2009-06-24 GnuCash IRC logs
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07:46:50 <marc> Hi, I'm newbie to GnuCash and I'm having trouble with CURRENCY on-line price updating and with an added Commodity of type "template" that seems to be nowhere. Can someone help please?
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09:40:41 <marc> Hi there again! Is there anyone willing to provide help on on-line updating currencies on an Ubuntu Hardy installation of GnuCash ?
09:44:05 <warlord> marc: it's a known problem in F::Q and out of our hands.
09:44:14 <warlord> See the gnucahs-user mailing list archives over the past week or two.
09:48:53 <marc> Ok. Thanks. How do I reach the mailing list archives ? Do you know also about the Commodity of type "template". I have created one with a known currency name and I'd like to delete it but it doesn't seem to be anywhere to find although it is processed by F::Q with the same result as for the other currencies...
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09:51:47 <warlord> template is "special".. The fact that it's visible is a bug. You shouldn't use it.
09:52:10 <warlord> As for the mailing list archives, it's on the web. try starting from www.gnucash.org and follow the links?
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10:03:37 <marc> Thanks Warlord ! I'll look on the web. Do you know how to delete this mistakenly created commodity of type template ?
10:06:46 <jsled> it's not mistakenly created.
10:06:57 <jsled> it's for the template transactions, used by the scheduled transactions code.
10:07:14 <jsled> where do you see it being processed?
10:16:34 <warlord> jsled: the 'template' namespace is visible in a few UIs.
10:30:14 <marc> The "mistakenly" applies to me, not to gnucash ;-) Unfortunately my UI let me create a new commodity using this type, and to worsen things up, I named it like a known currency, i.e. "MXN" for the Mexican Peso. The trouble is that when I update prices on-line, this commodity "template:MXN" is looked up although it appears nowhere in the Security Editor. I would like to delete it, and I am...
10:30:15 <marc> ...calling for help... I was interrupted by a hang of ChatZilla, sorry.
10:31:10 <jsled> If you're not using it anywhere, you should be able to remove the definition from your datafile.
10:31:26 <marc> How ?
10:38:19 <jsled> edit it; it's just xml (though perhaps gzip compressed)
10:40:55 <warlord> jsled: remind me: why do we have/need a template commodity?
10:41:39 <jsled> don't recall a good reason.
10:45:18 <warlord> just curious.
10:46:26 <marc> Ok, I'll try that. Thanks.
10:53:24 <marc> I'm running Ubuntu and I'm new to it. I have GnuCash 2.2.4. Should I install 2.2.9. I read on the web page it's available since February but only in source. I'm sorry to say that I don't know how to proceed for such an install. If you could only point to the right entry point, I'll try to follow the links...
10:53:40 <warlord> Yes, you should use 2.2.9
10:53:51 <warlord> There are packages available; you just need to find the right repo. launchpad?
10:54:13 <marc> ??
10:54:45 <warlord> I'm not an ubuntu user.. I think launchpad might have more recent packages or something.
10:54:47 <jsled> See http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Ubuntu
10:55:10 <marc> Ok, thanks.
10:55:52 <jsled> also, please complain to Ubuntu; 2.2.9 was released in Feb, 9.04 was released in April?
10:56:38 <jsled> and IIRC there were no dependency changes between 2.2.6 and 2.2.9; they just needed to rebuild.
11:01:39 <marc> I'm still running the 8.04 shipped by Dell :-(
11:01:40 <marc> I don't even know yet where to complain... Thanks anyway.
11:01:52 <jsled> heh.
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16:51:43 <leitz> Morning, I could use a bit of expertise. I often get an error "This transaction is already being edited in another register...". Since there's no other register, I'm mildly confused...
16:52:44 <leitz> Well, okay, I'm easily confused...
16:53:47 <leitz> gnucash version 2.2.9, build r17949M, Fedora 10.
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17:20:04 <leitz> Well, it's about to make GnuChash unuseable. If I can't reliably enter transactions, what exactly is the use?
17:23:40 <jsled> leitz: are you using the general ledger?
17:24:24 <leitz> I think so, but I'm fairly new to GnuCash.
17:24:36 <leitz> I have one of the accounts open for entering stuff.
