2009-06-30 GnuCash IRC logs
01:13:15 *** hvx has joined #gnucash
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03:44:42 *** MechtiIde has joined #gnucash
04:57:20 *** Usama has joined #gnucash
04:59:30 <Usama> hello, any one knows where I could found the Arabic trasnlation files? I went to http://l10n.gnome.org/languages/ar/gnome* and couldn't find any thing
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05:40:11 <Usama> any help please http://l10n.gnome.org/module/gnucash/ I want to help updateing the translation
05:41:29 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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06:47:43 *** bentob0x has joined #gnucash
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08:19:40 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:19:49 <warlord> Usama: I would look in the gnucash sources
08:20:18 <warlord> (but I dont know what the 'arabic' locale is)
08:21:00 <Usama> some friend give me this link
08:21:00 <Usama> http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/browser/gnucash/branches/2.2/po
08:21:10 <Usama> but there is no previous translation I guess
08:21:19 <Usama> ar for Arabic
08:21:44 <warlord> You should use trunk, not branches/2.2 -- and no, I see you Arabic translation.
08:22:21 <warlord> I know of nobody working on it offhand. You could try asking on gnucash-devel to make sure. Look at http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translations for more information.
08:23:00 <Usama> خن فاشىنس
08:23:03 <Usama> ok thnaks
08:23:09 <Usama> *thanks :)
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13:20:44 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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14:37:53 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
14:46:01 *** wilderness has joined #gnucash
14:47:48 <wilderness> I'm new to this IRC chat and gnucash. I have a question regarding how to input a dividend transaction
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14:57:12 <warlord> wilderness: just ask your question.
14:58:54 <wilderness> Reinvested dividends in an account is no problem. If I have a mutual fund and have a reinvested dividend I go to transaction line , select div. enter shares bought with price and I tell gnucash to enter in a dividend folder.
14:59:20 <wilderness> But how do I enter a dividend transaction that is not reinvested?
15:00:12 <wilderness> That dividend goes to a checking account. That is also easy but I also want to track that dividend in my dividend folder
15:00:51 <warlord> Instead of Income:Dividend -> Assets:Fund, it's I:D -> A:Checking
15:01:54 <wilderness> I appreciate you taking time with e. Let me digest your input
15:03:00 <warlord> okay
15:05:02 <wilderness> So let me keep this simple. I have a mutual fund , checking account and a folder titled dividends. If I have a reinvested dividend, I can easily enter the reinvested dividend in the mutual fund and place the dividend in my dividend folder. (income:dividend) That keeps track of reinvested dividends in an account.
15:05:36 <warlord> right, that's the I:D -> A:F
15:09:21 <wilderness> However, if I have the same 3 accounts ( mutual fund, checking and dividend) but have a dividend that goes to the checking account and not reinvested I would enter the transaction as follows: I would go to mutual fund transaction line and enter my dividend amount and tell it to transfer that dividend to my checking account, then I'm unclear how to record dividend.
15:10:23 <wilderness> The transaction is between the mutual fund register and the checking account register. I'm unclear the next step in how to track that dividend for reports
15:10:58 <wilderness> Sorry to be a bonhead. I've wrestled with this for 8 hours and am baffled
15:11:15 <warlord> It's NOT between the mutual fund and checking..
15:11:23 <warlord> It's between your DIVIDEND account and checking
15:13:32 <wilderness> OK, so I would NOT enter any dividend transaction in my mutual fund register even though it was a dividend from that mutual fund?
15:14:51 <warlord> Right.
15:15:17 <warlord> If you want to keep separate dividends on a per-account basis then you would want different Income:Dividend accounts
15:16:27 <wilderness> I would go to checking account and enter a transaction that says $20 dividend goes to dividend folder and it would be purely between checking account and dividend folder. Yes, that's how gnucash set it up when I transferred my various mutual funds but I wanted to keep it simple and just have one folder titled. Income:dividends
15:17:09 <warlord> I do Income:Dividends:Fund
15:17:20 <warlord> (where "Fund" is a separate sub-account per fund)
15:18:36 <wilderness> Ok , let me give that a try between the checking account and dividend folder and if I have any other questions I'll let you know. That suggestion is a good one for subaccount. I'll give that a try. I like that idea. Thank you very much. Have a great day! over and out
15:19:10 <warlord> See ya!
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16:46:05 <Rolf1> the frontpage links to http://download.sourceforge.net/gnucash/ which is 404
16:47:28 <warlord> Did they change their URLS again!?!?
16:51:29 <warlord> Rolf1: verified the problem. So, what should the RIGHT URL be>
16:51:30 <warlord> ?
16:51:46 <Rolf1> not sure
17:15:09 *** mib_iw1qdaj7 has joined #gnucash
17:15:29 <mib_iw1qdaj7> hi
17:15:52 <mib_iw1qdaj7> can someone tell me how to delete an invoice
17:16:59 <jsled> mib_iw1qdaj7: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_can_I_delete_an_Invoice.2C_Customer.2C_Vendor.2C_or_Employee.3F
17:17:41 <warlord> Damn, jsled -- beat me to it.
17:18:08 *** rhyanod has joined #gnucash
17:19:11 <jsled> rhyanod: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_can_I_delete_an_Invoice.2C_Customer.2C_Vendor.2C_or_Employee.3F
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17:20:38 <mib_iw1qdaj7> thx, didnt search the english pages
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21:39:27 <JimRaehl2> How can this line in defaults.sh resolve to a web site: "set_default PGSQL_LIB_URL pgsql-win32.tar.gz" Indeed it gives an unresolved URL when I try to build Gnucash.
21:39:54 <JimRaehl2> ( In Windows XP)
21:40:57 <JimRaehl2> I downloaded the Windows packaging files just a few minutes ago, so they're not stale on my computer.
21:45:22 <warlord> JimRaehl2: looks like a bug. send email to Phil
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21:49:21 <JimRaehl2> I think the web address is missing, leaving only the filename on the site. I'll send an Email tomorrow. It's bedtime for me now.
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22:28:40 <warlord> Jimraehl: yeah, it should be a full URL, not justa filename
23:24:27 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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23:46:44 *** rockfx02 has joined #gnucash
23:50:26 <rockfx02> Hello, I was wondering if one of the developers could help me. I am interested in giving a shot at Bug #107929 - I may not be capable but it's worth a shot.
23:50:34 <rockfx02> This is a feature I'd really like to have too so I'm willing to at least give it a try. If someone can point me in the right direction of which scripts I should be looking at for this, it would be a great help so that I don't have to hunt through the whole program searching for it. Thanks!