2009-08-03 GnuCash IRC logs
01:13:49 *** PixelMischief has joined #gnucash
01:15:29 <PixelMischief> I have downloaded and installed and IRC Client and connected to this forum just to say, "Wow! Awesome program! Excellent."
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02:45:44 <message144> Woohoo! Finally got Gnucash OFX working with my bank!
02:46:10 <message144> Had to download quicken and look at the OFX log
02:46:17 <message144> But it finally works
02:53:29 *** bentob0x has joined #gnucash
05:32:22 *** Cavva has joined #gnucash
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05:39:36 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
05:46:34 <Cavva> Hi there, I've downloaded Gnucash for win. AVG free found a "potential dangerous program". That's program is gnucash\lib\libmysql.dll. AVG is saying this component could be a exploit.cvc. What's it? Is it a sure library? Maybe AVG is mistaking but I would like to know others opinions. Thank you all.
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11:45:47 *** SystemParadox has joined #gnucash
11:46:22 <SystemParadox> afternoon
11:49:33 <SystemParadox> is it possible to get gnucash to show average weekly/monthly income/outgoings for all accounts? Is it possible to produce a line graph of this information?
11:52:52 <warlord> There is no existing report that will do that. You would write one.
11:55:12 <SystemParadox> i had a feeling that was going to be the answer
11:55:39 <SystemParadox> any pointers for where to get started? as the wiki says it's a bit intimidating
11:56:03 <SystemParadox> is the eguile thing easier/better or should I just go for the scheme?
12:08:08 <warlord> You should go for scheme. The eguile isn't really going to help you much. eguile is useful for changing the look/feel of an existing report, but writing an eguile report is just as hard as writing a non-eguile report.
12:09:42 <jsled> (guile is an instance of scheme, if that's not apparent)
12:10:08 <jsled> the eguile stuff is just kinda flipping it from "scheme generating HTML" to "templated HTML with embedded scheme expressions"
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12:27:11 <SystemParadox> oh i see
12:28:43 <SystemParadox> if I write a report, how easy/likely is it to be included with gnucash? Are there other 3rd party reports I can download from somewhere? I haven't been able to find anything other than the ones that come with gnucash
12:30:09 <SystemParadox> does the report viewer support javascript or something I could possibly use to create interactive reports (like, dynamically toggle display of certain lines on the graph)
12:32:43 <jsled> I haven't really been tracking the tree, but I know there's a transition from the gtkhtml based report engine to a webkit-backed one … I don't know if javascript support comes along with that for free or not.
12:33:13 <warlord> @nick gncbot
12:33:13 *** gncbot` is now known as gncbot
12:34:03 <warlord> jsled: could you op gncbot ?
12:34:17 *** jsled sets mode: +o gncbot
12:34:20 <warlord> \@op
12:34:21 <warlord> @op
12:34:22 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
12:34:32 <warlord> SystemParadox: most donated reports get included.
13:39:16 <SystemParadox> hmm
13:39:24 <SystemParadox> i can't get gnucash to show my report
13:39:55 <SystemParadox> when using: "gnucash --debug --log gnc.scm=debug", where does the debugging info go? To standard out or a logfile?
13:39:55 <warlord> Are you loading it?
13:40:05 <warlord> To gnucash.trace
13:40:12 <SystemParadox> I put it into .gnucash/config.user
13:40:19 <SystemParadox> gnucash.trace where? the current dir?
13:40:57 <warlord> in /tmp
13:41:04 <SystemParadox> aha
13:41:06 <SystemParadox> thanks
13:42:06 <SystemParadox> hmm
13:42:39 <SystemParadox> i think this is a bug: specifying '~' as a path doesn't work- it doesn't start with '/', so it assumes it's relative to ~/.gnucash
13:43:01 <warlord> That's not a bug. '~' is a shell-ism, it's not a valid path.
13:43:17 <SystemParadox> ok then
13:46:15 <warlord> There is a scheme function to expand a shell path, but I dont recall what it is offhand.
13:47:35 <SystemParadox> yey it works now
13:49:24 <warlord> :)
13:56:19 <jsled> "--logto stderr" if you like; I think there's details in --help.
13:56:42 <jsled> (basically, it's a file, but 'stdout' and 'stderr' are special names)
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14:10:24 *** XiXaQ has joined #gnucash
14:10:49 <SystemParadox> what's the difference between load and load-from-path?
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14:42:54 <warlord> 10 characters?
14:43:30 <jsled> *rimshot*
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15:36:31 <SystemParadox> warlord, so there aliased?
15:36:33 <SystemParadox> *they're
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15:39:06 <warlord> No
15:39:10 <warlord> They are different.
15:39:15 <warlord> I just dont know how. RTFM?
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15:54:01 <SystemParadox> excuse my ignorance- where is the fm?
15:54:31 <SystemParadox> or is that generic scheme?
16:01:42 <SystemParadox> oh. there is no html-linechart.scm?
16:04:17 <warlord> I'd google for "MIT Scheme Reference" as a place to start for the fm
16:04:54 <warlord> html-linechart.scm exists.. but only in trunk/2.3
16:05:13 <SystemParadox> i'm just looking at the patch for that now and wondering where it was up to
16:06:21 <SystemParadox> how easy is it to drop it into 2.2.9?
16:06:32 <SystemParadox> or is the trunk stable enough for me to use?
16:09:41 <warlord> I have no idea how easy/hard it would be to drop it into 2.2.9
16:09:50 <warlord> There's been no 2.2 development for a while..
16:10:08 <warlord> I use trunk (2.3) for my personal data
16:10:16 <SystemParadox> ok then
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16:32:46 <SystemParadox> guid.c: In function âguid_hash_to_guintâ:
16:32:46 <SystemParadox> guid.c:713: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
16:36:57 <warlord> SystemParadox: what OS/Distro?
16:37:05 <SystemParadox> arch linux
16:38:56 <SystemParadox> is it possible that it's picking up my rather strict CFLAGS and causing an error rather than a warning? That said, even if it is, an warning is a bug imo anyway
16:39:01 <SystemParadox> *any
16:40:31 <warlord> what version of glib?
16:40:43 <warlord> (note: glib, not glibc)
16:41:08 <SystemParadox> 1.2.10
16:44:49 <warlord> try again. 2.x?
16:45:21 <SystemParadox> oh sorry, arch has a glib2 package
16:45:25 <SystemParadox> 2.20.4
16:46:51 <warlord> Hmm...
16:47:08 <warlord> I remember there being an issue with this that was fixed..
16:47:20 <warlord> What version of GCC?
16:47:42 <SystemParadox> 4.4.1
16:48:11 <SystemParadox> right it's nothing to do with my settings or my ccache links
16:48:24 <SystemParadox> it still does it with everything unset
16:49:05 <warlord> your other option is to configire --without-error-on-warning
16:49:31 <SystemParadox> yes, but we should probably fix the warning
16:49:42 <SystemParadox> i will try it and see what else happens, however
16:50:08 <SystemParadox> configure says that's a bad option
16:50:28 <SystemParadox> ah
16:50:31 <SystemParadox> it's --disable-error-on-warning
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17:18:01 <SystemParadox> ok that worked
17:18:17 <SystemParadox> didn't appear to get any other warnings either
17:18:24 <SystemParadox> i guess i'll just go with that
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18:00:45 *** gasull has joined #gnucash
18:03:32 <gasull> Hi all. Is it possible to add custom columns to an account page? What I'm actually trying to do is to implement Your Money Or Your Life with Gnucash: http://web.archive.org/web/20071012151842/yourmoneyoryourlife.org/fom-about-summary.asp
18:03:50 <gasull> I would be surprissed if I am the first one trying this.
18:12:04 <jsled> you can select which subset of columns are available in the view.
18:12:28 <jsled> But you can't add custom/computed/ad-hoc columns without changing the sources.
18:13:02 <jsled> FWIW, this is the first request I've hear regarding that system in a number of years, but that doesn't mean people haven't tried it before. :)
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18:27:50 <gasull> jsled: OK. Thanks.
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19:42:34 *** Bob has joined #gnucash
19:42:42 <Bob> hello
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19:43:17 <Bob> i installed gnucash for windows, but when i invoke online banking, it doesn't see aqbanking
19:44:12 <Bob> any suggestions?
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21:47:09 <gasull> Hi all. Is there any way to see all the transactions from all the accounts ordered by date/time? Thank you.
21:48:53 <jsled> transaction report?
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22:09:09 <warlord> GL?
22:10:55 <gasull> jsled: Transaction report is ordered by account, then by date.
22:11:14 <gasull> warlord: General Ledger only goes one month back
22:11:25 <warlord> gasull: reset the date.
22:11:42 <jsled> make the primary sort Date.
22:12:16 <jsled> (for the Txn Report)
22:16:35 <gasull> warlord, jsled: Now I got it. Thank you.
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22:41:58 <delaman> can i manually add splits/accounts/transactions into the MySQL database?
22:43:15 <jsled> delaman: at your own risk, I guess.
22:43:23 <jsled> it's technically possible, of course.
22:43:36 <jsled> of cousre, you'll need to stop gnucash while you do so.
22:44:05 <delaman> jsled: im trying to import a database into gnucash but im getting $0.00 accounts, in theory i think i have everything setup correctly
22:44:52 <delaman> jsled: a database from a different program
22:45:25 <jsled> can you dump that other database's transactions as QIF and import them into gnucash?
22:46:04 <delaman> jsled: wish i would have thought of that sooner, but i dont think openbravo P.O.S. doesnt have a QIF dump
22:46:38 <jsled> if you understand their schema well enough, you could extract their db into QIF.
22:47:41 <delaman> jsled: well i just did it my way, i made a PHP script, i think i coded it correctly, i just dont understand why the total shows up as $0.00
22:48:50 <warlord> delaman: we don't support you adding entries to the database outside the GnuCash API. As jsled says, you can try, but..
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22:59:29 <delaman> its like something needs updating on gnucash side after i place the data into gnucash, im using 2.3.3 ,,, im so close i can feel it
22:59:54 <delaman> heres how it looks now http://pic.leech.it/i/2c080/bf8f6e4dgnucash.jpg
22:59:59 <warlord> I dont know how the schema works..
23:00:18 <warlord> I think it does keep track of some balances somewhere.
23:00:23 <warlord> Phil would be the guy to ask?
23:01:34 <delaman> i've studied how gnucash itself input data into a MySQL database and i "mimiced" it,, what time is this "Phil" on IRC?
23:01:45 <warlord> rarely.
23:01:46 <warlord> try email
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23:08:02 <delaman> warlord: is it Phil Longstaff ?
23:08:20 <warlord> yes
23:35:31 <delaman> is it possible to import a QIF or CSV via the command line?
23:36:34 <warlord> no.
23:36:47 <delaman> ok
23:36:52 <warlord> anyways, bedtime. good night
23:36:54 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk