2009-04-12 GnuCash IRC logs
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09:45:55 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:47:09 <warlord> JimRaehl2: That setting doesn't really do much anymore because the new register size is the same as the main window it comes from. But it's the number of lines that should show up in the register.
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09:50:05 *** Eric has joined #gnucash
09:51:14 <Eric> hello.. Is there a way to reset the baysian matching? I typically rename my transactions after importing and the auto matching doesn't seem to work very well with that.
09:58:16 <warlord> What do you mean, doesn't work well with that? The matching should only care about the text in the import and what account you apply it to. Changing that text after import shouldn't affect the matching.
10:00:34 <Eric> at one time, I was playing with a perl script that would do some munging of the OFX file pre-import. I think that confused everything. Now, if I do an import either of the raw OFX straight from the bank or OFX after the perl pre-processor, it matches almost nothing.
10:02:32 <warlord> Do you still have bayesian matching turned on? Just keep manually assigning and it should re-learn.
10:03:43 <Eric> still turned on, and I thought that as well. last time I did a big import (usually do it monthly in one swoop), I ran everything through the pre-processor, imported everything, assigned accounts, etc.. Still this month - nothing.
10:04:14 <Eric> Well.. I say nothing.. it's really like 95% of the transactions are unmatched. It does match a few.
10:05:29 <warlord> Interesting.
10:05:39 <Eric> also (not sure if this is relevant or not) but this one account file has been in use for more than 3 or 4 years.
10:06:27 <warlord> It might take a while to re-train.. The only way to reset the mappings would be to manually remove them from the data file. There's no "reset" in the UI.
10:07:16 <Eric> happen to know the root element for the matching data? or is it that simple..
10:08:00 <warlord> It's in the kvp_frame of the account.
10:11:49 <Eric> <slot:key>import-map-bayes</slot:key>
10:12:03 <Eric> everything in the slot with that key?
10:13:58 <warlord> Yeah
10:14:05 <Eric> interesting, though.. t
10:14:21 <Eric> (oops).. there's a import-map-bayes and an import-map
10:15:28 <warlord> I forget what's used for what.
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10:16:58 <Eric> ok.. I'll play with those (with backups, of course).. Thanks for your help.
10:17:34 <warlord> You're welcome.
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11:01:19 *** yuriyg has joined #gnucash
11:01:39 <yuriyg> hi
11:02:34 <yuriyg> i have a problem using gnucash would anyone be able to help?
11:03:16 <Eric> have to ask the question first... :)
11:03:33 <jsled> yuriyg: please don't meta ask, just ask your question.=
11:03:52 <yuriyg> just checking if anyone is active :)
11:04:02 <jsled> it doesn't matter.
11:04:12 <yuriyg> the problem is downloading activity from an investment account
11:04:27 <jsled> either they are or they aren't. But more than likely, they're slow, and the meta-ask eats up a request-response cycle.
11:04:30 <yuriyg> i was able to setup credit card download via ofx
11:04:54 <yuriyg> but when i do the same for fidelity, it get 400 bad request
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11:07:15 <warlord> Last I checked AqB doesn't handle investments.
11:07:27 <yuriyg> so, the question is, what should i do differently for investment accounts? i know ofx should work, because a) i was able to pull the list of account in aqbanking wizard and b) i can download the INVSTMTRQ via ofx.py
11:09:06 <warlord> As I said, AqB doesn't handle Investments.
11:09:11 <yuriyg> ah! I was confused by the fact that File | Import | OFX took my downloaded ofx file from fidelity
11:09:31 <yuriyg> i thought something wrong with my setup. Thanks!
11:10:25 <warlord> Nope. File -> Import -> OFX can handle investments, but OFX-DC cannot.
11:11:33 <yuriyg> so this is a problem with aqb, not gc?
11:12:29 <warlord> Correct.
11:13:07 <yuriyg> cool
11:13:09 <yuriyg> thank
11:13:10 <yuriyg> thanks
11:14:18 <warlord> you're welcome.
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12:46:11 *** AfterBurn has joined #gnucash
12:46:18 <AfterBurn> Hello.
12:46:56 <AfterBurn> I have a question about the software: Does it have the ability to create invoices and estimates? Does it have the ability to link to my merchant account so I can accept credit cards?
12:48:02 <warlord> Yes (invoices). Not really estimates per se (but you could create an invoice w/o posting it). As for linking to your merchant account, I'm not sure what that means. GnUCash isn't a POS system -- it's an accounting system
12:48:57 <AfterBurn> Okay. I use quick books invoice manager. It has the ability to accept credit card payments from customers, directly inside of the program, using the quickbooks merchant account.
12:49:39 <AfterBurn> That is what I meant by linking to "a" merchant account
12:50:38 <AfterBurn> I suppose I can have my workers use the online terminal for our merchant account, and just mark the account paid in GNUCash, right?
12:50:39 <warlord> I have no idea what that is, how it works..
12:51:10 <AfterBurn> GOtcha.
