2009-09-07 GnuCash IRC logs
00:20:56 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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03:28:34 <friedger> Hi, how do I connect to google checkout? Is it possible?
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07:55:20 <gjanssens> I'm trying to get a list of vendors or customers from the engine (directly in c code), preferably in a format "list of GncOwner". Any pointers to where I should start looking ?
07:55:36 <gjanssens> I'm browsing through the doxygen info, but it's quite elaborate...
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09:58:23 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:58:41 <warlord> gjanssens: you can't do it as a set of GncOwner. But you can create a query
09:59:01 <warlord> ... it will give you a GList* of GncCustomer* (or GncVendor*)
10:00:00 <gjanssens> That's close enough
10:00:19 <gjanssens> Where can I find an example of such a query ?
10:01:44 <gjanssens> I'm looking into qofquery at the moment, but without some example it's hard to understand for me
10:03:59 <gjanssens> Hmm, I may have found a starting point in dialog-invoice.c, line 2442 and onwards.
10:04:08 <gjanssens> I'll see if I can figure it out.
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10:32:01 <warlord> Yep, dialog-invoice is where to look. Basically: create the query, tell it to search for customers, set the book, and if you want maybe search only for active...
10:36:06 <gjanssens> so for vendor this would mean something like gncQueryCreateFor(GNC_ID_VENDOR); ... and setting the book
10:36:46 <gjanssens> As already mentioned yesterday, I am attempting to setup a GtkComboBoxEntry for the business dialogs
10:37:54 <gjanssens> When selecting a vendor when creating a new bill, I presume it makes most sense to only list the active vendors in such a comboboxentry, right ?
10:55:49 <warlord> A GtkComboBoxEntry using a GtkCompletion?
10:56:01 <warlord> (sorry, didn't read yesteday's log)
10:58:10 <warlord> IMHO if you make a generic GtkCompletion-based 'search for' entry it would be really nice. It could be used everywhere the current generic search is used.
10:58:43 <warlord> The idea is that you start typing into it and when you pause typing for a second or two it performs a search based on your input and pops up a combo-box with the results.
10:59:22 <warlord> Of course you should still have a full search available... because the GtkCompletion can only search on one thing (I think Company Name for Customer/Vendor)
10:59:42 <warlord> I think pre-loading a combo box ahead of time would be a mistake.
11:14:37 <gjanssens> Why is that ? Gnucash has a nice example of a GktComboBoxEntry combined with GtkCompletion in the PriceEditor dialog.
11:14:44 <gjanssens> It gives the user both options:
11:14:59 <gjanssens> select from the combo box' drop down list
11:15:11 <gjanssens> start typing and get autocompletion
11:15:24 <gjanssens> I thought that would be neat.
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11:16:13 <gjanssens> Of course, I'm just the newbie here, so your opinion matters more
11:18:00 <gjanssens> Anyway, the combobox or entry with completion are not the challenge for me. It's getting the proper query setup and the list populated. But I'm slowly getting there...
11:18:36 <gjanssens> (That sounds a bit weird)
11:19:40 <gjanssens> I meant to say: in the code, I can easily switch between a combobox or an entry with completion. They both depend on a list model. And I'm currently struggling with getting the list properly populated.
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11:42:27 <warlord> After you setup the query, run QofQueryRun() and it returns a GList*
11:42:48 <warlord> Setting up the Query is easy -- think of it as you would a SQL statement. What are you searching for?
11:43:43 <gjanssens> It depends of the context in which gnc_general_search is used
11:44:06 <gjanssens> So far I have found I can use the book and type that are passed to gnc_search_general_new to begin my query
11:44:45 <gjanssens> Now I should add the "Active" limitiation, similar to "WHERE owner = Active" in pseudo SQL
11:45:00 <gjanssens> And a sort on the name
11:45:43 <gjanssens> owner of course can be Vendor, Customer, Job, Employee,... The type part in the query deals with it I assume
12:01:19 <warlord> Right.
12:02:07 <warlord> And then you could use the appropriate COMPANY_ID for the partial string input.
12:02:34 <warlord> (but that should be a parameter to this object, so that different types can default to different default search items)
12:06:26 <warlord> (fyi -- i'm taking off in about 15 minutes or so)
12:07:39 <gjanssens> heh, I won't have finished this in 15 mins, but I'm making progress.
12:08:12 <gjanssens> Should I have more questions later, I'll ask them when you're back, tomorrow or so
12:08:31 <gjanssens> Thanks already for your input so far. It's been most helpful
12:09:27 <warlord> you;re welcome. And thank you for working on the GtkCompletion! It's been on my wish-list for about 6 years.
12:10:05 <gjanssens> Yeah, on mine for about 3 years...
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12:24:22 <warlord> good luck!
12:24:24 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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19:58:03 <andrefgj> Everytime I open my gnucash file the screen is not fully displayed, I have to click in the last row to solve it. Any clue on how to solve it permanently?
20:03:01 <andrefgj> I uploaded a screenshot of may screen on http://www.box.net/shared/kgmynzkdcb so you can doublecheck
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21:13:05 <andrefgj> Everytime I open my gnucash file the screen is not fully displayed, I have to click in the last row to solve it. Any clue on how to solve it permanently? I uploaded a screenshot of my screen on http://www.box.net/shared/kgmynzkdcb so you can doublecheck
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