2009-08-06 GnuCash IRC logs
00:38:46 *** hvx has joined #gnucash
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11:58:33 *** Alpha has joined #gnucash
12:03:44 <Alpha> Hey, gotta question... I've googled it and read the gnucash guide but can't come up with anything yet... at the end of the month I go through my bank statements and enter my withdrawls and my deposits, in that order... sometimes my transactions will show up in a different order than i would like them to be in... Is there a way to re-order the transactions after they are already entered? or is there an option to move a transaction up
12:04:06 <jsled> Check the FAQ.
12:08:57 <Alpha> the num field option is not working properly unless i sort by number... which throws my dates off... so you're answer is that there is not currently a direct option for that function?
12:09:07 <jsled> correct.
12:10:07 <Alpha> ok.. thanks for your help jsled
12:10:31 <jsled> strange that the num field isn't working … what version?
12:10:58 <Alpha> 2.2.9
12:12:38 <warlord> In the "Standard Sort Order" the Num field should let you order within a day.
12:14:57 <warlord> (assuming you put an actual number in there.. it's sorted numerically)
12:15:09 <Alpha> example... i went through and tried to re-order the transactions for 2009-0 3 .... there were 12 total... i entered a number in for transactions 1 - 6 ... realized i forgot to put in the 7th transaction so i entered it with the num 7.. then i re-ordered 8 -12... 7 is the first transaction for that date and then 1-12 (minus the 7th) are following
12:15:21 <Alpha> Im using the standard order sort
12:15:38 <Alpha> 2009 - 8 - 3
12:15:41 <Alpha> august 3rd
12:17:07 <Alpha> ive found that if i duplicate the transactions in order from 1 - 12, then go back and delete the original entries, it will properly sort them
12:18:12 <warlord> Are you sure you put an actual number into the Num column?
12:18:29 <warlord> The code does: date_posted, Num, date_entered.
12:18:59 <warlord> But it uses atoi(Num) so it's ONLY going to sort based on numbers. If you lead off with a space or some non-numeric then atoi() wont give you a real answer.
12:20:08 <Alpha> Date : 2009-08 - 03 Num:01 Description: Blah
12:20:28 <Alpha> no spaces in the date... my irc client wants to add smileys
12:20:53 <warlord> what if you leave out the 0?
12:22:11 <Alpha> same result.. just tried it
12:22:30 <Alpha> its going by the order i enter it only
12:23:17 <warlord> it's working for me.
12:24:30 <warlord> anyways i'm heading to lunch
12:24:30 <Alpha> yeah i don't know if im just missing something or what, but the order i have selected is standard order... tried the num field with 01 and just 1... not sure
12:24:33 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
12:24:42 <Alpha> lol cya
12:27:33 *** lobsang has left #gnucash
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13:21:38 *** ErKa has quit IRC
13:33:35 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
13:33:51 <warlord> sorry, had a lunch appointment.
13:47:26 <warlord> Alpha: I dont know what to tell you; when I put a number into the Num column it reorders the transactions. But I'm running off trunk, not 2.2.x
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15:26:24 <Alpha> warlord: not sure what trunk is but for now i can just stick with putting a value in the num field and then duplicating the transaction in order and deleting the originals.. the balance is where it needs to be and what i was trying to do is not really "priority", just wondering if there was an easier way.... thanks for your help
15:26:48 <warlord> what version are you using?
15:26:53 <Alpha> 2.2.9
15:26:57 <warlord> (it could be a refresh bug)
15:27:13 <warlord> fyi, trunk is currently the 2.3 test series
15:27:51 <Alpha> i've clicked refreshed and exited and came back into it... ah... if you said BETA i woulda got that lol
15:27:53 <warlord> what if you set the num colum and also modify the amount?
15:28:31 <Alpha> to something diff or just re enter it?
15:28:47 <Alpha> the amount*
15:28:52 <warlord> just try re-entering it.
15:29:01 <Alpha> i'll try that
15:34:01 <Alpha> ok so here's what i did... re-opened gnucash, went to checking account and looked at august 3rd... earlier i had the problem with the 7th transaction for august 3rd... no matter what i try, the sort is by the date the transaction is entered... num doesn't seem to have an effect... maybe im not putting the num feild in correctly
15:34:17 <Alpha> does it have to be a certain # of digits?
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15:49:06 <message144> So, yesterday my OFX configuration was working operfectly. Today I open up GnuCash and try to get transactions, and it logs the error message "WARN <gnc.import.aqbanking> gnc_ab_gettrans: No AqBanking account found". Any idea what ths could be?
16:04:56 <message144> well, removing and readding all my OFX info seemed to have fixed it
16:05:02 <message144> hope i dont have to do that every time
16:06:13 <message144> hmm
16:06:22 <message144> closed gnucash and reopened.. same thing
16:06:30 <message144> oh well so much for that i guess
16:06:30 <message144> heh
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16:23:00 <warlord> Alpha: sorry, wandered away for a bit. no, I just used '2' and '3'. As soon as I entered one Num column it re-ordered that day.
16:23:43 <Alpha> hmm... well like i said, its not really a priority.. i'll just put it on my wishlist this year for christmas
16:36:19 <warlord> heh
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