2009-09-25 GnuCash IRC logs
00:02:51 *** puck has quit IRC
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00:17:53 <cashtester> uhmm... thx again warlord-afk... don't i love to predict my financial ruin ;-)
00:18:42 <cashtester> i ran into another problem using the get finance::quote thingy...
00:21:09 <cashtester> i am using windows and portable versions of both perl and gnucash... and when i run the install-fq-mods.cmd it tells me that the crypt-SSLeay is installed, finance-quote is installed but it returns a bunch of error msgs running the gnc-fq-check
00:21:30 <cashtester> Can't locate HTML/TreeBuilder.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ms
00:21:30 <cashtester> ys D:/portableapps/PerlPortable/Perl/lib D:/portableapps/PerlPortable/Perl/site/
00:21:30 <cashtester> lib .) at D:/portableapps/PerlPortable/Perl/site/lib/Finance/Quote/Bourso.pm lin
00:21:30 <cashtester> e 72.
00:21:30 <cashtester> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at D:/portableapps/PerlPortable/Perl/site/lib/
00:21:31 <cashtester> Finance/Quote/Bourso.pm line 72.
00:21:33 <cashtester> Compilation failed in require at (eval 20) line 1.
00:21:35 <cashtester> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 20) line 1.
00:21:37 <cashtester> at gnc-fq-check line 80
00:21:39 <cashtester> Can't locate object method "methods" via package "Finance::Quote::Bourso" at D:/
00:21:41 <cashtester> portableapps/PerlPortable/Perl/site/lib/Finance/Quote.pm line 114.
00:21:43 <cashtester> An error occured, see above.
00:22:05 <cashtester> anybody knows whats going on here?
00:48:19 *** grub has joined #gnucash
00:48:27 <grub> hi guys
00:49:32 <grub> I checked the wiki, and it says it's not advisable to build gnucash on windows.. Is there some place where updated build instrustions are available?
01:10:54 <cashtester> did you look here, didn't see that note that you shouldn't do it: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows#Instructions_for_an_.28almost.29_automated_build
01:11:27 <cashtester> oops.. sorry...
01:11:32 <cashtester> i did now hehe
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03:14:11 <chenwei> hello, good afternoon!
03:15:23 <chenwei> I need help about docbook.
03:16:30 <chenwei> I want to compile the gnucash Concepts Guide's XML to HTML in windows platform. What should I do?
03:22:34 <chenwei> anybody?
03:32:16 <chenwei> :(
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03:38:47 *** loxs_wrk has joined #gnucash
03:41:17 <loxs_wrk> when gnucash does split transactions is this actually written as such, or is is a bunch of separate "simple" transactions?
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05:02:53 <chenwei> hello! There is a story about dairy farm Taxation: http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/capgain_tax1.html
05:02:55 <chenwei> But I can't understand it exactly. Could you please explain it?
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08:24:51 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:25:53 <warlord> loxs_wrk: ALL transactions are split transactions... I'ts just that a basic transaction has only 2 splits, whereas a "Split Transaction" has > 2.
08:26:31 <warlord> @tell chenwei Please stick around for more than 10 minutes if you want an answer, especially in the middle of the night!!!
08:26:31 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
10:27:21 <loxs_wrk> hm, warlord, so you are storing lists (arrays) of dictionaries (hash tables) of accounts for debit and credit, right?
10:28:16 <warlord> no
10:28:33 <warlord> I'm not even sure WHAT you're asking..
10:31:02 <loxs_wrk> something like (python syntax) {'debit' : [{'account' : 'some account', 'value' : 3.00 }, {'account' : 'other account', 'value' : 2.00}], 'credit' : [{'account' : 'account 3' , 'value' : 5.00}]}
10:31:53 <warlord> I dont do python, so that syntax is opaque to me.
10:32:33 <loxs_wrk> ok, doesn't matter then I guess I understand how do you store it
10:33:04 <warlord> Store it on Disk or in RAM? An account has a list of splits tied to that account. each split is tied into a transaction.. The transaction has a list of all its splits (credits and debits).
10:33:19 <warlord> (this is the ram model. The on disk model is.. different)
10:34:06 <loxs_wrk> as far as I know you are using XML, so this is applicable even to the disc model. And what I showed you is virtually JSON, which is again good for disk storage
10:34:54 <loxs_wrk> I am building an application that uses a JSON based database - CouchDB, so it doesn't actually matter if we are talking about RAM or about disk
10:35:20 <loxs_wrk> what I showed you is the ram model, which is in practice the same as you described
10:35:29 <jsled> warlord: it's the conventional "[]"=list and "{}"=dictionary syntax.
