2009-03-22 GnuCash IRC logs
00:38:18 *** mta has quit IRC
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09:48:29 <smacnay> warlord-afk, I deposited the cheque in the bank and it shows up on an imported qif file. So I already have an amount in the chequing account.
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10:51:24 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
10:51:38 <warlord> smacnay: you'll need to delete the imported txn and use Process Payment.
11:00:27 *** aindilis` has joined #gnucash
11:08:35 <aindilis`> Is there a recommended way to do taxes with Gnucash (perhaps OST?)?
11:28:01 <warlord> gnucash isn't tax software.
11:28:16 <aindilis`> yeah
11:30:15 <aindilis`> sorry someone at my door
11:30:39 <aindilis`> but are there interfaces to thing like Open Tax Solver?
11:30:54 <aindilis`> and is there a recommended free software tax program that integrates nicely with GnuCash
11:31:15 <jsled> no and no
11:31:31 <aindilis`> is there any interest in starting this, as I would be interested in helping
11:31:32 <aindilis`> ?
11:31:59 <jsled> There's usally interest every March. It seems to disappear by April 16th. :)
11:32:07 <aindilis`> lol
11:32:14 <aindilis`> I didn't do my taxes this year
11:32:18 <aindilis`> that's not why I'm asking
11:32:42 <aindilis`> I'm going to be starting up a consultancy
11:32:49 <aindilis`> and would like to be able to do them
11:32:55 <aindilis`> I develop a lot of software and know Linas
11:33:15 <aindilis`> there are two things that I am planning to do for GnuCash at present
11:33:47 <aindilis`> the first is to time series prediction software that statistically predicts when certain charges are going to fall
11:34:07 <aindilis`> and the second is, well I can't seem to remember
11:34:36 <aindilis`> so for the first if you have a repeating charge from some business it figures this out
11:34:50 <aindilis`> and then this helps you budget if you have a low cash flow
11:35:01 <aindilis`> er small budget
11:35:57 <warlord> I think someone started working on getting SXes into reports.. But executing an SX in a report could be challenging due to SX variables.
11:36:08 <aindilis`> googling
11:36:55 <aindilis`> k
11:39:16 <aindilis`> another thing I'd like to integrate eventually would be online sales and inventory management
11:39:29 <aindilis`> but that's not the second thing
11:39:55 <aindilis`> I have a project called broker
11:40:21 <warlord> I'm not sure that gnucash really wants to be an "online sales" system.. Perhaps it can be the backend accounting system for that, but I dont think gnucash is designed to be a POS.
11:40:41 <aindilis`> oh of course, when I say integrate I mean integrate separate systems
11:40:51 <warlord> Just making sure.
11:41:02 <aindilis`> it's not for POS, although it could be, it's really for personal inventory and sales
11:41:14 <aindilis`> I also have a planning system that justifies the presence of every item in your personal inventory
11:41:56 <aindilis`> and hopefully automatically sells it if the price is right, and then also, helps to acquire things that you do need, and are within budget. I am going to be using gnucash for the accounting end of things
11:42:27 <aindilis`> frdcsa.org/~andrewdo/writings/semweb.odp
11:42:31 <aindilis`> http://frdcsa.org/~andrewdo/writings/semweb.odp
11:43:23 <aindilis`> I would be interested in what the gnucash devs thought of this
11:43:59 <warlord> I dont have time to read the odp right now.
11:44:05 <aindilis`> sure sorry
11:44:22 <warlord> In theory I think adding an inventory system could be a good thing.
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11:47:15 <jsled> I don't know why you'd want to use gnucash for your ai thingy. Sounds like extra overhead beyond the decades of work you have outlined there.
11:47:45 <jsled> Of course, I guess one could see the overhead as a drop in the bucket, comparatively.
11:48:14 <aindilis`> if it's decades of work, I'd better get started this instant
11:48:31 <jsled> I'm not sure why "semweb" is the title of the odp, given how little prominence it has in the document.
11:48:45 <aindilis`> well, yeah I was presenting to a semweb user group
11:48:47 <jsled> Also, if you haven't seen NEPOMUK, that might be interesting.
11:48:51 <aindilis`> yeah
11:48:56 <aindilis`> I need to get more integrated with that
11:49:44 <aindilis`> there are significant ties to the semweb here, it's just that I'm not really at the point where they matter
11:49:52 <aindilis`> I've still got to get an OWL reasoner tied in first
11:50:22 <aindilis`> it doesn't take so long also because people release their free software tools which do the trick
11:50:32 <aindilis`> so you just kinda integrate those, like for instance, gnucash
11:52:51 <jsled> Well, I'd generally say that applications tend to get less … realistic the more they need things like reasoners and inference, but you're explicitly building an AI Thingy, so I guess that doesn't hold.
11:53:04 <jsled> Of course, you haven't actually outlined a problem you're solving.
11:53:26 <jsled> But this is all way Off Topic, here, and I don't really care, so I'm going to stop commenting, now. :)
11:53:32 <aindilis`> :)
12:01:04 <warlord> time for me to go.. bye all
12:01:28 <aindilis`> bye
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20:20:45 *** Jack has joined #gnucash
21:09:10 <Jack> anyone interfacing GC with $anything? found the CashUtil project, though it isn't very far along at all
21:09:45 <jsled> and dead for a number of years, regardless.
21:11:03 <Jack> yeah :-/
21:12:09 <jsled> so, no, not really. There's sometimes mentions about interfacing gnc with stuff, but nothing substantial jumps to mind. Not that it's not possible.
21:12:17 <jsled> what are you thinking about, Jack ?
21:13:39 <Jack> jsled: im working on a small startup, 15 beta customers currently
21:14:03 <Jack> its fine to type their things in now, but when i 'go live' i expect to get >200 customers that need to be billed and accounted monthly
21:14:22 <Jack> so i was hoping to integrate my services into GC, so I dont have to type it all manually
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