2009-06-07 GnuCash IRC logs
00:30:15 *** aj has joined #gnucash
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05:27:35 <twanny796> can I install with yum?
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09:43:58 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:44:36 <lenscape_> Another tricky credit note problem
09:45:29 <lenscape_> Vendor issued several invoices and then finally a credit note for the oustanding balance then closed the account.
09:46:35 <warlord> unpost your last bill and add the credit note info there.
09:47:06 <lenscape_> that takes the bill -ve
09:47:21 <lenscape_> there are a bunch of small bills then a big credit note
10:04:40 <warlord> Oh. Then just process payment as normal, then change the posted transaction to point back to the expense accounts instead of your asset.
10:06:28 <lenscape_> do you know if there are plans to add credit note/rebate handling?
10:06:43 <warlord> only if someone donates the code for it.
10:06:49 <warlord> (read: not anytime soon)
10:07:20 <lenscape_> would it be a big effort to allow -ve invoices?
10:07:24 <warlord> Yes
10:09:14 <lenscape_> what's the code in this area written in? C or C++?
10:10:15 <warlord> C
10:10:18 <warlord> There's no C++ in gnucash
10:10:26 <lenscape_> that helps
10:10:46 <lenscape_> I've never written C++ but I wrote C once
10:12:17 <warlord> Keep in mind that the >=0 checks were put in for a reason. The whole invoice v. payment processing to find the right lot would need to change to handle a negative invoice.
10:12:44 <warlord> There's a lot of logic to find the invoice for a transaction, or the owner.
10:13:21 <warlord> So there's an assumption that you only have 1 invoice per lot.. But negative invoices would violate that assumption.
10:14:27 <warlord> This is why it's not a simple thing to fix. You need to go through ALL the algorithms everywhere, because everything makes the 1-inv:1-lot assumption.
10:15:42 <lenscape_> warlord: do you think this is something that needs doing?
10:17:02 <warlord> i clearly didnt when i wrote the code originally.
10:19:12 <lenscape_> sure but now?
10:20:12 <lenscape_> every project has early design choices that might have been done a different way with hindsight
10:20:23 <warlord> of course
10:20:37 <warlord> in hindsight i might have done it differently.
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12:57:30 * Stacey-Chin is away: http://www.furrylovables.com - Don't even think about messin with me and my chins! (815) 476-2641 http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=418817686
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13:55:03 <solexious> Hello all
13:56:22 <solexious> Is there a way I can do this: I want to mark all expenses as being paid by me or my partner so we can see at the end of the month who has paid the most so we can square up who owes who.
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15:25:47 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
15:26:06 <warlord> solexious: Sure, use split transactions.
15:27:05 <solexious> warlord, Thanks, will take a look :)
15:27:12 <warlord> For example, let's say the water bill is $100 and you split it 50/50. Let's also assume that you pay it. So it would be $100 credit to your checking account, then you debit Assets:Roomate $50 (their portion) and then debit Expenses:Utilities:Water $50 for your portion.
15:28:39 <warlord> When your housemate pays a bill, you only need to account for your portion, so if THEY paid the $100 then you just need to credit A:Roommate $50 (your portion) and debit Ex:Ut:Water $50 (for your portion)
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18:29:43 *** Wilddev has joined #gnucash
18:29:43 *** gncbot sets mode: +o Wilddev
18:30:33 <Wilddev> hiya
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18:47:31 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord-slow
18:47:33 <warlord-slow> hiya Wilddev
18:48:35 <Wilddev> hey warlord-slow
18:48:38 <Wilddev> hows it going?
18:48:55 <warlord-slow> Eh. I was hit by a car Friday night.
18:49:01 <warlord-slow> I'm sore
18:49:21 <Wilddev> oh shit, you were walking?
18:50:17 <warlord-slow> biking.
18:50:33 <Wilddev> damm sorry man, that happened to me in London
18:50:36 <Wilddev> u ok?
18:51:57 <warlord-slow> Yeah, just brusied.
18:52:08 <warlord-slow> Went to the hospital yesterday, but xrays and cts were all negative
18:53:03 <Wilddev> well that's good it was only bruising
18:53:06 <Wilddev> did he stop?
18:55:03 <warlord-slow> yeah. even drove me home
18:55:19 <Wilddev> that's good, the guy that hit me didnt stop
18:55:29 <Wilddev> glad ur ok
19:00:21 <warlord-slow> they stopped. cops came. emts came.
19:00:52 <Wilddev> I'm flying off to CA next week
19:01:05 <Wilddev> got a job in Walnut Creek
19:01:14 <warlord-slow> Cool! Enjoy it.
19:01:35 <Wilddev> yeah, setting up wireless in the AAA's new building there
19:01:57 <Wilddev> will prob be about 5 week's there in total
19:03:01 <warlord-slow> Neato.
19:03:18 <Wilddev> honestly just glad to be working atm
19:04:41 <warlord-slow> * nods *
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