2009-05-30 GnuCash IRC logs
02:19:22 *** MechtiIde has joined #gnucash
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06:56:24 *** lenscape has joined #gnucash
06:57:14 <lenscape> what sort of account should expense vouchers get posted to?
06:58:05 <lenscape> they seem to get posted as -ve values
07:04:00 <lenscape> they're not expenses until they've been processed
07:42:21 *** Jimraehl has left #gnucash
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08:42:47 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:43:35 <warlord> lenscape: All the business functions operate on an accrual basis, which means it's an expense when you book it, not when you pay it. So yes, you should use Expense accounts for the line-items, and A/P for the Post-To account.
08:46:23 <lenscape> warlord: Cheers
08:52:50 <lenscape> warlord: sorry - what's A/P?
08:53:01 <warlord> Accounts Payable
08:53:06 <lenscape> ah yes. Thanks
08:53:28 <warlord> (unless you apply the line-items to a 'corporate credit card')
08:53:57 <lenscape> sure
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10:56:15 *** tgpraveen has joined #gnucash
10:56:29 <tgpraveen> does gnucash work well on windows or
10:56:33 <tgpraveen> is it too buggy
10:56:59 <tgpraveen> I want to get my dad to switch from ms money to gnucash do you think he will find it a pleasant experience
10:57:05 <tgpraveen> he uses money well right now
11:03:19 <lenscape> tgpraveen: it isn't buggy
11:03:58 <lenscape> it works fine on Linux and I don't see why Windows should be any different - except of course that it's Windows.
11:05:41 <tgpraveen> lenscape: any idea how a money to gnucash switcher's experience is like?
11:05:52 <tgpraveen> any comparisions detailed ones?
11:07:14 <lenscape> tgpraveen: I have no experience of MS Money. Have you tried googling?
11:09:01 <tgpraveen> lenscape: I will do that now. thought someone might have mnore knowledge here
11:10:46 <lenscape> evenings might be more busy
11:10:59 <warlord> I dont know if Money will export into QIF
11:11:34 <warlord> Have you tried reading the gnucash-user archives, looking at the wiki, ...?
11:11:57 <tgpraveen> lenscape: evenings in which timezone?
11:12:13 <lenscape> tgpraveen: good question :)
11:12:19 <tgpraveen> warlord: hmm ok will give that a try but I need a specific
11:12:19 <warlord> US/ET
11:12:30 <tgpraveen> comparision of money vs gnucash
11:12:35 <tgpraveen> warlord: ok
11:12:59 <warlord> I dont know if there is a specific comparison of money v gnucash
11:14:09 <tgpraveen> hmm google results look to be helful
11:14:20 <tgpraveen> I will post any intresting link if anyone wants
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11:19:08 <tgpraveen> for personal finace which is better gnucash or kmymoney
11:21:25 <warlord> I dont know. they are very different.
11:23:01 <tgpraveen> warlord: please elorate "very different"
11:23:11 <lenscape> tgpraveen: I looked at kmymoney a couple of years ago and it was way behind gnucash
11:23:24 <warlord> Gtk v Qt
11:23:34 <warlord> (I've never used KMM)
11:23:48 <lenscape> warlord: any hints on correcting VAT rounding differences?
11:23:51 <tgpraveen> lenscape: we all know a couple of years is a huge time frame in oss
11:24:00 <warlord> lenscape: manual correction?
11:24:05 <lenscape> invoice says £6.13. gnucash says £6.12
11:25:12 <lenscape> tgpraveen: I don't believe kmymoney has caught up much
11:25:45 <lenscape> warlord: where do I do that?
11:26:13 <warlord> add a line-item with the correction..
11:26:13 <tgpraveen> ok
11:27:29 <lenscape> warlord: exp account: VAT:input?
11:28:41 <warlord> put it into the account that the tax table would put it into.
11:28:54 <lenscape> cheers
11:30:46 <warlord> :)
11:41:32 <lenscape> could we have a shortcut for 'renter the last date I used'?
11:41:38 <lenscape> re-enter*
11:42:49 <warlord> The register does that automatically; when you use a date it uses that same date until you tell it otherwise.
11:43:41 <lenscape> yes - but when switching between tasks
11:43:50 <lenscape> enter a bill - then pay a bill
11:44:25 <lenscape> my clipboard history is FULL of dates
11:45:08 <warlord> yes, when switching between tasks it doesn't save the same date. Feel free to send in a patch for this :)
11:45:10 <lenscape> I'm catching up here on two years of accounts. I'm looking for every little bit of help I can find.
11:45:25 <warlord> I'd just start from Jan 1, 2009.
11:45:44 <lenscape> I'll tell that to the Inland Revenue
11:46:20 <warlord> If you haven't paid your taxes in 2 years you're already in trouble.
11:46:34 <lenscape> Dear Mr. Tax. I can't be arsed to complete my tax returns for 2008.
11:47:10 <lenscape> I'm not actually in trouble yet but I will be soon
11:47:46 <warlord> Well, what did you do for FY2007?
11:47:59 <lenscape> working for someone else
11:50:42 <warlord> So this other employer didn't pay taxes?
11:51:11 <lenscape> sure but they sorted out the accounts. Now I'm self employed.
11:51:23 <warlord> Ah.
11:52:45 <lenscape> it seemed like a good idea at the time
11:52:59 <warlord> LOL. Yeah...
11:53:25 <warlord> Unfortunately there's not a good way to do what you want right now.
11:53:47 <lenscape> working through it steadily
11:53:58 <warlord> that's the best way.
11:54:20 <lenscape> Nearly at the end of the Cs...
12:09:12 <lenscape> how do I account for VAT on expenses?
12:09:25 <lenscape> there's no VAT column on the form
12:10:07 <lenscape> (employee expense voucher)
12:12:40 <warlord> ummm..
12:15:35 <warlord> I think you're the first person in 8 years to bring up that issue!
12:16:31 <lenscape> glad to help!
12:16:43 <warlord> the answer is you can't.
12:16:56 <warlord> I recommend using Vendor Bill if you need to do that.
12:16:59 <lenscape> I entered the vat as a separate line item
12:17:11 <warlord> or you could do that.
12:18:33 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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13:18:10 *** nomeata has joined #gnucash
13:26:13 <nomeata> Hi. I just noticed that a new development branch has opened. nice!
13:27:00 <nomeata> Does anyone know if the HBCI importer is going to be modified a lot while doing so?
13:28:35 <warlord> hey nomeata. Modified how?
13:29:20 <nomeata> warlord: I’d like to fix http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=487085, and I wonder if it makes sense to work on 2.2.9 (which is what I’m using productively)
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13:30:06 <warlord> No.
13:30:17 <warlord> There wont be another 2.2 release,
13:30:46 <warlord> and if you work off 2.2.9 then your changes might not apply to trunk..
13:30:55 <warlord> so... i'd recommend you work off trunk
13:31:53 <nomeata> hmm, ok. How risky is it to use trunk for productive data? Only crashes, or might there also be (possible silent) data corruption?
13:34:45 <warlord> I use trunk.
13:35:34 <nomeata> ok, thanks so far. I’ll see if I’ll risk it :-)
13:38:56 <warlord> Ok
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16:58:15 *** MechtiIde has quit IRC
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17:54:32 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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19:39:12 *** JimRaehl2 has left #gnucash
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