2009-02-07 GnuCash IRC logs
01:00:21 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
03:17:01 *** harlan has joined #gnucash
03:18:48 <harlan> running 2.2.8 - we created our first invoice, and there is an empty "data entry" invoice item at the end - how can we make that go away?
03:19:16 <harlan> Also, when posting the invoice, how can we get some "help" (completion, whatever) on the account to which the invoice should be posted?
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08:11:36 <Red_Tide> so its only for some german banks that gnucash can do online banking?
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09:36:36 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:37:14 <warlord> harlan: There will always be an empty entry.. It will go away when you post.
09:37:32 <warlord> As for help for the PostTo account -- it's a pull down list of all the available A/R accounts.
09:44:49 <FrozenZia> Hello - this is quite likely FAQ material, so please just direct me to the right place if so, and I can read. Just figured asking the question here might be a bit faster than trying to find the right place myself...
09:44:53 <FrozenZia> I
09:45:34 <FrozenZia> haven't used any reports of any kind yet, but now would like to know "where has our money gone" for December vs January, for example
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09:46:29 <cortana> FrozenZia: try the reports ;)
09:46:37 <FrozenZia> and if that's *SUCH* an RTFM question, then hey, just tell me that, I think I can take it.
09:46:39 <cortana> it sounds like you want a cashflow report?
09:46:51 <FrozenZia> Okay cortana - that's probably the answer I deserve! =o)
09:46:51 <warlord> cashflow or P&L
09:47:00 *** Tim_Abell has joined #gnucash
09:47:20 <FrozenZia> Alright - thanks - I'll just go take a stab at it. Trying to comple 2.2.8 as we "speak"
09:47:44 <cortana> actually, you might find Income Statement more useful
09:47:52 <warlord> compile it? what OS/Distro?
09:48:09 <cortana> it shows where all your income and expenses came from/went to during the report period (which you can adjust with the Edit Report Options button)
09:48:47 <FrozenZia> warlord: LinuxMint - I've been using 2.2.1 for quite a while, and just wanted to see what 2.2.8 has to offer.
09:48:57 <FrozenZia> LM based on Gutsy
09:49:21 <warlord> Oh, yes, you should DEFINITELY upgrade from 2.2.1 -- it's br0ken
09:50:00 <FrozenZia> a question - once the comple is done, will my 2.2.1 have just disappeared?
09:50:59 <FrozenZia> (obviously not THAT experienced at compiling packages)
09:51:59 <jsled> What version of LM?
09:52:11 <FrozenZia> I guess it's Daryl?
09:52:16 <jsled> Daryna?
09:52:20 <FrozenZia> that'd be it
09:52:24 <warlord> Probably not, but it depends how you compile it. You might need to remove your 2.2.1
09:52:35 <warlord> biab
09:52:39 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
09:53:03 <FrozenZia> I'm just following the "simple instructions" - ./configure, then make, then make check...
09:53:03 <jsled> Hm. <http://linuxmint.com/software/?sec=item&id=158&release=2> doesn't even list the package version. :/
09:53:11 <jsled> You really don't want to build it yourself.
09:53:16 <jsled> If it can be avoided.
09:53:28 <jsled> Maybe you can get the updated gutsy package and use that?
09:54:05 <jsled> Gah, even Ubuntu 8.10 still only has 2.2.6. :/
09:54:25 <FrozenZia> jsled: how does that work? I mean, how would I go about getting the updated gutsy pkg?
09:54:40 <jsled> In any case, 2.2.1 will likely be overwritten when you install gnucash after building it.
09:55:02 <jsled> … maybe. If the compiled version installs into /usr/local/, and hte packaged version installs into /usr.
09:55:21 <jsled> Then it wouldn't overwrite it. But, the two packages also wouldn't play nicely together.
09:56:02 <jsled> FrozenZia: well, if LinuxMint is really "compatible" with upstream Ubuntu, then you could just download the package and `apt-get install ` it, or whatever.
09:56:29 <FrozenZia> I'm running the make check now -- I assume it'll give me a summary at the end?
09:56:38 <jsled> Might work, might not. Unfortunately, Gutsy only has 2.2.1, so there's not really an updated package, there.
09:56:44 <jsled> Why LinuxMint?
09:57:46 <FrozenZia> At the time I installed it I'd had Ubuntu on my laptop for maybe a year. Just maybe saw an article on it or something, and remembered having pains getting media to work, so decided to give it a shot.
09:58:42 <FrozenZia> Been pretty satisfied, except I've got Ubuntu everywhere else, so this "odd man out" can cause me a little trouble every now and then.
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10:09:04 <FrozenZia> Alright, just for the record, the build *seemed* to go off without a hitch, and I've just started 2.2.8 - just went my trusty menu entry and it started right up, opened my normal data file, etc...
10:37:17 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
10:37:54 <warlord> FrozenZia: ok, if you just do the simple thing then it'll load into /usr/local.. Not really a good thing, but it'll work. However you'll definitely need to remove your 2.2.1 package.
10:39:48 <warlord> jsled: i'm making progress on the new server configuration.
10:42:22 <warlord> (I'm trying to get it all working with SElinux in enforcing mode)
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11:24:28 <FrozenZia> warlord: so should I go about that removal like "aptitude remove gnucash" or what?
11:25:17 <warlord> yes
11:25:53 <FrozenZia> and not purge, I guess? (admittedly I don't have a good handle on what the difference is)
11:27:21 <warlord> No clue
11:27:24 <warlord> I dont do Debian
11:28:40 <FrozenZia> ok, but the plain-jane "aptitude remove" command you're confident about - it shouldn't mess up anything?
11:29:33 <jsled> I'm going to be that if you installed from the compiled sources, and it "just worked" by using your normal icon, then removing the package contents will remove too the files you just instaleld.
11:29:43 <jsled> So, you'll need to run `make install` again after removing the package.
11:29:52 <jsled> s/to be that/to bet that/
11:30:49 <FrozenZia> okay, that makes sense.
11:32:19 <jsled> (well, technically, it'll remove the files it thinks belong to the package, but you overwrote those files with the ones from the installer, so it'll remove the same files, really. I think you know what I'm getting at.)
11:35:31 <FrozenZia> yep - now if only I hadn't been so hasty about CLEANing after the compile...
11:38:20 <warlord> This is one reason I tend to recommend --prefix=/opt/gnucash for hand compiled apps.
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12:12:00 <FrozenZia> warlord: ...which, if I read/understood correctly would then install commands under /opt/gnucash/bin, and includes under /opt/gnucash/include?
12:13:25 <FrozenZia> is the opt directory "reserved" for hand compiled apps?
12:33:15 <jsled> not exactly, but close enough. The nice thing about it is – as you say – everything is installed underneath /opt/gnucash/{bin,include,share,etc} … so you can cleanly contain and remove the whole thing later.
12:43:47 <warlord> right
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13:14:47 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
13:20:54 <cortana> i've imported a transaction from my bank via OFX. the bank account uses £ and I was buying €... how can I persuade gnucash that the difference in values between the two halves of the split is not an imbalance, but the currency conversion factor?
13:21:15 <cortana> do I have to delete the transaction and re-enter it in the Actions -> Transfer... dialog box?
13:35:23 <Tim_Abell> FrozenZia: http://tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy.html#opt
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13:43:24 <pmonkey> Anyone around to try and help me with a gnucash problem?
13:44:01 <jsled> perhaps. please don't meta-ask, just ask and wait to see if someone can respond.
13:45:09 <pmonkey> Okay, I wasn't sure if this was a social or support forum (or, I now assume, both)
13:45:43 <pmonkey> I've just started with gnucash this week. Yesterday I entered in some stock transactions involving foreign currency and it all seemed to balance and work as expected.
13:46:22 <pmonkey> Today, when I enter a transaction, I only see values for the transaction in one of the accounts, and not others. I'll step through what I'm doing.
13:47:26 <pmonkey> My native currency is CAD. There are three accounts involved in the transaction. A USD bank account, the stock account (which is on the NYSE), and a USD commission account.
13:48:25 <pmonkey> I open up the Stock account and add three lines. One to say I'm purchasing x units of the stock, one to pay the commission, and one to say the funds are coming from the usd bank account.
13:49:00 <pmonkey> Everything looks find on the stock account. When I open up the USD bank account, the three lines of the split transaction are there, but there are NO values in them. No money has been transferred out of this account.
13:51:11 <pmonkey> I can purchase a million dollars worth of stock, but I don't see the money being taken out of any accounts.
13:52:24 <pmonkey> If I work within my CAD accounts purchasing TSX (canadian) stock, everything works as expected. I can see the money withdrawn from the account, etc.
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13:57:36 <FrozenZia> Tim_Abell: tx!
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14:42:47 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
14:42:54 <warlord> pmonkey: what version of gnucash?
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16:15:51 *** wteiken has joined #gnucash
16:15:55 <wteiken> .who
16:16:27 <wteiken> hi, anymoby here who can help with transaction download?
16:17:25 <wteiken> I try to transfer transactions using aqbanking, ofx.log has the transactions I expect but gnucahs claims there are no transactions for the selected periods
16:18:42 <wteiken> and all that for only one account, for most it works...