10:35:57 <jsled> loxs_wrk: the data model doxygen is available online, but it's basicaly…
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10:36:31 <warlord> loxs_wrk: 2.3/2.4 defaults to using SQLite, not XML, and the storage model is different.
10:36:53 <warlord> The XML stores a list of Accounts and a list of Transactions (each txn containing its list of Splits)
10:37:06 <warlord> Then they are put together in RAM via GUID mapping.
10:37:16 <warlord> in SQL the splits have their own table
10:38:00 <jsled> Transaction{ List<Split> splits }; Split { Account; value:numeric } http://cvs.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/group__Engine.html http://cvs.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/SplitP_8h-source.html
10:38:30 <loxs_wrk> interesting :)... people are running away from SQL databases to flat storages, and you are doing the opposite thing :)
10:38:38 <jsled> Not how I'd do it, personally, these days, but.
10:38:45 <jsled> "running away" is overstating it. :p
10:38:50 <loxs_wrk> jsled, yeah, that's what I was talking about
10:39:07 <jsled> Acutally, it's not even overstating it. IT's totally wrong.
10:39:25 <loxs_wrk> yeah, probably overstating, but after years spend doing SQL, now schemaless databases are a bliss
10:40:03 <loxs_wrk> but I can't argue that for a small application SQL is good
10:40:09 <jsled> yeah, cause those relations and joins are *so* complex. :p :)
10:40:26 <loxs_wrk> it's not the relations and the joins, it's the way of thinking
10:40:52 <loxs_wrk> it's cumbersome and hard to evolve
10:40:53 <jsled> the way of thinking *precisely* is relations and joins … they *define* the relational model.
10:41:41 <loxs_wrk> it may be, the thing is that when doing a transaction, you don't need to have something like a foreign key, because you need the transaction at that historical moment
10:41:52 <loxs_wrk> so you need to copy the data
10:42:14 <rockfx01> Not to break up the party, but what's the diff between TBALN and BALN cells?
10:42:56 <jsled> loxs_wrk: I think your example there is missing a couple of details that make it hard for me to understand, but I think I'm just going to walk away from this anyways, no offense. :)
10:43:19 <jsled> I'd love to debate traditional vs. schemaless models, but work calls.
10:43:27 <loxs_wrk> no problem, I'm not saying what you are doing is wrong...
10:44:22 <loxs_wrk> we are just trying to break the boundaries of the traditional model
10:44:23 <loxs_wrk> http://books.couchdb.org/relax/receipts/banking
10:44:32 <loxs_wrk> if anyone is interested
10:45:08 <loxs_wrk> in fact I came here not to argue, but to learn from your experience
10:45:09 <jsled> looks interesting; ta.
10:45:53 <warlord> T == Template
10:46:38 <rockfx01> ah ok
10:47:02 <loxs_wrk> so I'm trying to design a new kind of application where the balance of an account is not a row in the database, but a dynamic computation... aggregate from all the transactions
10:48:31 <warlord> That's what gnucash does.
10:48:55 <warlord> balances are all computed (although in SQL we perform checkpoints so we don't need to load all the transactions)
10:49:32 <loxs_wrk> hm... checkpoints... that's interesting, thanks
10:50:00 <loxs_wrk> the hard thing to design is stuff like FIFO and LIFO
10:50:52 <loxs_wrk> and when doing such things, the whole concept of an "account" starts to fade
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10:52:38 <jsled> Er, well, there are always Accounts. I mean, the Transactions need to affect *something*, and double-entry defines those to be "accounts".
10:53:22 <loxs_wrk> but it's not necessary (at least from a programming point of view) accounts to "store" only one kind of "commodity" (or currency)
10:53:22 <jsled> But the account *views* … in many ways. Gnucash registers are just a view of all transactions predicated by Transactions that have a Split that references an Account.
10:53:54 <jsled> True. Accounts don't "contain" anything, per se.
10:54:30 <loxs_wrk> I mean, you can "link" both apples and pears transactions to the same account, which may be called just "warehouse"
10:54:47 <loxs_wrk> and then the "account" thingie starts to fade
10:55:18 <loxs_wrk> because one way or the other, when debiting apples, you have different "batches" which are potentially at different prices
10:55:46 <rockfx01> Doesn't that just make your theoretical apples and pears children to the warehouse 'account'?
