2009-08-18 GnuCash IRC logs
00:03:40 *** goodger has joined #gnucash
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05:27:47 <message144> Hi, I have disabled filemode in my repo, but for some reason, every time I run "git reset --hard HEAD", it changes the file permissions. Is there something I can do to prevent this?
05:27:53 <message144> Doh, sorry..
05:27:54 <message144> wrong chan
05:27:58 <message144> my bad
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06:28:35 <davidV> hi, does 2.3.4-svn-r18259-setup.exe from yesterday or r18262 from today operate?
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09:43:37 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:43:42 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot
09:44:03 <warlord> davidV: it should. does it not?
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10:29:00 <davidV> warlord: no... todays version installs, but it fails on startup
10:29:52 <davidV> it does not give any error message, but the splash screen disappears ... and nothing
10:30:34 <warlord> Ah, this is the report loading error that was reported yesterday..
10:47:35 <davidV> warlord: thanks for info
10:48:04 <warlord> you're welcome.
10:48:11 <warlord> Hopefully this will get fixed relatively soon.
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16:43:02 <delaman> warlord: is my logic correct? http://pastebin.com/m48cc712e
16:44:14 <warlord> Umm.. I guess?
16:44:44 <warlord> Not sure what you're trying to accomplish... And you certainly don't have enough information there to be doing anything. But yes, that would create a Split and assign a Split Memo.
16:46:24 <warlord> You also don't have any error checking..
16:47:44 <delaman> warlord: k,,,,, let me work on it,, only been using C for like a couple of days
16:48:04 <delaman> i do know some C++ though
16:48:44 <warlord> C is similar to C++ but without a lot of the syntactic sugar that C++ gives you.
16:57:18 <delaman> warlord: http://code.neil.williamsleesmill.me.uk/texi/gnucash-design_4.html#SEC77 i dont see where to set the respective "parent Transaction" and "parent Account" for a given split
16:58:16 <warlord> Try http://code.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/
16:58:25 <warlord> Neil's is..... out of date at best.
16:58:51 <delaman> warlord: ahhh ok thanks
17:00:03 <warlord> How did you get over there?
17:03:21 <delaman> http://code.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/ link of "GnuCash Design Overview"
17:17:09 <warlord> Oh really?? Huh!
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18:01:26 <delaman> warlord: http://code.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/group__Instance.html#g0497d623d26d83dca611a9614e5eda60 what is the argument? where do i find gconstpointer ? i just dont understand :( :(
18:01:45 <warlord> gconstpointer is a "const void *"
18:01:56 <jsled> as defined by glib, I imagine.
18:02:13 <warlord> Yes.
18:02:23 <delaman> k
18:02:33 <warlord> But in this case it's asking for a QofInstance*
18:02:44 <jsled> yeah. bad definiton.
18:02:51 <warlord> (I dont know why it's prototyped as a gconstpointer and not a const QofInstance*
18:02:53 <warlord> )
18:03:40 <jsled> you can see the runtime cast check to make sure it is one. g_return_val_if_fail(QOF_IS_INSTANCE(ptr), NULL);
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18:07:37 <delaman> ok, im confused so what would i put for the argument on line 10 http://pastebin.com/m7c27542d
18:08:31 <jsled> delaman: you should take a look at some of the testcases.
18:08:56 <jsled> especially ones that either setup a new session/instance/book, or that create one from an existing file.
18:09:17 <jsled> look for the test/ subdirs of src/engine/ and src/app-util/ and probably src/backend/xml/
18:10:09 <delaman> thank you jsled
18:11:09 <jsled> Also … things like xaccMallocTransaction(…) return pointers.
18:11:23 <jsled> the whole idea of "malloc" is to return a pointer to new memory on the heap.
18:12:11 <warlord> delaman: You would need a QOF_INSTANCE to use that API.
18:12:20 <warlord> So the answer is you cannot use that API there..
18:12:34 <warlord> delaman: You should look at the tests as jsled suggests.
18:12:44 <warlord> Or better yet.... What exactly ARE you trying to do?
18:14:16 <delaman> lol, im trying to input data into gnucash from a P.O.system database
18:16:22 <warlord> As a standalone application?
18:16:31 <warlord> Or as a gnucash plugin / importer?
18:17:17 <delaman> importer
18:19:00 <warlord> Ah, okay, then I would look at some of the existing importers...
18:19:20 <warlord> E.g., you can get the Current Open Book...
18:23:23 <delaman> "Open Book" ?
18:28:23 <warlord> Yes
18:28:26 <warlord> The open book
18:28:58 <warlord> QofBook
18:30:20 <jsled> delaman: there's an implicit "session" that the application instance is operating against, and – in the normal case – the session has a currently-open "book".
18:30:38 <jsled> Think "book" like "accounting books" like "on the books". :)
18:31:21 <jsled> Unfortunately, that's the root of the gnucash application data. (really, the books should be subordinate to the datafile, I think, but that's a whole other discussion)
18:31:44 <delaman> :)
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18:40:03 <delaman> how do i compile something like /src/engine/test-date.c ? The README is of little help to me.... sorry for my questions i just have never worked on a project of this size before.
18:40:30 <jsled> delaman: the easiest way is to build the whole tree.
18:40:42 <jsled> once you can do that, look into Makefile.am in that dir.
18:41:01 <jsled> in short: not by hand. :)_
18:41:07 <jsled> (s/_//)
18:47:04 <jsled> "Nice! Google emp found buffer overflows in SVN! RT @Gentoo_Security GLSA 200908-05 (High): subversion http://bit.ly/d3sUJ #gentoo #security" — http://twitter.com/marchica03/statuses/3392244944
18:47:06 <jsled> warlord: ^
18:47:36 <jsled> "A remote attacker with commit access could exploit this vulnerability […]"
18:50:42 <warlord> Amusingly, I have F10 svn-1.6.4 RPMs. ;)
18:51:48 <jsled> ah, cool.
18:56:13 <warlord> subversion and mod_dav_svn updated.
18:57:25 <warlord> ( not sure if I need to restart apache )
19:00:45 * warlord debates whether to just "yum update" the server.
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21:02:00 <delaman> jsled: i still do not understand how to "compile" /src/engine/test/test-query.c ,,,,, what do you mean look inside Makefile.am ?
21:03:09 <jsled> delaman: are you able to build the whole project?
21:03:22 <delaman> jsled: i did
21:10:46 <jsled> delaman: if you go into that directory and `make check`, it'll run all the test cases in that dir
21:10:50 <jsled> including test-query.c
21:11:25 <warlord> delaman: make -C src/engine check
21:11:52 <warlord> delaman: did you run "make check"?
21:11:58 <warlord> to rebuild a test you need 'check'
21:12:28 <delaman> i ran inside /src/engine/test "make check"
21:12:30 <delaman> i got an error
21:13:01 <warlord> what error?
21:13:05 <delaman> http://pastebin.com/m7ccd71cb
21:13:18 <warlord> did 'make check' work before you made changes?
21:13:47 <warlord> Did you run "make check" from the top-level?
21:14:06 <delaman> i only ran "make check" from /src/engine/test
21:14:15 <warlord> Oh, you have to run 'make check' from the top first.
21:15:19 <delaman> k, running "make check" from the top
21:19:36 <delaman> done
21:34:35 <warlord> there ya go.
21:34:41 <warlord> NOW you can run partial builds/checks/
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23:03:13 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk