2009-02-18 GnuCash IRC logs
00:18:01 *** Xtroubaritz has joined #gnucash
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00:22:13 <Xtroubaritz> I created a custom stylesheet for invoices a little while ago. I closed gnucash. Today when I opened gnucash I was no longer given that stylesheet as an option forinvoice printing.
00:22:29 <Xtroubaritz> I see the stylesheet when I search for it in the filesystem.
00:22:46 <Xtroubaritz> How do I 1) access it from gnucash, and 2) make it the default choice when I print an invoice?
00:39:30 <Xtroubaritz> what is a good program to use to edit .scm files under windows?
00:43:03 <jsled> any text editor, preferrably a programmer's text editorr.
00:43:14 <Xtroubaritz> harlan here - trying emacs now...
00:44:23 <jsled> if you've not used emacs before … it can be daunting. I think there's no better editor, but … well, they all have different learning curves http://lca2srv30.epfl.ch/sathe/data/emacs_learning_curves.png :)
00:45:03 <jsled> The standard response about defaulting report options is to just leave the configured report "open", and change it each time you need to use it.
00:45:22 <jsled> So, get it configured for the right stylesheet, and change which actual Invoice it's reporting over.
00:46:02 <Xtroubaritz> harlan is Real Familiar with emacs
00:46:58 <Xtroubaritz> HOw does that work when one wants to print additional invoices over time?
00:47:45 * Xtroubaritz is sitting in for xtroubaritz for now
00:47:58 <Xtroubaritz> sorry, that should have been "Harlan is sitting in..."
00:49:52 <Xtroubaritz> So when we created the new stylesheet, it comes up as a report we can run, but if we choose it nothing happens (very lame description - I'll trydoing it again to get a better repot)
00:52:05 <Xtroubaritz> OK, we createad the style sheet we wanted, and printed off invoices just like we wanted (had to use pdf - going to the printer produces a report where the invoice data lines are 'mirror images' of what is expected)
00:52:55 <Xtroubaritz> but now, our stylesheet shows up as a new business report but when we use that it wants to know the stylesheet again, so we lose our logo and things.
01:01:25 <Xtroubaritz> jsled, we have it working for the right stylesheet (one we created) but that stylesheet choice no longer appears in the choice list for stylesheets.
01:03:05 <Xtroubaritz> different subject - was gnucash part of GSoC 2008? Are there plans for GSoC 2009?
01:03:35 <jsled> 2007, yes; 2008, no. I've not heard anyone mention 2009.
01:03:55 <jsled> I don't really know or have inclination to investigate the report/stylesheet stuff, sorry.
01:04:14 <Xtroubaritz> OK, any idea hen somebosy who might know wil be awake?
01:04:26 <Xtroubaritz> harlan is typing badly
01:04:48 <Xtroubaritz> Is the GSoC thing an issue of projects, students, mentors, ???
01:05:44 <jsled> at this point probably mentors.
01:06:06 <Xtroubaritz> ouch. ok.
01:06:52 <Xtroubaritz> If I had the familiarity I'd offer. But I don't have the familiarity and I hope I won't have the time (I'll probably be mentoring for a different project I'm familiar with)
01:16:16 <Xtroubaritz> harlan returns control of this sesson to /me
01:16:25 * Xtroubaritz - sigh
01:29:51 * harlan waves
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06:33:08 <joslwah> @last plongstaff
06:33:08 <gncbot> joslwah: (last [--{from,in,on,with,without,regexp} <value>] [--nolimit]) -- Returns the last message matching the given criteria. --from requires a nick from whom the message came; --in requires a channel the message was sent to; --on requires a network the message was sent on; --with requires some string that had to be in the message; --regexp requires a regular expression the message must match; --nolimit returns (1 more message)
06:33:09 <test-gncbot> joslwah: (last [--{from,in,on,with,without,regexp} <value>] [--nolimit]) -- Returns the last message matching the given criteria. --from requires a nick from whom the message came; --in requires a channel the message was sent to; --on requires a network the message was sent on; --with requires some string that had to be in the message; --regexp requires a regular expression the message must match; --nolimit (1 more message)
06:33:46 <joslwah> @last --from plongstaff
06:33:46 <gncbot> joslwah: Error: I couldn't find a message matching that criteria in my history of 1000 messages.