10:56:12 <loxs_wrk> yeah, what I'm talking about is leaving the "tree model" and doing some kind of network
10:56:26 <jsled> Yeah, you can try to remove the word Account all you want, but double-entry concept of "account" will still exist somewhere.
10:56:27 <loxs_wrk> by tags, by attributes, by whatever
10:56:40 <jsled> what tree model?
10:56:53 <loxs_wrk> the accounting plan is a tree
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10:57:06 <loxs_wrk> and it's even visualized as a tree in gnucash
10:57:08 <jsled> "plan"?
10:57:11 <jsled> Oh, the account hierearchy?
10:57:21 <loxs_wrk> yeah, sorry, not a native speaker of English
10:57:25 <jsled> Well, there's two parts to that.
10:57:47 <loxs_wrk> yeah, exactly
10:57:56 <jsled> 1/ It does make some sense, but that's mostly in sub-trees.
10:58:21 <jsled> e.g., you have both a checking and savings account at a Bank. So { Bank: [ savings, checking ] } seems logical.
10:58:35 <jsled> And, similarly, grouping all Loans together makes sense.
10:58:54 <jsled> But … really, if you have a credit card from that same bank, it should be right along-side Savings and checking.
10:59:00 <jsled> And you can't do that with GnuCash at present, because …
10:59:21 <jsled> 2/ GnuCash does some account-type enforcement via the hierarchy.
10:59:40 <jsled> So, you can only have Liability-type accounts underneath a top-level "Liabilities" node.
10:59:54 <loxs_wrk> no it's not mostly in subtrees... in my country there is an accounting hyerarchy which doesn't follow the "assets, expenses, liabilities etc." model, so I need to display two hyerarchies... once in the way the law requires it, and once the "traditional" way
10:59:55 <jsled> Basically, there's a top-level node for each of the 5 account types,
11:00:25 <loxs_wrk> so it's completely different trees
11:00:29 <jsled> loxs_wrk: sure sure. I'm saying in GnuCash's account hierearchy at present.
11:00:49 <loxs_wrk> I'll have to install newer versions. I have version 2.2
11:01:13 <jsled> well, 2.3 is a developer series, still maybe even pre-beta.
11:01:41 <jsled> loxs_wrk: in fact, gnucash's current account hierearchy cannot represent some especially German Active/Passive account hierearchies.
11:01:52 <loxs_wrk> so it's really kind of network, not a tree... and it has to be a dynamic network, that can be displayed in different ways (different trees)
11:02:12 <loxs_wrk> yeah, I guess Bulgaria is quite close in this legal stuff
11:04:15 <loxs_wrk> so I'm starting to think that it's better to have something like tags, for different purposes
11:04:28 <loxs_wrk> tags to the transactions
11:05:18 <jsled> probably. I usually think "tags" are kinda a copout for modeling some things.
11:05:22 <warlord> actually there are only three buckets: Equity, Income/Expense, and Asset/Liability.
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11:07:03 <loxs_wrk> well, yeah... that's the theory :)
11:10:22 <warlord> loxs_wrk: another reason to use SQL instead of XML is the ability to commit changes to disk at every transaction instead of having to write out a full XML document every time.
11:11:10 <loxs_wrk> well, imagine if XML worked that way... it's called CouchDB ;)
11:13:32 <warlord> No thanks, don't need to store my money in a couch.
11:13:44 <jsled> heh.
11:15:00 <warlord> XML is a great interchange format, but it's really not appropriate for a database.
11:16:13 <loxs_wrk> I am really quite surprised that you chose to migrate from xml to SQL... I won't say that XML is superior (everything has its flaws), but IMHO it's certainly much more comfortable
11:17:26 <loxs_wrk> and CouchDB has it's name exactly because of this... it's the comfortable parts of the markup languages combined with the strength of the database storages
11:17:27 <jsled> there's a couple of problems, at least the way gnucash does/did things.
11:17:43 <jsled> the parse/serialize overhead is pretty huge.
11:18:03 <loxs_wrk> could you please name some (that'll show me from what to beware)
11:18:23 <loxs_wrk> yeah, I guess JSON is much lightweight than XML
11:18:29 <jsled> And the whole "serialize the entire in-memory object graph" thing makes "save on every change" really hard, especially combined with the serialization overhead.
11:19:02 <jsled> I suppose one could try to do some very targeted re-serialization, so you'd only need to write out the dirty object sub-graph, but, jeez, what a PITA to do.
11:19:16 <loxs_wrk> yeah, another thing that couchdb deals with
11:20:24 <jsled> right. I mean, if we had every transaction and account and whatever in separate files, and had a fair bit of redundency for the interrelations, it'd be much easier to do it … basically the scheamless approach.
11:22:05 <loxs_wrk> mhm, that's what I'm talking about
11:24:00 <warlord> Now you're talking about potentially hundreds of thousands of files (if each object has its own file)
11:24:23 <loxs_wrk> yup, only that you don't care to manage them, the database does it for you
11:24:41 <loxs_wrk> and add map/reduce views on top of it, and it makes me scream ;)
11:34:27 *** chenwei has joined #gnucash
11:36:38 <chenwei> Why I couldn't see any respone from IRC several days? Is there anybody? or It's my IRC client's wrong?
11:36:39 <gncbot> chenwei: Sent 3 hours and 10 minutes ago: <warlord> Please stick around for more than 10 minutes if you want an answer, especially in the middle of the night!!!
11:39:09 <jsled> chenwei: the "dairy farm" story only really goes to show that tax laws are often not at all simple, straightforward, obvious … or, more importantly, easy to reduce to code/software.
11:39:53 <chenwei> Thanks!
11:52:18 <rockfx01> so when did the template transactions get a balance column? 2.3.x? I notice if I open a template in 2.2.6 there's no balance column but in 2.3.5 there is
11:54:38 <warlord> rockfx01: there are LOTS of differences between 2.2.x and 2.3/2.4
11:55:27 <rockfx01> also then what should the behavior of this column be? Since its a template and not owned by an account, shouldn't it always balance to 0?
11:55:34 <warlord> chenwei: as for why you don't see responses, it's because you dissappear too quickly!
11:55:56 <warlord> rockfx01: arguably the template register shouldn't have the column.
11:56:00 <rockfx01> (Because the credits and debits should balance)
11:58:56 <rockfx01> ok so behavior in 2.2.x is correct
11:59:45 <jsled> the template transactions register is a re-use of the GL.
12:00:07 <jsled> ISTR discussion about the GL getting a balance column … not sure how that makes sense, but maybe related?
12:00:30 <warlord> The idea is to be able to show a running balance of the transactions in the current view.
12:02:38 <rockfx01> yes I wrote that patch, perhaps this is a side effect. I noticed it when working on another patch to add running balance functionality to single acct view
12:02:57 <rockfx01> I will look into it, should be an easy fix
12:11:29 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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18:29:15 *** publicradio has joined #gnucash
18:31:17 <publicradio> hey gnucash fans. I have a question about reconciling accounts. I created a blank account, downloaded my transactions and balance through OFX, and my ending balance is immediately off by 328.63. How is this possible? It asks me to reconcile but all I can do is either fudge the transactions or add a hack to reset it
18:41:42 <warlord> publicradio: missing an opening transaction?
18:41:47 <warlord> (starting balance)
18:42:02 <publicradio> ah
18:42:03 <publicradio> well
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18:42:13 <publicradio> it starts in june when i opened the account
18:42:20 <publicradio> it appears to be showing my first deposit
18:42:27 <publicradio> which is my starting balance, no?
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18:50:26 <rockfx01> is the balance column for the first deposit wrong?
18:50:41 <publicradio> let me check...
18:51:18 <publicradio> no, it's correct
18:51:28 <publicradio> deposit: 500 balance: 500
18:51:35 <warlord> Well, start reconciling from June and go month-by-month.
18:51:38 <warlord> Maybe you missed something?
18:51:59 <publicradio> well here's the thing:
18:52:08 <rockfx01> your ending balance is more or less than expected balance?
18:52:27 <publicradio> this is all data from my bank. within the first month it shows i went 300 dollars in the hole
18:52:33 <publicradio> and that never happened
18:52:38 <publicradio> also,
18:52:47 <publicradio> i pulled the same data using kMyMoney
18:52:58 <publicradio> and it was also off
18:53:05 <publicradio> to the penny. exact same amounts
18:53:31 <rockfx01> over or under?