12:51:41 <AfterBurn> One other quick question if you don't mind. I know it's silly, but you can email, and print invoices to send to clients?
12:55:44 <warlord> You can print to a pdf, but GnuCash doesn't tie to your email
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13:17:11 *** dhblewis has joined #gnucash
13:18:21 <dhblewis> hi, i am new to the whole accounting world and I think this might be a stupid question. I sell on eBay and get pay by paypal. So I want the total amount in my sales account, the paypal fees in the paypal fees account and the remainder in the paypal account. what accounts are dr/cr
13:20:01 <warlord> model your gnucash accounts after real-world accounts (for asset/liability)
13:21:41 <dhblewis> but both paypal and sales have been credited money?
13:21:45 <dhblewis> is it would balance
13:22:10 <dhblewis> * so it wouldn't balance
13:22:58 <cortana> dhblewis: how does the transaction look exactly?
13:23:22 <cortana> is it, say, $10 from ebay of which $9 shows up in your paypal account and the other $1 is the fee?
13:23:23 <dhblewis> cortana how do you mean
13:23:31 <dhblewis> cortana yes
13:23:42 <cortana> ok then
13:24:02 <cortana> i would do it as: $10 transfer from income:ebay sales with a $1 split to expenses:paypal and $9 to assets:paypal
13:24:54 <dhblewis> nice thanks
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14:54:02 <dhblewis> cotana are you still there? As I need help step by step inserting this transaction as I am really confused ;(
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15:09:32 <dhblewis> i worked it out
15:09:40 <dhblewis> its really not that confusing at all!
15:18:14 <dhblewis> is there anyway that when entering transaction and selecting account if you start to type in starts searching the name off the account. For example to open paypal fees account you have to type expense:paypal fees. Is there anyway just to type Paypal??
15:25:34 <JimRaehl2> Warlord: thanks for the reply about register lines.
15:39:36 <warlord> dhblewis: No, but you can type e x : p a
15:39:42 <warlord> JimRaehl2: you're welcome.
15:40:14 <dhblewis> warlord thanks
15:41:55 <warlord> you're welcome
15:42:32 <dhblewis> i think i might be inserting transactions incorrectly.
15:43:07 <dhblewis> because my current account balance and my advertising fees are both on debit side
15:43:23 <dhblewis> but my account balance is my I have and advertising fees is money i spent
15:43:36 <warlord> What account(s) are you looking at?
15:43:57 <warlord> And how are you entering the transaction (from which account register)
15:46:29 <dhblewis> ok i entered the advertising fee as expense advertising tot expense 23.50 tot rebate 23.50 for liabitisies account
15:47:48 <warlord> dhblewis: which account register do you have open?
15:47:58 <dhblewis> advertiing
15:48:27 <warlord> it might make more sense to you if you do all your transaction entry from your asset and/or liability accounts.
15:48:36 <warlord> otherwise you'll just get yourself confused.
15:48:53 <warlord> Also, it might help by starting with a basic transaction and then adding the additional splits.
15:50:11 <dhblewis> ok
15:51:36 <dhblewis> I think i have done it right. In the liabilities its all loans taken in is bill and all money paid out to the loan is payments
15:51:37 <warlord> remember that the total debits and credits for a transaction must balance.
15:51:50 <warlord> Right.
15:52:04 <warlord> Most people's brains can think better from an Asset or Liability..
15:52:28 <warlord> Working from Income or Expense it "backwards" for most people, especially if you dont really grok debits and credits.
15:52:45 <dhblewis> ok
15:52:58 <dhblewis> but i did enter it from liabilities acocunt
15:53:44 <dhblewis> so i dont understand where I have gone wrong!
15:54:06 <dhblewis> I have a positive balance in my current account. Should that appear on dr or cr side of my trial balance
15:54:11 <warlord> Well, give me a screen shot of the expanded transaction. You can use imagebin.ca
15:56:03 <dhblewis> for how it appears in my loan account http://imagebin.ca/view/34PFHH.html
15:57:35 <warlord> I see no split transactions.
15:57:52 <warlord> Or at least I see no expanded split transactions.
15:58:04 <warlord> The Domain & Hosting transaction is correct.
15:58:14 <dhblewis> yes there are no split transactions in that account
15:58:16 <dhblewis> will get you one now
15:58:20 <warlord> (assuming you paid 72.89 out of your liabiity account)
15:58:39 <dhblewis> yes
15:58:48 <warlord> Wait... This looks like you're using an account of type A/P?
15:59:17 <warlord> Why are you doing that?
15:59:25 <warlord> That's reserved for business features only.
15:59:57 <dhblewis> whats a/p
16:00:13 <warlord> if you dont know then you DEFINITELY shouldn't be using it.
16:00:22 <dhblewis> fair enough!
16:00:44 <dhblewis> is there a way of transferring my current transactions to new accounts?
16:02:00 <dhblewis> + i just coped on a/p =accounts payable. but i think i should probably use more basic accounts
16:02:10 <warlord> Yes, you should.
16:02:28 <warlord> Youcan just change it to Liability, or CC
16:04:07 <dhblewis> it is under liabilites
16:04:10 <dhblewis> at the moment
16:04:43 <warlord> Yes, but you have to change the TYPE
16:04:49 <warlord> don'tuse AP
16:05:40 <dhblewis> how would i do that?
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16:06:01 <dhblewis> got it
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16:07:48 <dhblewis> this is a really basic question but should get me sorted. I paid €101 for website hosting. Should that 101 be a dr or cr
16:08:02 <dhblewis> on the trial balance in the website account
16:09:29 <warlord> it depends which account you're looking at, the Asset from which you paid or the Expense into which you're paying. It's a Credit to Asset and a Debit to Expense.
16:11:55 <dhblewis> ok. I know think i know what I did. I just recently started my online business and now have been paying out of my personal account. I have counted these as loans as I want to repay my personal accont so the business is self funded. But each transaction i took from the liabilities account. Should I put the lain from liabilites into current account. Then payment from current to liabilities?
16:13:03 <warlord> Doesn't matter. You can replace Asset with liability and it's still the same. You would Credit L and Debit Ex.
16:13:27 <warlord> Then when you "pay" yourself you would Credit your Cash/Checking/etc and Debit the Liability.
16:13:36 <warlord> It's all about recording how money flows.
16:13:55 <warlord> Think about each transaction as money flowing. Where is it flowing from? Where is it going to?
16:16:09 <dhblewis> ok i think i am getting it now
16:17:24 <dhblewis> could you check http://imagebin.ca/view/05q0cQG.html please
16:17:32 <dhblewis> its how I record ebay transactions
16:19:40 <warlord> looks correct
16:20:22 <dhblewis> ok thanks
16:22:07 <dhblewis> sorry im just really confused as when I hit reports->->income and expense->trial balance my current account/paypal is on debit (both are positive balances) but my advertising account which is the fees i paid is on debit too as is paypal fees etc
16:25:52 <warlord> Cant help you there. I've never run the TB report. Ever.
16:26:01 <warlord> I use the P&L and Balance Sheet reports
16:27:40 <dhblewis> ok thanks anyway for all your help I really appreciate it
16:30:29 <warlord> you're welcome.
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18:28:18 <pace> ?
18:29:20 <pace> I have a doubt on gnucash... my expenses are shown as incomming money on my account.... and my incomming money is shown as expenses...
18:29:33 <pace> what i did wrong?
18:30:00 <pace> if someone here speaks portuguese.... ;)
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22:28:24 <ladmin> assuming I can get accounting help here, I will just ask. I am reading documentation and I don't understand why a mortgage payment is a liability while a dinner is an expense
22:38:44 <jsled> certain mortgage-related payments are an expense … like finance fees, or whatnot.
22:39:13 <jsled> But, I guess … you don't take out a loan for what you're going to eat for the next year.
22:39:34 <jsled> So, you don't "owe" anyone for it. You just incur food expenses when they come up.
22:39:53 <jsled> But that's really the point of a liability vs. just a plain expense.
22:40:08 <jsled> If you stop eating dinner out, no one comes collecting. :)
22:40:08 <ladmin> aren't my loan payments also "expenses"
22:40:45 <jsled> In one view, they are … except for tracking that whole existing Liability.
22:40:47 <ladmin> so a measure of what goes under liabilities vs expenses is if they come collecting?
22:41:13 <jsled> Yeah, I guess so. I've never really thought about it so fundamentally before.
22:41:23 <jsled> Let's see if we can find a more formal distinction.
22:41:46 <ladmin> I'm thinking it more has to do with if the purchased item retains worth
22:41:56 <jsled> Well, no, that's an Asset.
22:41:57 <ladmin> like a house
22:42:03 <jsled> "a liability is defined as an obligation of an entity arising from past transactions or events" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liability
22:42:17 <jsled> "Obligation" and "past", I think, being the operative words there.
22:42:28 <ladmin> "past events" = me eating dinner
22:42:31 <ladmin> no?
22:43:13 <jsled> only if you didn't pay, and asked the diner owner to put it on your tab … = credit … = liability
22:43:41 <jsled> (or used a credit card, same difference, just more convenient)
22:44:09 <ladmin> so a credit card is a liability but things charged on that card are most likely expenses
22:44:14 <jsled> Right.
22:44:31 <ladmin> gotcha
22:44:41 <jsled> You'd do {Liabilities:Credit Card:Bank of Example} / {Expenses:Food:Dinner}
22:45:04 <jsled> But then {Assets:Bank of Example:Checking} / {Liabilities:Credit Cards:Bank of Example} to pay it off.
22:45:38 <ladmin> need a minute to parse that
22:46:45 <jsled> (each line being the sides/splits in a transaction, if it helps…)
22:50:34 <ladmin> I think I understand
22:50:47 <ladmin> thanks for the help
22:51:29 <jsled> you're welcome, cheers, &c. :)
22:52:04 <ladmin> I'm sure I'll have more questions though
22:52:17 <ladmin> :)