17:25:00 <jsled> what's the title of the tab?
17:26:17 <leitz> The name of my bank.
17:26:30 <leitz> I have that and "Accounts" open
17:27:07 <leitz> Headers are Date, Num, Description, Transfer, R Deposit, Withdrawal, nd Balance.
17:27:25 <jsled> I've seen the "transaction is arleady being edited" with the general ledger, before ... but not with normal account registers, unless it really was open/being edited in two.
17:29:09 <leitz> How would I tell the difference between the General Ledger and normal accoutn register?
17:29:58 <jsled> The General Ledger is invoked via the Tools menu, its tab is called "General Ledger", and it's necessarily a "Transaction Journal" view with generic labels fro the credit and debit columns.
17:31:08 <leitz> Ah, then nope. I just found it.
17:31:34 <leitz> Are there any logs I can look at to see if there are any other clues?
17:32:06 <jsled> there are logs, but I can almost guarantee they won't shed any light on the problem.
17:32:14 <jsled> I'd say close gnucash and restart it is the best workaround.
17:32:41 <jsled> Also, always make sure to Enter transactions as you're done editing them.
17:33:37 <leitz> Ah, enter each transaction?
17:34:18 <jsled> Well, there's a specific "Enter" step while editing transactions.
17:34:29 <leitz> I did exit gnucash and it let me get back to work.
17:34:40 <leitz> Sorry, I meant "Enter" with quotes. :)
17:35:01 <jsled> :)
17:35:27 <jsled> Without Entering or Cancelling the transaction, it remains "Open", which is what the message is getting at.
17:36:04 <leitz> Cool...I'll make that a habit and see if it takes care of the issues.
17:36:07 <jsled> And Account registers are really just Views of the Transactions which have a Split referencing the Account
17:36:28 <jsled> But I doubt you have any splits references the Asset account directly.
17:37:39 <leitz> Since I'm not experienced enough to know what you mean, I'll agree! How's that for friendly. :)
17:38:20 <jsled> heh
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17:43:03 <leitz> hhmm.... "Enter" with quotes, isn't helping.
17:43:13 <leitz> It does occasionally, but then doesn't.
17:43:44 <jsled> Can you describe the sequence of events you're doign to get the message?
17:44:15 <jsled> (ideally starting from an empty datafile)
17:45:19 <leitz> Enter a transaction from left to right. Date, Number (ATM often), etc. At the Withdrawal amount I enter the figure and then hit enter (without quotes).
17:45:52 <leitz> It then pops up before I can hit "Enter" (with quotes).
17:45:52 <jsled> In which account?
17:46:14 <jsled> Sorry, what do you mean by enter and Enter, there, specifically?
17:46:19 <leitz> My bank account, not the General Leger
17:46:26 <jsled> And, what are you inputing for the Transfer account?
17:46:59 <leitz> Transfer Account is one of my Expenses. In this case it's "Expenses:Dine Out".
17:47:14 <leitz> enter is the enter key, "Enter" is the button up top.
17:47:16 <jsled> "bank account" here is like {Assets:Bank of Example:Checking} or something?
17:47:55 <leitz> Current Assets:My Bank
17:48:25 <leitz> Assets is different, and I don't seperate here on Checking or Savings as I only have one at this bank.
17:48:38 <jsled> In the View menu, what style is the register in? "Basic Ledger", "Auto-split" or "Transaction Journal"?
17:48:58 <jsled> So {Current Assets} is another top-level Asset-type account?
17:50:01 <leitz> Basic Ledger, and Current Assets is same "level" as Assets, Expenses, and Equity.
17:51:12 <jsled> In the account tree, if you right-click on My Bank and Edit Account, please double-check the Type?
17:52:19 <leitz> Account Type Bank
17:57:23 <jsled> I dunno. I can't seem to reproduce, here.
18:02:54 <leitz> Oh well...I just checked file system space and that seems okay, and the machine is only doing the chat and gnucash.
18:04:09 <jsled> no, it wouldn't be anything like that.
18:04:39 <jsled> But, really, if you can document a sequence of steps to trigger the condition starting from `gnucash --nofile`, that would probably help.