06:33:46 <test-gncbot> joslwah: Error: I couldn't find a message matching that criteria in my history of 1000 messages.
06:33:55 <joslwah> @help
06:33:55 <gncbot> joslwah: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
06:33:56 <test-gncbot> joslwah: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
06:34:10 <joslwah> @help help
06:34:10 <gncbot> joslwah: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
06:34:11 <test-gncbot> joslwah: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
06:34:19 <joslwah> @list
06:34:19 <gncbot> joslwah: Admin, AutoMode, Channel, ChannelLogger, Config, Later, Misc, Owner, Seen, and User
06:34:20 <test-gncbot> joslwah: Admin, AutoMode, Channel, ChannelLogger, Config, Later, Misc, Owner, Seen, and User
06:34:32 <joslwah> @seen plongstaff
06:34:32 <gncbot> joslwah: I have not seen plongstaff.
06:34:33 <test-gncbot> joslwah: I have not seen plongstaff.
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08:17:46 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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08:29:57 <joslwah> warlord, Hiya. Mind having a quick look at bug 572251. It is a build-fail bug, with patch.
08:32:10 <warlord> joslwah: Umm, I'll try.. still waking up here.
08:34:35 <joslwah> Thanks.
08:38:13 <warlord> joslwah: send email to Phil.
08:39:12 <warlord> @op
08:39:12 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
08:39:13 <test-gncbot> warlord: Error: I need to be opped to op someone.
08:43:50 <joslwah> warlord, Phil == plongstaff? If so, The bug should have already done that. Or do I need another one?
09:02:06 <warlord> yeah. probably not.
09:02:47 <warlord> Keep in mind, the bug only went out a few hours ago. Phil probably isn't awake yet!
09:03:12 <warlord> Please have patience.. Some bugs have been in the database for years.
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09:28:13 <warlord> jsled: FYI, I was just thinking about GSoC yesterday.
09:40:55 <joslwah> warlord, I wasn't meaning for it too be ultra-urgent. More pointing it out to you for you to glance over and apply if you thought it was sensible.
09:41:29 <warlord> I'd rather phil apply it.
09:47:02 <joslwah> Not a problem.
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13:18:18 <harlan> hey warlord - GSoC, eh?
13:18:50 <warlord> yeah. we did it in 2007 but it wasn't all that successful.. Mostly I think we lack the mentor cycles.
13:19:28 <harlan> That will do it. We (NTP) did our first GSoC last year, and I was the only mentor. We were mostly successful - 2 wins, 1 fail.
13:21:35 <harlan> Are there any existing project developers who are still in school (even grad school)?
13:22:24 <jsled> no
13:22:37 <harlan> oh well, that would have been easy...
13:24:34 <harlan> Anybdy knokw any professors who teach courses using guile?
13:28:08 <warlord> Not guile specifically, but SICP has always been based on scheme
13:29:35 *** palatin has joined #gnucash
13:32:16 <harlan> If there are prof's teaching using that, they can be a source of students and perhaps even assist with the mentoring.
13:34:01 <jsled> given we're only like 15% scheme and were looking to phase it out, I'm not sure that's reasonable.
13:34:28 <harlan> OK, it was an idea.
13:36:46 <harlan> What will be used to replace scheme/guile? I haven't looked at gnucash source - what language does it mostly use?
13:37:10 <jsled> C
13:37:18 <harlan> cool.
13:38:08 <jsled> No one's actively working on the replacing, so there's no definitive answer. Perl always seemed like a good choice; python or ruby, too.
13:38:22 <jsled> Something small, simple and embeddable.
13:40:12 <harlan> 'k, thanks.
13:40:15 * warlord would certainly prefer perl over python, but that's only because he knows perl and doesn't know python (and doesn't want to learn it)
13:40:32 <harlan> :) I understand that one...
13:40:59 <joslwah> I always feels that a language where white-space is significant is worrying.
13:41:30 <harlan> Ever seen "mumps" (which got renamed to "M")?
13:45:25 <warlord> joslwah: exactly.
13:47:04 <harlan> I'm OK on "significant whitespace" as long as additional syntax (such as {}) is not present.
