2009-02-05 GnuCash IRC logs
01:46:42 *** Rolf has joined #gnucash
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04:36:20 <goodger> hello
04:36:42 <goodger> on the balance sheet report, an item for unrealised losses has appeared suddenly
04:36:44 <goodger> how do I find out what's causing it?
04:36:49 <goodger> it's for 15p
04:39:06 <goodger> ah, I see
04:39:42 <goodger> that appears to be the value my USD assets have lost against the pound since they were created
04:43:25 <userU> Hello, iḿ looking for an example of business accounts like in, in the site there is a download avaible? Or a druid for bussiness like for the personal ?
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08:06:28 <jsled> userU: the "New Account Hierarchy" druid does have an entry for business accounts.
08:06:59 <jsled> If you already have a file, make sure the Accounts tab/tree is selected, and go File > New > New Account Hierarchy (I believe)
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09:49:47 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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13:05:02 *** aindilis` has joined #gnucash
13:16:48 <userU> When i go to File > News > New Account Hierarchy i see the same accounts that druid show.
13:17:40 <jsled> okay. One of the options on the left-hand side should be "Business Accounts".
13:18:37 <userU> in categories right?
13:18:58 <jsled> I think so, yeah.
13:19:29 <userU> okay, it is not there
13:19:54 <userU> i installed gnucash with the add/remove of ubuntu
13:20:11 <jsled> what locale are you using it in?
13:20:13 <userU> ther is no problem right?
13:20:25 <jsled> no, that's the appropriate way to install it.
13:20:59 <userU> ok
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13:21:11 <aindilis`> I asked this yesterday but my client disconnected - is there an easy way to script a check of whether I'm overdrawn (I can pull records from my bank).
13:21:17 <userU> locale? i donest understand locale my english is very bad
13:21:38 <jsled> What language are the menus/text in when you run gnucash?
13:21:39 <userU> *doesnt
13:21:51 <userU> some in english and some in portuguese
13:22:16 <warlord> Are the account hierarchies in portuguese?
13:22:27 <jsled> not the business one. :(
13:22:33 <jsled> the others seem to be.
13:22:52 <jsled> it should really be a hierarchy falling back to 'C', of course.
13:23:04 <userU> the name of categories yes and the description yes
13:23:38 <userU> falling back to "c"?
13:23:38 <warlord> Right, the way it works is if there are /any/ translated account hierachies then it wont fall back..
13:23:50 <warlord> So.... Most likely someone didn't translate the business account hierarchies.
13:23:57 <userU> how i put everthing in english?
13:24:07 <userU> i see
13:24:32 <userU> the translator doest have a bussiness ;)
13:25:00 <userU> if i put everthing in english the resolve the problem?
13:25:18 <userU> if i put everthing in english shoul resolve the problem?
13:25:39 <warlord> If you run with LANG=C then yes, it should..
13:26:15 <warlord> But they might not all apply to you..
13:26:22 <warlord> and the account names will all be in English.
13:26:47 <warlord> You could just create the A/R and A/P accounts manually....
13:27:17 <userU> i prefer not, i am not very confortable with gnucash yet
13:27:28 <userU> how i run LANG=C
13:28:02 <warlord> It's not very hard to create an account.
13:28:10 <warlord> Click on "New Account"
13:28:18 <warlord> As for how to run with LANG=C:
13:28:27 <warlord> from the terminal: env LANG=C gnucash
13:29:05 <userU> ok i will try that
13:30:15 <userU> i liked so much the gnucash for my personal accounts that i will try this at my small oficce
13:30:50 <userU> ahaha
13:30:53 <userU> you are the best
13:31:05 <userU> now druid show me the business acounts
13:31:59 <userU> Thanks!
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13:32:12 <warlord> you're welcome
13:33:06 <userU> gnucash just have a "catch"
13:33:42 <userU> in portugal and in many countrys of europe the accounting program
13:34:00 <userU> must have the "saft"
13:34:59 <userU> saft its a file "universal" for all companies
13:35:08 <warlord> what is "saft"?
13:35:22 <userU> when the governement ask for the saft you export the saft and deliver to them
13:35:40 <userU> its the way to see that your taxes are okay
13:35:52 <warlord> I have no idea what "saft" is.
13:36:18 <userU> you didnt understand? (my english is VERY bad)
13:36:54 <userU> SAF-T PT (Standard Audit File for Tax porposes)
13:37:26 <warlord> Ah, thank you
13:37:31 <userU> SAF-T is a file that contains reliable accounting data that can be exported to an accounting system original by a specific period of time, and is easily read because of its standardization of layout and format, which can be used by officials of the tax in order to verify compliance.
13:38:58 <userU> so gnucash its not an "oficial" option here
13:39:38 <userU> but i think this happens in many countris in europe
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13:40:42 <userU> gnucash can handle treasury right?
13:41:23 <warlord> what do you mean by "handle treasury"?
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13:42:11 <userU> manage the treasury
13:43:59 <gxti> managing an entire treasury with gnucash would be challenging, but possible :P
13:44:33 <userU> okay
13:44:53 <gxti> sorry, i was making a joke -- shouldn't do that to non-english-speakers
13:45:10 <userU> i undersatn you joke
13:45:30 <userU> understand
13:45:48 <userU> its dificult but not impossible?
13:46:07 <gxti> could you clarify what you mean by "treasury"?
13:46:24 <jsled> "handle treasury" isn't an english idiom. What kinds of transactions would that entail?
13:46:58 <userU> wow let me see the dictioneire ...
13:46:59 <userU> ;)
13:47:30 <jsled> "handle treasury" isn't an english phrase. What kinds of transactions would you do?
13:47:58 * jsled wonders if it's "inventory" or maybe "petty cash"?
13:48:12 <userU> petty cash?
13:48:17 <userU> what that means
13:48:36 <jsled> cash that you would have around an office. Like a small amount in a drawer that people could use to buy lunch and stuff.
13:48:40 <userU> its the possiblitity to you know the imediate cash flow of a company
13:48:54 <userU> yes
13:49:46 <userU> its the possibility to i see the payments of next week and the recevings
13:49:53 <userU> "next week"
13:50:22 <userU> and do some previsions
13:50:35 <userU> whith the expected income
13:53:14 <userU> what is the meaning of petty?
13:53:28 <gxti> small or insignificant
13:53:45 <userU> ok thanks
13:54:13 <userU> gnucash is a world itself
13:56:38 <userU> so you are programers and accounting specialists
13:59:46 <userU> and
13:59:50 <userU> humble
13:59:51 <userU> lol
14:02:57 <warlord> lol
14:03:21 <warlord> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petty_cash
14:04:25 <userU> thanks
14:05:04 <warlord> google is your friend.
14:05:16 <warlord> That was the first link when I ran a google search for "petty cash"
14:05:53 <userU> i ran the google translator
14:06:06 <userU> and didnt return nothing
14:06:15 <userU> now i understand what is petty cash
14:06:44 <userU> here the petty cash is 1 euro for the toll
14:06:45 <userU> eheh
14:07:30 <userU> and is required the recip and the change
14:07:32 <userU> ;)
14:09:20 <userU> i will do some test and put some data in gnucash, later i will give you some feedback of my gnucash (in)experience
14:09:27 <userU> thank you all!
14:10:04 <userU> do you know any program just do manage the treaury?
14:10:47 <warlord> I still have no idea what you mean by "manage the treasury". Are you a government?
14:10:58 <warlord> "The Treasury" is the government body that prints money.
14:11:27 <userU> i will find the defenition in english
14:11:31 <userU> 1 minute
14:11:35 <gxti> not necessarily
14:15:32 <userU> i found this
14:15:36 <userU> Treasury Management Software
14:15:36 <userU> -- 5 Vendor Reports | 2 Products
14:15:36 <userU> DEFINITION: Real-time software that is used between clients and financial institutions that streamlines complex financial systems to improve interaction between their subsidiaries and suppliers. These interactions might include import or export trade transactions, straight through processing of treasury transactions and information via Internet messaging.
14:18:13 <warlord> nope, gnucash doesn't do that.
14:18:34 <warlord> (I still have no idea what a "treasury transaction" is.
14:18:36 <warlord> )
14:19:26 <userU> ok
14:19:35 <userU> i cant explain
14:20:56 <userU> i found
14:21:41 <userU> The Treasury (cash management) allows to solve problems in three areas:
14:21:41 <userU> a) Bank Consolidation
14:21:41 <userU> b) Recording and processing of Liability Proprietors (Lyrics)
14:21:41 <userU> c) Preparation of Budgets of Tesourari
14:22:22 <userU> Rather than checking the "blur" of banks is intended to ensure that
14:22:23 <userU> accounting of accounts of deposits in the accounts to the Order is correct
14:22:36 <warlord> Ummmmmm
14:22:52 <warlord> The translations from whatever sources you're using are.... really horrible.
14:23:52 <userU> its google translator
14:24:02 <userU> sorry
14:24:55 <userU> I have 45 and i never had english
14:25:35 <userU> it was not mandatory in schools
14:26:15 <userU> when im out of Portugal i comunicate by signals ;)
14:26:40 <userU> but, did you understand?
14:26:55 <userU> the treasury?
14:27:05 <userU> what is the purpuse?
14:27:38 <warlord> Nope, no idea what it means.
14:27:40 <warlord> Sorry.
14:27:45 <warlord> (and I need to run for a bit)
14:27:48 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
14:27:51 <userU> okay
14:27:59 <userU> tank your again!
14:28:03 *** eukreign has joined #gnucash
14:28:06 <userU> *you
14:28:16 <userU> thank*
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20:25:43 <warlord> jsled: ping?
20:33:20 <warlord> I'm debating whether to turn off SElinux on the new server or try to get everything working with it?
20:35:00 <warlord> (milter-sender doesn't have a policy, so I'd need to write one to get it to work with sendmail)
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