18:06:35 <leitz> Okay, let me try that.
18:07:01 <leitz> TIp of the Day, hit close. :)
18:07:11 <leitz> Go get coffee while gnucash comes up. :)
18:09:36 <leitz> Welcome menu. Which should I choose?
18:10:06 <leitz> Just Cancel?
18:10:47 <leitz> Options are Create new accounts, Import Qif files. or open new use tutorial.
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18:11:29 <leitz> Pressed Cancel. :)
18:11:47 <holt_kessler> anyone know where i can download the slib source tarball?
18:12:35 <leitz> File -> 1) My File
18:13:47 <leitz> It asks me if I want to Save, I click yes, name it "1", and then the other "My File" comes up.
18:15:44 <leitz> Click "Current Assets:My Bank" and Open. Since it auto selects the date, and I want to go back a couple days, I click the "-" button till I have the right date.
18:17:23 <jsled> leitz: the idea was to use File > New File to create something that doesn't depend on your datafile.
18:17:48 <leitz> Tab to the "Number" column and enter "ATM", as it was a debit card transaction. Tab to the Description and enter the resturant name, tab to "Transfer" and enter "ex:di" for "Expenses:Dine OUt".
18:17:52 <leitz> Ah...sorry.
18:18:32 <jsled> holt_kessler: http://people.csail.mit.edu/jaffer/SLIB … SRC_URI="http://swiss.csail.mit.edu/ftpdir/scm/${MY_P}.zip"
18:18:59 <leitz> Hmm...so you're thinking if I can create a new file and work with it for a whlie, it would show if it's the data file or the program?
18:19:10 <jsled> Where MY_P is going to be "slib-3b1" or somesuch, here.
18:19:30 <jsled> leitz: perhaps, but really jsut getting an isolated reproduction case for debugging purposes.
18:19:33 <holt_kessler> jsled, thanks
18:19:59 <jsled> holt_kessler: but ... your distro should manage installing slib for you.
18:20:23 <leitz> jsled...do we care about plugin errors on the terminal?
18:20:37 <jsled> as a dependency while installing gnucash for you. :)
18:20:59 <jsled> leitz: I can't imagine how they'd be related to this, but what plugin are they referring to?
18:22:08 <leitz> ct, configmgr, and dbio.
18:22:23 * jsled blinks.
18:22:29 <jsled> can you pastebin the full output, perhaps?
18:22:50 <jsled> Those are unfamiliar symbols w.r.t. gnucash console output, at least for me.
18:24:05 <leitz> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/Il7cP3bkxZ8EL2aiE3fF/
18:24:44 <holt_kessler> jsled, its in a zip file so i use gunzip right?
18:25:04 <jsled> holt_kessler: what, slib? use 'unzip' for zip fiules.
18:25:19 <jsled> But, seriously, waht OS/distro are you using that you need to resort to this?
18:25:36 <holt_kessler> this frickin new thing moblin
18:25:57 <jsled> leitz: huh. weird. I'm asserting it's unrelated. :)
18:26:01 <holt_kessler> i generally use lunar linux but this is a friand's machine
18:26:02 <jsled> holt_kessler: ah.
18:26:31 <holt_kessler> so i gotta compile all myself
18:26:53 <holt_kessler> its really for new netbooks and intel atom
18:26:55 <leitz> jsled, not sure what gwenhywfar is, but I'd agree.
18:27:02 <leitz> However, I've hit the error in the new file.
18:27:11 <holt_kessler> leitz gnucash uses it
18:27:27 <leitz> Hmm....
18:27:42 <holt_kessler> if ye compile it in
18:28:02 <jsled> holt_kessler: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=moblin lists gnucash-2.2.9 as being available in '2-beta', whatever that is.
18:28:12 <leitz> holt_kessler, I'm using the standard Fedora release, so I'd assume they did.
18:28:27 <jsled> leitz: it's related to the aqbanking/ofx/hbci stuff. http://gwenhywfar.sourceforge.net/
18:29:51 <leitz> jsled, in the new account I picked checking, added a USD 50,000 Income:Bonus, and then clicked enter and "Enter". Then I had a USD 1,000,000 "Income:Gifts Recieved", clicked enter, and she blew up.