13:56:43 <warlord> I dont like sig white-space, period. I want to format my code however I want to format it. I dont want my language to make that choice for me.
13:57:52 <harlan> In general I agree with you.
14:01:10 *** Rolf1 has joined #gnucash
14:02:20 <warlord> Rolf1: What are you doing in Japan?
14:02:31 *** Gerto has joined #gnucash
14:02:43 <Rolf1> I'm in Tokyo for three months
14:03:05 <Rolf1> I'm a specialist for international projects
14:03:20 <warlord> Nice!
14:03:31 <warlord> Enjoy your stay there.
14:03:35 <Rolf1> Thanks
14:03:46 <Rolf1> I will do my best
14:04:09 <Gerto> Hello all, I just discovered a gnucash.trace.xxx file in my Temp folder (windows) that is 2GB large. Is this file necessary for gnucash to function?
14:04:28 <warlord> Gerto: nope, it's just a log file and you can delete it.
14:04:51 <Gerto> great, thanks! (having a 40 gig HD is just not enough anymore these days, lol)
14:06:14 <warlord> LOL. You can buy 500GB for like $70
14:07:33 * Rolf1 knows the feeling
14:07:44 <Rolf1> I'm on 40G myself in my laptop
14:08:02 <Rolf1> although I have another few hundred GB available over the net
14:08:13 <Rolf1> But you never have enough space
14:08:25 <Gerto> idd, laptop :)
14:08:41 <Rolf1> Being really constrained keeps me at least a bit organized
14:09:13 <Gerto> I just found a "Disk Space Finder" tool, really helps to find some things that take up a lot of the space (like the gnucash file)
14:10:27 <Rolf1> Gerto: fslint-gui?
14:10:35 <Rolf1> baobab?
14:10:42 <Rolf1> or are you not on Linux?
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15:42:44 <andi5> warlord: ping
15:43:07 <warlord> andi5: pong
15:43:46 <andi5> you are fast... regarding code.gnucash.org, is that already the new system we have always dreamt of?
15:44:00 <andi5> would we consider installing vmware images there?
15:44:51 <warlord> yes, it's the new system we have always dreamt of..
15:45:13 <warlord> and yes, I'd be happy to install vmware images there.
15:45:28 <warlord> I just need to figure out how to provide "console" access to those images.
15:45:40 <andi5> hm...
15:47:28 <andi5> a question regarding the access... would not those images serve as a good platform to reproduce real gnucash bugs on? i.e. do not we need some graphical access to it? just asking..
15:48:15 <warlord> vmware-console can provide graphic access.,
15:48:44 <andi5> oh... so you actually meant vmware-console already? did not know that
15:49:35 <andi5> what did you install on the server, btw? fedora?
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15:57:40 <warlord> fedora 0
15:57:41 <warlord> 10
15:57:48 <andi5> hehe
15:57:51 <warlord> and 'code' is also f10
15:58:11 <warlord> (code isn't the vm host -- code is a vm)
15:58:45 <andi5> ah, i see...
15:59:12 <warlord> the host is 'vmhost.ihtfp.org'
15:59:31 <warlord> although I suppose I could also get Linas to give me the name 'vmhost.gnucash.org' if we really wanted it.
15:59:49 <andi5> is code.g.o a a new name?
16:00:35 <linas> guhh playing with vm's ehh
16:00:45 <andi5> hi linas :)
16:01:02 <linas> playing with using my name in vain, too!
16:01:13 <andi5> linas.gnucash.org?
16:01:40 <warlord> In vain?!? Not at all!
16:01:44 <warlord> (hi)
16:01:57 <warlord> but yes, playing with VMs.
16:02:10 <warlord> Makes it easier to do win32 builds/tests
16:02:35 <linas> I'm proud/embarassed to point out that www.linas.org is a 100MHz 486, which I plan to replace when it fails ... oh, *when* is it going to fail???
16:03:24 <warlord> LOL.
16:03:31 <warlord> You clearly have better luck with hardware than I do..
16:03:34 <andi5> checking alexa.com
16:03:41 <warlord> My hardware seems to die after about 5 years, give or take.
16:04:00 <andi5> warlord: you should not play with power supplies so often
16:04:08 <warlord> LOL
16:04:20 <linas> well, that one machine is a huge exception in my luck ... most of my home-built boxes die in about 5 years
16:04:36 <warlord> I wonder why that one is so special?
16:04:44 <warlord> Oh, how goes the new network?
16:04:51 <andi5> maybe you just forgot that you replaced it two years ago? ;-)
16:05:43 <linas> I think its 1) pre-capacitor scandal, and 2) has only been powered off for some few hours, since it was new. So no thermal shock
16:06:20 <warlord> #1 is probably a major factor.
16:06:21 <linas> the new network has been ordered, am waiting for installer.
16:06:44 <warlord> So you finally got ahold a not-an-idiot so you didn't have to disconnect your old DSL line first?
16:07:35 <warlord> anyways, andi5, I have no idea how easy/hard it would be to set up a Win32 VM for automated builds or for testing purposes.. (theoretically we could use multiple vms)
16:07:38 <andi5> its dead will mark the beginning of armageddon
16:07:41 <linas> actually, thier quality-controll kicked in. A few days later, I got a call back to ask about the order, and it all got resolved
16:07:49 <warlord> I'd also /LOVE/ to set up an OSX VM, but that seems to be.... challenging.
16:08:06 <andi5> warlord: yes, i would love that because i do not have any access to an osx machine
16:08:14 <andi5> the same holds for win vista (*uhg*)
16:08:34 <warlord> What, holds for vista? Don't have it? Or can't install it in a VM?
16:08:57 <andi5> actually, do not have it and do not every thought longer than 5 minutes about buying it somehow
16:09:16 <andi5> somehow everyone around me still uses xp
16:09:54 <warlord> They're smart! ;)
16:09:54 <andi5> and i do not understand all this activation machinery
16:10:05 <linas> my 13 year old kid has been booting XP inside of sun's VM thingy. Works nice. Don't know if we ever got network configured, though
16:10:42 <warlord> XP inside VMware is fine. I'm pretty sure vista inside vmware would be fine, too. It's OSX that seems to be a PITA (for multiple reasons)
16:11:22 <andi5> warlord: because of restrictions apple created to tie it to apple hardware?
16:11:45 <warlord> well, that, EULA, ...
16:12:23 <andi5> eula... i hate that term and i think it has no legal meaning in germany...
16:12:34 <warlord> Unfortunately I'm not in Germany.
16:12:40 <andi5> yep
16:13:03 <warlord> Right now I'm trying to figure out if there is some way to give a user access to vmware-server's interface w/o giving them a full local account.
16:13:29 <warlord> (e.g. to give you access to start/stop some VMs and get console access)
16:13:57 <andi5> yep... unfortunately, i have very little experience with vmware, besides starting and stopping images locally
16:17:04 <warlord> Well, vmware-server-2 uses a web-based interface. It's pretty cool. I think what I'll do is try to create myself an account and set it up for limited access and see how well that works.
16:17:24 <warlord> The annoying part is that to open a console you have to have a browser plugin and access it through the webUI.
16:17:46 <andi5> inside the browser window?
16:18:00 <andi5> so my hourly firefox killing will harm it? :)
16:18:58 <andi5> unbelieving... i cannot even download the adobe acrobat reader (or whatever its name is now) without installing a firefox extension, on windows...
16:19:45 <andi5> why do not we remove all this garbage around the firefox window and start firefox in full-screen right after the POST?
16:25:45 <warlord> No, it actually fires off a background, so the console will survive a browser restart.
16:26:04 <warlord> (at least on Linux)
16:26:10 <warlord> Never tried it from a windows box
16:26:14 <andi5> that is all i am interested in ;-)
16:27:49 <warlord> heh
16:32:07 <warlord> andi5: FYI, yes, 2.2.9 would be good.
16:32:47 <andi5> great
16:33:58 <warlord> But I dont think I'll have a build VM up for you by this weekend.
16:34:19 <andi5> that is the impression i got and did not even ask :)
16:35:16 <warlord> So vmware server login access is by local username/pw; you do need an actual account (which kinda sucks). I'm wondering if I can create a 'nologin' account and still get it to work...
