2009-09-28 GnuCash IRC logs
00:00:32 *** XiXaQ has joined #gnucash
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08:56:09 *** flexibeast has joined #gnucash
08:57:18 <flexibeast> Hi all. i'm trying to work out how i can get GnuCash to tell me what cash i received in a given period, and can't seem to work out how to do so. Any suggestions, please?
09:29:20 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:29:30 <warlord> flexibeast: P&L / Income Statement report?
09:30:24 <flexibeast> Income Statement lists what i've billed for, not the cash i've actually received.
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09:32:07 <warlord> Oh, I see. Run a Cash Flow report.
09:32:33 <warlord> The default settings /should/ work. (Your checking account selected, AR not selected)
09:33:39 <flexibeast> Yes, i was wondering if that was the thing to do . . . . so i selected the 'Cash in Wallet' account, and the relevant period, and it showed me 'Money in' to that account from 'Accounts receivable' being a certain amount - that's the amount i'm looking for?
09:33:59 <flexibeast> Er. That was confusingly written, sorry.
09:35:08 <warlord> Yes, that's what you're looking for.
09:35:44 <flexibeast> Okay, great, thanks. :-)
09:37:44 <warlord> you're welcome
09:38:07 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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09:58:00 *** Freak_NL has joined #gnucash
09:59:53 <Freak_NL> Hello #gnucash. I receive a monthly subsidy from the government for healtcare, where do I enter this? As a negative expense in my "Expenses > Taxes" account? Or in an income account for such taxes?
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10:32:39 <Freak_NL> Also, could someone testing the unstable branch check if the following bug still exists? When using a dark GTK+ theme and the "Input Boxes" colours set to light on dark, the totals column text stays black while the rest uses the colour specified
10:38:19 <gxti> is the subsidy in the form of reduced taxes, or do they write you a check?
10:38:38 <gxti> in the latter case you should have an income account for it
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10:44:01 <warlord> Freak_NL: I'd do it as income.
10:45:04 <Freak_NL> gxti, warlord: direct transfer to my bank account, so income I suppose
10:45:30 <gxti> negative expenses generally only make sense for refunds
10:46:40 <Freak_NL> Ah, so the refund I receive from the landlord for expenses not made (maintenance, window cleaning etc.) should go in the rent expense account as a discount?
10:46:57 <Freak_NL> That is basically a refund
10:47:15 <Freak_NL> Thanks
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