2009-08-17 GnuCash IRC logs
00:05:20 <gabangie_> u mean with gnucash?
00:05:23 <gabangie_> or other?
00:05:28 <mnk0> gnucash
00:05:57 <gabangie_> have u look for video tutorials or something?
00:06:08 <mnk0> well i follow the guide on the website
00:06:35 <gabangie_> is this the first one u have used?
00:06:43 <gabangie_> how long have u had it?
00:06:51 <mnk0> what you mean?
00:06:58 <mnk0> http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/invest-sell1.html
00:07:10 <mnk0> i dont get how to track the capital Gain
00:09:00 <gabangie_> i mean how long have u been using cash?
00:09:20 <mnk0> couple months
00:09:27 <gabangie_> http://www.consumerismcommentary.com/2008/07/18/gnucash-free-software-for-balancing-your-checkbook-and-more/
00:09:28 <mnk0> like 8 months
00:09:37 <gabangie_> do u like it?
00:09:42 <mnk0> yes love it
00:09:44 <mnk0> its fuckn amazin
00:09:55 <gabangie_> is it easy to use in the begining?
00:10:00 <mnk0> yeah
00:10:03 <mnk0> oh u never used it before?
00:10:09 <gabangie_> have u tried others?
00:10:16 <mnk0> quicken years ago
00:10:29 <gabangie_> i just starting and reading some about this
00:10:31 <mnk0> but , i run all linux so gnucash is the natural path for me
00:11:02 <gabangie_> what happend with quicken?
00:12:00 <gabangie_> have u tried to use some erp/crm?
00:12:14 <gabangie_> like sugar crm it might be good for ur biz
00:15:05 <mnk0> nah man
00:15:13 <mnk0> gnucash is for financial management
00:15:24 <mnk0> and personal net worth
00:15:32 <mnk0> that busniness shit is for other shit
00:21:19 <jsled> gabangie_: when people don't respond to you after less than a minute, or even 5 minutes, the correct response isn't "hellooooo" &c.
00:22:16 <jsled> also, the word is "you", not "u". :p
00:22:57 <gabangie_> ok sorry
00:23:02 <gabangie_> i did nt know it
00:23:30 <gabangie_> yes i know about the you and u thing but u is shorter ;)
00:24:28 <gabangie_> well if anyone know about a video tutorial about a gnucash i ll apretiate a lot ;)
00:24:36 <gabangie_> apreciate
00:25:44 <jsled> gabangie_: have you seen the Tutorial and Concepts Guide? It's not a video tutorial, but it does have some instruction.
00:27:12 <gabangie_> nt yet
00:27:41 <gabangie_> do u know abassis?
00:28:52 <jsled> not before. I see what google tells me about it, now.
00:34:16 <mnk0> jsled:
00:34:24 <mnk0> u familiar with stock sales?
00:34:42 <jsled> the word is "you".
00:34:44 <jsled> And, no.
00:34:55 <mnk0> oh k
00:34:59 <mnk0> and its called slang
00:35:07 <mnk0> u == you
00:35:22 <jsled> yes, I know. It doesn't make it any less stupid.
00:35:31 <mnk0> nothing stupid about it
00:35:38 <mnk0> its just slang
00:35:45 <jsled> u r etarded.
00:35:48 <mnk0> are you?
00:36:07 <mnk0> whats with the attitude problem
00:36:33 <jsled> huh?
00:36:40 <mnk0> you can read?
00:38:28 <jsled> yes, I can read.
00:38:45 <mnk0> then what was the confusion about?
00:38:56 <jsled> which?
00:39:04 <mnk0> 00:36 <@jsled> huh?
00:39:30 <jsled> Oh, I'm sorry. I meant, "huh? [what attitude problem?]"
00:40:26 <mnk0> well the attiude problem that you let off just now
00:41:11 <jsled> calling you stupid and retarded? Oh … that's just correlation with everyone else I've ever seen on the internet that's used 'u' and 'r' as words.
00:41:30 <mnk0> yeah, thats what the attitude problem is
00:41:37 <mnk0> so whats with it
00:43:03 <jsled> Well, I don't believe there is a problem, really. :)
00:43:34 <mnk0> oh
00:43:59 <mnk0> so ure just one of those guys then
00:44:01 <mnk0> i see
00:44:40 <jsled> what sort, I beg?
00:44:57 <jsled> those that believe words should be spelled correctly? Yes. I guess I am.
00:45:14 <mnk0> whatever you want to believe
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10:27:18 <jcreigh> In a budget, is there a way to copy a single value forward so you don't have to re-enter it for every budget period? (For budgets which won't vary much from month-to-month)
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10:35:37 <machtfuernacht> Hi
10:37:03 <machtfuernacht> Who compiles the nightly builds for Windows? And can someone ask him to try a `make clean`?
