2009-09-09 GnuCash IRC logs
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05:03:23 <gjanssens> Still working on the GtkCompletion...
05:04:20 <gjanssens> Current state: I can open a new invoice dialog, and the gtkcompletion gets populated
05:04:55 <gjanssens> No callbacks are in place yet to actually do something with the value entered in the text entry
05:06:23 <gjanssens> I am now seeing segfaults when calling the Easy invoice report, the Printable invoice report and when closing the Vendor selection dialog in new invoice dialog
05:06:47 <gjanssens> I see why, but I'm not sure how to fix it
05:07:22 <gjanssens> The function that creates the gnc_search_dialog has a generic user_data parameter.
05:07:56 <gjanssens> Depending on when the gnc_dialog is created, this parameter will point to a QofBook or an InvoiceWindow struct.
05:11:55 <gjanssens> For my query I need a reference to the QofBook
05:12:21 <gjanssens> Is there a way to know the type of the user_data pointer ?
05:13:02 <gjanssens> In that case I can use the pointer directly or extract the book from the InvoiceWindow struct depending on the type
05:15:15 <gjanssens> For the reports the user_data is of type GncISI, so there are quite some possibilities
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06:25:21 <gjanssens> I couldn't find a way to determine the user_data's type, so I have decided to add an additional book parameter.
06:25:30 <gjanssens> If that's not ok, just let me know.
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08:25:01 <warlord> gjanssens: no. the user_data is for the callback. you're not allowed to use it.
08:25:08 <warlord> You could just use the default book.
08:25:31 <warlord> Or you could add the parameter.
08:26:14 <gjanssens> Thanks, I have chosen for adding a parameter. That works nicely.
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10:10:44 <warlord> just need to make sure you catch all the places where it's needed.
10:11:07 <warlord> (I dont think that API is wrapped in scheme -- if it is you'll need to find all occurrances)
10:11:24 <gjanssens> Indeed. I have been grepping throught the complete source tree.
10:11:36 <gjanssens> I found 4 source files using the API
10:12:12 <gjanssens> I didn't find anything in swig related code, but maybe that's not enough to find the scheme bindings ?
10:24:22 <warlord> I dont know offhand, sorry. been a while since I looked at swig.
10:26:03 <gjanssens> Well, I grepped for gnc_search_general_new in *all* files in the source directory, so that should include all Guile related ones
10:26:26 <gjanssens> Unless function names are mangled for Guile, that is.
10:30:33 <jsled> they are
10:30:46 <jsled> s/_/-/ generally
10:31:06 * jsled drive-by comments
10:31:34 <gjanssens> But shouldn't a grep then at least reveal where the matching happens between the C function and the Guile equivalent ?
10:34:42 <warlord> gjanssens: nope, the conversion is done automagically
10:36:17 <gjanssens> You can see I have not been programming in a loooong time...
10:37:15 <gjanssens> Anyway, there should be a way to find out if an API is exported to Guile or not...
10:37:25 <gjanssens> But I could use some pointers here
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11:04:00 <warlord> I dont know offhand. If the .h is included in a .i then it could be auto-converted.
11:04:06 <warlord> (back shortly)
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11:14:04 *** Willies has joined #gnucash
11:14:08 <Willies> hi
11:14:41 <Willies> Nas tardes
11:15:39 <warlord> gjanssens: I'm back.
11:15:44 <Willies> Seria posible que en futuras versiones de GNUCASH se incorporara el simbolo "." como sÃmbolo decimal ","?
11:17:15 <warlord> Willies: this is an English channel. But yes, gnucash can be set to use either '.' or ',' as the decimal character -- GnuCash chooses that based on your computer's locale setting.
11:17:22 <Willies> okok sorry
11:18:15 <Willies> ah, ok, i try it, and i tell u
11:22:04 <Willies> Mmm, I see on regional configuration that appears "," as decimal but I don't like to change it.
11:22:44 <Willies> I would like to input "." and GNUCASH input ","
11:23:33 <warlord> Oh, that's not possible. Either '.' is the decimal or ',' is the decimal, but you cannot enter '.' and have gnucash treat it like ','
11:23:49 <gjanssens> warlord: I have gone through all the .i files in the source tree, and verified none of them refers to my edited functions in gnc-general-search or included gnc-general-search.h
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11:23:57 <Willies> I don't like 1,000.00 I prefer 1.000,00 but my number keypad is "."
