2009-07-06 GnuCash IRC logs
01:21:37 *** paulproteus_____ has quit IRC
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05:27:11 * abhinav is here
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07:50:28 <abhinav> Need some inputs on creating shared accounts ..
07:50:50 <abhinav> searched google/gnucash mail archives but did not find anything concrete
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08:17:41 <Jimraehl> I tried the new (July 6) Windows Gnucash 2.3.1 nightly build. File > Open only showed "File" as the filetype option, as intended. However, there was an error message: The file //C:\mc7\GNUCash\Gnucash test.20090410003102.xac could not be found.
08:18:13 <Jimraehl> Looks like the same problem with opening the XML log files. Perhaps fixing one will fix the other.
08:19:56 <Jimraehl> I wonder what subroutine is adding the extra // to the path.
08:39:34 <Jimraehl> Also, I'm still seeing SQL library path problems when running the Gnucash I built last night, within MINGW as /o/soift/gnucash/inst/bin/gnucash:
08:39:41 <Jimraehl> Error code 1(126) while loading library o:/soft/libdbi-drivers/lib/dbd\libdbdmysql.dll
08:39:41 <Jimraehl> libdbi: Failed to load driver: o:/soft/libdbi-drivers/lib/dbd\libdbdmysql.dll
08:39:41 <Jimraehl> Error code 1(126) while loading library o:/soft/libdbi-drivers/lib/dbd\libdbdpgsql.dll
08:39:41 <Jimraehl> libdbi: Failed to load driver: o:/soft/libdbi-drivers/lib/dbd\libdbdpgsql.dll
08:40:48 <Jimraehl> Are there other folders/files than the two mentioned that I need to remove? Still, removing doesn't explain the mangled paths.
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17:14:10 <bootdoc120> I am having a problem with saved files. When I open gnucash and try to open an account, gnucash can't find it.
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19:18:39 <rockfx02> hello
19:45:05 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
19:45:25 <warlord> Jimraehl: try 'reset.sh' (although it might not be updated for PG and MYSQL)
19:45:39 <warlord> abhinav: What do you mean by "shared accounts"?
20:14:24 <Jimraehl> Will try reset.sh and see what happens.
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20:19:00 <rockfx02> warlord, if you're around - can you tell me where gnucash calculates the total funds in amount in the account/register?
20:20:05 <rockfx02> I'm trying to get the "Display Subaccounts" register to display a running total for all combined subaccounts but there's quite a bit of code to sift through...
20:20:59 <rockfx02> I have the Balance cell displayed, but I noticed that in the subaccount view, total funds in/out is not calculated for transactions that are in the subaccounts and not the lead account
20:21:05 <warlord> rockfx02: the running total is stored in the Splits.
20:21:16 <warlord> (which is why you don't get a running total with Subaccounts)
20:22:16 <rockfx02> and there's no way then to get the running total with subaccounts somehow? I mean, without any major coding?
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20:23:14 <rockfx02> because it would be really nice to be able to view subaccounts together (I use them for managing savings categories within individual accounts)
20:23:52 <rockfx02> if it's a big task I might drop it though because I'm certainly no C expert
20:25:14 <warlord> right.
20:26:02 <rockfx02> damn.
20:26:30 <rockfx02> :-! oh well, I tried!
20:26:40 <warlord> It would require a LOT of C hacking. You would have to re-compute the balance on the fly on every "redraw"
20:27:11 <rockfx02> right
20:28:24 <rockfx02> Well, what I got so far is that the balance is printed by the gnc_split_register_get_balance_entry function in split-register-model.c
20:29:31 <rockfx02> it gets the balance (the individual split or the total balance up to that split in the current register?) when it calls get_trans_total_balance ()
20:30:09 <warlord> That function just looks it up in the split.
20:30:46 <rockfx02> so the total of the split itself, or the total of the account containing the split at that split?
20:30:49 <rockfx02> if that makes sense
20:31:38 <warlord> The total of the /register/ at the point the split it being displayed.
20:33:21 <rockfx02> ok so that's probably about where I would have to instead find the current balance of the register and add the amount of the current split to the current register balance
20:33:51 <warlord> Except you need to compute the current balance of the register, because there is no such beast.
20:34:05 <rockfx02> right
20:36:05 <rockfx02> so either I'd have to compute the current balance every time, or store it in a variable somewhere to keep the running balance while the display is refreshed
20:36:45 <warlord> There is no variable...
20:36:53 <warlord> So yes, you'd been to compute the balance every time.
