2009-02-12 GnuCash IRC logs
00:37:15 *** earthwalker has joined #gnucash
00:38:43 <earthwalker> Hello, is there a way in 2.2.4 to have totals show up with budgets? I would like to find a way to see totals for accounts and for the whole budget.
01:04:59 *** Rolf1 has joined #gnucash
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01:29:17 <earthwalker> In my searching I find that it was part of a wish list. Don't see the budget on the wish list.
02:12:31 *** charly has left #gnucash
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02:49:48 *** Rolf1 has quit IRC
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06:20:10 *** n has joined #gnucash
06:23:42 <n> Customer reports generated in gnucash 2.2.8 are giving me a very large empty space underneath the "Date Range" line. Is there some where i can adjust that?
06:40:26 <joslwah> n, Are you using FC10 by any chance?
06:42:19 <n> joslwah: yes
06:43:30 <joslwah> There is a known bug there, with gtkhtml, I believe.
06:43:44 <joslwah> If you can upgrade that package then things should be fixed.
06:43:51 <joslwah> At least, from what I read on the mailing list.
06:46:43 <n> joslwah: ok thanks
07:02:17 <n> joslwah: thanks, that was it. I grabbed gtkhtml3 from updates testing and the formatting look good.
07:08:17 <joslwah> Great.
07:25:20 *** Rafael has joined #gnucash
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08:17:45 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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09:04:18 *** aindilis` has quit IRC
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14:15:38 <hbit> Hi everyone, fairly new to gnucash I haven't found in the documentation if it's possible to edit an invoice template so I can use pre-printed paper
14:15:39 <hbit> ??
14:15:59 <hbit> does gnucash allow this?
14:18:00 <warlord> not yet. Someone on -devel is working on an invoice html template system ..
14:24:56 <hbit> gee bad new thanks anyway ..great software
14:31:19 *** MechtiIde has joined #gnucash
14:37:26 <warlord> you're welcome to test out the templating system. You just need to drop a few files in place.
15:01:18 <hbit> warlord: where can I get them?
15:01:57 <warlord> look on the -devel list
15:02:28 <hbit> ok I'll do
15:02:33 <hbit> thanc
15:02:33 <hbit> thanks
15:11:07 <warlord> you're welcome.
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