2009-02-24 GnuCash IRC logs
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06:15:13 <telenieko> hi ppl.
06:16:23 <telenieko> It seems that my gnucash got screwed around 27/11. On assert bar charts the "Investments" accounts group dissappears on that date. And Net Worth got also screwed. I guess it has to do with USD exchange rates but I see nowhere to change them
06:16:44 <telenieko> (I already cleanup stocks in the Price Editor, there was garbage here (rates like: 123 - 123 -12311))
06:17:03 <telenieko> How can I check currency exchange rates that are archiven in my book?
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06:26:29 <telenieko> I solved the graphs by telling them to use the "Nearest in time" price. But averages are screwed. how can I debug those averages to find the error?
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09:59:43 <FrozenZia> Hi all! Question: have a monthly deposit of 200e going into a 401k-LIKE thing, where it is then divied up 100e into fundA, 100e into fundB. Up til this point I hadn't got any statements which told me how much of A and B I was getting, so I've just had a "cash" account where the balance has been growing.
10:01:09 <FrozenZia> NOW I've got a statement (year-end), and would like to set up the fund accounts (and have), and record the purchases, but for some reason the balance doesn't seem to be decreasing in the cash acct, although I *THINK* that's how it should go based on how I did the purchases...
10:03:37 <FrozenZia> The fund purchase shows shares 5, price 20, Buy 100 in the line for the fund acct, and in the line below that 100 in the sell column for the cash acct
10:06:33 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
10:07:37 <warlord> that sounds right...
10:07:46 <warlord> Go into the cash account and see what it says?
10:08:34 <FrozenZia> all I see there is the 200 coming into it from our checking acct
10:09:06 <FrozenZia> 2.2.8 is my GnuCash version, btw...
10:11:07 <FrozenZia> Oh interesting... This is something that was bothering me before, and perhaps it's a remnant of the older version I was using, but for another fund, where I directly bought the fund from the checking account, I have e.g.
10:12:36 <FrozenZia> fund acct line: shares 5, price 20, buy 100, then
10:12:49 <FrozenZia> checking acct line: nothing, then
10:13:02 <FrozenZia> blank, third line: price 1
10:14:46 <FrozenZia> I can only imagine Derek's pain trying to deal with non-accountant folks like me bumbling about, doing possibly idiotic things with this wonderful software... =o)
10:18:45 <warlord> Are you sure you have the correct account assigned to the split?
10:19:03 <FrozenZia> hah! exactly right
10:19:23 <FrozenZia> I have seperate acct structures - Retirement and Retirement Spouse.
10:19:49 <FrozenZia> I'll just go check, but pretty sure the money's coming out of the wrong place / I'm looking in the wrong place....
10:20:35 <warlord> :)
10:20:52 <FrozenZia> yep - that was it! Thanks!
10:22:04 <warlord> You're welcome.
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11:13:31 <FrozenZia> hmmm - try this one, see if you get the same result...
11:14:25 <FrozenZia> Selling shares from a mutual fund as commission (Expenses:Commissions acct as the Transfer acct)
11:15:06 <FrozenZia> But the mutual fund is set so the smallest fraction is 1/100000
11:15:44 <FrozenZia> and the amount of shares to sell is e.g. 70.18367
11:16:14 <warlord> And what's the total value?
11:16:18 <FrozenZia> After entering this, if I go back to the Accts tab, the total amount of shares/value is no longer listed
11:16:25 <warlord> (keep in mind that the price is computed)
11:16:55 <warlord> Is the column wide enough to display the value?
11:16:58 <FrozenZia> I've been giving the price, but the value doesn't get computed
11:17:17 <FrozenZia> warlord: yes, plenty wide
11:17:27 <warlord> Um, what do you mean "the value doens't get computed"?
11:17:47 <FrozenZia> Well, the "buy" column stays blank.
11:18:16 <warlord> Um, but you put something into both the qty and price columns?
11:18:26 <FrozenZia> yes
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11:19:54 <warlord> Show me a screen shot?
11:20:16 <FrozenZia> where can I put it?
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11:21:33 <FrozenZia> (i.e. is there an "easy" place to just put stuff like this?) I can certainly drag out my ancient home page connection info and figure out how to get it over there...
11:22:35 <FrozenZia> Interestingly enough, it's decided that the amount to put in the Commissions acct is 583.16e - don't know where it got that....
11:22:49 <warlord> there's an image pastebin
11:23:08 <warlord> I need to see the full txn to guess.
11:26:41 <FrozenZia> Oh geesh - okay okay, perhaps I'm just an idiot -- before taking a screenshot I maximized the screen, and hey, there it is in the Sell column! (which was completely not visible in the smaller version of the window I was using. But still, that doesn't explain the missing amounts in the Accts tab
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11:29:22 <FrozenZia> if I change the smallest fraction for the acct to 1/10000, and enter the same amounts, it rounds it to the nearest 10000th, and the value + share amount show up properly in the Accounts tab.
11:30:27 <warlord> Odd..
11:32:48 <FrozenZia> Changing the smallest fraction to 1/10000 for an acct that has an entry with a 1/100000 value doesn't seem to solve it -- it has to be deleted, (after which the values show up again), and then re-entered.
11:33:10 <warlord> What if you change the SCU and then edit the existing transaction?
11:33:33 <warlord> (e.g. change the amount/value)
11:34:16 <FrozenZia> don't think that did anything either, but I didn't necessarily try - hold on...
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11:36:18 <FrozenZia> hmm - that *did* seem to fix it.
11:37:52 <warlord> Editing SCUs can be....... challenging.
11:37:54 <FrozenZia> Not sure if I did something different this time, but the first time I tried it (SCU to less exact number), I *expected* GnuCash to automatically round the value for me, but it didn't seem to do that. This time it did, though.
11:38:09 <warlord> It should...
11:38:42 <FrozenZia> Well, the "workaround" is easy enough - just don't use 1/100000.
11:40:56 <FrozenZia> I guess there's also the question of whether the securities that are associated with these funds have their SCU set to 1/100000.
11:41:19 <FrozenZia> In this case they were/are.
11:41:58 <warlord> Hmm
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12:01:22 <FrozenZia> Is there a way to see where created securities are actually USED? I seem to have created duplicates of several securities, and would like to remove the ones that aren't actually used anywhere.
12:06:39 <warlord> Unfortunately no, not really.. Make sure they each have a unique mnemonic and then expand-all in the CoA?
12:07:03 <FrozenZia> yeah, was just trying to do that - how to expand-all?
12:12:57 <warlord> I'm not sure there's a way. :(
12:13:43 <FrozenZia> feature request! =o)
12:18:27 <warlord> Cool! Send in a patch.
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