2009-05-31 GnuCash IRC logs
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05:03:25 <venesha> hi
05:03:43 <venesha> i need help with a case
05:03:56 <venesha> i need the journal entry
05:04:00 <venesha> order to raise more capital, Mr. Brian and his partners agreed to change the company charter and authorized 1,500,000 shares. A total of 1,000,000 shares were issued to investors with Mr. Brian retaining 51% of the issued shares. The nominal value per share was $1 but shares were sold to investors at $3 per share.
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08:18:41 <robsteranium> Does anybody have any tips/ pointers to help me prepare my UK Corporation Tax returns? My accountant says that the reports I've generated aren't quite suitable. I want to do this in Gnucash, not oocalc/ excel! The problems include:
08:18:41 <robsteranium> 1. I need to separate out non-tax-deductable expenses (particularly as dividends should come out of net profits).
08:18:41 <robsteranium> 2. I need to list some purchases (e.g. new printer) as fixed assets with depreciation not one-off purchases.
08:18:41 <robsteranium> I'm sure that gnucash does this, I work out how!
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09:15:08 <lenscape> robsteranium: when you buy assets, you need to allocate them to the correct account - such as Assets:Capital Equipment:Computer Equipment
09:17:03 <lenscape> robsteranium: gnucash does everything you need, I suspect, but it won't teach you accounting. You may need to spend some time with a bookkeeper to get a feel for what goes where.
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09:51:13 <lenscape> anyone know of any bugs in 2.2.7 where bills are marked as paid as soon as they're entered - before 'process payment' is done?
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11:58:28 <rdevriese> I'm having an issue with scheduled transactions in version 2.2.9. For some transactions when I select to-create and then click OK, nothing happens. No transaction is added. This is the windows version. Anybody have any idea what the issue is?
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11:59:47 <liammcdermott> The tax stuff (Edit -> Tax options -> TXF categories) are all US-centric, is there a way of getting categories for other countries?
12:00:17 <liammcdermott> Feel free to tell me if I'm doing it wrong. ;)
12:03:30 <rdevriese> The issue I'm referring to only seems to occur the second time I run scheduled transactions on any given day, e.g., if I select Actions | Scheduled Transcations | Since Last Run. I cannot seem to enter any further scheduled transactions.
12:06:06 <jsled> rdevriese: in what way are you running since-last-run a second time?
12:06:11 <jsled> By that, I mean ....
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12:06:23 <jsled> are you post-poning some trasnactions from the previous Since Last Run (SLR) run?
12:06:34 <jsled> Or, are you creating new SXes, then SLR'ing them?
12:06:43 <jsled> Or changing the frequency of existing transactions?
12:07:25 <rdevriese> I'm just rerunning since-last-run.
12:07:43 <rdevriese> I did not modify any of the configuration information.
12:08:03 <jsled> did you cancel out of the first SLR run?
12:08:18 <jsled> I mean, if you run SLR once, then everything to be created should be created.
12:08:21 <rdevriese> This does not seem to occur on the Linux version, only in the Windows version. At least that is my observation.
12:08:26 <jsled> So, if you run it a second time, what's there to create?
12:09:52 <rdevriese> First time through I accepted the to-create transactions. Second time through I changed some of the "Reminder" transactions to "to-create". Perhapse I misspoke in early post. I was meaning I did not open the transaction editor and change anything.
12:10:06 <jsled> ah, reminders.
12:10:17 <jsled> so, these are setup as "remind in advance"
12:10:29 * jsled tries
12:10:58 <rdevriese> Yes
12:11:36 <jsled> sorry, worksforme. :(
12:11:53 <jsled> I created a reminder: 14 days, daily transaction.
12:12:18 <jsled> SLR: one To-Create, 14 Reminders. Change the first reminder to "To-Create", [x] review, Ok ... sure enough, 2 transactions.
12:12:37 <jsled> SLR again: 13 reminders. change the first to "To-Create" [x] review, Ok ... and one more transaction created.
12:12:43 <jsled> this, too, is linux.
12:13:06 <jsled> I have zero reason to believe the windows version would behave differently; I don't recall that anything needed to be changed in the SX area for Windows.
12:13:52 <rdevriese> I only see this behavior the second time I run the scheduled transaction dialog. I am able to change reminders to to-create if I do it the first time the scheduled transaction window opens on any given day.
12:14:20 <rdevriese> I also never see this on the Linux version.
12:16:58 <rdevriese> But, it is quite reproducable on the Windows version. At least for me ;-(
12:19:18 <jsled> rdevriese: have you tried from a new datafile?
12:20:56 <rdevriese> No. I could give that a try. Assuming it works on a new datafile how would I go about fixing the current one? I've got 10 years worth of finance data in it. Took me weeks to migrate from MS Money and get everything working correctly.
