2009-08-24 GnuCash IRC logs
02:43:55 *** RobotCow has joined #gnucash
04:09:15 *** david has joined #gnucash
04:11:48 <david> hi, I've seen article on accounting periods: http://code.neil.williamsleesmill.me.uk/gnome2/bookperiods.html
04:13:14 <david> Linas said that Plan A has been implemented in the engine.
04:14:23 <david> It seems it is not reflected in GUI, doesn't it?
04:15:07 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
04:15:45 <david> Is the functionality accessible without C-coding?
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04:44:10 *** bentob0x has joined #gnucash
05:02:13 *** david has quit IRC
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07:16:31 *** mib_sj9q8h has joined #gnucash
07:17:38 *** david has joined #gnucash
07:18:05 <david> I was disconnected, please, if you answered the question on books closing, please, could you re-enter the answer?
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07:46:28 *** Jimraehl has joined #gnucash
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09:00:04 <linas> david you did not miss any answers
09:00:52 <linas> gack. Its still not in the GUI?
09:01:17 <linas> Its been a long time.
09:05:27 <david> linas: there is a menu item "Close books" but it does not do that. It just calculates profit to equity. But does not open new period in the way described.
09:17:40 <linas> are you a programmer?
09:23:36 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:26:47 <david> not much ... I wouln't tamper with C (I am rather database and reporting guy)
09:27:39 <warlord> The "split the data file into multiple files" code was buggy, so it's not in the GUI.
09:27:57 <warlord> The "Zeroize Inc/Exp" feature was implemented as a quick way to solve part of the problem.
09:28:05 <david> I 've prepare some proprietary reports above the sql backend in Jasper iReport
09:29:34 <david> but the application and c coding is too hard stuff for me
09:59:35 *** goodger has quit IRC
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11:29:06 *** RobotCow has quit IRC
12:06:52 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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14:46:00 <david> warlord: I looked deeper at the organisation of books. I tried to close last year and to open a new one. And finally, I agree that the easy method is sufficient (for my company purposes).
14:46:25 <warlord> :)
14:46:42 <warlord> If you want to "checkpoint" your file I suggest writing it to a CD-ROM
14:47:32 <david> Sure, there are always back-ups and aftery the year end for sure.
14:48:12 <warlord> :)
14:48:54 <david> Once I'll have millions of transactions, I will be my pleasure to solve sizing etc :]
14:48:59 <david> :)
14:54:14 <warlord> Right.
14:54:41 <warlord> At which point you will probably have outgrown GnuCash and can afford to buy something that can keep up.
14:55:46 <david> well... but my choice of GnuCash was not due to its impressive price :)
14:56:24 <david> I love that it is absolutely easy and transparent
14:57:19 <david> it just systemizes the basic accounting principles, nothin more ...
14:57:45 <david> and so ... it enables to do everything
14:58:29 <david> I have rather complicated accounts, and many, many, many commercial software fails the goals
15:01:04 <david> well, GnuCas isn't perfect, but SQL backend will bring it closer
15:11:25 <warlord> :)
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16:00:00 *** hvx has quit IRC
16:14:39 *** Simon_ is now known as Simon
16:15:17 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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18:27:43 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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20:50:51 <Blackless> if i got Employee that does not have base salary but get % of what he/she sales , is there a way to make gnucash do the calculation?
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21:30:27 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
21:30:55 <warlord> Blackless: I can't think of an easy way to get gnucash to do that. Keep in mind that GnuCash doesn't have payroll at all.
21:41:23 <delaman> warlord: how do i do line 4 :) http://pastebin.com/m7e70954a
21:41:52 <warlord> Add it to Makefile.am
21:44:09 *** twunder has joined #gnucash
21:45:21 <delaman> warlord: :( i dont understand http://pastebin.com/m45c73e6b , lil help here. i have only compiled lil projects before nothing big like gnucash
21:46:58 <jsled> delaman: take a look at the Makefile.am in the directory of your file.
21:47:53 <jsled> though looking at that file … without some qof_init and file-loading, you're not going to be doing much.
21:48:40 *** francois248 has joined #gnucash
21:51:04 <warlord> delaman: I hope you're not putting your code in the top-level directory....
21:51:19 * delaman hides
21:51:25 <francois248> Hi, Just upgrade to 2.2.9 on Ubuntu 9.04. Now I cannot import OFX file anymore (not available in menu) How to enable it again? Thank's
21:53:10 <warlord> francois248: I have no idea how Ubuntu packages it.. you'll either need to install the ofx sub-package, or rebuild it.
21:54:33 <francois248> I download from gnucash site and build it manually. How to rebuild this OFX sub-package?
21:54:53 *** ka0ttic has joined #gnucash
21:55:02 <warlord> delaman: yeah, don't put it in there. put it in a reasonable, place, like src/import-export/<something?
21:55:09 <warlord> francois248: did you enable ofx?
21:57:17 <francois248> Where is this option to enable OFX, did I miss it when building the package?
21:57:37 <jsled> francois248: `./configure --help` will list all options, and --enable-ofx will be one of them.
21:58:01 <warlord> yes, you missed it..
21:58:06 <warlord> you'll need to re-configure .
21:58:22 <jsled> see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Ubuntu for some details about alternative 'buntu packaging.
21:58:43 <jsled> (though it seems stalled at 2.2.6, too.)
21:59:22 <jsled> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/BuildGutsy might help get you going in the right direction.
21:59:25 <warlord> I have no idea why Ubuntu stalled so badly.
22:00:46 <delaman> jsled: file-loading?
22:01:06 <francois248> Thank's a lot for the information. So I will rebuild it....
22:01:35 <warlord> delaman: if you're building a plugin then you can use the existing book. but then you need to tie into gnucash as a plugin
22:05:56 * delaman is afraid to ask, how to tie his "code" to gnucash as a plugin.
22:08:22 <warlord> delaman: look at an existing plugin.
22:08:48 <delaman> lol why didnt i think of that, whats a good simple one
22:09:08 <warlord> hmm... maybe the csv importer?
22:09:49 <delaman> cool, thanks
22:10:12 * delaman is off studing the csv importer
22:12:21 *** francois248 has left #gnucash
23:35:20 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
23:56:27 *** Blackless has quit IRC