16:20:19 <harlan> warlord-afk: thanks for the info and on the PostTo thing, it's not pulling down for us.
16:21:25 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
16:21:50 <warlord> harlan: do you have an A/R account?
16:32:25 <wteiken> and that account worked in the past on a different machine with an older version of gnucash...
16:34:38 <harlan> warlord: We created a new income account for it
16:35:29 <harlan> but even so, the only thing tha appears in the window is "Asset" and if we hover over it or hit the "..." tab next to it we see a very thin rectangle appear under "Asset"
16:35:42 <harlan> I suspect that is the popup list, but the contents are effectively invisible.
16:36:16 <warlord> harlan: did you create an A/R account?
16:36:24 <warlord> You need an A/R account to post an invoice.
16:36:47 <harlan> OK, thanks - I'll dig for that.
16:43:37 *** twunder has joined #gnucash
16:44:54 <warlord> When you created your file did you select the Business accounts?
16:45:02 <warlord> (Business account hierarchy)?
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17:24:59 <Xtroubaritz_> I'm in the "setup new account" druid, and I'm trying to set up an A/R account. The "placeholder" box will not let me check it off. This is in 2.2.8. SHould I just create it and hope I can fix it later?
17:25:25 <warlord> Eh? What do you mean?
17:25:36 <Xtroubaritz_> hey warlord (harlan typing here)
17:25:38 <warlord> If you select the Business Accounts module it shouod give you an A/R account
17:26:00 <Xtroubaritz_> that;s what I;m doing, and I'm adding it to an existing set of accounts.
17:26:32 <Xtroubaritz_> So I'm at the "Setup new accounts" window (from New Account Hierarch Setup)
17:26:47 <Xtroubaritz_> and I want the A/R top-level account to be a placeholder account.
17:27:02 <Xtroubaritz_> It's not letting me select "placeholder".
17:28:17 <warlord> why would you want that?
17:28:47 <Xtroubaritz_> I wqould think because the actual "work" is being done in sub-accounts.
17:28:53 <Xtroubaritz_> am I being confused?
17:29:49 <warlord> Yes.......
17:29:56 <warlord> You only need 1 A/R account (per currency)
17:30:10 <warlord> All the magic happens under the covers. You dont need an A/R account per customer.
17:30:13 <Xtroubaritz_> Oh, I thought I'd be using 1 a/r account per client.
17:30:20 <Xtroubaritz_> OK, makes sense.
17:30:22 <Xtroubaritz_> thanks...
17:30:24 <warlord> No.....
17:30:32 <warlord> Have you read the docs?
17:30:43 <Xtroubaritz_> apparently not well enough.
17:30:49 <Xtroubaritz_> There is a *lot* to go thru.
17:30:55 <warlord> I'm curious where you got the impression that you'd have to do that..
17:31:17 <Xtroubaritz_> I did get a 2nd monitor and a dual-monitor card specifically so I could have gnucash on one screen and the docs in the other.
17:31:31 <Xtroubaritz_> My long-term accounting history.
17:31:39 <Xtroubaritz_> or rather, my old knowledge.
17:31:51 <Xtroubaritz_> outside of gnucash
17:31:53 <warlord> AH
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17:44:13 <Xtroubaritz_> I see back in 2004 there was a wishlist for the ability to email invoices. Has anybody done anything about this yet, or do I just have to create a printable invoice, save it, and email it using other means?
17:46:35 <warlord> You still need to do that.
17:47:19 <Xtroubaritz_> 'k, thanks.
17:51:52 <Xtroubaritz_> Is there a way I can delete a bogus invoice?
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17:59:11 <jsled> oh hello test-gncbot.
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18:01:29 <warlord> :-D
18:01:34 <warlord> I'm making progress....
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18:32:48 <dbreiser> wteiken: what kind of account, and what kind of transactions? You could try saving the connection log to a separate file and importing from the file menu. If libofx is available, you can sometimes succeed with it where aqbanking doesn't yet work.
19:04:45 <warlord> I'm ALMOST ready to start banging/testing on the new server to make sure all the services work.. Probably either later tonight or (more likely) tomorrow.
19:07:50 <wteiken> dbreiser: fidelity account (investment). if I use the transactions from the saved log it seems to work fine but I have to do more tests
19:09:54 <wteiken> using ofx.py and importing that file also is a workaround i'm using at the moment. just seems weird that the same account used to work
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21:04:59 <dbreiser> wteiken: aqbanking used to use libofx, now it doesn't. aqbanking doesn't do investment accounts yet :(
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