2009-02-23 GnuCash IRC logs
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10:01:19 <bjoernb> hello
10:09:00 <bjoernb> i am using debian. when i change the env variable LANG when calling gnucash i get an error, that relocation support was disabled.
10:09:19 <bjoernb> LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 gnucash
10:09:19 <bjoernb> gnc.bin-Message: main: binreloc relocation support was disabled at configure time.
10:09:22 <bjoernb> * 16:08:17 WARN <Gtk> Locale not supported by C library. Using the fallback 'C' locale.
10:10:04 <bjoernb> is there any other possibility to change the language of gnucash than setting the LANG variable?
10:10:26 <jsled> Sometimes it's LANGUAGE
10:10:38 <jsled> There's also the LC_MESSAGES and some other LC_* variables
10:11:02 <jsled> Also, you asked the other day:
10:11:03 <jsled> <bjoernb> does this mean, since i am using debian. the debian packager has disabled or not enabled the relocation support when packaging gnucash?
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10:11:36 <bjoernb> jsled: yes i asked that, but iirc i did not get any answer in here.
10:11:46 <jsled> No, the binreloc relocation support is not really packager-controllable, and … IIRC … is really about supporting autopackage.
10:12:08 <jsled> Right, which is why I'm answering now. I went to answer after I got up a few hours later, but you'd left.
10:12:22 <jsled> In any case, the "binreloc" thing is ignorable and unrelated.
10:13:06 <bjoernb> jsled: thanks.
10:13:37 <bjoernb> how to call gnucash with LC_MESSAGES and LANG set to other values?
10:13:57 <bjoernb> LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 && LC_MESSAGES=de_DE.UTF-8 gnucash?
10:15:33 <jsled> no '&&'
10:15:40 <bjoernb> ok
10:16:19 <bjoernb> i am very sorry.
10:16:28 <jsled> very sorry?
10:16:30 <bjoernb> i now know what the error message meant.
10:16:51 <bjoernb> * 16:08:17 WARN <Gtk> Locale not supported by C library. Using the fallback 'C' locale.
10:17:17 <bjoernb> the locale was not supported. guess why? it was not installed.
10:17:24 <jsled> ah. yes, sorry.
10:17:26 <bjoernb> dpkg-reconfigure locales
10:17:55 <bjoernb> and then keep en_GB.UTF-8 as default, but also install de_DE.UTF-8
10:18:45 <bjoernb> do i need more than LC_MESSAGES and LANG?
10:20:12 <jsled> You probably don't need LC_MESSAGES, actually.
10:20:24 <bjoernb> i needed it.
10:20:25 <jsled> just LANG (or LANGUAGE)
10:20:40 <bjoernb> otherwise using only LANG it was english
10:20:52 <jsled> try LANGUAGE instead of LANG, then.
10:21:12 <jsled> But those control the whole locale, while the LC_* variables control specific sub-things (messages, currency, numbers, &c.)
10:22:43 <bjoernb> LANGUAGE works also, thx
10:24:24 <bjoernb> so LANGUAGE changes also the LC*?
10:24:43 <jsled> it should, yeah.
10:24:47 <bjoernb> great.
10:24:58 <bjoernb> jsled: thanks for teaching me something about locales.
10:25:14 <jsled> you can run `locale` to see all the values.
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10:27:00 <bjoernb> jsled: i just want the settings for gnucash, not for the rest.
10:27:09 <bjoernb> so this is okay how it works.
10:27:34 <bjoernb> i made a keybinding for this in my windowmanager config.
10:32:42 <bjoernb> bye, thanks for your help!
10:32:55 <jsled> you're welcome
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13:39:42 <warlord> @op
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13:39:42 <test-gncbot> warlord: Error: I need to be opped to op someone.
13:51:42 <jsled> warlord: btw, are the mailing lists migrated?
13:52:51 <warlord> Nope.
13:53:14 <warlord> well, they are, but only as of when I did the initial test.. They are not synced now.
13:56:37 <warlord> Basically I need to take a couple hours to take the old server offline, migrate all the real data over, then put up the new server.
13:57:01 <warlord> So right now the new server is running in parallel is stale data.
14:00:20 <warlord> I'm not sure I'll have the time to migrate the lists prior to March 1st.
14:00:32 <warlord> (I also need to work with Linas to migrate the DNS info)
14:01:08 <linas> and set up dnssec
14:02:58 <warlord> That too (although that's a separable issue)
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16:28:45 <jong> hi there
16:29:07 <warlord> hola
16:29:24 <andi5> moinmoin
16:29:37 <jong> moin andi, warlord
16:29:48 <warlord> que pasta?
16:29:52 <warlord> ;)
16:30:52 <andi5> (2.2.9 will be r17949M again :-( )... probably some change in POTFILES.in again...)
16:30:53 <jong> well, after going through some hard to track down problems, compiling the stable branch... just to get the application in dutch...
16:31:06 <andi5> hm...
16:31:14 <jong> I still cannot change the locale (by running LANG=NL_nl; <PATH>/gnucash)
16:31:16 <andi5> what operating system do you use?
16:31:24 <jong> this is Gentoo
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16:31:53 <andi5> first of all, it is nl_NL
16:32:04 <andi5> then, if you set LANG in your shell only, it is not exported
16:32:16 <jong> andi5, yes, sorry
16:32:19 <andi5> if you remove the semicolon, then gnucash will be started with an enriched environment
16:32:24 <jong> yeah, I exported it too
16:32:29 <andi5> ah, ok
16:32:42 <andi5> your locale is listed in `locale -a`?
16:32:55 <jong> yeps, as nl_NL.utf8 (which I tried as well)
16:33:16 <andi5> are there locale files in /usr/share/locale/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/gnucash.mo?
16:33:28 <andi5> or something similar
16:33:36 <jong> well, I installed it in /opt/gnucash-svn/...
16:33:43 <andi5> no problem
16:34:04 <jong> not exactly, I bump at locale/nl
16:34:19 <jong> not nl_NL
16:34:43 <andi5> actually, that should work nonetheless...
16:34:49 <andi5> env | grep LC ?
16:35:04 <jong> nothing
16:35:09 <jong> (what's LC?)
16:35:13 <andi5> two letters
16:35:23 <andi5> like LC_MESSAGES, man locale :)
16:36:03 <warlord> jong: what OS/Distro do you use?
16:36:06 <jong> oh, check... well, I'm running KDE (sorry devs) and it is completely in dutch
16:36:11 <andi5> you could run gnucash with strace -e open and see whether it opens your .mo file
16:36:15 <andi5> i hope it is there?
16:36:22 <jong> warlord, just a moment, it autoupdated, so I don't know exactly anymore :)
16:36:36 <warlord> jong: do you have any OTHER GTK apps? Do they display in dutch?
16:36:47 <jong> warlord: gentoo Linux, 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP kernel, i686
16:37:01 <jong> warlord, nope, I just need the reports in dutch
16:37:12 * andi5 just wondered... wait a moment... it might have autochanged to ubuntu, will check ;-)
16:37:21 <warlord> My first guess would be that you dont have the Gtk NL locale installed
16:37:28 <jong> andi5: argh... euhm, yes, it is UBuntu now
16:37:40 <andi5> warlord: a lot of menus should show up in dutch anyway, right?
16:37:57 * jong 's seen everything between Slack 1.something, BSD's and now Ubuntu :)
16:37:59 <andi5> jong: everything in english then?
16:38:08 <jong> andi5: everything
16:38:14 <andi5> anything on the terminal?
16:38:25 <jong> andi5: how do you mean?
16:38:32 <andi5> does gnucash print anything?
16:38:34 <jong> andi5: dutch error messages?
16:38:48 <jong> andi5: yes, moment
16:38:49 <warlord> andi5: not if he doesn't have the locale.
16:39:08 <andi5> he said that he checked locale -a and even used the dutch one as printed there
16:39:18 <andi5> xorg might lack the locale though
16:39:30 <jong> andi5: oh... argh, do I need to update my C lib for this?
16:39:38 <andi5> huh?
16:39:52 <jong> andi5: WARN <Gtk> Locale not supported by C library.
16:39:55 <warlord> jong: no... but you need to install the locale.
16:39:57 <andi5> hehe
16:40:16 <andi5> does that as well when you use nl_NL.UTF-8?
16:40:21 <andi5> +happen
16:40:33 <jong> lessee
16:40:56 <jong> uhm...
16:41:04 <jong> well...
16:41:09 <andi5> dutch? :)
16:41:13 <jong> it seems to be quite dutch now :)
16:41:20 <andi5> you are welcome
16:41:36 <jong> uhm...
16:41:40 <jong> but how was I supposed to know this?
16:41:43 <andi5> so remember that, it is your locale
16:41:49 <jong> I mean, principle of least astonishment, right?
16:42:30 <jong> (thanks btw, honestly, this took me about 2 hours so far)
16:42:37 <andi5> just try to start programs from the terminal when they fail somehow, or look for log files... typically progs write some strings that are optimal for google
16:42:58 <jong> still, that's not really the unix philosophy there
16:43:06 <andi5> why not?
16:43:09 <jsled> jong: what should have happened differently?
16:43:09 <warlord> jong: Blame ubuntu.
16:43:20 <jong> when I started using Unix, everything... 'fit'
16:43:29 <warlord> They dont install most locales by default.
16:43:30 <jong> you know, maybe the tools where 10x simpler
16:43:31 <andi5> linux is not unix, btw
16:43:57 <andi5> and windows is even less :(
16:44:05 <jong> yeah, I'm considering changing again, but I don't want to spend hours upon hours between the screen to install my dvorak keyboard or sth
16:44:21 <jong> between the screen and keyboard I meant
16:44:48 <jong> btw, I really like your program, just so you know :)
16:44:59 <andi5> now you even understand it :)
16:45:27 <jong> oh, just some small questions...
16:45:41 <jsled> I'm still not sure what jong was suppsoed to know, or how least astonishment applies.
16:45:41 <jong> if I have time, I'll delve into the code, but only on the former premise
16:46:54 <jong> first, would it be possible to open, say... all open invoices for a certain customer, and print them out? Or actually, I'm asking for more 'bulk' methods on invoices and bills
16:47:08 <jong> (because I'm about to be treasurer of board of a small society)
16:49:53 <jong> wait, don't answer, I'll go through the source first
16:58:23 <warlord> no, there's no bulk opening.
16:58:47 <warlord> You could run a Customer Report but it wont necessarily list all Open Invoices per se.
16:58:56 <jong> I noticed
16:59:11 <jong> and you don't see the 'inside' of the invoice
16:59:29 <warlord> No, but you click on the invoice# and it will open it up and then you can print it.
17:00:49 <jong> then I'm missing something
17:01:41 <jong> ah, well, I don't see the transactions before my accounting year?
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17:02:22 <andrewsw> jong, set the date range of the report in OPtions-> General
17:02:22 <jong> oh... sorry, another mistake here
17:02:32 <andrewsw> an hi all
17:02:34 <andrewsw> d
17:02:39 <jong> hi andrewsw
17:02:45 <warlord> See where it says "Invoice" and it's underlined? Click on that, and it will open up the invoice.
17:02:57 <jong> yes, that's exactly what I need, thanks!
17:03:49 <jong> (I knew it should be possible)
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