2009-09-14 GnuCash IRC logs

00:42:49 *** Michael1 has joined #gnucash
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11:18:58 <bradgers> when selecting an account in the Hello World report, the report crashes.
11:19:57 <bradgers> using 2.3.5
11:28:07 <bradgers> should I report to bugzilla? How much information would be useful?
11:29:08 <bradgers> oh, never mind. I see it's a fixme in the code. sorry.
11:33:30 *** twunder has joined #gnucash
11:39:07 <warlord> :)
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12:10:54 *** bobby has joined #gnucash
12:10:58 <bobby> hi!
12:11:20 <bobby> how do I tell Gnucash which file to open by default?
12:12:22 <bobby> the thing is that gnucash used to always open the same file and it was fine, but now I have rearranged my files on the harddrive, and gnucash no always tells me "file not found" message
12:14:31 <jsled> it will open the last file you had open, by default. So, quit with the correct file opened, and you should be good to go.
12:16:27 <bobby> jsled: that's what I have been doing for a while, i.e., quitting with the correct file, but it keeps asking me for the old location...as if gnucash was an old horse know it's path and not wanting to learn a new one:)
12:16:53 <jsled> maybe gnucash is unable to persist that change via gconf?
12:17:01 <jsled> what os/distro?
12:17:01 <bobby> is there a specific way to "quit" which would help
12:17:09 <bobby> debian, "squeeze"
12:17:10 <jsled> just file > Quit
12:18:55 <bobby> OK....now it works...I had been quitting using the "X" on the top right
12:19:04 <jsled> huh. that should do the same thing, really.
12:20:11 <bobby> oh well, for now it works, I'll see on the next boot up of my computer
12:20:40 <bobby> where would I go to see if the changes were applied via gconf
12:20:40 <bobby> ?
12:23:57 <warlord> your gconf dir.
12:24:36 <jsled> the "recently opened" or whatever in the File menu. Or the gconf dir. Or via the gconftool-2 , uh , tool.
12:49:44 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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16:51:08 <pj> I am newbie to gnucash. I have two checking accounts, each at a different bank, that I want to be able to import OFX or QFX to each account . I don't know how to get GNUCASH to differentiate between the two checking accounts. I have the two bank accounts set up as Bank and Top level in GnuCash. The transactions downloaded from bank two always post to account 1. I can't find where to fix...
16:51:09 <pj> this. Can you help? I know I'm not doing something correctly.
16:51:11 <pj> I am using 2.2.9 on windows xp and like it very much. I did use Quicken (don't like it much). One of my banks is very small, local bank and doesn't subscribe to the new Quicken format don't want to change banks, but I would like to download the transactions.
16:51:12 <pj> When I posted the second downloaded transaction file, it didn't ask me which account to post it to.
16:51:14 <pj> Thanks for your help.
16:56:18 <warlord> pj: if it didn't ask that means that the OFX came from the same place for the same account. (it has the same accountID in it)
16:58:56 <pj> the acount id is in the OFX file and the QFX but it doesn't match it to anything I set up in GnuCash that I can find or remember. I added a new account, top level, type bank named it Chs. Chs is empty. When the file from Chase bank tries to post, it posts into the other account, named FSB, which has transactions in it and is balanced and reconciled.
17:00:01 <warlord> Which means that when you first loaded an OFX from that bank you tied it to FSB.
17:00:48 <warlord> The OFX importer looks at the OFX Account ID and tries to find a matching account; if it finds one it uses that account. If it doesn't find one it asks you which account this OFX file is for.
17:01:20 <warlord> If it's not asking then it found that OFX Act ID in an existing account, which means that either the OFX AcctId is a duplicate or you already imported once and assigned to the wrong account.
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17:02:46 <pj> I do not remember posting the Chase ofx to my FSB account but that is a mute point. Currently GnuCash is trying to post my Chase OFX to my FSB account. How do I fix it? Uninstall it and start over?
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17:15:33 <warlord> Well, it all depends.. When you download from FSB does it go into the same account?
17:30:44 <pj> it goes into FSB where it is supposed to go. Works nicely.
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17:32:49 <warlord> Hmm.. I didn't think GnuCash allowed two different OFX AccountIDs into the same account, which leads me to believe that the AccountID might be the same on both downloads. Are you using OFX DirectConnect or are you downloading the OFX by hand and then using the File -> Import menu option?