10:38:05 <warlord> I do.
10:38:12 <warlord> Well, my machine does. It's automated.
10:38:37 <warlord> Why do you need a 'make clean'?
10:39:05 <machtfuernacht> Because gnucash doesn't start anymore.
10:39:46 <machtfuernacht> Well, it loads, but exits with code 02 before the main windows is shown.
10:40:46 <warlord> Are you sure a make clean will make a difference?
10:40:54 <warlord> I can certainly try ...
10:41:13 <warlord> But the 2.3.4 tag didn't build, which implies a different issue.
10:41:18 <machtfuernacht> I don't know but I'm not the only one
10:41:32 <machtfuernacht> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=591761
10:42:43 <machtfuernacht> And on Windows it's not easy to debug this without building it. Or do you know a strace-like tool for Widnows?
10:46:47 <warlord> I'm neither a windows dev nor a windows user. I just run the VM server.
10:48:46 <machtfuernacht> I'm normaly on Linux, but the treasurers of our club are more familiar with Windows.
10:50:26 <warlord> When's the last daily build that worked?
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10:52:08 <machtfuernacht> Good question, I believe 18226 was the last one, but the next one I tried was 18253
10:53:18 <machtfuernacht> I think this not starting Bug has something to to with guile and/or the new scm files.
10:55:18 <machtfuernacht> Btw. how complicated is it to upgrade AqBanking and libgmp versione? To check weather bug 587887 depends on a bug between Aq and gmp or not.
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10:57:40 <warlord> Could you test to figure out when it started failing?
10:57:52 <warlord> Knowing when it fails will help track down why.
10:58:20 <warlord> As for upgrading AqB... it requires some coordination.
10:59:07 <machtfuernacht> hmm k warlord give me a few minutes.
10:59:39 <warlord> Take your time.
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11:11:50 <machtfuernacht> 18239 works, I test the next one
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11:17:10 <warlord> ok
11:23:36 <machtfuernacht> 18246 is fine too
11:28:43 <warlord> okay....
11:29:14 <machtfuernacht> 2 minutes till final check
11:31:04 <warlord> ok
11:36:57 <machtfuernacht> 18248 works to
11:37:29 <machtfuernacht> Something between 18258 and 18253 is the reason
11:37:36 <machtfuernacht> 18248
11:38:22 <warlord> 248->253. Got it.
11:39:08 <machtfuernacht> And when I look into the log from Proecess Monitor I think 253 is the reason.
11:39:40 <machtfuernacht> because it exits with code 2 while loading the standard-reports
11:39:58 <warlord> Anything printed in the gnucash.trace file?
11:40:15 <warlord> You should send mail to gnucash-devel so Phil knows.
11:40:52 <machtfuernacht> Where can I find the gnucash.trace?
11:41:32 <warlord> Ummm.. %TMPDIR% ?
11:41:36 <warlord> I'm not sure.
11:41:48 <warlord> c.f. I'm not a win32 dev/user
11:42:30 <machtfuernacht> Yes tmp is right
11:46:44 <machtfuernacht> http://pastebin.com/d37e159a1
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11:51:27 <machtfuernacht> I'll send a message to the ML whan I have the password to change from digest mode to normal mode.
11:56:05 <warlord> ah
12:00:34 <machtfuernacht> Done.
12:02:00 <warlord> cool. thanks.
12:11:52 <warlord> machtfuernacht: Uggh, I was hoping there was a scheme crash dump in the trace file. :(
12:16:27 <machtfuernacht> As I said. not easy to find the bug.
12:16:48 <machtfuernacht> But I'm to lazy to setup a build environment on Windows.
12:19:18 <warlord> The other option is to convert the gnucash-bin to a command-line app and then run gnucash from the CMD prompt.. Which should hopefully output the scheme crash dump.
12:19:28 <warlord> I think it's a bug that it's getting put into the log.
12:19:37 <warlord> (log == trace)
12:19:57 <machtfuernacht> Yes but the cmd is destroyed before I can see anything
12:21:15 <machtfuernacht> hmm perhaps with gdb .. I'll gibe it a try
12:23:43 <machtfuernacht> http://pastebin.com/db18fa97 better?
12:27:04 <warlord> MUCH
12:27:16 <warlord> Can you forward that to the list?
12:29:36 <machtfuernacht> grmpf dodn't get the mail, got a last digest. I hate creating a new mail instead of replying.
