #gnucash
20:08:48 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
20:10:32 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
21:03:14 *** JimRaehl2 has left #gnucash
21:04:11 *** Jimraehl has joined #gnucash
21:15:20 *** blizgerg has joined #gnucash
21:21:48 *** ErKa has quit IRC
21:28:56 *** cortana has quit IRC