17:34:24 <pj> I'm downloading them by hand. The account ID which appears to be the ABA number and my account number look correct to me in both of the downloaded files. I looked using a generic text editor.
17:35:06 <pj> And used File > Import > OFX/QFX option in GnuCash
17:36:35 <pj> If I delete the FSB and the Chs accounts in GnuCash, then re-add them both might that fix it?
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17:39:57 <warlord> I think it's more than ABA/Acct. I dont know offhand what gets stored as the OFX AcctID.
17:47:57 <warlord> It looks like it should be using bankid branchid acctid
17:48:08 <warlord> That SHOULD be unique between the two..
17:48:29 <warlord> You can TRY to delete both accounts, recreate them, and then re-import them... But you'll lose your existing transactions.
17:52:29 <pj> from the chase file
17:52:31 <pj> <BANKID> the aba number is here
17:52:32 <pj> <ACCTID> my account number is here
17:52:34 <pj> are the parameters near the top of the file
17:52:35 <pj> from the FSB file the <ACCTID> includes my SSN, then the account number
17:54:04 <warlord> So they are definitely different.
17:54:15 <warlord> You could look into your data file and see what it's got stored there...
17:54:24 <warlord> (it's just xml.. or gzipped xml)
17:54:58 <pj> is it better to create the accounts using the New Account button on the tool bar, or letting the import dialog lead me through it?
17:58:18 <warlord> I dont think it matters.
17:58:49 <warlord> You still need to choose the correct account.. BUt I dont understand why it's putting transactions from both OFX files into the same GNC acct. It just shouldn't do that.
18:05:21 <pj> do you know the name of the data file you spoke of earlier?
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18:07:15 <pj> If I delete the two bank accounts and recreate them, but leave the other description accounts, do you think that will be enough to get the OFX posts directed to the proper bank account to be posted? Should I choose different names for them?
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18:12:18 <warlord> it's whatever you called it.
18:14:09 <warlord> I think that just deleting those two accounts should suffice.. But you'll need to handle the existing transactions
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22:06:18 *** bobby has joined #gnucash
22:06:24 <bobby> hi
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22:36:01 <bobby> My question: gnucash used to always open the same file at startup and it was fine, but now I have rearranged my files on the harddrive, and gnucash no always tells me "file not found" message
22:36:51 <bobby> I was told to check via gconf, but I don't know how...anyone's got a clue?
22:37:45 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
22:38:01 <warlord> bobby: just open a few file via File -> Open and then make sure you File -> Quit
22:38:57 <bobby> I did that already as suggested by jsled, but it still won't come back to the file
22:39:47 <bobby> could it make a difference that the file I want to use is located on an external USB hard drive?
22:40:13 <bobby> However, the previous location of the file was on that same usb drive and it always opened jus fine
22:41:26 <warlord> Oh! Yeah, that could make all the difference!!
22:41:43 <warlord> Oh, hmmmmm.
22:41:49 <warlord> that's just odd...
22:41:57 <warlord> maybe gconf is problematic? Check ~/.gconf*
22:42:47 <bobby> could you be more specific about gconf, i.e. its path and the actual file format I am looking for?
22:45:40 <bobby> OK, I found the directories in hidden files in my home directories
22:45:50 <bobby> they are the XML files, right?
22:46:19 <bobby> can I just modify them (with care) using gedit?
22:48:16 <warlord> not without shutting down gconfd first.
22:49:57 <bobby> how so....some "kill" instruction in the terminal?
22:50:25 <bobby> I'm under Debian "squeeze"
22:50:43 <warlord> gconftool-2 --shutdown
22:52:35 <bobby> there are 2 files : "%gconf.xml" and "%gconf.xml~" which one should I try to manipulate....
22:52:48 <bobby> are we talking about the one in the "history" folder?
22:53:05 <warlord> go into history
22:53:26 <warlord> back shortly..
22:53:37 <bobby> i.e. ".gconf/apps/gnucash/history/%gconf.xml" ?
23:10:05 <warlord> yeah
23:10:11 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
23:12:54 <bobby> will reboot and come back...
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23:25:18 <bobby> OK, it seems to be working fine now
23:25:25 <bobby> thanks warlord!
23:26:01 <bobby> this is one very helpful IRC channel!
23:26:03 <bobby> bye now!
23:26:07 *** bobby has quit IRC