2009-06-23 GnuCash IRC logs
00:09:38 *** Rafael has joined #gnucash
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07:47:55 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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07:58:24 *** JimRaehl2 has joined #gnucash
08:01:24 *** JimRaehl2 has left #gnucash
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08:15:24 <JimRaehl2> When I finished building Gnucash Windows using /soft/packaging/install.sh last evening, the build completed with a mysterious export/echo command pair request. What is the purpose of the direct command? What is the purpose of copying it to/etc/profile.d/ installer.sh? Where is installer.sh used? The commands I'm referring to: Environment variables changed, please do the following
08:15:24 <JimRaehl2> export GUILE_LDFLAGS="-L/o/soft/guile/lib"
08:15:24 <JimRaehl2> echo 'export GUILE_LDFLAGS="-L/o/soft/guile/lib"' >> /etc/profile.d/installer.sh
08:16:25 *** twunder has joined #gnucash
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08:27:27 <warlord> JimRaehl2: it's setting it in the current shell and also putting it into the profile so it runs in future shells as well.
08:40:02 *** Teka has joined #gnucash
08:41:33 <JimRaehl2> Another question: is /soft/packaging/reset.sh the preferred way to clean out a mangled build setup and start over. It did seem to wipe out most of the installed packages, though if I recall correctly HTMLHELP didn't get wiped. I renamed /soft/hh (rename to keep around just in case), which forced a reinstall of HTMLHELP. Was getting rid of /soft/hh a good way to get rid of HTMLHELP and force a reload of that?
08:47:58 *** twunder has quit IRC
08:50:05 <warlord> yes.
08:50:05 <Teka> Hi I can't open any of my existing accounts. Any ideas please?
08:52:16 <warlord> What happens when you try?
08:57:22 <Teka> The program opens the account list and I can highlight each account by pointing with mouse. Select and click does not open account and now unable to highlight another account.
08:58:33 <warlord> What OS/Distro are you using?
08:58:39 <warlord> And what version of GnuCash?
08:59:56 <Teka> running Windows vista Home Premium and latest version 2.2.9 of GnuCash
09:01:09 <warlord> What happens if you minimize the window?
09:01:17 * warlord doesn't use Windows.
09:06:53 <Teka> Werid! if I select and click nothing - then minise and restore and the account has opened!!
09:06:53 <warlord> andrewsw: ping?
09:06:53 <warlord> Teka: I think you're seeing some of the 'screen redraw' issues that have been seen before.
09:14:30 <Teka> this does NOT happen on another PC running Windows WP and a copy of the same accounts so is it a Vista problem?
09:15:24 <warlord> Could be.
09:15:44 <warlord> I'm not a windows expert..
09:15:44 <warlord> And in many ways windows is a 3rd class citizen in the GnuCash world.
09:15:47 <Teka> Will it be covered in the website archieve - what to search? for "screen redraw vista" has no result
09:17:15 <Teka> so am I wasting my time with this programme and windows?
09:18:33 <warlord> No, I dont think you're wasting your time.
09:18:58 <warlord> But there are definitely windows-only issues.
09:18:58 <warlord> Try searching for "screen refresh windows"
09:19:04 <Teka> Thanks I will do that
09:20:51 <warlord> Also, you'll get lots of help on the gnucash-user mailing list.
09:22:10 <Teka> ok will try the mail list
09:24:09 *** Teka has quit IRC
10:41:55 *** jsled has quit IRC
10:42:17 <warlord> andrewsw: ping?
10:43:08 *** jsled has joined #gnucash
10:50:49 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
10:58:54 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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14:29:53 *** wwwjustezws has joined #gnucash
14:30:00 <wwwjustezws> hi
14:30:29 <wwwjustezws> I cannot see anybody here
14:31:11 <andrewsw> warlord-afk: pong?
14:31:19 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
14:31:26 <warlord> andrewsw: Can you op gncbot?