18:30:08 <holt_kessler> for real ?
18:30:12 <holt_kessler> sec
18:30:13 * leitz feels if we're doing fake entries, they should be good ones!
18:30:22 <jsled> leitz: heh.
18:30:24 * jsled tries
18:31:19 <jsled> leitz: BTW, there's a different column than Num for denoting ATM transactions. The "Action" column.
18:31:25 <holt_kessler> jsled, I'm not seeing that -got a direct link?
18:31:51 <jsled> Thought that column might be on a split line only.
18:32:06 <jsled> holt_kessler: that same url <http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=moblin>, search in page for "gnucash"
18:32:24 <jsled> (or visual-grep ... the tables in alpha order.
18:32:25 <jsled> )
18:33:18 <jsled> ah ha.
18:33:23 <jsled> leitz: got it.
18:33:33 <jsled> I was able to reproduce, that is.
18:33:38 <jsled> So. enter = "Enter".
18:33:58 <jsled> That is, when you hit the Enter key, it "Enter"s the transaction, and goes to the blank split.
18:34:12 <jsled> The second time you "Enter", I bet it's messing up the state of the blank split.
18:34:25 <leitz> Mine isn't splitting.
18:34:57 <jsled> then, when you go to Enter the second transaction ... something goes wrong.
18:35:01 * jsled doesn't know.
18:35:09 <leitz> View is "Basic Ledger".
18:35:12 <jsled> And I've been out of that code for so long, I don't even know where to begin.
18:35:29 <holt_kessler> jsled, either way it is not available right now
18:35:38 <leitz> But you understand it enough to provide a detailed report?
18:35:45 <jsled> you do. :)
18:36:22 <leitz> I can file..."It's real broke!". How's that? :)
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18:36:29 <jsled> Start with gnucash --nofile, then copyedit "<leitz> jsled, in the new account I picked checking, added a USD 50,000 Income:Bonus, and then clicked enter and "Enter". Then I had a USD 1,000,000 "Income:Gifts Recieved", clicked enter, and she blew up." to be very specific (specify keyboard vs., mouse actions, &c.)
18:36:39 <jsled> And maybe fill in the steps in between.
18:37:04 <jsled> And going forward, use either Enter or "Enter".
18:37:18 * jsled always liked the keyboard Enter, preferring less mouse use.
18:37:36 <leitz> So enter is the same as "Enter"?
18:37:53 <jsled> yup. Both will Enter the Transaction.
18:38:04 <jsled> (Note that Keypad Enter has a slightly different semantic)
18:39:18 <leitz> Is this bugzilla the same as others? Or is Bugzilla the software name?
18:40:12 <jsled> this which? GnuCash bugs are at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=GnuCash
18:40:46 <jsled> (Bugzilla is the name of the software, yes, but most projects also refer to their relevant instance simply as "bugzilla".)
18:40:57 <leitz> I dunno, but it took my login. Interesting...
18:43:13 <leitz> Hmm...it's the Gnome Bugzilla, but there's no gnucash catagory.
18:44:23 <leitz> Ah...have to get there a different way...
18:50:14 <leitz> jsled, bug 586896. Can you check the wording and see if I missed anything?
18:51:41 * holt_kessler could use a little help with this compiling
18:53:48 <warlord> holt_kessler: Use a real distro
18:53:58 <warlord> (where "real" is defined as "provides GnuCash")
18:54:19 <leitz> warlord, holt_kessler is helping a friend out. Consider it marketing. :)
18:54:22 <jsled> holt_kessler: can't even begin to help until you provide some detail ... and you might want ot see what other distros do.
18:54:49 <jsled> but, not to offend, if you don't know how to deal with .zip files, packaging gnucash and all its deps is going to be a bear.
18:55:11 <jsled> At the same time, it sounds like Moblin is based on fedora, maybe, so you can hopefully steal their packages.
18:56:07 <leitz> Hmm...jsleds comment is pretty reasonable.
18:57:13 <leitz> Check out irc.freenode.net #fedora. They might be able to help, if there's not a Moblin channel somewhere.
18:57:36 <jsled> There is. #moblin on freenode.