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12:31:25 <warlord> I give you permission to send another one. Feel free to say I told you to do so..
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12:51:23 <warlord> Thanks! That should be sufficient for Phil to fix.
12:52:56 <machtfuernacht> gmail is strange, sometimes I get copies of my mails to mailinglists, sometimes not...
12:57:47 <warlord> Probably depends on the mailing list.
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13:00:34 <GeekInAsia> Anyone here getting a libmysql.dll missing message on installation ? And if so know how to fix it ?
13:01:11 <warlord> I've heard a few reports.
13:02:20 <machtfuernacht> GeekInAsia I can send you the one from the lib directory
13:03:37 <GeekInAsia> any help would be appreciated
13:04:33 <warlord> Do you NEED 2.3.x?
13:04:49 <GeekInAsia> i am installing for the first time to be honest
13:05:10 <warlord> Then use 2.2.9
13:05:38 <GeekInAsia> but i really want the mysql backend
13:05:48 <machtfuernacht> warlord I need it for online banking. Which doesn't work for me on windows :P
13:05:57 <machtfuernacht> Then you need the 2.3.x
13:06:11 <warlord> GeekInAsia: The MySQL backend is still in testing...
13:06:24 <warlord> And it WILL change before 2.4, which means you WILL have to re-create your tables.
13:06:31 <warlord> It's only for testing, not for real data.
13:06:45 <GeekInAsia> ah ok, what a pity
13:06:52 <machtfuernacht> warlord good to know
13:06:59 <warlord> This is why we're doing TEST releases.. 2.3.x are all TEST releases.
13:06:59 <machtfuernacht> Is sqlite the same?
13:07:03 <warlord> Yes.
13:07:41 <machtfuernacht> Hehe then it's good that I was to lazy to switch to it *g*
13:07:48 <warlord> :)
13:09:19 <machtfuernacht> This should be written on the Homepage in big red letters "Don't use DB backends for real data" *g*
13:10:40 <jsled> GeekInAsia: why is it a pity?
13:11:30 <GeekInAsia> becuase i really want a mysql backend so i can use from several machines at the same time
13:11:33 <warlord> machtfuernacht: It's already written in bold letter.
13:11:46 <warlord> GeekInAsia: multi-user isn't supported, and wont be supported even in 2.4
13:11:47 <jsled> machtfuernacht: yeah, there's a whole "WARNING WARNING WARNING" block in every announcement.
13:11:57 <GeekInAsia> I have to admit that i was not aware is was in TESTING
13:12:08 <warlord> GeekInAsia: it's printed on every announcement.
13:12:20 <machtfuernacht> jsled I bookmarked the nightly build page *gG*
13:12:40 <GeekInAsia> sorry i do not mean multi user
13:12:52 <machtfuernacht> GeekInAsia I use Subversion for this
13:13:16 <machtfuernacht> I have a central repository with the main file.
13:13:19 <GeekInAsia> i mean from several workstations but only need 1 connection at a time.
13:14:08 <jsled> GeekInAsia: if you have a reasonable shared filesystem between the two, you can serialize access to the XML datafile in the same way.
13:14:23 <machtfuernacht> So I can use it from everywhere, as long as I don't forget to commit the changes. And I have a versioning when something get's messed up
13:14:41 <machtfuernacht> warlord but aren't the used DB backends transaction safe?
13:14:41 <jsled> s/the two/the machines/, of course.
13:15:39 <jsled> machtfuernacht: the bigger problem is the gnucash instances won't know there are commits from the other apps.
13:15:45 <GeekInAsia> i also liked the MySQL option becuase i was hoping to also do some PHP scripts to use the data read only for customer reports
13:15:46 <warlord> Hopefully, but there's no collision detection or client updates, so client 1 wont see changes from client 2 and vice-versa
13:17:12 <machtfuernacht> could be solved with a sync field in a seperate table. Bu whatever I don't need multiuser.
13:18:18 <warlord> machtfuernacht: no, that's not sufficient
13:19:28 <machtfuernacht> warlord you need a way to sync the clients.
13:19:51 <warlord> Yes.. But just a 'sync table' is not sufficient.
13:20:17 <warlord> Please join the gnucash-devel conversation.. But regardless it's not on the schedule for 2.4
13:20:21 <machtfuernacht> And a table with all clients and the last write access is not the best way but it's a begining.
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13:22:05 <warlord> Perhaps necessary, but certainly not sufficient.
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13:23:03 <machtfuernacht> Why not sufficent?
13:23:17 <machtfuernacht> because of the delay between the clients?
13:26:55 <warlord> Please join the gnucash-devel conversation. I dont have the cycles to have this conversation here and now.
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