18:53:38 <publicradio> it's showing about 330$ less than it should for the ending balance
18:53:59 <warlord> publicradio: like I said, go month by month and reconcile against your paper statements...
18:54:39 <publicradio> hmm
18:54:47 <rockfx01> are there any extra deposits or debits that got downloaded that haven't posted to your bank account yet and/or are not included in the statement you're trying to reconcile
18:54:47 <publicradio> ok i dont know if i still have those but i will look
18:55:26 <publicradio> i don't believe so, no
18:55:40 <publicradio> i went to my bank today
18:55:57 <publicradio> they said the balance i thought i had is the balance i actually have
18:56:04 <rockfx01> I would look at most recent transactions and see if there's something missing from the amount you are expecting to reconcile to
18:56:05 <publicradio> and that everything has cleared. there's nothing pending
18:57:25 <rockfx01> Hmm have you looked for erroneous txns that got imported that add up to the missing amount?
18:58:11 <rockfx01> like warlord said, if you reconcile each monthly statement you should easily find the mistake
18:58:14 <publicradio> it's hard for me to say
18:58:22 <publicradio> there doesn't appear to be any weird transactions
18:58:42 <publicradio> i guess that's all i can do. try to dredge up these statements and compare
18:59:03 <publicradio> what could possibly be wrong here? I didn't enter anything when i created this file
18:59:10 <publicradio> so human error on my part doesn't seem possible
18:59:34 <rockfx01> also for example when I dload txn data for some accounts, it only gives me data up to my last statement, not necessarily to the current date
18:59:34 <publicradio> and i'm sure the program is stable, and so is aqbanking
18:59:43 <warlord> publicradio: have you started reconciling month-by-month from the beginning?
18:59:55 <warlord> seriously... i
19:00:01 <warlord> if you haven't.. please PLEASE do it.
19:00:08 <publicradio> no i haven't. i have to locate my statements
19:00:12 <warlord> It will narrow down the problem VERY quickly.
19:00:36 <warlord> PLease go find them.. and please go through the process.. It exists SPECIFICALLY to help you track down these issues.
19:00:38 <rockfx01> warlord: what's the rate column for? It doesn't display anything, not in my a9counts anyway
19:00:53 <warlord> rockfx01: it's a hidden column to handle exchange rats.
19:00:54 <warlord> rates
19:01:05 <warlord> It's there -- it's 1 pixel wide.
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19:01:32 <rockfx01> hmm I see it more than 1px wide on my screen :)
19:02:48 <rockfx01> I fixed the template balance column display bug and got reg run baln for single accts working, it was easy with the harder part already done
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19:03:10 <publicradio> sorry i got kicked off
19:03:13 <publicradio> anyway,
19:03:24 <rockfx01> Not sure how it will affect performance for accounts with many, many txns though
19:03:38 <publicradio> I will match this to my bank statements. thanks for the help
19:04:03 <publicradio> one more question: is there a way to view all customers?
19:04:05 <warlord> publicradio: you're welcome.
19:04:32 <warlord> publicradio: Business -> Clients -> Find... Customer Name [Matches Regex] .
19:04:40 <warlord> Yes, that's a 'period'
19:05:35 <publicradio> i have company nae
19:05:38 <publicradio> name
19:06:03 <publicradio> but . didn't return anything. customer ID and then searching for 0 does turn up everything
19:06:08 <warlord> Sorry, comapny name, not customer name.
19:06:15 <publicradio> only because for now they all happen to have 0s in the id
19:06:15 <warlord> publicradio: did you select [Matches Regex]?
19:06:29 <publicradio> sorry i didn't understand that part.
19:06:31 <publicradio> now i get it
19:06:35 <publicradio> yes it worked. Thank you
19:06:41 <warlord> you're welcome.
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19:11:11 <warlord> Another way to get all customers that you've ever invoiced is via the Aging Report. Reports -> Business -> Receivable Aging then [Options] and turn on "show $0 balances"
19:14:44 <rockfx01> I'm just curious because I think it might be a problem for regrunbal if user expects the balance at the beginning of the register to be the actual acct balance at that date (if there are earlier txns not displayed by the register)
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19:15:51 <rockfx01> Regrunbal just adds up all the splits from the acct of the register so it will always start from 0 at the first split
19:16:40 <warlord> rockfx01: exactly, which is why it's done the way it is.. Perhaps "Balance" isn't the correct column title for the "balance of displayed txns"?