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12:26:58 <rdevriese> I'm going to reboot into Linux and try it from there. I'll loose IRC for awhile.
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12:48:54 <rdevriese> Following up on the scheduled transaction issue, I switched over to Linux and ran the same data file as I use in Windows. I no longer see the issue.
12:49:57 <rdevriese> I am able to repeatedly run Schedule Transactions, switch "Reminder" to "to-create" and the transactions are entered correctly. Seems to be an issue with the Windows version.
12:50:33 <rdevriese> I notice I'm using Gnucash version 2.2.6 on Linux and version 2.2.9 on Windows. Any possibility that's the problem?
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16:38:24 <alex1> Can anyone tell me where to find the code that defines things like scm_call_1 and SCM_STRINGP in the source?
16:39:10 <jsled> I believe those are defined by guile, no?
16:40:00 <alex1> So would that be in libguile documentation?
16:41:06 <jsled> jsled@phoenix [/usr/include/libguile]$ grep "scm_call_1" *.h
16:41:06 <jsled> eval.h:SCM_API SCM scm_call_1 (SCM proc, SCM arg1);
16:41:36 <jsled> both /usr/include/{,lib}guile being provided on my gentoo system by dev-scheme/guile-1.8.5-r1
16:43:09 <alex1> Thanks, I'll spend some time looking at that.
16:43:31 <jsled> what's your goal, if I can ask?
16:50:00 <jsled> (/me afks)
16:50:45 <alex1> I'm making some changes to dialog-tax-info.c and need to get the result of 'gnc:txf-get-multiple' in scheme into a boolean in the c code and just copying the code for similar string data doesn't work.
16:54:08 <JimRaehl2> I'm trying to compile Gnucash from SVN under Windows 2000, per http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows using default everything except I specified "AQBANKING_WITH_QT=no". On the first run, unzip downloaded and saved but then hit an error that it wasn't found and the run stopped. The second run said it was installed and the run continued farther. Is this expected?
16:54:56 <JimRaehl2> Question #2: is there a way to capture and save the Mingw32 window contents, or is there a copy of that saved somewhere.
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16:57:21 <JimRaehl2> Question #3: the second run stopped at not finding libltdl/loaders/.deps/dld_link.Plo (which I indeed don't see in that folder). What to do about getting past that. I'd first like to save the printout of the second run.
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19:38:21 <JimRaehl2> Question #2 answer (after several hours of research) -- see http://linuxcommand.gds.tuwien.ac.at/man_pages/rxvt1.html
19:39:33 <JimRaehl2> Select text with mouse left-click and drag, extend selection with right-click. Paste in text editor with shift-insert.
19:41:19 <JimRaehl2> These are in the referenced URL section "TEXT SELECTION AND INSERTION"
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19:44:57 <JimRaehl2> Question #3 answer: I restarted again. The run went past dld_link.Plo, and stopped when c:/soft/tmp/svn-1.4.2-setup.exe wouldn't automatically install. I manually installed it from C:\soft\tmp
19:46:17 <JimRaehl2> Tomorrow I'll try to keep going. This build is certainly not going as described in the Wiki.
19:54:10 <warlord> JimRaehl2: What are you trying to do?
19:54:15 <warlord> (I missed the original questions)
19:57:52 <JimRaehl2> Original post #1: I'm trying to compile Gnucash from SVN under Windows 2000, per http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows using default everything except I specified "AQBANKING_WITH_QT=no". On the first run, unzip downloaded and saved but then hit an error that it wasn't found and the run stopped. The second run said it was installed and the run continued farther. Is this expected?
19:58:22 <JimRaehl2> Question #2: is there a way to capture and save the Mingw32 window contents, or is there a copy of that saved somewhere.
19:58:23 <warlord> Nope, not expected at all..
19:58:58 <warlord> You can save it by using 'tee', like any other unix command-line.
19:59:12 <warlord> See the daily_build.sh script.
19:59:59 <JimRaehl2> Question #3: the second run stopped at not finding libltdl/loaders/.deps/dld_link.Plo (which I indeed don't see in that folder). What to do about getting past that. I'd first like to save the printout of the second run. (which I have gone past, as posted recently)
20:00:19 <warlord> I'll ALSO note that we're working on setting up a daily build system here -- it's building every night, but we don't have the publication working.
20:00:36 <JimRaehl2> #2: thanks for the extra enlightenment
20:01:05 <warlord> Ummm... Sounds like a race condition -- do you have a multi-core system>
20:01:07 <warlord> ?
20:01:28 <JimRaehl2> I've read about the daily build, also the lack of publication. I'm impatient.
20:01:34 <warlord> Apparently.
20:03:30 <JimRaehl2> No multi-core on this computer, just AMD Sempron Processor 2800. My laptop is dual-core Windows Vista 64-bit, but don't want to try Gnucash build there.
20:04:05 <warlord> it'd be faster ;)
20:04:20 <JimRaehl2> I also suspect race condition, especially considering successive runs get farther and farther.
20:04:22 <warlord> Anyways, No idea what the ltdl problem is -- try 'make' by hand>
20:06:15 <JimRaehl2> Thanks so much. I now need to get to bed, due to heart attack recovery and fatigued.
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20:22:09 <warlord> Sleep well..
20:22:21 <warlord> I'll work on setting up the upload.
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20:41:48 <Lindsey> Hello everyone! :)
20:41:48 <Lindsey> I need one help... I think there´s a bug in the budget!
20:42:28 <warlord> what's up?
20:44:13 <Lindsey> In my budget, the Columns where the periods are, went all the way to the right, and I can´t pull them to the left... there´s a huge scrollbar in the bottom part of the budget :/
20:44:33 <Lindsey> i´m using 2.2.9
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20:45:21 <warlord> What's the largest column?
20:46:09 <Lindsey> account name...
20:46:33 <warlord> And you can't reduce that column
20:46:33 <warlord> ?
20:46:39 * warlord has never played with the budget UI
20:46:49 <Lindsey> no!! :/ :/
20:47:29 <Lindsey> i dont know what happened, i can´t even clink between the two column to pull it to the left
20:48:33 <warlord> Hmm..
20:48:39 <warlord> What happens if you close and reopen the budget?
20:49:55 <Lindsey> stay the same.... even if I open a new budget, the new budget will open with this large column...
20:50:38 <warlord> Can you adjust other columns?
20:50:45 <warlord> (it may be a bug)
20:51:00 <Lindsey> no, i can´t.... :(
20:51:51 <Lindsey> i think i´ll save my files and reinstall it..
20:51:52 <warlord> Well, there is one other option... run gconf-editor
20:52:00 <warlord> reinstall wont help.
20:52:07 <Lindsey> hmm
20:52:12 <Lindsey> ok let me try it
20:52:14 <warlord> it's saved in gconf.
20:52:57 <Lindsey> ok, and where is this file?
20:53:25 <warlord> what file?
20:53:50 <warlord> gconf? it's not a file.. it's a configuratoin application system
20:53:54 <Lindsey> gconf-editor... isn´t it an executable?
20:54:00 <Lindsey> hmm and do I run it?
20:54:06 <Lindsey> sorry
20:54:23 <Lindsey> how do I run it?
20:57:48 <warlord> Umm, run 'gconf-editor' from your shell?
20:59:12 <Lindsey> hmm, i don´t know if it changes anything, but im using it with windoes XP
21:00:04 <Lindsey> :P
21:00:17 <warlord> OH! Yeah, that changes a lot...
21:00:27 <warlord> You didn't say before..
21:00:52 <Lindsey> hahaha sorry :D
21:01:37 <warlord> So... here's something you could do -- you could remove all your gconf config.. but it would lose ALL your preferences.
21:02:01 <Lindsey> how do i remove it?
21:02:40 <warlord> so.. exit gnucash, kill the 'gconfd' process, then remove $HOME/.gconf*
21:03:17 <Lindsey> ok you´re speaking french for me :(
21:04:50 <warlord> exit gnucash...
21:04:56 <warlord> (that should be easy)
21:05:05 <warlord> next, you need to kill the gconfd process.
21:05:06 <Lindsey> yes i did it!! haha :D
21:05:18 <warlord> Bring up the Task Manager and kill it.
21:06:17 <Lindsey> ok ;)
21:06:43 <warlord> Done with that?
21:07:21 <Lindsey> yes! to be honest this process wasn´t there anymore
21:07:35 <Lindsey> a lot of processes but no gconfd
21:08:54 <warlord> Huh. Interesting.
21:09:13 <warlord> Next you need to delete the .gconf (and .gconfd) folders in your home directory
21:10:35 <Lindsey> ok did that
21:11:30 <warlord> Now restart gnucash..
21:12:51 <Lindsey> yeeey it worked!! :D
21:13:07 <warlord> There ya go.
21:13:29 <Lindsey> what kind of preferences was lost??
21:13:48 <warlord> Not sure why it happened, tho. You SHOULD be able to adjust those columns.
21:13:59 <warlord> Anything you might have changed in Edit -> Preference
21:14:00 <warlord> s
21:14:57 <Lindsey> hmm ok, i can deal with that :) haha
21:15:13 <warlord> LOL
21:15:18 <warlord> So what timezone are you in?
21:15:21 <Lindsey> thanks a lot warlord... i have no idea why did it happened
21:15:50 <Lindsey> i´m in Brazil ;)
21:16:10 <Lindsey> and what about you?
