2009-02-19 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:45:27 <cast|lir> hmm, so is this the correct way to approach my trailer's depreciation: I make a depreciation expense account, on the last day of the year, i have a transaction of X dollars from the trailer sub account in my assets account to the depreciation sub account of expensives? where x is going to be calculated based on linear depreciation, so for a 10 year life it'll be 1/10th the original trailer value
02:56:48 <cast|lir> ahh hmm found depreciation section of manual ^_^
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03:17:32 <az> macports quartz build of gnucash 2.2.8 generates extra linebreaks when printing invoices, need help finding the code that turns invoice.scm into html/pdf
03:21:39 <az> Happy to debug this myself, just need a pointer in the right direction. invoice.scm generates a document object, at some point that's turned into html or pdf (possibly html and then pdf), where's that bit of code?
03:23:30 <joslwah> az, Hmmm. This sounds very much like the Fedora Core 10 bug. The bug may well not be in Gnucash, but in gtkhtml instead.
03:24:53 <az> I was wondering that. Some observable behaviour: The details table (date, amount, etc) has 14 extra br tags before it. If I comment out the invoice.scm lines that add the (7) column headings, there's only 7 extra br tags
03:25:31 <az> I can't find anything in the invoice.scm processing side of things, so I was figuring it's gotta be in the html render part
03:26:21 <az> But I just can't seem to find the bit that renders the scheme object into html (or, at least, controls that render process, whose heavy lifting is undoubtedly done by gtkhtml)
03:27:19 <az> Oh, this was a one-line-item invoice, too, so I assume if I remove the detail columns too, I'll get rid of all the linebreaks
03:27:44 <joslwah> From what I know, fixing gtkhtml (upgrading in the FC10 case) solved the problem. I'm not on FC, so never saw the problem itself.
03:27:56 <az> Can you point me in the right direction in the sourcetree that handles the rendering part?
03:28:41 <az> gtkhtml is current in macports. I could try an older version, I guess
03:29:25 <az> I've got 3.24.3
03:29:44 <joslwah> That may well be something to try. Just because it is current, doesn't mean it doesn't have the bug. The bug was initially found with the current version in FC10.
03:30:03 <joslwah> And, I'm afraid I don't know much about the html generation side of things.
03:30:34 <az> Is there a page somewhere that describes that FC10 bug? I didn't have much luck googling on this one
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03:33:25 <az> Never mind, joslwah, think I found one
03:33:41 <az> OK, I'm going to go do some more research. Thanks for your time.
03:33:46 <joslwah> Or look in the logs, since it was discussed here.
03:33:51 <joslwah> No problem. Glad to be of help.
03:34:12 <az> Oh, good call. Yeah, I'll check the IRC log too. Thanks.
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04:37:52 <az> joslwah: O frabjous day! It was indeed the same problem, and it is now SOLVED. For anyone else with extra whitespace in their reports on a recent macports build of gnucash, although the upstream libgtkhtml3 bug has been fixed, it's not in macports yet. If you install a slightly older version (@3.24.2), using the instructions at http://journal.bitshaker.com/articles/2007/10/20/install-old-versions-of-ports-using-macports/ it'll work fine.
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05:35:13 <limer> I've read the wiki, but am not familiar with xlst parsers. how can I go about converting a gnucash 2.2.8 data file to csv. it doesn't appear to be xml
05:36:10 <limer> export accounts creates something I can open in notepad, but is 1/4 the size
05:36:35 <joslwah> limer, I'm assuming you've uncompressed it?
05:36:41 <joslwah> It is gzip compressed.
05:36:50 <limer> what is? the original file?
05:36:55 <joslwah> Yep.
05:37:14 <limer> alright, it's extensionless, but lemme try that in 7z
05:37:46 <joslwah> It is gzip'ed not 7zip'ed. I haven't used 7z so don't know whether it can handle it. You may need to change the extension to .gz.
05:38:12 <limer> I'm pretty sure it can handle gz or bz2 etc
05:39:13 <limer> thx, ended up with a [Content] file
05:39:29 <limer> although I now have no idea how to convert it to something more usable
05:41:14 <limer> joslwah, at least it appears I was able to convert it to qif with gnucash2qif
05:41:36 <limer> I'll have to do further looking as I really only want the data one account at a time to import into buddi
05:48:16 <limer> joslwah, thank you. at least I'm further along
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09:31:12 <djMax> I think this is sort of the same question as the "split" question, but if you transfer securities from one account to another, can the lot manager handle it?
09:32:06 <warlord> You'll lose the original acquisition date in the lot.