16:35:47 <warlord> or maybe I can use the cvssh (restricted shell) to limit access...
16:36:28 <warlord> I'll have to really think hard about how I'm going to provide vmware console access.
16:37:14 <andi5> maybe just can trick with linux pam?
16:37:25 <andi5> s,just,you,
16:40:29 <warlord> True, I could probably do that, if I had an ldap DB I could probably set it up to use that for auth.
16:40:54 <warlord> But I would still need to propagate username and pw into that data.
16:42:25 <warlord> I think the easiest thing is to just use a local user with shell = /bin/nologin
16:42:34 <warlord> er, /sbin/
16:42:55 <andi5> perfectly possible
16:44:01 <warlord> of course that makes it harder to change your password ;)
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16:57:58 <joslwah> andi5, I agree. I think it would be really useful to get a release out, especially with the invoice closing bug still round.
16:58:38 <andi5> hm... 1+1==0, right?
16:59:05 <joslwah> Mod 2, yeah. But erm, what does that have to do with anything?
16:59:30 <andi5> it is relevant! :)
16:59:38 <joslwah> Do explain.
17:00:15 <andi5> did i say that i understand why it is relevant? i just know the fact :)
17:00:26 <andi5> oh well, feel free to ignore me
17:00:30 <joslwah> Some background then?
17:00:44 * andi5 is making bad ... weird jokes
17:01:10 <joslwah> Naaah, that would be "What's the difference between a duck?"
17:01:13 <andi5> (the only background: warlord told me the same)
17:01:22 <joslwah> "One of its legs are are both the same."
17:01:26 <andi5> i do not know, i suppose it is bigger than the other?
17:01:35 <andi5> ah, ok!
17:01:59 <warlord> We all know that there are only 10 types of people in the world.. Those that understand binary and those that done.
17:02:00 <warlord> dont.
17:02:05 <andi5> yeah
17:02:19 <joslwah> Oh, and I have a question. Why does make followed by make install still have lots of compiling to do on the make install?
17:02:37 <andi5> 10 little or big endian?
17:02:51 <joslwah> 8-)
17:03:01 <andi5> what does it compile?
17:03:17 <andi5> can you pastebin a sample output?
17:03:23 <joslwah> It is long.
17:03:35 <andi5> http://pastebin.ca/
17:04:16 <joslwah> Gimme a few mins.
17:05:00 <warlord> joslwah: because libtool sucks.
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17:05:22 <joslwah> That would make sense. I think it is libtool related.
17:05:28 <andi5> warlord: have you ever tried compiling on windows with libtool 2.2.x?
17:05:38 <joslwah> Do you still want me to pastebin it?
17:05:41 <warlord> andi5: nope. Haven't tried compiling on windows in over a year.
17:05:41 <andi5> it is almost fun
17:06:00 <andi5> joslwah: sure... but there is no need to paste everything
17:06:13 <andi5> joslwah: e.g., does the second make install run differ from the first?
17:07:00 <joslwah> I'll do two runs and see if there is any difference. I do make first (as me) and then make install as root afterwards, if I want to install.
17:07:36 <andi5> btw, i have not used root for installing gnucash for a long time... usually i install into my own directories, fwiw
17:08:08 <joslwah> Ahhh. I use /usr/local/, and that isn't owned by me.
17:08:14 <andi5> oh...
17:08:23 <andi5> do not use /usr/local, at least we do not recommend that
17:08:25 <warlord> andi5: FYI, last time I tried 'make check' in 2.2 branch didn't work.
17:08:35 <andi5> worked for me a week ago
17:08:42 * andi5 retries
17:09:05 <warlord> if it worked for you a week ago maybe *I* should retry.
17:09:26 <warlord> joslwah: yeah, dont use /usr/local. ./configure with a --prefix
17:09:38 <joslwah> What's wrong with using /usr/local?
17:12:10 <andi5> i think there is nothing _wrong_ about it, but that way you mix gnucash with all other sorts of stuff and you cannot uninstall gnucash completely with ease
17:12:36 <andi5> when you update the uninstall make rules will typically not match the ones needed for the installation anymore
17:12:59 <andi5> and i think the linker treats /usr/local different from arbitrary directories
17:13:31 <andi5> warlord will probably know more reasons
17:13:50 <joslwah> Oh. I wonder whether that is it. It does make it easier though, since I don't want it in /usr and I do want it somewhere general.
