2009-03-30 GnuCash IRC logs
00:00:57 <Rafael_> other than this, will you recomend to swcith from money to gnucas..i can still do bill payment thhru the website of the bank..what about one click download of bankc statement to ofx
00:03:13 <dbreiser> Sometimes you can download transactions from the bank into gnucash directly (ofxdirectconnect)
00:03:34 <Rafael_> is it well develop or it still has glitches?
00:03:44 <dbreiser> the other option is to download the ofx transactions to a file and then use File>import
00:03:51 <dbreiser> I use directconnect a lot
00:04:05 <dbreiser> it doesn't do investment transactions at the moment, though.
00:04:32 <dbreiser> all of my credit cards allow ofxdirectconnect.
00:04:53 <dbreiser> my credit union only has "web connect", which for gnucash means download, then import
00:05:15 <Rafael_> can you schedulle it to do it automatically or you have to manually do it
00:05:46 <dbreiser> not sure. It might be possible to set it up as a cron job, but I've never tried it.
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00:06:16 <Rafael_> thanks
00:06:19 <dbreiser> np
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11:30:58 <buzkashi> I want my reports to start with Jan 01, 2008 to Dec 31, 2008 how can I do this? Now it shows todays date
11:33:19 <warlord> buzkashi: edit the report options.
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11:34:31 <buzkashi> okay let me give this a try
11:37:56 <buzkashi> warlord this worked can you suggest a gnucash user guide as a pdf?
11:38:35 <warlord> I cannot.. The docs packages dont build a PDF or I'd set one up to build rightly.
11:38:48 <buzkashi> okay
11:40:20 <buzkashi> I imported bank statements from march 2008 to dec 2008 under one account name but I receive an imbalance-usd for some of the entries?
11:40:45 <warlord> That means you didn't supply the correct "other" account for the transactions..
11:41:02 <warlord> You need to provide the correct income, expense, or other transfer account for each txn.
11:42:07 <buzkashi> Expenses:Rent:Office it is listed as
11:42:51 <buzkashi> I had to manually input these values because the import did not display them all
11:43:23 <warlord> Right, but if you have an imbalance then you missed one.
11:46:27 <buzkashi> How can one be missing if imported qif file
11:47:12 <warlord> Ah, QIF! You didn't specify that.. Generally the Imbalance comes from OFX.
11:47:41 <warlord> Well, you could still have it be Undefined if you failed to define the account.
11:47:48 <warlord> You're right, it shouldn't be Imablance..
11:47:57 <warlord> What does the transaction that goes into Imbalance look like?
11:49:35 <buzkashi> what do you mean look like?
11:50:27 <buzkashi> It picked up one only the others I had to manually enter which were the other nine months
11:53:19 <warlord> Well, the transaction is between Imbalance-USD and... what?
11:53:25 <warlord> what's the description? Amount?
11:58:03 <warlord> .... that should tell you where you should reassign the txn
12:07:53 <buzkashi> the amounts are 1500.00 dollars and it is for office rental. During the import one (1) appeared but the others did not. As I entered them I selected Expenses:Rent:Office a category I created
12:14:35 <warlord> the QIF importer will combine similar transactions..
12:14:50 <warlord> So what is the other account for this txn?
12:14:56 <warlord> It's between Imbalance and ...?
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12:59:02 <buzkashi> warlord I am still searching for the other account
13:00:29 <warlord> buzkashi: it's right in front of you -- open up the Imbalance account register and look at what it says.
13:07:09 <buzkashi> num = 1001 description = 0000001001 transfer = Expenses:Rent:Office R=n Debit=blank Credit = 1500 Balance = 1500
13:07:33 <buzkashi> this is what I see
13:07:51 <warlord> buzkashi: interesting.. So it's from Imbalance -> Expenses:Rent:Office. How.. Weird.
13:08:13 <warlord> Is your Bank account balance correct? If so, you can delete this. Otherwise, you could just re-assign this from Imbalance to your Bank
13:08:59 <buzkashi> Let me check
13:10:20 <buzkashi> If I delete then what will happen because you mentioned above that the importer will import similar transactions which means I am going to have to input them again because it only showed up once
13:11:31 <warlord> I think it's highly unlikely this was created by the QIF importer.. QIF imports into Asset and Liabilities.
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13:12:24 <buzkashi> I open a new account and filled out the info
13:12:47 <buzkashi> I took out categories that did not pertain to the business and created some that did
13:13:17 <warlord> @op chris
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13:14:18 <buzkashi> afterwards I imported six (6) .qif files and assisgend the unspecified tranx to the correct categories
13:14:34 <buzkashi> I noticed for rent it only showed up once
13:15:15 <warlord> Showed up once in the importer?
13:15:16 <buzkashi> manually I entered the other nine (9) months of rent tranx plus check number afterwards I received the imbalance-usd
13:15:37 <warlord> Right ... you entered it manually, and incorrectly. That's why.
13:15:46 <buzkashi> yes
13:16:09 <warlord> Right, the QIF importer wont care about your manual screw-up.
13:16:14 <warlord> Just fix it and move on.
13:16:35 <warlord> It sounds like the import went well, but when you manually entered more rent you entered it incorrectly.
13:16:38 <warlord> Just correct it.
13:18:52 <buzkashi> i had to put them in manually because it only showed this amount once in the register
13:38:49 <warlord> That implies you only had 1 entry in the QIF file
13:39:25 <warlord> (or the QIF importer unexpectedly called them duplicates internally, but that shouldn't happen for monthly recurring txns)
13:39:30 <warlord> Either way..
13:39:44 <warlord> You should just fix your 1 manually-entered, broken entry.
13:41:35 <buzkashi> It appears what I am going to have to do is manually enter the tranx and input the value and apply because there are a few tranxs missing from the import
13:42:26 <warlord> If you find txns missing from the import you should send mail to gnucash-user and supply more information about the missing txns, potentially even the QIF for the various txns, so the QIF Import developer can help you.
13:42:39 <buzkashi> for instance we purchased software from an ip telephony company this is not there but it is listed in one of the *.qif files, I did not see it listed as unspecified and just noticed it was missing
13:42:57 <buzkashi> fair enough
13:43:06 <warlord> Unfortunately he doesn't hang out here much.
13:44:16 <buzkashi> this is good to know. Now when I did this back in November I did not have any issues except for reconcilation. This new version I am having this issue with
13:44:45 <warlord> You're using 2.2.9?
13:47:19 <buzkashi> 2.2.4 in ubuntu
13:48:47 <warlord> Oh! 2.2.4?!? Wow, that's OLD!
13:48:58 <warlord> Upgrade to 2.2.9 before sending mail.
13:49:20 <warlord> There have been TONS of QIF Importer fixes between 2.2.4 and 2.2.9
14:00:14 <buzkashi> okay will do
14:01:09 <buzkashi> Do you suggest re-importing the *.qif files?
14:09:05 <warlord> I'd suggest trying.
14:09:40 <warlord> You can use File -> Export -> Export Accounts to create a new data file that just has your account structure without transactions...
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14:11:29 <buzkashi> will do
14:12:19 <buzkashi> thanks warlord
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14:39:01 <danols> Hi all
14:39:34 <danols> is it possible to do a 'split' when importing a transaction? I.e. I have a telephone and tv as one transaction but I want to 'split' it to two different accounts on import
14:46:11 <danols> Should I just setup a 'Utilities' account and than after import split into sub accounts of Utilities?
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14:54:03 <warlord> No, the importers wont create splits -- you'll need to split it after.
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15:26:47 <danols> thanks warlord
15:26:53 <warlord> you're welcome.
15:27:34 <danols> another thing I've noticed is that my VISA transactions 'are a day early' in the QFX format than what I see online; i'm guessing it's adjusting for my time zone online any way to automaticly 'shift the day' the transaction occured?
15:28:04 <danols> when importing that is
15:29:02 <warlord> Not that I know of.
15:29:13 <warlord> What does the OFX file say?
15:29:41 <danols> well i'm assuming what GNUCash imports
15:30:04 <danols> so a date 11/01/2009 is importated as 11/01/2009 but when I view my transactions the date is 11/02/2009
15:30:15 <danols> that is view my transactions on the web
15:30:21 <danols> before I download the file
15:30:24 <danols> import file
15:30:39 <warlord> Well, what does it say in the downloaded file?
15:31:15 <danols> what do you mean ?
15:31:22 <danols> open it in notepad?
15:34:40 <danols> <DTPOSTED>20090206000000 but in GNUCASH it shows transaction happened on the 5th?
15:35:56 <danols> so why is GNUCash importing the transaction a day early for all of them?
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15:37:58 <warlord> Probably converting UTC to LocalTZ
15:38:14 <danols> Anyway to correct that?
15:38:33 <danols> also why would some transaction the automatic importer deselect in error?
15:39:16 <warlord> I dont know..
15:39:24 <warlord> There have been a lot of time zone changes recently..
15:39:32 <warlord> And I dont know much about the importer, I'm afraid.
15:39:37 <warlord> You coudl try asking on gnucash-user mailing list?
15:39:52 <danols> hmmm
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15:50:03 <rafael1> Hi, I think my Gnucash file is corrupted. Below, ehre it should display my profits, it displayes the value of my liquid account (with just the initaial values of my other accounts) . How can i restore that? Is that a way to cut and paste to a new not corrupted file?
15:50:17 <rafael1> Below my assets also shows 0,00
15:50:27 <rafael1> I can send the file to someone to inspect it...
15:50:44 <warlord> rafael1: click on that and choose a different asset?
15:51:51 <rafael1> warlord: Sorry, I may be a little mistaken because of translation. Can I send you a screenshot?
15:52:34 <warlord> Sure, put it on pastebin
15:54:23 <rafael1> warlord: How I paste a image there?
15:55:12 <rafael1> found imagebin...
15:55:19 <warlord> image... yeah
15:55:22 <rafael1> warlord: http://imagebin.ca/view/yg7q3Hn.html
15:57:01 <rafael1> I don't know if it is realted, but when I open my account I get a message with one transation created for each day related to a facture I have, wich I have already closed the payment...
15:57:20 <rafael1> If there is a way to cut and paste data from account, I could create a new one and go step by step...
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15:57:52 <warlord> I have no idea what a "facture" is.
15:58:43 <warlord> I have no idea what message you're getting.
15:59:17 <rafael1> I will also post a screenshot also
16:01:16 <warlord> ok
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16:02:52 <rafael1> warlord: http://imagebin.ca/view/JmCMCkZK.html
16:03:12 <rafael1> this is the message I get when I open my account. I always cancel it
16:03:35 <rafael1> It is relatesd to the single client I have registered...
16:03:47 <warlord> No, this is related to a Scheduled Transaction..
16:03:58 <rafael1> fatura=invoice
16:04:18 <warlord> Thank you.
16:04:19 <rafael1> Where I find this transaction? I had an invoice for this client but alrerady closed...
16:04:27 <warlord> (I dont speak portugese)
16:06:49 <rafael1> So, what can I do? Is this a bug I am getting?Also when I have my Profit & LossProfit report, I have this wrong profit displayed also
16:07:21 <rafael1> Can I start a new file and move account by account? I suppose something got corrupted here...
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16:08:33 <warlord> Well, for the sx -- you can delete it.
16:08:52 <rafael1> Ok,the scheduled transactions I deleted
16:08:54 <warlord> If your P&L is wrong then your data is wrong. You're missing stuff.
16:08:56 <rafael1> One problçem solved
16:09:19 <warlord> There's no way to copy data from one file to another. You could start over..
16:09:32 <rafael1> But My P&L should not be the ( incomes - Spent)
16:09:43 <rafael1> hum, lots of things to retype...
16:10:00 <rafael1> Going back to my first screenshot... It shouldnot b zero over there right?
16:10:19 <warlord> Um, yes, your Profit & Loss *IS* your Income - Expense.. That's exactly what it is!
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16:12:13 <rafael1> So, My expense is not being well recorded... Take alook at this screenshot
16:12:20 <rafael1> http://imagebin.ca/view/cFvXLi2.html
16:12:31 <rafael1> I have added a 1000000000000 expense for skype
16:12:44 <rafael1> but my totalexpenses sum only to R$ 38.780,73
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16:13:09 <rafael1> and my liquid loss every time matches my initial total money
16:14:44 <rafael1> would you take a look at my file?
16:15:36 <rafael1> My expenses are shown always as my incomes + my initial money.... Not the actual summ of them...
16:16:15 <warlord> Try making it not quite so big?
16:16:35 <warlord> You might be overloading...
16:16:44 <rafael1> gonna try..
16:17:52 <rafael1> nope.Reducxed it to 10k]
16:18:07 <rafael1> still doesn not change anything in the total expenses...
16:18:19 <rafael1> Is it usual to gnucash files to get corrupted?
16:18:49 <warlord> But it's very odd that the report isn't adding it up correctly...
16:18:52 <warlord> Very very odd.
16:19:27 <rafael1> warlord: Would you mind if I send you my file? Nothing confidential there...
16:20:26 <danols> My cash flow is showing $0 income and $0 expenses wtf?
16:20:42 <warlord> danols: you selected the wrong set of accounts
16:20:53 <danols> I don't think so that's the first thing I chequeed
16:20:55 <danols> checked
16:21:13 <warlord> Are you sure? If you selected *all* your accounts it would be 0
16:21:32 <warlord> rafael1: Um, sure.....
16:21:37 <danols> warlord hmmm let me check
16:21:57 <warlord> but my email isbeing slow today..
16:22:05 <danols> k
16:22:16 <rafael1> warlord. I think my fields are corrupted. In my account it has different titles for the columns...
16:22:21 <rafael1> warlord: gonna send u
16:22:36 <danols> i've increased the sub accounts to 6 still showing as 0 could it be that my income and expense accounts don't acctually have transactions in them only subaccounts have?
16:22:51 <rafael1> different titles from a I get expenses and discounts in my bank account
16:22:57 <rafael1> Maybe my account typoe is wroing?
16:23:02 <warlord> rafael1: could be..
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16:24:04 <danols> this is giving me a headache
16:24:32 <rafael1> warlord. My bank account is a expense account type
16:24:36 <rafael1> I think this is the mistake
16:24:58 <rafael1> But I cannot change it. i have only the income and expense type to choose between
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16:25:24 <warlord> danols: you shouldn't specify any Income or Expense accounts in the cash flow.
16:25:32 <warlord> rafael1: that means the parent is wrong too.
16:25:40 <warlord> I suggest you start over from scratch.
16:25:41 <danols> warlord the parent accounts right?
16:25:49 <rafael1> warlord: Nice... I think I will fix it
16:26:10 <danols> so I have Income parent account which has many subaccounts and I have Expense account which has many subaccounts
16:26:16 <danols> I select these two only
16:26:18 <danols> and report is blank
16:26:45 <warlord> right, because you have no txns in those accounts. But you're running the report wrong.
16:27:08 <danols> hmmm
16:27:16 <warlord> you should choose the asset accounts to find out where your money is going..
16:27:23 <warlord> If you only want to look at I&Ex you should run a P&L
16:27:34 <danols> k
16:27:41 <danols> let me try
16:28:10 <danols> what does P&L stand for?
16:28:34 <warlord> Profit & Loss
16:28:40 <warlord> (aka Income Statement)
16:28:44 <danols> k
16:29:45 <danols> K should the total equal 0?
16:30:06 <danols> i hope that its just me learning accounting 101 that I am having such a hard time understanding gnucash :)
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16:31:25 <warlord> should the total on which be 0? P&L? Or Cash Flow?
16:31:40 <danols> P&L
16:31:52 <warlord> Not if you have transactions in the time period.
16:31:55 <rafael1> hum,I fixed that, what wqas wrong. But no succes in printing a correct p&E report...
16:32:08 <danols> because my total revenues for income is subtotaling $0 ????
16:32:14 <warlord> rafael1: I suspect your whole account tree could be wrong.
16:32:17 <danols> but there is income shown in the subaccounts
16:32:26 <rafael1> warlord: Yes...
16:32:46 <warlord> rafael1: I suggest you start from scratch with a new file and re-enter your data by hand.
16:33:00 <warlord> danols: from Income to where?
16:33:07 <danols> warlord omg GnuCash is hard to learn
16:33:14 <rafael1> warlord: If just we coiuld copy and paste the transactions... not retype one by one :(
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16:33:18 <danols> my commodities was set to USD whearas my accounts are in CAD
16:33:40 <danols> so subaccounts was showing correctly but totals were 0 now they are added
16:33:45 <warlord> danols: Have you read the docs?
16:34:06 <warlord> rafael1: sorry..
16:34:10 <danols> warlord I have read them but I don't remmember this being covered anywhere
16:34:20 <danols> I have spent 2 days reading them to understand how to set this up
16:34:22 <warlord> danols: fix your locale setting to en_CA
16:35:16 <warlord> danols: the docs talk about currencies.
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16:37:51 <danols> warlord thanks I changed that but it seems my reports are still defaulting to USD :(......
16:38:43 <danols> Under Report's Currency it says USD rather than CAD so reports are blank unless I select CAD
16:39:02 <warlord> danols: did you restart your UI/GnuCash after fixing your computer's locale?
16:39:08 <danols> nope :|
16:39:13 <warlord> Well, then..
16:40:18 <danols> Well, then... i'm sorry to say this but GNUCash might the right powerful tool for me but the learning curve and usage is a bit unitutitve; no direspect meant.
16:40:39 <danols> anyhow warlord I thank you very much for all your help
16:42:05 <danols> and restarting it still auto selects USD even though locale is set to CAD
16:42:46 <danols> nevermind slap on forehead
16:42:59 <danols> i wasn't in the right section in prefferences
16:43:01 <danols> my bad
16:45:21 <warlord> You will still need to restart to get the change to take
16:45:38 <rafael1> warlord: thaks
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17:10:42 <Sideburns> I'm having trouble getting Gnucash to reconcile my bank statement. It insists on showing transactions past the statement date and won't finish because I can't mark them off as being on the statement.
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17:15:45 <Sideburns> I'm using version 2.2.9, if that's any help, on Fedora 10.
17:21:02 <gxti> you don't have to check every box
17:21:07 <gxti> you just have to get the balance to zero
17:21:44 <gxti> transactions past the statement date are shown anyway in case your idea of when it happened is different from your bank's -- it'll even show future txns
17:24:32 <Sideburns> This is weird: I checked the exact same boxes, used the same statement date, and This Time For Sure! I have no idea why it didn't work before, but it did this time. Maybe it just knew you guys were watching.
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17:32:47 <andrewsw> wow, love the old emails... 2004!
17:43:01 <warlord> andrewsw: yeah.. about a dozen were stuck.
17:47:29 <warlord> I wish I knew *why* they were stuck!
17:47:50 <warlord> My guess is a mailman glitch or something.
17:51:57 <andrewsw> what's amazing is that they were still just in the queue, going around and around...
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17:58:17 <warlord> I dont even think that... I'm not sure WHERE they got stuck.. They were definitely in mailman, not in any sendmail queue.
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20:09:39 <bsvitale> hey folks. whats the trick to setting up your own keybindings on windows?
20:09:46 <bsvitale> for example, lets say i want to use Ctrl+J for jumping.
20:32:53 <warlord> bsvitale: you might try asking on the gnucash-user mailing list.
20:34:24 <bsvitale> will try. thx.
20:40:05 <warlord> you're welcome
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21:00:49 <danols> hi all
21:00:58 <danols> just to make sure I understand the basics
21:01:30 <danols> positive number in liabilities means money I still owe negative means money owend to me right?
21:01:48 <warlord> Depends on the setting.. There is a setting to reverse "credit" accounts..
21:02:19 <danols> i have the default setting
21:02:32 <danols> which I am assuming is how most accountants would read this right?
21:03:17 <danols> btw hi warlord :) and thanks for help last time
21:03:29 <warlord> you're welcome.
21:03:47 <warlord> But by default, yes, a positive number in a liability account is how much you owe them.
21:03:52 <danols> k
21:04:18 <danols> now my problem was that I bought a rental property a year ago and going through all the transaction since that time would be to much
21:04:25 <danols> so what I did is started from Jan 01 09
21:04:34 <danols> I used openning balance to start the accounts
21:04:49 <danols> that also includes things like student loan balances and so on
21:05:05 <danols> my equity opneing balance now shows a negative 4k
21:05:09 <danols> should that be zeroed out?
21:05:32 <danols> i'm still getting my head arround all the concepts so i'm missing something basic i guess
21:05:46 <warlord> No, it's possible that you have a negative net worth..
21:05:58 <danols> so it is ok?
21:06:05 <danols> let me make sure I understand than
21:06:17 <danols> let's use simple numbers as examples
21:06:21 <danols> house 100k
21:06:27 <danols> mortgage 90k
21:06:34 <danols> net worth 10k --- right ?
21:06:45 <danols> student loans lets use 20k
21:06:50 <danols> so net worth now is -10k ?
21:07:00 <danols> which is reflected in equity opening balance account right?
21:10:00 <warlord> Right
21:10:09 <danols> k
21:10:16 <danols> hmmm
21:11:40 <danols> this opening balance will remain at this negative 4k no matter what ?
21:12:05 <danols> as that is my 'net worth' starting Jan 01 09 ?
21:12:24 <danols> it is than offset by income, appriciation of rental, and paying down mortgage ?
21:14:00 <warlord> Yes.
21:14:11 <warlord> Your Balance Sheet will give you your instantaneous Equity.
21:14:39 <danols> and also I could just hide the equity opening account balance type as that is never going to be used after the initial setup?
21:15:05 <danols> and when would I use Equity Openning balance again in the future? When someone gives me a fixed asset as a gift for example?
21:15:49 <warlord> You would probably never use Equity again..
21:15:54 <warlord> Those would be Income.
21:16:26 <danols> i see
21:16:57 <danols> so Equity type account is for setting up the overal initial pictures as assets and liabilitites have to come from somewhere?
21:17:47 <danols> as per the accounting equation?
21:19:32 <warlord> Right
21:20:01 <danols> warlord: thank you for verifing my thinking process and understanding so far; much appriciated
21:20:13 <warlord> you're welcome
21:36:37 <danols> is there anywhere where I can get some help/info about the generic import druid?
21:39:25 <warlord> Ummm.....
21:40:00 <danols> the help search pulled up nothing relevant; i'm trying to understand how it works
21:40:11 <danols> why some trans are rejected some aren't etc
21:40:38 <danols> and what are the red - yellow - green bars ( or whatever the colors are)
21:42:50 <warlord> Try the docs online?
21:43:20 <danols> google pulling up nothing relevant
21:47:42 <danols> anyone has any experience with jGnash
21:47:46 <danols> just stumbled up on it
21:47:52 <danols> looks like a gnucash fork
21:48:18 <jsled> not a fork, given it doesn't share any code, afaik.
21:51:05 <danols> hmm sorry i was using gnucash in the search phrase
21:51:13 <danols> you right reading more on it it ain't a fork
21:57:44 <warlord> danols: try www.gnucash.org
21:58:41 <danols> will do warlod thank you
21:58:51 <danols> s/warlod/warlord sorry
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22:06:51 <warlord> k
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