09:33:01 <djMax> what's the proper way to keep that?
09:33:17 <djMax> record it as a sale at purchase price and a buy at purchase price/date in the transferred account?
09:33:22 <warlord> You can't.
09:33:33 <warlord> There's no good way of doing it "right"
09:33:34 <djMax> that's a bit of an accounting problem isn't it?
09:33:50 <warlord> Stock Splits have the same problem.
09:34:00 <warlord> The Lot Date is the date of the first transaction.
09:34:04 <djMax> but those you can just adjust the original number of shares for
09:34:35 <warlord> in the case of a transfer you lose the original date; the new lot has a date of the transfer, not the date you acquired the original stock.
09:34:39 <djMax> I guess it's a "pick your poison" thing.
09:34:41 <warlord> But honestly, just live with it.
09:34:43 <warlord> Yep
09:35:00 <djMax> it will screw up cap gains, which IMHO is worse than screwing up dates
09:36:28 <warlord> Only if you sell the new stock quickly.
09:36:49 <warlord> You'll have to remmeber to go back to the original dates manually.
09:37:57 <djMax> related, I couldn't figure out if there is a way to manually assign lots?
09:41:14 <djMax> unrelated, have you used Mint or the like? They have a very nice interface for categorization. I was thinking of maybe writing some sort of QIF/OFX mapper for that so that you could precategorize in there and import to GnuCash for accounting.
09:43:02 <warlord> no, you cannot manually assign lots (AFAIK)
09:43:10 <warlord> No. Never used mint
09:43:51 <djMax> one of the class of "Web 2.0" online money management systems.
09:44:18 <djMax> Decidedly not an accounting package, but more a "where does my money go" package. Very good reports and such (and a much smarter and simpler categorization engine)
09:44:45 <djMax> so in theory you'd say "I'm not going to download statements from my credit card, but from Mint instead"
09:44:58 <djMax> QIF would be easy to do, not sure if I should be shooting for OFX instead.
09:45:32 <warlord> OFX doesn't do splits.
09:54:49 <djMax> QIF does?
09:55:06 <djMax> or do you mean QIF does a single split via the category
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09:55:33 <warlord> QIF can do multi-split. OFX cannot
09:55:47 <djMax> ah, didn't know that.
10:02:08 <warlord> linas: you around?
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10:32:40 <cast|lir> question, regarding fixed assets from the previous year, ive just added another subaccount to equity for it, sound reasonable? seemed the most logical way, to deal with fixed in the same manner as current assets
10:33:35 <warlord> If it's an asset why not have Assets:Fixed Assets:... ?
10:36:32 <cast|lir> i do, but how does the asset get in there? im splitting things up things year by year
10:37:11 <warlord> The same way it gets anywhere else.
10:38:02 <warlord> Did you buy the asset before you started accounting?
10:38:08 <cast|lir> yes.
10:38:32 <warlord> Then just use Eq:Opening Balances -> Asset:Fixed Assets:XXX
10:38:44 * cast|lir nods
10:38:46 <cast|lir> cool :)
10:39:40 <warlord> @tell linas Can you check if the "it" locale is installed on www.gnucash.org?
10:39:40 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
10:39:41 <test-gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
10:40:45 <warlord> Double the pleasure... double the fun!
10:46:53 <djMax> bah, actually the lot manager just bungles transfers.
10:47:42 <djMax> it considers the transfer a sale
10:47:50 <warlord> djMax: I TOLD you!
10:48:15 <djMax> it's no big deal, but I thought you said it would lose the sell side, which is no problem.
10:48:28 <djMax> i.e. I transfer from A to B, and then sell in B and the purchase date is lost.
10:48:44 <djMax> but it's more bunked than that. In A, it considers the transfer date a sale.
10:48:56 <warlord> That's not what I said.
10:49:02 <warlord> I said that it would reset the date.
10:49:12 <warlord> (which it does)..
10:49:22 <warlord> The two lots are separate.. So yes, it considers it a sale.
10:49:25 <djMax> ok, got that part. Just saying it also screws up more.
10:49:43 <warlord> Just make the transfer price == the to purhase price..
10:49:54 <djMax> I would think it'd be an easy/nice mod to have the lot manager assign the gains to short/long term gains accounts automatically
10:50:11 <djMax> Though obviously that's country specific
10:50:26 <warlord> Yep
10:50:31 <warlord> Extremely locale specific.
10:50:58 <warlord> Better to have a report do that for you.
10:51:05 <djMax> are there similar cases in other parts of GC?