18:57:39 <jsled> http://moblin.org/community
18:57:46 <leitz> And there you go...
18:57:48 <leitz> :)
18:58:22 <leitz> jsled, I have to bail for another "thing". Did you have a chance to look at the bug report and see if I missed anything important?
18:58:46 <jsled> leitz: yup. I recast your description in a bit more detail.
18:58:54 <jsled> thanks for the bug report.
18:59:05 <warlord> Thank you, leitz !!
18:59:06 <holt_kessler> warlord, I use lunar linux that be real distro
18:59:40 <holt_kessler> but i'm workin' with moblin on a friend's box atm
19:00:02 <leitz> jsled, thanks! That looks good.
19:00:14 <leitz> warlord, you're welcome. Not sure for what though... :)
19:00:31 <warlord> for filing the bug report!
19:00:55 <jsled> holt_kessler: you probably should ask questions about how to build/package software for moblin of the moblin folks.
19:01:01 <holt_kessler> and btw warlord -your definition of ''real'' is not technically correct
19:01:13 <holt_kessler> jsled, i am
19:01:15 <warlord> It is as far as GnuCash is concerned.
19:01:23 <jsled> Especially as they want to be really ... vague about what they are.
19:01:29 <holt_kessler> no its not not in my opinion
19:01:30 <jsled> "Q Is Moblin v2.0 based on another distribution?
19:01:32 <jsled> Moblin v2.0 borrows components from various distributions, but is not based on another distribution." — http://moblin.org/documentation/moblin-overview/faq
19:01:45 <holt_kessler> by that logic LFS is not a real distro
19:01:51 <jsled> it's not.
19:01:53 <warlord> You're right.
19:01:54 <leitz> Ah, then warlord, you're welcome! I'll get the updates via e-mail and be able to answer questions if needed.
19:01:56 <jsled> by definition.
19:02:02 <jsled> It's FROM SCRATCH.
19:02:12 <jsled> i.e., not a distribution.
19:02:18 <leitz> Enjoy! And jsled, thanks for the help!
19:02:22 <jsled> cheers.
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19:02:48 * holt_kessler just want to install slib
19:03:41 <warlord> It's a zipfile Just unzip it and symlink into your guile directory.
19:04:24 <holt_kessler> I followed the directions and put it in /usr/lib warlord
19:06:09 <warlord> holt_kessler: you still need a symlink so guile can find it. Generally something like: ln -s /path/to/slib /usr/share/guile/1.8/slib
19:07:07 <holt_kessler> ah
19:07:37 <warlord> then you also need to make the library catalog. I forget the exact incantation.
19:08:28 <holt_kessler> thats the part i have no clue about
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19:13:32 <warlord> maybe something like: guile -e "(require 'new-catalog)" ?
19:15:04 <holt_kessler> maybe i should go back to drdos
19:16:00 <warlord> lol
19:16:25 <holt_kessler> does it have gnucrash?
19:17:20 <warlord> No clue.
19:17:20 <holt_kessler> err** gnucash
19:18:07 <warlord> As far as Linux Distros: Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Red Hat, Gentoo... all of them provide GnuCash.
19:19:04 <holt_kessler> you for the real distro ---> http://www.lunar-linux.org/
19:19:14 <holt_kessler> err** forgot
19:19:54 <warlord> I dont know anything about lunar.
19:20:04 <holt_kessler> indeed
19:20:21 <holt_kessler> give it a try
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19:22:46 <jsled> holt_kessler: tried gentoo?
19:22:52 <jsled> wondering how it compares to lunar
19:23:14 <holt_kessler> jsled, lunar is more sensible
19:23:23 <holt_kessler> and faster
19:23:35 <jsled> how so? and, how so?
19:23:50 <holt_kessler> and less complicated
19:24:27 <holt_kessler> no major configurations to begin with
19:24:44 <holt_kessler> and installs in about 35 mins
19:24:50 <holt_kessler> try that with gentoo
19:25:21 <holt_kessler> anyway i'm not here to discuss gentoo vs lunar
19:25:30 <warlord> no thanks. I dont have time to go play with random distros. I have real work to do.
19:25:35 <jsled> sure, just curious.