14:31:34 <andrewsw> yup,
14:31:41 <andrewsw> @op gncbot
14:31:41 <gncbot> andrewsw: Error: I need to be opped to op someone.
14:31:48 *** andrewsw sets mode: +o gncbot
14:31:52 <warlord> @op
14:31:53 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
14:31:58 <andrewsw> :)
14:32:00 <warlord> @op jsled linas
14:32:00 *** gncbot sets mode: +oo jsled linas
14:32:03 <wwwjustezws> hey does anybody have an idea how I can make contacts to promote my MLM business?
14:32:05 <warlord> Thank you
14:32:14 <warlord> wwwjustezws: no.
14:32:22 <warlord> And this is not the forum for that.
14:32:37 <wwwjustezws> ok where should i go
14:33:18 <warlord> No idea.
14:33:19 <wwwjustezws> hello?
14:33:23 <andrewsw> warlord: I *do* serve a purpose here!
14:33:26 <andrewsw> ;)
14:33:29 <warlord> andrewsw: yep. Thank you.
14:33:33 <wwwjustezws> ok, well good bye
14:33:43 <wwwjustezws> visit my website at any time we can chat there
14:33:49 <wwwjustezws> www.mygdi.info
14:33:53 *** wwwjustezws was kicked by jsled (jsled)
14:34:00 <goodger_> jsled: ta
14:34:15 <jsled> damn, missed him before the hostname ... at least it wasn't a url.
14:34:20 <jsled> scrubbing the logs is a pita.
14:35:03 <warlord> It is. :(
14:44:47 *** MechtiIde has joined #gnucash
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20:52:37 *** BlueAidan has joined #gnucash
21:36:35 *** JimRaehl2 has left #gnucash
21:36:58 *** Jimraehl has joined #gnucash
22:02:20 <Jimraehl> After building Gnucash in Windows XP with /soft/packaging/install.sh, is /soft/gnucash/inst/bin/gnucash the right command to run the built executble? Seems to run fine. Does this mean that the instruction to run /soft/gnucash/bin/gnucash per http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows is no longer correct?
22:07:15 <warlord> * looks *
22:08:43 <warlord> Yes, /c/soft/gnucash/inst/bin/gnucash is the correct command to run.
22:08:57 <warlord> Feel free to update the wiki
22:10:56 <Jimraehl> Another question: to play with and build modified sources, do I modify the sources in /soft/gnucash/repos/src and possibly also in /soft/packaging/defaults.sh change: set_default UPDATE_SOURCES yes in the else section of: if [ "$BUILD_FROM_TARBALL" = "yes" ]; then ... else set_default UPDATE_SOURCES no
22:11:34 <Jimraehl> Thanks for answer to question #1. There are several changes I may make to the wiki, based on my experience.
22:11:52 <warlord> a) you should never modify defaults.sh -- create a custom.sh and put your settings there.
22:12:12 <warlord> b) yes /c/soft/gnucash/repos/src is where you modify the code.
22:12:52 <warlord> note that you don't necessarily need to set UPDATE_SOURCES=no unless you really want to make sure you don't 'svn up'..
22:13:53 <Jimraehl> Thanks again. Does that mean the svn checking will prefer my changed sources, even if the same source later changes on the server?
22:14:50 <warlord> No... it will just attempt to merge the changes.
22:15:02 <warlord> standard "svn update" behavior.
22:15:56 <Jimraehl> Thanks again. Now it's time for bed. I fall asleep happy.
22:21:01 <warlord> Excellent!
22:21:05 <warlord> Glad to hear it's working for you..
22:21:15 <warlord> I'm wondering why so many people have been having issues with win32 recently.
22:21:44 <warlord> At least now we have the daily builds, and we'll have auto tag-builds too so Phil can upload e.g. 2.3.2 the day after he tags the release.
22:22:46 *** aindilis has joined #gnucash
22:46:14 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk