2009-03-25 GnuCash IRC logs
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12:10:56 <StocksR> reporting question - in saved-reports-2.0 dates get persisted as '(absolute 1238453968 . 0) can anybody tell me what format this is?
12:12:04 <jsled> probably seconds since the epoch
12:12:18 <jsled> date --date @1238453968
12:12:18 <jsled> Mon Mar 30 18:59:28 EDT 2009
12:12:40 <andrewsw> mornin'
12:13:53 <StocksR> reason for my question - I need to create 12 identical reports for diffrent dates and wanted to cheat and hand edit this file
12:14:59 <StocksR> given I am a windows user is there a easy way for me to convert 1/1/2009 to this format (and the rest of the dates i need)
12:17:23 <warlord> StocksR: create one for 1/1/2009, then realize there are 24*60*60 == 86400 seconds per day.
12:18:21 <StocksR> many thanks
12:18:42 <SebastianHeld> Hello everybody,
12:18:57 <SebastianHeld> I've written a patch to import customers from a csv-file
12:19:12 <SebastianHeld> currently it's lying on http://tellico.dyndns.org/drupal/node/1
12:19:27 <SebastianHeld> should I post this to gnucash-devel@... mailing list?
12:20:05 <warlord> SebastianHeld: Neato. What's the UI like to select the column mappings?
12:20:15 <SebastianHeld> regexp ;)
12:20:45 <SebastianHeld> I need this for myself - not clear if it's really useful for some others...
12:22:06 <andrewsw> this is against 2.2. have you tried to apply it to trunk?
12:22:20 <SebastianHeld> no not yet
12:22:26 <warlord> This is in C?
12:22:27 <warlord> or scheme?
12:22:35 <SebastianHeld> C
12:24:29 <warlord> Is there a UI? like to select the file to import, etc?
12:24:34 <warlord> Can it import vendors?
12:24:37 <andrewsw> looks like it *might* apply pretty cleanly to trunk.
12:25:19 <SebastianHeld> the GUI is curerntly very ugly: uses file selector to get import file and then presents a dialog, where the default regexp can be altered
12:26:19 <SebastianHeld> the other things (vendors, invoices, ...) will come later
12:26:35 <warlord> andrewsw: if you think it'll apply cleanly to trunk feel free..
12:26:45 <SebastianHeld> I just needed something to start with - customers were the simplest
12:26:49 <warlord> SebastianHeld: I haven't looked at the code, yet, but keep up the good work.
12:26:57 <warlord> vendors should be just as simple.
12:27:04 <warlord> invoices will be more difficult.
12:27:08 <andrewsw> I know there are others interested in this (ref https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2009-March/028960.html)
12:27:25 <SebastianHeld> The code is not tested very well - will do this
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12:27:45 <andrewsw> warlord: I'll take a look
12:28:21 <SebastianHeld> I'll try to compile this on my windows box and announce it later on gnucash-devel. Is that ok?
12:29:04 <warlord> sure.
12:29:21 <warlord> A quick look... I think some of the code should be put into different places.. Perhaps even its own file.
12:30:34 <SebastianHeld> I don't want to clutter the folders - just starting hacking on gnucash, but yes it should go into a new file (import-...)
12:30:38 <warlord> I think you're right that gnc_input_dialog should be in gnc-gui-query.c
12:31:26 <warlord> and gnc_plugin_business_cmd_import_customer() should probably call a new function (gnc_customer_import_dialog?) that should live in either dialog-customer or a new file.
12:31:55 <warlord> ... but dialog-customer is probably the right place for this, so you don't need to export the customer-window settings in a header file.
12:32:24 <SebastianHeld> yeah, will try this at home
12:32:36 <warlord> Still, that's pretty damn simple.
12:32:48 <andrewsw> moving stuff to gnc-gui-query should'nt present a problem... 3 years since the last commit there.
12:32:50 <warlord> The next question, of course, would be a way to change the default regexes.. ;)
12:33:16 <SebastianHeld> I'm not good at designing beautiful GUIs...
12:33:48 <warlord> That's fine..
12:34:01 <warlord> I think the 1st rev can do without..
12:34:06 <warlord> But just something to think about.
12:34:59 <warlord> still... thank you!
12:35:00 <SebastianHeld> I think kde (maybe lso gnome?) has a great tool to validate/create regexps - can such a thing be integrated?
12:35:17 <SebastianHeld> the regexps are very nice...
12:35:30 <warlord> Um... I dont know.
12:35:44 <warlord> We're a Gtk app, not a Qt app.
12:36:33 <andrewsw> building it now...
12:36:45 <SebastianHeld> yes I know - I'm coming from Qt and gtk is ... hm ... need to learn a lot
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12:38:22 <SebastianHeld> found the kde prog: http://www.blackie.dk/KDE/KRegExpEditor/ but ok, that will not help us
12:39:22 <warlord> There are ways to hide the regex in a gui.
12:39:37 <warlord> oh, also, it might be nice to display the list of to-be-imported customers before you do so..
12:39:42 <warlord> (and let the user cancel)
12:39:50 <warlord> Also, it might be nice to deal with duplicate detection.
12:40:02 <SebastianHeld> thats rev 5 I think ;)
12:40:02 <warlord> (don't you just love feature creep?) ;-)
12:40:11 <andrewsw> hehe
12:43:54 <andrewsw> hmmm... why does it fail on "gtk_dialog_get_content_area" (line 987 in gnc-plugin-business.c)?
12:43:56 <warlord> In for a penny in for a pound?
12:44:31 <andrewsw> run SebastianHeld !!
12:44:39 <warlord> andrewsw: define "fail"?
12:44:48 <SebastianHeld> hmm... didn't try trunk, but compiles cleanly here with branches/2.2 from 10 minutes ago
12:45:19 <andrewsw> implicit declaration of function 'gtk_dialo...
12:45:25 <SebastianHeld> oh
12:46:07 <andrewsw> is that a new function perhaps?
12:46:50 <SebastianHeld> gtk 2.14
12:47:06 <andrewsw> oh, yup. I"m on 2.12
12:47:09 <andrewsw> what do we target?
12:47:25 <warlord> >= 2.6
12:47:33 <SebastianHeld> on windows I've seen 2.18, that's why I thought it would be ok
12:48:44 <andrewsw> oh, I've got 2.14 sitting in the queue.
12:48:58 <warlord> Right now we only require Gtk >= 2.6 -- changing that to 2.14 would be a MAJOR jump.
12:49:35 <warlord> You're welcome to add a specific test in configure for GTK >= 2.14 and if it's < 2.14 then use dialog->vbox
12:50:02 <andrewsw> yeah, I'm not heading down that road. SebastianHeld, if you want to fix that, I'll be happy to test against trunk again.
12:50:38 <warlord> ( see http://mail.gnome.org/archives/svn-commits-list/2008-June/msg05682.html )
12:50:43 <SebastianHeld> I will fix that (2.14 was released Sep 2008, pretty new)
12:51:27 <warlord> Yeah, I'm on F10 and I have 2.14. That's way too new.
12:51:44 <warlord> (generally we target gtk/gnome about 1-2 years old)
12:51:58 <andrewsw> the only reason I'm on 2.12 is because I'm waiting for post-lenny churn to settle down...
12:52:23 <SebastianHeld> take gentoo; and you're at the bleeding edge ;) runs fine here
12:52:36 <jsled> only if you want to be. :)
12:52:45 <jsled> otherwise, you're just always up to date.
12:53:22 <jsled> (though in this case, up-to-date stable is is 2.14.7-r2)
12:53:36 <warlord> still we dont want to require our users to be running bleeding-edge in order to run gnucash. c.f. the gnucash-1.6 release
12:54:04 <jsled> totally.
12:54:14 <SebastianHeld> I'll come back with a new patch soon. Have to leave now. Bye
12:54:16 <andrewsw> what happened with 1.6?
12:54:26 <andrewsw> thanks SebastianHeld!, look forward to it
12:55:21 <jsled> andrewsw: much bitching and moaning because a) people were eagerly anticipating it, so as soon as it shipped, b) no one was packaging it and c) it had deps that weren't available on people's 6-month-old RedHat6 installs, so they couldn't build it without a lot of rebuilding.
12:55:36 <jsled> "bitching and moaning" isn't quite fair, but whatever.
12:55:40 <andrewsw> fun
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12:57:22 <andrewsw> wasn't there a git-dired mode? can't find it.
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13:04:15 <warlord> no clue.. I dont use git
13:04:34 *** bluefox has joined #gnucash
13:04:51 <bluefox> the chart/graph shit is so horribly implemented >:O
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13:05:14 * bluefox is adjusting a huge report to use most recent instead of weighted average and it takes forever since it regenerates everything etc etc etc
13:07:17 <warlord> bluefox: send in a patch to fix it.
13:07:47 <bluefox> warlord: the best I can probably do is take detailed notes, analyze, make suggestions, write a blog entry on it, and forward the whole thing to the developers to mill over
13:08:04 <bluefox> this is like "major feature is missing or implemented like shit and needs to be ripped out and redone"
13:08:46 <warlord> one could say that about lots of parts of gnucash. we dont need the bad shit pointed out -- we generally know it's bad. we need people to actually write the code to make it better.
13:10:05 <bluefox> you make a good point
13:11:29 <andrewsw> warlord: what is the preferred way to make a .h accessible to gnc-main-window.c? specifically, my .h is in reports/report-gnome/
13:12:11 <warlord> andrewsw: Oooh, umm.. you might not be able to.. hold on.
13:12:39 <andrewsw> a simple #include doesn't do it...
13:12:59 <warlord> You can't. You cannot call from gnc-main-window.c into code defined in report-gnome.
13:13:10 <warlord> that would be a circular dependency.
13:13:14 <andrewsw> ew.
13:13:51 <andrewsw> currently I'm using scheme code to add a menu item for the custom report dialog... I thought it would be nice to do it in the main window...
13:14:10 <warlord> You might need to keep it as a scheme hook.
13:14:21 <bluefox> warlord: I got a \n in one of my accountnames
13:14:24 <warlord> Or do it as a C hook in the rpeort-gnome module
13:14:30 <bluefox> when it generated a graph, it listed it as 2 accounts on the pie chart.
13:14:57 <warlord> bluefox: is there literally a \n in the account name? Or did the report line-wrap it?
13:15:22 <andrewsw> heh assets\noodles?
13:16:55 <bluefox> warlord: there's a newline
13:17:21 <bluefox> the report is like "[Color] Checking account - $500" for the key next to a pie chart
13:17:27 <bluefox> for this one it's like
13:17:33 <warlord> HUH! How did you get a newline into your account name?
13:17:37 <bluefox> [Red] Savings account
13:17:42 <bluefox> [Blu] - $500
13:18:02 <bluefox> warlord: another bug. I copy-pasted the account number into the account name probably, which probably brought a newline.
13:18:17 <bluefox> I honestly didn't know it had a newline until now; I thought it had a rendering artifact due to the account name being too long
13:18:34 <warlord> Wow! Yeah, you should definitely file a bug report on that.
13:18:50 <bluefox> on the way it gets processed, or on newlines getting in at all?
13:19:00 <warlord> On newlines getting in at all.
13:19:04 <jsled> bluefox: yeah, just to echo warlord, the reports (and how the graphs are implemented in the reports) are pretty well-known to be messed up. GnuCash needs patches, not pointing-out. Commits, not complaints. :)
13:19:14 <bluefox> where's the bugtracker
13:19:20 <warlord> bugzilla.gnome.org
13:19:23 <bluefox> k
13:25:42 <bluefox> 576743
13:26:47 <warlord> thanks
13:31:07 <bluefox> warlord: the graphs and shit I made have helped me straighten my finances out. I now aim for positive cash-flow balance per month @_@
13:31:24 <warlord> Cool! Always a good goal.
13:32:01 <bluefox> yeah I managed to move out of my parents' house...
13:33:05 <warlord> Always expensive.
13:33:36 <andrewsw> heh, try having kids
13:33:55 <bluefox> fuck no
13:33:56 <bluefox> i hate kids.
13:34:14 <andrewsw> it's okay. my kids hate you too ;-P
13:35:05 <warlord> LOL
13:53:44 <andrewsw> do we have a prebuilt confirmation dialog? or do we just use some gtk_dialog thingy?
13:55:06 <warlord> We do...
13:55:33 <andrewsw> grepping...
13:56:41 <warlord> We have gnc_info_dialog() and gnc_error_dialog()
13:57:49 <warlord> But... I dont think there's a response code from it.
13:58:03 <warlord> (like, I dont think there's an 'ok/cancel' response to those APIs)
13:59:21 <andrewsw> yeah, nothing there looks like it will work. but I guess I know where to put it now.;-)
13:59:34 <andrewsw> I need to get "Are you sure you want to delete..."
13:59:58 <andrewsw> there's a radio button one as well, but that's a kludgey fit
14:00:48 <warlord> I dont see a 'gnc_confirm_dialog()' api -- I think adding one might be useful?
14:01:31 <andrewsw> yup. I'll do that. and I can now eliminate my own warning dialog in custom report dialog too...
14:01:53 <warlord> :)
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14:02:01 <warlord> If you can reuse it multiple times, even better.
14:02:42 <andrewsw> well, I only need a confirmation dialog once, but it'll help the windows users feel more comfortable to have one available.
14:03:27 <andrewsw> one more question about this stuff, I'm using glade-3. I see andi5 had to rollback some glade 3 stuff.
14:03:33 <andrewsw> should I downgrade and use glade2?
14:05:09 <warlord> Yeah
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14:08:04 <andrewsw> okay.
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14:18:19 <andrewsw> ewww... easier said than done, but doable.
14:28:27 *** Plouj has joined #gnucash
14:28:28 <Plouj> hi
14:28:35 <Plouj> does gnucash behave safely on ext4?
14:29:06 <warlord> define "safely"
14:29:22 <warlord> (I dont see how it would be any more or less safe on ext4 than any other application)
14:29:38 <Plouj> does it make sure the data has been written to disk before renaming files?
14:30:37 <Plouj> some applications apparently assume thinks about the order of operations that filesystems like ext3 perform
14:30:44 <warlord> I dont know if it explicitly calls fsync()
14:31:03 <Plouj> bah, that sentence doesn't make sense
14:32:49 <Plouj> some applications apparently assume a certain order of filesystem disk operations which isn't necessarily guranteed by the POSIX standard or the filesystem
14:32:53 <warlord> it made sense to me.. But gnucash doesn't do a mv to overwrite a file.
14:33:16 <Plouj> how does it append data to the user files then?
14:33:33 <warlord> It doesn't append. It writes out the full datafile every time.
14:33:38 <Plouj> it just creates new fils all the time?
14:33:49 <warlord> Yep
14:33:50 <Plouj> humm
14:34:03 <Plouj> how does it know what file to open next time I run gnucash?
14:34:41 <Plouj> is this documented somewhere? I'm curious of how this works
14:34:52 <warlord> Sorry, I have to go. Go read the code.
14:35:09 <Plouj> k
14:35:44 <andrewsw> Plouj: without going into details I don't know about, the old file gets renamed to a .xac file and the new one retains the existing file name.
14:35:52 <andrewsw> the specific mechanics of this are not known by me...
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15:28:10 <andrewsw> gack! gnc_verify_dialog was there all along...
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20:48:07 <warlord> @op linas
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20:48:56 <linas> hey warlord, I asked about google summer of code earlier, but didn't stick around for answer ..
20:49:03 <linas> did gnucash apply?
20:49:07 <warlord> No.
20:49:10 <warlord> Not this year.
20:49:38 <warlord> there wasn't anyone offering to admin or mentor it this year. I dont have time (I barely had time last time)..
20:50:03 <linas> ah. Bummer!
20:50:11 <warlord> And last time we really didn't get a lot of good results. I think only 1 project got merged back into trunk, and even that one is buggy as all heck.
20:50:43 <linas> yeah, similar experiences as well
20:51:07 <linas> keep hoping htat maybe some of the entrents will stick around longer
20:51:10 <warlord> I'm still planning to do the cvs -> code migration Sunday.
20:51:27 <linas> oh. I thought sunday came and went :-)
20:51:51 <warlord> Nope.. next sunday.
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20:51:56 <warlord> (3/29)
20:53:05 * warlord is still in California this week.
20:53:22 <aindilis`> any gnucash devs in Illinois?
20:53:40 <warlord> I know of none offhand.
20:53:54 <warlord> (although I do periodically show up in Chicago)
20:54:07 <aindilis`> email me when you do andrewdo@frdcsa.org
20:54:39 <warlord> Ummm, I'll try to remember, but just watch here. I usually say something.
20:54:44 <aindilis`> ah
20:55:46 <warlord> Hmm, can someone reset the /topic?
20:56:04 <aindilis`> !me
20:56:52 <warlord> aindilis`: yeah, I know.
20:57:00 <warlord> I was hoping andrewsw, jsled, or linas could.
20:57:15 <warlord> I suppose I can go look in my logs to find it.
20:59:06 <linas> ?
20:59:15 <warlord> what do you see from: /topic
20:59:32 <linas> Topic for #gnucash is Free GPL Personal and Small Business Accounting || Please don't ask to ask, just ask and wait! || publically-logged channel || latest stable: 2.2.9
20:59:32 <linas> --- Topic for #gnucash set by jsled at Thu Feb 26 14:35:58 2009
20:59:56 <warlord> Okay..
21:00:07 *** warlord changes topic to "Free GPL Personal and Small Business Accounting || Please don't ask to ask, just ask and wait! || publically-logged channel || latest stable: 2.2.9"
21:00:12 <warlord> thanks.
21:02:00 <aindilis`> small business accounting? the only thing I found was a nice guide circa 2003. any new documentation on the SBA stuff?
21:02:22 <warlord> Sure! It's in the docs.
21:02:25 <aindilis`> k
21:02:26 <aindilis`> cool
21:02:37 <warlord> Indeed, the SBA was in the code in 2003.
21:02:44 <warlord> (It was in 1.8)
21:02:48 <aindilis`> k
21:02:59 <aindilis`> I have to figure out how to use it pretty soon
21:03:06 <aindilis`> thanks guys!
21:06:32 <warlord> you're welcome
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