19:25:53 <holt_kessler> warlord, on real distros right
19:26:01 <jsled> (though recent gentoo stage3 installs are pretty fast, but that's a whole philosophical debate)
19:26:03 <jsled> :)
19:26:16 <warlord> Mostly I live on Fedora. I also have to do some work with Ubuntu.
19:26:31 <holt_kessler> i'm goin' back to dos now anyways
19:26:37 <warlord> Fun!
19:27:09 <holt_kessler> dos=!fun
19:27:15 <warlord> LOL
19:27:18 <warlord> Indeed. ;)
19:27:46 <holt_kessler> but i did love drdos7 back in the day didn't you guys?
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19:41:01 <warlord> Never really played with it. I've been using Linux since 0.99pl15 back in 199.2? 3?
19:45:39 <holt_kessler> 1929? wtf
19:46:07 * holt_kessler falls of chair laughin'
19:53:36 <warlord> Yep, I'm just so far ahead of the time that I was usig linux back in 1929!
19:56:35 <holt_kessler> geuss you an Linus were pretty young back then, huh?
19:57:49 <holt_kessler> whats with the name warlord, warlord ?
20:01:22 <warlord> long story.
20:01:39 <holt_kessler> when i run make infoz it says command not found
20:03:08 <holt_kessler> wait make install worked
20:03:47 <holt_kessler> how do i Configure Scheme Implementation to Locate SLIB?
20:04:00 <warlord> As I said, symlink it.
20:04:22 <holt_kessler> ye be showin' me that move then?
20:05:34 <warlord> Been there, done that.
20:06:00 <warlord> Read back to what I said earlier.
20:08:10 <holt_kessler> done
20:08:30 <holt_kessler> so thats it then?
20:09:25 <warlord> it /should/ be..
20:09:38 <holt_kessler> I thank ye Sir!
20:09:52 <holt_kessler> now i be gnucrashin'
20:10:00 <warlord> Fun fun
20:10:00 <holt_kessler> on a netbook
20:10:20 <holt_kessler> is 2.3.1 stable enough?
20:10:28 <holt_kessler> I use fine on Lunar
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20:10:35 <warlord> 2.3.x are testing releases.
20:10:38 <warlord> last stable release was 2.2.9
20:10:48 <warlord> next stable will be 2.4.
20:11:10 <holt_kessler> the app is fantastic warlord
20:11:36 <warlord> Thanks.
20:12:41 <holt_kessler> what does webkit do for gnucash?
20:15:30 <warlord> replaces GtkHtml
20:17:05 <holt_kessler> is it better?
20:17:40 <warlord> yes
20:17:52 <warlord> It's.. supported. It supports CSS, HTML3, ...
20:22:53 <jsled> webkit (and gtkhtml) are for rendering the report output.
20:22:59 <jsled> And gtkhtml is quite long in the tooth
20:23:06 <holt_kessler> ahh
20:23:20 <holt_kessler> like warlord
20:23:33 <jsled> heh
20:24:08 <warlord> Older and wiser, young grasshopper
20:24:29 <holt_kessler> damn, gnucash can't find slib
20:26:22 <warlord> what do you get from: guile -c "(use-modules (ice-9 slib)) (require 'printf)"
20:26:45 <holt_kessler> sec warlord
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20:31:28 <holt_kessler> is that the exact syntax?
20:32:39 <holt_kessler> error unbound variable :use
20:32:58 <warlord> That's the exact syntax, quotes and all.
20:34:06 <holt_kessler> error unbound variable :use
20:35:14 <warlord> You mis-typed.
20:35:19 <warlord> or didn't cut-and-paste.
20:35:29 <warlord> Or... SLIB is royally broken.
20:36:16 <holt_kessler> any other way of putting it?
20:36:42 <warlord> Sorry.. Slib is just.. weird.
20:36:48 <warlord> I'd love it if we could get away from using it.
20:37:08 <holt_kessler> fu*k
20:37:37 <holt_kessler> syntax error near `('
20:38:28 <holt_kessler> oh well
20:39:18 <holt_kessler> what could replace it?
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21:00:22 <warlord> Um, not using it.
21:01:10 <holt_kessler> how do i Configure Scheme Implementation to Locate SLIB?