10:51:22 <djMax> I'm not sure how easy that report would be, because it goes back to the case of tying the transaction to the lots
10:53:53 <warlord> What's so hard about tying the txn to the lot?
10:53:59 <warlord> What do you mean "similar cases"?
10:54:33 <djMax> (checking the XML) by similar I meant locale specific transaction logic
10:55:51 <warlord> I'm sure there are tons of cases where interpretation is locale specific.
10:56:03 <warlord> Anything that affects taxes, for example.
10:56:16 <djMax> I see, the XML stores the lot info with the split. That's handy.
10:59:27 <warlord> Dont count on the xml format.
10:59:45 <djMax> (renews his love affair with the xml)
11:00:27 <warlord> heh
11:00:52 <djMax> I assume I can count on the fact that it'll be possible to associate a transaction with a lot, which is the part I'd need for that report
11:03:24 <warlord> Yes.
11:10:53 <warlord> biab
11:10:54 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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11:33:04 <linas> warlord, locale it_IT is available
11:33:04 <gncbot> linas: Sent 53 minutes ago: <warlord> Can you check if the it locale is installed on www.gnucash.org?
11:33:05 <test-gncbot> linas: Sent 53 minutes ago: <warlord> Can you check if the it locale is installed on www.gnucash.org?
11:34:10 <linas> @tell warlord locale it_IT is available per /usr/sbin/validlocale
11:34:10 <test-gncbot> linas: The operation succeeded.
11:34:10 <gncbot> linas: The operation succeeded.
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13:20:16 <djMax> completely OT: what's the generally respected Sendmail-like program these days on Linux? Still Sendmail?
13:20:50 <joslwah> I'd suggest exim.
13:21:06 <djMax> over postfix?
13:21:31 <djMax> (I'm setting up spamassasin, nothing too nasty or complex)
13:21:40 <joslwah> Yep. But then I know how well exim scales, and how many nasty things it can do if need be.
13:21:51 <djMax> ok, cool, thanks.
13:21:52 <joslwah> exim has pretty active development as well.
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14:18:41 <jeopardy> Hi
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15:34:13 *** Tim_Abell has joined #gnucash
15:38:40 <Tim_Abell> argh. does anyone have any idea what i'm doing wrong here? when i call xaccAccountGetBalance() i get:
15:38:52 <Tim_Abell> Wrong type to apply: #<swig-pointer Account * a046018>
15:40:14 <Tim_Abell> http://github.com/timabell/gnucash-account-balance-chart/blob/34bb093c617b1e31e481a2ef2aed9b098c109cb7/balance-projection-linechart.scm#L240
15:40:59 <Tim_Abell> this is beginning to drive me up the wall
15:41:17 <Tim_Abell> oh, and hello all :)
15:43:24 <Tim_Abell> ain't that always the way. as soon as you ask, you realise the answer
15:44:38 * Tim_Abell tim remembers that this is guile and not C
15:47:11 <Tim_Abell> i'd added to many brackets. should have been (xaccAccountGetBalance acc) not xaccAccountGetBalance(acc)
15:50:58 <warlord> yeah that would do it.
15:50:58 <gncbot> warlord: Sent 4 hours and 16 minutes ago: <linas> locale it_IT is available per /usr/sbin/validlocale
15:50:59 <test-gncbot> warlord: Sent 4 hours and 16 minutes ago: <linas> locale it_IT is available per /usr/sbin/validlocale
15:51:18 <warlord> linas: yeah, I just tried that. Apparently a few of the locales are wrong.
15:52:05 <warlord> I'll go work on those. Thanks!
15:53:36 <warlord> linas: what about es_ES, nb_NO, pl_PL ?
16:01:32 <linas> supposedly, those are all there.
16:01:39 <linas> don't you have a log-in on that machine?
16:01:48 <Tim_Abell> what prompted gncbot to send that?
16:02:04 <warlord> linas: if I did I lost is in the mists of time.
16:02:14 <linas> lastlog: warlord pts/1 dogbert.ihtfp.or Mon Mar 29 23:20:07 -0600 2004
16:02:45 <warlord> That sounds about right.
16:03:17 <linas> youve got a .ssh/authorized_keys file there
16:03:45 <warlord> I do? Oh. Hmm... As me or as root.
16:03:58 <linas> as user warlord
16:04:08 <warlord> Ah. okay.
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16:07:20 <warlord> for some reason the website translations dont work for es_ES, nb_NO, and pl_PL
16:07:27 <warlord> it_IT is working now
16:12:15 <linas> make sure they're really in es_ES instead of just es
16:14:03 <warlord> $locale = "es_ES";
16:14:09 <warlord> They are.
16:14:41 <jsled> Tim_Abell: gncbot being told to tell warlord something, and warlord doing something to indicate he was present.
16:15:11 <Tim_Abell> ah, cunning
16:16:41 <Tim_Abell> do i need to add some kind of reference to my report? i'm getting this: "Unbound variable: gnc-sx-get-sxes-referencing-account", which i guessed i could use based on http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/group__SchedXaction.html#gfc0bff1238021210b3979026296f1a63
16:17:27 * Tim_Abell was in danger of getting his footing so has swum to deeper waters, and is once again comfortably out of his depth
16:18:23 <warlord> Tim_Abell: it's possible that the SX code isn't wrapped by swig.
16:19:01 <jsled> I don't believe it is.
16:20:06 <warlord> Aha, never mind, Linas. Those pages aren't translating because they don't have valid translations!
16:20:49 <Tim_Abell> oh. fiddlesticks
16:21:04 <Tim_Abell> thanks for the answer
16:21:13 <Tim_Abell> whatever shall i do now?
16:21:46 <Tim_Abell> does that mean i need to add the wrappers myself in order to use the sx's in the reports? :s
16:22:04 <warlord> Tim_Abell: edit the swig interfaces to wrap the sx apis?
16:22:18 <Tim_Abell> erk. okay, i guess i'll have a go :)
16:23:50 <Tim_Abell> think i'll go for a swim first
16:24:14 <Tim_Abell> catch you all later. thanks again.
16:25:24 <warlord> I did that this morning.
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16:38:42 <Tim_Abell> ok, apparently i'm not going out now. any pointers on where to start adding the swig wrapper for sx?
16:42:04 <jsled> take a look at the existing swig interface (.i) files?
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16:46:06 <Tim_Abell> cripes. another foreign language
16:47:39 <warlord> It's fairly simple...
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16:58:19 <Tim_Abell> having a look at the swig manual
16:59:25 <warlord> most likely you'll just need to include the SX header and maybe wrap the type.
17:00:40 <Tim_Abell> look like the header is already there, so just the rest hopefully
17:02:04 <warlord> okay.
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17:28:41 <Tim_Abell> blimey. that appears to have worked
17:29:09 <Tim_Abell> i just added %include <SX-book.h> to engine.i
17:29:18 <Tim_Abell> and now the report runs
17:29:22 <jsled> HEH
17:29:23 * Tim_Abell falls of chair
17:29:27 <jsled> er. sorry, heh
17:29:43 <warlord> nice
17:30:42 <Tim_Abell> thanks again. see y'all soon
17:31:04 <Tim_Abell> it's all up on my github if anyone wants any of it
17:31:23 <Tim_Abell> warts n all
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20:12:58 * warlord wonders if he should hide the web translations that really don't exist?
20:13:11 <andrewsw> not much to wonder about there...
20:13:38 <jsled> heh
20:14:19 <warlord> Well, there are SOME translations. E.g. po/nb.po has *SOME* translations, but not really many.
20:14:37 <warlord> es, nb, nl, pl, and pt_PT...
20:14:48 <warlord> None of them have a "Last-Translator"
20:18:23 <warlord> So I'm debating hiding them from the menu...
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20:24:31 <andrewsw> instead of hiding them, can we put a message up at the top of the respective pages? something like:
20:24:50 <andrewsw> "this translation needs some attention" with a link to the appropriate resources?
20:25:26 <warlord> Or maybe send mail to the translator on record of the main gnucash po?
20:25:46 <andrewsw> never hurts to ask...
20:26:01 <warlord> it's only 5...
20:26:16 <warlord> i noticed the issues when testing the it_IT translation.
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20:33:14 * warlord needs to find time to finish the migration before feb 28
20:33:33 <warlord> ... or people will get double mailman notifications
20:33:45 <andrewsw_> huh... where'd I go?
20:34:09 <warlord> nowhere. you're still here.
20:34:20 <andrewsw_> I haven;t pinged out yet, apparently
20:34:35 <warlord> nope
20:35:51 <andrewsw_> apparently I didn't miss a thing. But I did say:
20:36:05 <andrewsw_> <@andrewsw> I notice that several of them have significant untranslated portions including the very critical "Translation problems?" link
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20:36:18 <andrewsw_> <@andrewsw> I can send those emails out if you like.
20:36:25 <andrewsw_> <@andrewsw> and in that case, I'd leave them up so that those translators can see for themselves
20:36:25 <warlord> sure!!
20:36:28 <andrewsw_> with minimal effort
20:36:32 <andrewsw_> <@andrewsw> (the links to the defunct translations, that is)
20:36:43 <warlord> feel free to send all of them at once, cc -devel?
20:36:50 <andrewsw_> yup. will do.
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20:37:27 <warlord> thank you!!
20:37:35 *** andrewsw_ is now known as andrewsw
20:37:38 <andrewsw> :)
20:37:58 <andrewsw> how the heck do I op myself again?
20:38:01 <andrewsw> @id
20:38:01 <gncbot> andrewsw: Error: "id" is not a valid command.
20:38:02 <test-gncbot> andrewsw: Error: "id" is not a valid command.
20:38:07 <warlord> @ op
20:38:07 <test-gncbot> warlord: Error: I need to be opped to op someone.
20:38:08 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
20:38:16 <andrewsw> @op
20:38:16 <test-gncbot> andrewsw: Error: I need to be opped to op someone.
20:38:17 *** gncbot sets mode: +o andrewsw
20:38:27 <andrewsw> thanks
20:38:27 <warlord> oh, i guess spaces are ignored...
20:38:29 <warlord> np.
20:38:36 <andrewsw> good little bot...
20:39:02 <andrewsw> gncbot needs a way to be rewarded, like @cookie or something
20:39:02 <gncbot> andrewsw: Error: "needs" is not a valid command.
20:41:57 <warlord> LOL
20:45:12 <andrewsw> hmmm... polska was last done by translators@gnome.pl, should I include them?
20:45:21 <warlord> Sure, why not.
20:51:10 <andrewsw> is the translation process similar to that of the main package? download and update the .po file?
20:53:01 <andrewsw> ah, nm, I see it.
20:53:03 <warlord> Yep. It's in the htdocs module
20:56:09 <andrewsw> done. off to dinner
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20:56:35 <warlord> enjoy!
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21:12:47 <warlord> THanks andrewsw
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21:36:01 <andrewsw> is that good? I'm not really up on making these sorts of requests.
21:37:16 <warlord> Sure, sounds great.
21:39:42 <andrewsw> hmmm... polska bounced...
21:40:43 <warlord> :-(
21:43:27 <warlord> That's too bad.
21:43:35 <andrewsw> I've found it, I think.
21:54:46 <warlord> ok...
22:15:01 <andrewsw> ack. I have so much trouble navigating the interface between c and scheme.
22:17:17 <warlord> :(
22:18:51 <andrewsw> exactly. sometimes it seems like the trail just disappears...
22:22:32 <warlord> Awwwww
22:23:29 <andrewsw> :-P
22:24:30 <andrewsw> and I got it! Ha!
22:24:46 <andrewsw> I want to make a saved-reports-2.4 and need some advice.
22:25:16 <andrewsw> currently, the c-code just iterates through a list of saved-reports-* files and executes the contents.
22:26:10 <andrewsw> but in this case, I need to pay attention to whether I'm reading from an older file or not, because if I am, I need to write the report back out to the newer file.
22:26:31 <andrewsw> THe idea is that the newer file shadows the older one and ultimately prevents loading saved reports without a report-guid
22:27:05 <andrewsw> hmm... nevermind, I think I'm answering my own question.
22:28:22 <warlord> okay
22:29:32 <andrewsw> I was trying to decide whether to do it in scheme or c, but I think it just fits better in scheme.
22:30:02 <andrewsw> The scheme code knows whether we have a report-guid or not, all it has to do is make sure to save the new version when it reads an old one.
22:30:28 * andrewsw is thinking aloud
22:30:58 * warlord shrugs
22:31:40 * andrewsw sproings
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22:39:18 <andrewsw> oh hey, this is easier than I thought.
22:41:13 <warlord> LOL
22:44:20 <warlord> okay... i'm off..
22:44:25 <andrewsw> cheers
22:44:26 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
22:44:30 <andrewsw> thanks for listening
22:44:33 <warlord-afk> np
22:52:41 <andrewsw> do I need to worry about those of us who have hand-patched saved reports files?
22:53:14 <andrewsw> my current idea will leave behind any report-guid enabled reports that exist in saved-reports-2.0.
22:53:41 <andrewsw> I assume that's just dev's and that we can handle it...
22:54:25 <andrewsw> the alternative is to mess with the scheme-loading code in gnucash-bin.c which I'd rather not do for a one-time hack.
23:00:07 <andrewsw> oh crap, saving reports only works on an actual instantiated report, not the template. wacky
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23:06:22 <andrewsw> I'll have to write a report saving mechanism that works from the template itself
23:32:38 <andrewsw> or, yuck, run the report, save it, and then close it.
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