11:24:09 <gjanssens> I have also verified that no other header file includes gnc-general-search.h
11:24:28 <gjanssens> So I think it's safe to assume the API is not exported to Guile
11:24:35 <Willies> ok.. thks.. :)
11:24:50 <warlord> gjanssens: okay.
11:25:01 <warlord> Willies: you could tell your computer to remap that key to ','
11:25:36 <gjanssens> Willies: or start gnucash in another locale
11:25:41 <Willies> mmm, and it affect to all my software, isn't it?
11:26:28 <warlord> remapping would, yes.
11:27:03 <gjanssens> starting gnucash with "LANG=<some_locale> gnucash" wouldn't
11:27:04 <Willies> I don't understard what's "start gnucash in another locale". Sorry for my english..
11:28:22 <gjanssens> <some_locale> should be replaced with the code of a locale that has the , and . used as you like
11:28:24 <gjanssens> For example
11:28:32 <gjanssens> LANG=be gnucash
11:28:53 <gjanssens> be is for Belgian, and my locale uses the 1.000,00 format.
11:29:26 <gjanssens> You may prefer another locale as this method not only affects the number format but also date and time formats
11:29:40 <gjanssens> So you need to find one closest to your preferences.
11:29:49 <Willies> ok, i try ;)
11:33:16 <Willies> gjanssens My LANG is Catalan and my local uses the 1.000,00 format, but my decimal keypad is "." as your keyboard, isn't it)
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11:37:52 <gjanssens> Yes
11:38:58 <gjanssens> My keyboard outputs a "." on the keypad, but in Gnucash the keypad outputs a "," in number fields
11:39:22 <Willies> ok, that's I would like
11:39:54 <Willies> my LANG is european and it will be as your tell
11:40:39 <Willies> it's a bug that belgium OK and catalan NO? :p
11:42:43 <gjanssens> Possibly... I can't remember I had to do something to get this behavior
11:44:01 <Willies> ooook!
11:44:13 <Willies> thanks to your help
11:45:12 <gjanssens> You're welcome
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13:06:28 <gjanssens> By any chance, does anyone know how to store gpointers in a GtkListStore and retrieve them afterwards ?
13:06:58 <gjanssens> I just can't find a good example, and I fail to retrieve anything...
13:07:29 <gjanssens> The program builds fine, but it just doesn't work.
13:15:26 <warlord> gjanssens: maybe as a GObject Named Data?
13:16:24 <gjanssens> I was just moving in that direction
13:17:14 <gjanssens> Can I treat a QofObject as a GObject ?
13:17:17 <warlord> That's usually the standard way. Just be sure to think about references and/or memory management
13:18:10 <gjanssens> So I could use someting like G_OBJECT(myqofobject) and then properly call g_object_unref where needed ?
13:18:13 <warlord> Why would you need to? You said you wanted to put it in a GtkListStore
13:18:39 <warlord> I dont know if all the Qof objects are GObjects yet.
13:19:11 <gjanssens> Indeed. Unfortunatly, GObject is just as new to me as QofObject or GObject Named Data
13:20:31 <gjanssens> My learning curve to GnuCash is quite steep. I'm learning Gtk, Glib, Gobject, autotools and all Gnucash specifics at once.
13:20:44 <gjanssens> So please go gentle on me :)
13:21:28 <warlord> Well, what exactly are you trying to do?
13:22:00 <warlord> Are you trying to add data to the GtkListStore or to the QofInstace?
13:22:01 <gjanssens> I have a QofQuery that has returned me a GList of Vendor/Customer/whatever
13:22:13 <gjanssens> To the GtkListStore
13:22:37 <gjanssens> It should contain the QofObject->printable, together with the QofObject itself
13:23:00 <warlord> Right, then something like g_object_add_data(G_OBJECT(liststore_item), "MyItem", qof_instance);
13:23:51 <warlord> And you should make sure you listen for events so you can refresh the GtkListStore when items are added, removed, or changed.
13:24:28 <gjanssens> Ok, see if I understand properly
13:24:59 <gjanssens> liststore_item, would be a GtkTreeIterator pointing to a new entry in my liststore ?
13:25:15 <gjanssens> qof_instance is what I get from my QofQuery
13:25:31 <gjanssens> I'm not sure what the "MyItem" is supposed to be though
13:25:40 <warlord> GtkTreeIterator: maybe? I dont know the GtkListStore API well enough.
13:25:42 <warlord> qof_instance: yes
13:25:58 <warlord> "MyItem" is just a unique string that you use to "name" the data.
13:29:25 <gjanssens> Mmm, I misinterpreted your suggestion.
13:30:30 <gjanssens> But I think I see how to use it. Let's try on my code...
13:33:06 <warlord> k
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13:48:12 <cooliomattio> Hey can someone please help me
13:48:48 <cooliomattio> Paid monthly rent would that be an Increase in Assets and a Decrease in liabilities
13:49:33 <cooliomattio> Help please
13:50:47 <warlord> You mean rent you collected from a tenant or rent you paid?
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14:34:08 <fid|work> what's the advantage to "reconciling" my account? I regularly check my account against the bank's web page, and "clear" each item as it comes in. Why go through the extra step of "reconciling"?
14:34:46 <jsled> it just helps bookkeep and automate that process, is all.
14:35:08 <gxti> it makes more sense if you get statements, since you're basically signing off on the balance on the statement
14:35:37 <fid|work> but isn't that what I'm doing against their website anyway?
14:35:51 <fid|work> I went about a year reconciling each month, but I haven't reconciled in about six months now.
14:35:58 <gxti> no, you're clearing individual transactions. reconciliation is also validating the balance.
14:36:10 <fid|work> hmm...
14:36:20 <gxti> of course gnucash shows a 'cleared balance', but with reconciliation you start from the balance and work backwards
14:36:37 <fid|work> maybe my bank is different? I get a list of transactions along with their understanding of my current balance, which I match up when I clear the transactions.
14:36:47 <fid|work> ah, so it's another verification, working differently from clearing?
14:36:54 <gxti> yes
14:36:55 <jsled> it's the same thing.
14:36:58 <gxti> it's just a more formal way of clearing.
14:37:35 <fid|work> Am I likely to bring down any unholy tax or accounting demons if I stop reconciling and just clear transactions?
14:37:46 <fid|work> or is it just a formality?
14:37:58 <gxti> you don't have to do anything if you don't want to
14:38:09 <gxti> i prefer the formality of it, perhaps you do not
14:38:09 <fid|work> no, I know, but I don't want to shoot myself in the foot
14:40:15 <fid|work> ok, thanks for the info!
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19:23:44 <fidget> Hello, I'm the finance representative for a cooperative house and I'm trying to see if I can't manage our finances through gnucash. Unfortunately I'm having some difficulty.
19:23:56 <fidget> I have set up each member of the coop as a "customer" in the business tools, but several of the members go back far enough that I don't have records about their payment history. Is it possible to give a customer an "opening balance"?
19:24:07 <fidget> Also, is there a simpler way to post rent invoices en masse? I have about 25 people to keep track of and it's very innane typing in the same thing 25 times, so I was wondering if there is a mass invoice function.
19:24:20 <fidget> Also, I have records for the coop for the last year and I'd like to start with that history, is there a way to back fill the data? Do I have to put in back dated invoices for every transaction?
19:24:28 <fidget> Is there a better/easier way to do this? Thanks all.
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20:04:46 *** Axo has joined #gnucash
20:06:40 <Axo> Hey, I wonder if someone could help me debug a crash I'm experiencing with 2.3.5. I compiled with debugging support and have the backtrace
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20:14:50 <warlord> fidget: I'm afraid there isn't a good way to back-fill. Nor is there a good way to duplicate invoices. For the opening balance I'd just create an invoice with the opening balance posted on the "start date"..
20:15:19 <warlord> .. but you might find the business features too cumbersome for you, for now.. At least until there's a "duplicate invoice" feature, or a "multiple invoice" feature.
20:15:29 <warlord> Axo: pastebin the BT?
20:15:37 <Axo> Sure thing, warlord
20:16:49 <Axo> http://pastebin.com/d5245fa56
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20:18:36 <warlord> Axo: Are you sure you did a "make install"?
20:19:00 <Axo> Yeah. do you suspect an outdated version of that file?
20:19:00 <warlord> that procedure is defined in regiser.scm
20:19:11 <warlord> yes...