21:01:54 <warlord> RTFM
21:02:01 * warlord just does: yum install slib
21:04:06 <holt_kessler> warlord, I did, but its a little beyond my understanding
21:04:33 <holt_kessler> moblin has no slib
21:05:18 <warlord> well, perhaps moblin isn't a good platform.. Why moblin instead of something else?
21:07:29 <holt_kessler> its for new netbooks with the intel atom chip
21:10:15 <warlord> huh.
21:10:27 <warlord> i'm surprised that Debian doesn't have support.
21:11:51 <holt_kessler> also gnucash looks for libgofficce
21:12:03 <warlord> yes it does
21:12:22 <holt_kessler> it didn't say that on the home site
21:13:26 <warlord> strange...
21:15:11 <holt_kessler> I don't think this moblin is gonna work for my friend atm
21:15:22 <holt_kessler> its just too new
21:15:46 <holt_kessler> claws-mail will not even install
21:15:55 <holt_kessler> sucks huh
21:16:06 <warlord> yeah. sorry dude
21:16:40 <holt_kessler> warlord, I have spent 3 days fsckin' with this thing
21:17:40 <holt_kessler> I think I'm gonna try and find something else
21:18:12 <warlord> good luck!
21:19:06 <holt_kessler> thanks
21:19:17 <holt_kessler> laters and appreciate the help
21:19:31 <holt_kessler> bfn
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21:38:26 <gasull> Hi all. How do I edit the date for a transfer I already entered? Thank you.
21:40:27 <warlord> um, click on the date and type?
21:42:04 <gasull> @warlord: Thanks. I'm actually on the tab "Accounts" and I don't even know how to list the individual payments. I just started using GnuCash today.
21:42:04 <gncbot> gasull: Error: "warlord:" is not a valid command.
21:43:00 <warlord> gasull: well, how did you enter the transaction? What account is it in? Open that account and edit it.
21:44:40 <gasull> warlord: i think there's something wrong in my installation of GnuCash. If I double click an account GnuCash crashes. Is that what I'm suppossed to do for opening the account?
21:45:17 <BlueAidan> hmm, anyone test gnucash using a dark gtk theme?
21:45:18 <warlord> Umm.. what OS/Distro are you using? And what version of GnuCash?
21:45:27 <warlord> BlueAidan: probably not.
21:46:05 <gasull> warlord: Debian Lenny, Gnucash 2.2.6
21:46:16 <BlueAidan> the Accounts screen uses a black font on the totals, and the background is set to a slightly lighter color... making it nigh impossible to read them
21:47:10 <warlord> BlueAidan: well, then, don't use a dark theme.. or change the gnucash colors.
21:47:31 <warlord> gasull: if it's crashing you should file a bug report with Debian.
21:48:44 <gasull> warlord: OK.
21:50:23 <warlord> Double-clicking an account should open the register.. if it's crashing, that's definitely a bug. Note that 2.2.9 is the most recent stable release.
21:53:43 <gasull> warlord: I'm going to install the one from unstable (2.2.6-3 instead of 2.2.6-2). If the bug it's still there I'll install 2.2.9 from the Ubuntu repos
21:54:01 <warlord> No, dont do that.
21:54:08 <warlord> 2.2.6-3 is known buggy!
21:55:07 <gasull> how buggy? I don't like to mix packages from Ubuntu and Debian
21:56:12 <warlord> You shjould install 2.2.9
21:58:27 <gasull> warlord: OK. I will :)
21:59:24 <warlord> or rebuild it on your system.
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22:06:01 <BlueAidan> warlord: by "changing gnucash colors" do you mean changing the source somehow? I don't see a way using gnucash's menus
22:06:20 <BlueAidan> warlord: I'm not trying to pick a fight, just curious if I can change it
22:07:50 <warlord> No need to recompile. Just set the gtk theme for gnucash; you can set the colors via .gtkrc
22:07:57 <warlord> (or maybe by edit -> preferences )
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23:00:57 <gasull> warlord-afk: Couldn't install 2.2.9 b/c it would break my system with its dependencies. I installed 2.2.6-3. It doesn't crash anymore. Thanks for your help.
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