2009-07-16 GnuCash IRC logs
03:16:59 *** Peter_ has joined #gnucash
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08:07:29 *** gulla has joined #gnucash
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08:08:29 <gulla> Good day. How can I adjust left border of print out (from the Printable Invoice)?
08:17:29 *** fabi has quit IRC
08:25:17 <gulla> Forgot to say: on Ubuntu 9.04
08:26:42 *** XiXaQ has joined #gnucash
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09:10:11 *** gulla has joined #gnucash
09:10:57 <gulla> Good day. How to set left border of the page? From the 'Printable Invoice'. Ubuntu 9.04
09:25:41 <jsled> gulla: you might want to try the mailing lists, especially if your connection is not persistent.
09:32:50 <jsled> also, what version of gnucash?
09:43:16 <gulla> I use 2.2.6-2ubuntu5
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11:26:54 <gulla> Just in case: dot_baiki@yahoo.com
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12:25:18 *** delaman1 has joined #gnucash
12:34:51 <delaman1> warlord warlod-afk there ?
12:35:32 <jsled> delaman1: do you have a question?
12:35:51 <jsled> if so, you should just ask it, and see if anyone can help.
12:38:30 <delaman1> k,,,,, i have fedora installed as my distro and i have version 1.3.1 installed 1.3.2 keeps crashing,,,,,,, i compiled with --enable-dbi but the the mysql features do not show up,,,, i installed 1.3.1 on debian with no problems
12:39:00 <jsled> 2.3.{1,2}, you mean?
12:40:16 <delaman1> yes sorry
12:41:16 <jsled> if you get a stack trace or output from the crash, can you pastebin it, please?
12:41:48 <delaman1> is that strace ?
12:42:37 <jsled> no ... just a backtrace, like something you would get the a debugger such as gdb.
12:42:43 <jsled> Or bug-buddy
12:42:48 <jsled> How does it behave when it crashes?
12:43:28 <delaman1> it only crashes with 1.3.2 when i click on "file->save as" it closes the program
12:43:33 <delaman1> 2.3.2*
12:44:40 <jsled> So, please try this ... start it up, and with gnucash running, figure out its PID. In a Terminal, run "$ gdb /path/to/gnucash-2.3.2". Wait for gdb to start up. At the "(gdb)" prompt, type "attach 123" or whatever the PID of gnucash is.
12:44:47 <jsled> Then, make it crash.
12:45:17 <jsled> In the terminal, you should be back at the (gdb) prompt. Type 'thread apply all bt' to get stack traces of hopefully where it crashed.
12:45:56 <delaman1> k one sec
12:47:41 <delaman1> "/path/to/gnucash-2.3.2" is this where the bin is located ?
12:47:59 <jsled> Actually. nevermind that. just `gdb` will work.
12:48:00 <jsled> but.
12:48:10 <jsled> before you do the 'thread apply all bt', do the following, first:
12:48:17 <jsled> (at the (gdb) prompt:)
12:48:25 <jsled> set logging file /tmp/gdb-output
12:48:27 <jsled> set logging on
12:48:30 <jsled>
12:48:48 <jsled> Then, it'll copy the backtraces to a file, which'll be useful if the backtraces are useful.
12:49:03 <delaman1> jsled: one sec nephew just got here
12:49:22 <jsled> delaman1: no problem. take your time .
13:31:46 <delaman1> jsled: there?
13:32:18 <jsled> delaman1: please don't meta-ask. If you have something, just spit it out.
13:37:21 <delaman1> jsled: are you wanting me to do the one that crashes with doing "files->save as" or the one that doesnt show mysql on "file->Open"?
13:38:14 <jsled> the file->save as. crash. The whole point of this is to get a stack trace from the crash.
13:38:40 <jsled> If the File > Open thing works, but "simply" doesn't show mysql options, then gdb isn't going to tell us anything.
13:39:00 <delaman1> jsled: i will have to compile 2.3.2 give me a moment
13:39:03 <jsled> (not without a lot more inspection and use of GDB, which I'm not prepared t odo.)
13:39:51 <delaman1> jsled: well this is the one where mysql doesnt show up http://pastebin.com/m14f2dded prob of no use
13:40:23 <jsled> delaman1: are you prefixing 2.3.x into /usr/local ?
13:40:31 <jsled> (with a 2.0.x installed into /usr ?)
13:40:54 <delaman1> no other install, i am going to uninstall 2.3.1 then compile and install 2.3.2
13:41:03 <delaman1> then reproduce the crash
13:42:22 <delaman1> jsled: forgot to mention that i already submitted a bug report and it was a duplicate,,, see here http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=588408
13:42:57 <jsled> oh.
13:43:06 <jsled> Well, nevermind, then.
13:43:15 <delaman1> jsled: i think they fixed it already
13:43:18 <jsled> yup.
13:43:20 <jsled> looks like.
13:48:23 *** HerrK has quit IRC
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17:12:58 *** profet has joined #gnucash
17:14:40 <profet> hi all. I'm trying to use gnucash 2.3.2 on windows and when i try and start the AqBanking Wizard i get the following message: "The external program "AqBanking Setup Wizard" has not been found. "
17:15:01 <profet> qt3-wizard.exe is present in the installed folder
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