21:16:13 <warlord> Boston, MA
21:16:15 <warlord> (USA)
21:16:37 <warlord> So is it 9:17? 8:17? or 10:17?
21:17:14 <Lindsey> 10:17!
21:18:05 <warlord> Oh, so you're 1 timezone east.
21:23:59 <Lindsey> yes!! well, it is very cold today here..
21:24:47 <warlord> That's too bad. It's been BEAUTIFUL here today. It was up to around 20C. Now it's down to 16.
21:25:46 <warlord> I've never been to Brazil
21:28:32 <Lindsey> sorry warlord i was on the fone
21:28:44 <warlord> no worries.
21:29:03 <Lindsey> i´ve been to US a couple of times, but i never been to Boston
21:31:54 <warlord> The US is a big place.
21:32:07 <warlord> I've never been anywhere in South America. :( I need to correct that.
21:32:19 <Lindsey> hahaha :D
21:32:42 <Lindsey> there´s some cool spots here in south america
21:34:45 <warlord> Any recommendations for good places to go as a single guy?
21:36:43 <Lindsey> well, you can go to the brazilian northeast... sun, beaches, parties ;)
21:36:58 <Lindsey> buenos aires / argentina is a cool spot either
21:40:06 <warlord> And where in BR are you?
21:40:47 <Lindsey> im in the south...
21:40:58 <Lindsey> in a city near Sao Paulo
21:43:06 <warlord> Ah I see.. so you dont want me anywhere near you.. ;)
21:44:27 <Lindsey> hahaha it´s not that!
21:44:50 <Lindsey> is that the south part of Brazil is kinda boring.... it´s the opposite
21:44:58 <warlord> Then why do you live there?
21:45:28 <Lindsey> because here in Brazil there´s two opposites:
21:45:51 <Lindsey> in the northeast there´s the sun, beaches, parties, a looot of tourism
21:46:44 <Lindsey> but people there only lives for the tourism... the quality of life is not the best... a lot of poverty
21:47:06 <Lindsey> in the south, there´s no tourism... but the cities are way more developed
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21:47:42 <Lindsey> the commercial and industrial centers are here in south, southeast and southwest
21:48:03 <warlord> Gotcha! So what do you do?
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21:53:39 <Lindsey> I work in a company that offers enviroment management... and u?
21:53:48 <warlord> software engineer.
21:53:53 <warlord> computer security.
21:54:55 <usag33k> I am an accountant at a resort in CO
21:55:11 <usag33k> and was interested in maybe lending something to this project
21:55:33 <warlord> Cool!
21:56:15 <Lindsey> Cool!
21:56:32 <usag33k> I don't know where to start beyond what is posted on the project page, but I have a background in CS and have spent the last 9 months studying/taking the CPA Exam
21:56:58 <usag33k> So between coding and accounting related stuff, I think I might be able to help in some way.
21:57:42 <usag33k> How are you guys involved with the project?
21:57:45 <warlord> usag33k: well, what feature(s) would you like to see in gnucash? Or you could take a look at bugzilla.
21:58:11 <warlord> me? code.gnucash.org (aka cvs, svn, wiki, and lists) lives in my basement.
21:58:37 <usag33k> ah
21:58:45 <usag33k> I'm going to pull down this animal right now and play around
21:58:50 <warlord> enjoy!
21:59:33 <Lindsey> hehehe...
21:59:42 <usag33k> I deal a lot with restaurant accounting through my work (my official title is "revenue accountant") so it might be cool to have interfaces/importing utilities to go with Micros and other computer enhanced restaurant software.
22:00:18 <usag33k> because as it stands at my current job, we have no interface between our restaurant POS software and our GL
22:01:03 <warlord> hmmmm....
22:02:07 <usag33k> we also have our hotel accounting software, which is great at what it does, but is terrible at interfacing with our GL as well
22:02:42 <usag33k> having one set of books that covers restaurants, hotel, retail, spa, and concierge stuff is a bastard to find on the market these days in any useable format
22:03:02 <usag33k> speaking as someone who gets frustrated with this stuff at work, it would be neat to be able to streamline a lot of manual interfacing
22:05:42 <warlord> Hmmm....
22:05:49 <warlord> Not sure gnucash is big enough to handle all that.
22:07:35 <usag33k> just an idea
22:08:19 <warlord> i understand.. But really gnucash is aimed at personal or small business users.
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22:10:07 <usageek> Gah, crappy wireless
22:10:41 <warlord> heh
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22:21:03 <Lindsey> warlord, i´m going, tks for the help!
22:21:10 <warlord> Good night, Lindsey.
22:21:12 <warlord> Come back soon.
22:21:26 <Lindsey> ok then! bye bye!
22:21:30 <warlord> ttfn!
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