19:16:49 <rockfx01> which works well in 98% of cases
19:17:01 <warlord> Maybe "Running Total" instead of "Balance"?
19:17:46 <rockfx01> yes but then do we add another column? Or make it possible to turn regrun on/off
19:18:15 <rockfx01> how do we distinguish when to display regrun and when to display regular baln
19:19:26 <rockfx01> for subaccount view it shouldn't matter too much since before there was no balance column, but I'm concerned about causing issues with changing the regular balance column
19:20:17 <warlord> right....
19:20:32 <warlord> i'm not sure i would change the regular bal col..
19:20:54 <warlord> add the running total column as a new col everywhere.
19:21:15 <warlord> (maybe with an option not to display it?)
19:22:29 <rockfx01> in my testing of changing single acct balance to regrun it worked well but I didn't think about if it is possible or feasible for a user to display a date range and expect the first split to start at the actual balance at that split
19:23:15 <rockfx01> hmm ok. I suppose ill have to figure out how to add that option then
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19:24:49 <warlord> It is possible to set a date range.. And *I* would expect it to be "correct"
19:26:08 <warlord> ( from the register, View -> Filter -> ... )
19:26:17 <warlord> or something like that.
19:26:38 <rockfx01> right
19:27:14 <rockfx01> ill have to look at it later, I'm on my blackbry now
19:28:15 <rockfx01> well, ill make a patch for the template bug, the single acct running baln will have to wait til I figure out how to implement an option for it
19:28:42 <rockfx01> regarding the template bug tho
19:30:24 <rockfx01> I found that if the register layout is designed to have 9 columns, but the RATE col is column 8 and there is no col defined for col9, then there will be a 5-10px empty col, could be the rate or 'blank' column
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19:32:06 <rockfx01> if col8 is blank and col9 is rate, then the 5-10px empty col goes away
19:32:24 <rockfx01> or maybe vice versa, it seems odd
19:33:05 <rockfx01> is there supposed to be a padding column on the right of all registers?
19:41:26 <warlord> The rate col should be at the end.
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21:28:52 <chenwei> Is there any windows application to read mailing list archive txt? The original archive text's format is difficult to read.
21:31:44 <warlord> what about the html archives?
21:34:25 <chenwei> HTML archives: I need click the Next message again.
21:36:43 <chenwei> Why not read in flat format like some BBS.
21:41:52 <warlord> "like some BBS"?
21:43:14 <warlord> I'm not sure what you're looking for... You need some pager to leaf through the messages, be it a mail reader going over the TXT archives or a web browser over the HTML...
21:43:28 <warlord> whether you're hitting the [enter] key or the [next] button - you still need something.
21:44:35 <jsled> aren't some format of the mailing list archives in mbox format? … readily importable into a mail reader?
21:46:06 <chenwei> To Jsled: Great idea!
21:47:31 <chenwei> HTML only have 4 view: [ Thread ] [ Subject ] [ Author ] [ Date ]
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21:50:31 <chenwei> And Thread is only title. We can click it to open detail. But we need click again and again next messages or some others for more message. BBS flat format list all the same subject at one time.
21:51:23 <chenwei> Just like Gmail.
21:52:44 <chenwei> Of course, the new mailinglist in gmail, we can read freely. But I subscribe the maillist today, and I can't use gmail to read Mailing List Archive.
21:56:33 <chenwei> Hi, I have another question: when I export the report to HTML, there is only text but no images such as Expense Barchar. What should I do?
21:58:16 <chenwei> My GnuCash version is 2.2.9.
22:03:04 <chenwei> Is it caused by portable version?
22:06:14 <jsled> no.
22:06:22 <jsled> the reports are "just" html.
22:06:49 <jsled> the images when you view the reports in the app are actually <object> tags that the app tells the HTML renderer to let the app handle.
22:07:01 <jsled> (and generates the appropriate image)
22:07:12 <jsled> when you Export the report, it *only* exports the html.
22:08:04 <jsled> not the <object>s or images they generate.
22:08:08 <jsled> just the raw html
22:08:19 <jsled> I don't even know how it handles those objects
22:08:33 <jsled> in any case, it all sucks.
22:15:11 <chenwei> oh God...
22:16:23 <chenwei> So, I can only print it to PDF.
22:17:12 <chenwei> Thanks for your response.
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