20:19:42 <Axo> it's dated today as of about 30 minutes ago, which is when I did the install
20:21:02 <Axo> I can pastebin standard-reports.scm if you'd be able to see outdatedness
20:21:12 <warlord> Do you have multiple versions of gnucash installed on your system?
20:21:44 <Axo> I hope not, I always make uninstall or unmerge before trying a new version. I can delete that directory and try the install again
20:22:02 <Axo> I have the same behavior on windows XP, with the binary from sourceforge, btw
20:23:21 <warlord> I'm pretty sure that file hasn't changed in a while..
20:23:45 <warlord> BUt.... /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/standard-reports.scm ---- how are you getting it into /usr/share ??
20:24:02 <warlord> That seems like a system-installed version of the file.
20:24:04 <Axo> "sudo make install"
20:24:50 <warlord> that would put it into /usr/local, not /usr.
20:24:57 <warlord> What ./configure options did you give?
20:24:59 <Axo> I configured with prefix=/usr
20:25:11 <warlord> Why>?
20:25:24 <Axo> I saw no reason not to?
20:25:31 <Axo> I can redo that now
20:25:34 <Axo> if it would help
20:26:24 <warlord> Well.... at this point I have no idea where stuff is... it's installed all over the place, so even if you DID do a 'make distclean' and ./configure --prefix=/opt/gnucash ----- there's no telling what might be left behind in /usr
20:26:33 <warlord> you can try a "make uninstall" before you move on....
20:26:43 <warlord> and then find /usr -name gnucash
20:26:44 <Axo> okay, just a sec
20:26:48 <warlord> to see if there's anything left.
20:27:14 <warlord> but honestly....
20:27:31 <warlord> nothing has changed in that file in a long time, i'm pretty sure.
20:28:26 <Axo> okay, well this crash occurs anytime I try to access reports > account report. in linux or windows, and it has as long as I've been using 2.3.5 I believe
20:29:00 <warlord> Yeah, the last change of standard-reports.scm was 2009-08-15
20:29:11 <warlord> what about 2.3.4
20:29:25 <Axo> I'm not savvy enough to know what a .scm file is, but could there have been another change that relates to it?
20:29:35 <Axo> 2.3.4 worked as I recall
20:32:07 <warlord> 2.3.4 was 3 weeks ago... so it was in 2.3.4
20:32:28 <warlord> What OS/Distro are you on?
20:32:29 <Axo> I'm downloading the 2.3.4 tarball, I'll try that again. I did encounter the postgresql date bug though that was resolved in 2.3.5
20:32:55 <Axo> gentoo, linux 2.6.30, but im perfectly willing to setup other environments if it will help
20:34:21 <warlord> No clue. I run off svn.
20:34:46 <jsled> Axo: if you want 2.3.4, you should just be able to rename the ebuild in an overlay
20:35:16 <Axo> I don't want to run 2.3.4 beyond checking if this particular problem changed between the versions
20:36:22 <Axo> but thanks, jsled
20:37:12 <warlord> honestly, this looks like a 'you have stale files hanging around' problem
20:37:44 <Axo> when I ran make distclean, all the files (and the dir) /usr/share/gnucash were removed
20:39:00 <warlord> that's a good thing...
20:39:31 <Axo> yeah, that leads me to believe there may be another problem. I'll try the trunk version from subversion too :)
20:39:53 <Axo> find /usr -iname "*gnucash*" turns up nothing but some icons from KDE, so I think it's cleanly removed
20:49:25 <warlord> k
20:58:19 <Axo> http://pastebin.com/d34fcd698 - same result, from svn
21:11:43 <warlord> Axo: do you have open/saved report?
21:11:44 <warlord> s
21:12:04 <Axo> warlord: no
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21:14:52 <warlord> I'm sorry, Axo .. I dont know what's up. I dont think anyone else has this issue. Try posting it to gnucash-devel?
21:15:46 <Axo> okay, I shall do that. I imagine there's a wiki page with a list of things that are good to send with a trouble report
21:16:34 <warlord> there's not a wiki page of issues.. there's bugzilla.
21:17:10 <Axo> right, but as far as what I should include when reporting the problem
21:18:24 <warlord> Oh, ummmm... as much as you can?
21:18:31 <warlord> Worst case people will ask for more info
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21:24:59 <Axo> haha okay, thanks for your help
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21:56:20 <fidget> warlord: then I shouldn't use gnucash for my coop? do you have any alternatives to suggest?
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