20:37:15 <rockfx02> well i mean I'd have to create a variable to store it in
20:37:22 <warlord> But what that also buys you is a proper running balance using any sort order in a standard register, too! At the expense of the time to compute the balance.
20:38:39 <rockfx02> so, currently, where is the balance calculated for a given split in a *single* account?
20:39:17 <rockfx02> if you know offhand
20:41:06 <warlord> Yes, the account to which that Split belongs.
20:41:11 <warlord> (A split has only a single account)
20:43:04 <rockfx02> sorry, i mean what function actually calculates it when you create/edit a split?
20:44:00 <warlord> i dont know offhand.. I'd have to go read the code.
20:44:49 <rockfx02> ok, I'll try looking for it later
20:46:27 <rockfx02> Also, when a register is being refreshed, is there a function to easily find out what the split before the current one is in that register, regardless of sort order? Or does it simply run through the splits in the order that they have been retrieved from the database without any real relationship from one split to the next if they are in separate accounts?
20:49:25 <warlord> It runs through them all.
20:50:17 <rockfx02> and the main part of the refresh is handled in gnc_split_register_load() ?
20:50:26 <rockfx02> or is there a different function I should be looking at
20:51:38 <warlord> i think thats it.
20:52:35 <rockfx02> ok
20:52:45 <rockfx02> well, i might give it a shot, see what I come up with
20:53:03 <warlord> okay
20:54:58 <rockfx02> oh maybe you can answer this too...
20:56:11 <rockfx02> in split-register-layout.c, I had to add a TBALN cell for the GENERAL_LEDGER type in the CURSOR_SINGLE_JOURNAL.
20:57:07 <jsled> a balance cell does not make sense for the general ledger
20:57:21 <jsled> there's no single account against which to compute a balance.
20:57:42 <rockfx02> It computes it against the lead account
20:57:49 <warlord> jsled: it might make sense to have a running balance of the splits in the register.
20:57:58 <jsled> I suppose.
20:58:01 <warlord> But that wouldn't be a TBALN cell..
20:58:01 * jsled drive-by comments.
20:58:07 <jsled> :)
20:58:22 <warlord> It would be a (new) REGRUNBALN cell..
20:58:38 <rockfx02> I'm personally not sure of the difference between the TBALN and BALN cells, I just copied from the other layouts :P
20:58:51 <warlord> rockfx02: in a GL there is no single account -- it's the same problem you have with Open Subaccounts.
20:59:10 <warlord> I'm not sure offhand either -- what do the docs say?
20:59:11 <warlord> (if anything)
20:59:40 <rockfx02> hmm let me see if i can find it again
21:01:03 <rockfx02> i was trying to find the doc with the cell descriptions in it earlier and couldn't find it
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21:05:14 <rockfx02> ahh TBALN is "trans-balance"
21:05:37 <rockfx02> (the best info I could find is in split-register.h and split-register-layout.c)
21:05:56 <rockfx02> and BALN just says "balance"
21:06:27 <rockfx02> There aren't any defines of REGRUNBALN
21:06:49 <rockfx02> unfortunately I have to run but perhaps we can finish this conversation later
21:06:51 <jsled> he kinda mentioned it'd be a new cell type.
21:06:53 <rockfx02> thanks for your help
21:10:09 <rockfx02> ah ok
21:25:32 <warlord> yeah, it would be a new cell type
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21:44:11 <Jimraehl> warlord: running reset.sh wouldn't prevent the Gnucash file > open error message I mentioned this morning. Unless reset.sh changes Windows environment variables. The error appears while running last night's Windows build executable. I downloaded and installed it. The message while opening an XAC file from File > OPen > Open, then selecting type FIle in the upper-left dropdown: The file //C:\mc7\GNUCash\Gnucash test.20090410003102.xac could
21:44:11 <Jimraehl> not be found.
21:44:50 <warlord> Jimraehl: you should talk to phil. I'm not a windows dev. I just run the build server.
21:46:42 <Jimraehl> I sent him an Email already. We'll see what happens. I think I will rename /soft and start over, to see if any other weird path problems disappear.
21:50:41 <warlord> you'll need to re-install EVERYTHING if you do that (including msys)..
21:55:11 <warlord> I wonder if you're the only one testing this... or the only one having problems..
22:04:14 <Jimraehl> I'd sure like to collaborate with someone else with testing this. However, I have a decades-long history of running into weird computer bugs.
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22:18:46 <warlord> I hope you can find someone!
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