17:14:12 <andi5> what do you mean by "general"?
17:14:40 <warlord> joslwah: interference between /usr and /usr/local --
17:14:46 <warlord> they are both in the default path.
17:15:33 <joslwah> warlord, Yep, and local is ahead of /usr, and I don't have gnucash installed in /usr.
17:16:01 <warlord> Also, it's easier to rm -rf /opt/gnucash
17:16:40 <joslwah> Except /opt is on a different partition, and I don't generally use /opt.
17:17:15 <joslwah> Oh, repeating make install gives exactly the same output!
17:18:03 <andi5> huh, make check failed in engine
17:19:29 <warlord> Oh, good. It's not just me.
17:19:33 <warlord> Yeah, test-lots fails for me.
17:19:40 <warlord> strangely it does NOT fail in trunk
17:19:43 <andi5> * 23:19:57 OTHER <gnc.lots> [xaccSplitAssignToLot()] Failed to split into two!
17:19:56 <warlord> I tracked it down to the currency change.
17:19:57 <andi5> but it is damn slow on trunk
17:20:35 <joslwah> Baaah. File is too big for pastebin.ca
17:21:06 <joslwah> It's .5M.
17:21:25 <andi5> warlord: which one? 17822?
17:21:28 <warlord> Why are you trying to upload a 500KB logfile.
17:21:58 <warlord> no...
17:22:27 <joslwah> Because andi5 asked me to! make install generates a .5M log file.
17:22:45 <warlord> I dont think he said the whole thing -- just the relevant parts.
17:22:59 <andi5> (11:06:29 PM) andi5: joslwah: sure... but there is no need to paste everything
17:23:14 <joslwah> I don't know what's relevant! This is just the make install one.
17:23:25 <andi5> then maybe everything is just fine? :)
17:23:30 <andi5> what looks suspicious to you?
17:23:33 <warlord> andi5: I think it was r17862
17:24:13 <andi5> aha?
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17:26:02 <andi5> passed once without it
17:27:19 <joslwah> O.k. Something I've noticed as I'm cutting it down are lots of lines like:
17:27:22 <andi5> interesting... passed again, and failed again with it
17:27:27 <joslwah> libtool: install: warning: relinking `libgncmod-standard-reports.la'
17:27:40 <warlord> joslwah: yes, like I said, libtool sucks.
17:27:41 <joslwah> for different values of libgncmod-standard-reports.la
17:27:52 <joslwah> O.k. Any way to get round it?
17:28:08 <andi5> that is actually not compiling but linking, relinking this time (for installation)
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17:28:14 <warlord> joslwah: nope
17:28:28 <warlord> it's how libtool works.
17:28:47 <andi5> you can deactivate it by manipulating ltmain.sh
17:29:01 <joslwah> O.k. I won't bother pastebin'ing then.
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18:31:54 <andi5> warlord: the test-lots seems to test the same "random" data again and again.... maybe we are just having bad luck?
18:31:58 <andi5> i cannot find the bug
18:32:17 <andi5> maybe the data is too random, i.e. too zeroish
18:32:44 <warlord> Maybe???
18:33:18 <andi5> i do not know... perfectly possible that there is some completely different bug that has been hidden until now
18:33:47 <andi5> i will try to further look at it, but do not hesitate to make up your own mind :)
18:35:20 <andi5> honestly, i do not even understand how the HUF currency relates to the unsplittable split ... this is...strange
18:35:55 <andi5> i assume that your build fails after 44 iterations as well?
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18:39:17 <warlord> Yep
18:39:50 <andi5> 145372362348901495 and 1436409539 being the interesting numbers :)
18:40:42 <andi5> anyway, time to split now and assign me to my bed (close my lots of eyes)
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19:01:44 <warlord> Hmm.... Too Many sigfigs.
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21:29:40 <cast|lir> greetings all.
21:29:44 <jsled> hello.
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21:30:07 <cast|lir> you know, before i run into a problem
21:30:12 <jsled> ah.
21:32:33 <warlord> heh
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