2009-04-07 GnuCash IRC logs

00:15:01 *** Zero has joined #gnucash
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00:38:08 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot
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00:48:06 <fell> warlord, looking at lists, it seems to have a wrong time: UTC-13
00:49:15 <micha> how did it happen, that the root partition got filled?
00:49:22 * micha curious
09:29:42 <warlord> fell: fixed
09:30:07 <warlord> micha: my fault.. I was trying to make some local repositories and didn't pay attention to disk space before I went to bed.
09:30:32 <micha> apparently huge repositories ;)
09:33:19 <micha> anyways - many thanks.
09:33:24 *** micha has quit IRC
09:35:03 <warlord> Well, I also had 4 DVD ISOs on the root instead of in the vmware partition..
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13:32:35 * alucardni says hi to everyone
13:33:48 *** goodger is now known as everyone
13:33:56 <alucardni> It's possible to use gnucash in a network environment?? I mean many clients updating the accounting information of a small business
13:33:58 *** everyone is now known as says
13:34:05 *** says is now known as hi
13:34:09 *** hi is now known as goodger
13:34:16 <goodger> damn it to the bowels of bloody hell
13:34:34 <jsled> heh
13:34:43 <jsled> alucardni: not exactly, no.
13:34:59 <jsled> alucardni: multiple people can (serially) use the same datafile on a network share.
13:35:05 <jsled> But there's no client/server, no simultaneous access.
13:35:09 <gxti_> goodger: couldn't you have just done "/nick everyone" "hi" ? would have been faster and not rate-limited either
13:35:12 *** gxti_ is now known as gxti
13:35:38 <goodger> gxti: I originally tried to type "/me says hi to alu...." but typed "nick" instead and it changed my nick to says
13:35:44 <jsled> Even with the DB backend, there's not going to be any safe simultanous access, unless I missed some major development, which is likely these days.
13:36:46 <alucardni> jsled: interesting and thanks
13:40:56 <warlord> jsled: no, you didn't miss anytihng.
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14:01:46 <goobsoft> Hi, I'm looking at making reports for gnucash. I'm having trouble finding an api that is good for referencing. I found a design document on line, that is good, but it doesn't seem to have all the methods that are used in the reports like 'gnc:decompose-accountlist' for example. What do people use as a reference when writing reports?
14:06:07 <warlord> http://cvs.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/
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14:22:36 <goobsoft> Thanks, that looks good. When I search it with it's building search or google with a site tag, I still don't find any info on decompose-accountlist. I can't find it even when greping through the src.
14:24:27 <goobsoft> Wait, I found it ...
14:28:12 <warlord> good.
14:28:41 <warlord> (we only really have docs from the C API, not the scheme API.. I dont know if we can doxygenate the .scm files)
14:43:19 <goobsoft> Yeah, I see the dilemma.
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16:42:22 <Tim_Abell> it would indeed appear that bzr is a poor relation of git
16:43:44 <Tim_Abell> i'm not sure i buy shuttleworth's argument that it's easier to use, but perhaps that was earlier in git's history
16:44:21 <warlord> i dunno
16:47:10 <Tim_Abell> maybe i'm biased, it's hard to tell when you've spent so much time with another tool
16:49:49 <warlord> I think everyone is biased.
16:50:06 <Tim_Abell> i'd be happy to help you set up the git mirror on the gnucash server if you wish
16:50:08 <jsled> I'm coming to it from the other perspective (using bzr for Day Job, git for projects), and I do think bzr is a bit friendlier on the whole … but also less powerful in many qays.
16:50:14 <jsled> ways, too.
16:50:17 <Tim_Abell> especially after my bzr experience of the week
16:50:31 <Tim_Abell> that's interesting
16:50:38 <jsled> I've bitten myself with forgetting to finish git rebase operations, pretty painfully.
16:50:42 <Tim_Abell> good to hear the opposite journey
16:50:46 <Tim_Abell> lol, yeah that must hurt
16:51:03 <Tim_Abell> "git reset --hard" is my colleagues' favourite
16:51:14 <Tim_Abell> they were afraid of it for at least a fortnight after
16:51:21 <jsled> And there's some "simple" things like `bzr missing` (show the commits missing/only-present between two branches) … I'm sure git has some equivalent, but it's not just *right there*.
16:51:39 <Tim_Abell> the rename stuff in git is a pain
16:52:07 <Tim_Abell> i'm sure it's a better storage model in git as linus said, but the tools don't quite do enough (at least not easily)
16:52:17 <Tim_Abell> patching a renamed file is a mare
16:52:41 <Tim_Abell> i figured out how to do missing the other day. obscure but cool
16:53:00 <Tim_Abell> given two branches, master and live, where live lags behind
16:53:06 <Tim_Abell> and master is currently checked out
16:53:33 <Tim_Abell> git branch todo-list #create a new branch at top of master
16:53:40 <Tim_Abell> git checkout todo-list
16:54:06 <Tim_Abell> git rebase live #rebase all the commits in master onto live, but using the todo branch
16:54:36 <Tim_Abell> this leaves the todo-list branch sat on top of live, but rebase squashes any already applied commits
16:54:46 <Tim_Abell> maybe i should blog that one
16:54:50 <Tim_Abell> i was chuffed
16:54:55 <jsled> oh. That's horrible! :)
16:54:59 <Tim_Abell> heh
16:55:16 <Tim_Abell> i don't know of a nicer way
16:55:27 <Tim_Abell> i'm sure they could script it to be less hacky
16:55:41 <jsled> http://gitready.com/intermediate/2009/04/03/find-ancestor-commits.html seems like it's part of a solution.
16:55:55 <jsled> Or, there are parts of it that might point to a solution.
16:56:37 <jsled> oh, in fact, it looks like `git rev-list` is pretty all-powerful.
16:56:49 <Tim_Abell> that's probably for if you usually merge to the branch, i tend to cherry-pick or rebase, of it's all going live, then just reset the live branch
16:57:09 <Tim_Abell> yeah, but hard. haven't got my head round that one
17:05:10 <Tim_Abell> oh well. i've got my branches up at https://code.launchpad.net/gnucash now
17:06:28 <Tim_Abell> laters all, always a pleasure
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23:53:07 <talso> where do you guys stick employer contributions?
23:53:15 <talso> like a pension or share plan
23:58:00 <gxti> as a separate income account, probably
23:59:42 <gxti> e.g. transfer your contribution from your paycheck, and theirs from that income account, both into an asset account of some sort for the pension