2009-01-21 GnuCash IRC logs
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12:21:49 <Marquel> morning
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12:28:34 <fell> Moin
12:28:39 <joslwah> Evening.
13:29:05 <warlord> afternoon.
13:29:05 <warlord> ;)
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13:49:09 <warlord> Yay scheme.
13:50:05 <jsled> :(
13:50:26 <warlord> Why :( --- I sent in a code snippet that works.
13:50:38 <jsled> that's good, true.
13:51:14 <jsled> I was lamenting a bit while drafting the example I posted about the lack of accessors on, say, the invoice object itself leading to code that's a bit longer than it should be.
13:51:24 <jsled> But that's just the way it is.
13:54:06 <warlord> What do you mean, "lack of accessors on the invoice object itself"?
13:58:12 <jsled> Oh, just the <?scm:d (gnc:invoice-get-description inv) ?> rather than <?scm:d inv.description ?> or ${inv.description}
13:58:49 <warlord> Oh, that's just because of the way Scheme is..
14:23:37 <warlord> It would be really cool, tho, if he could get a template system working with eguile. That would just be damn cool.
14:24:56 <jsled> what's the point of eguile there, then?
14:25:14 <jsled> Either eguile *is* the "template" system, or we use a real/different template system.
14:25:15 <warlord> It does the actual parsing.
14:25:51 <jsled> of … what?
14:26:13 <warlord> anyways, I need to run.. Need to get to cupertino for a meeting.
14:26:13 <warlord> BBL.
14:26:18 <jsled> cheers
14:26:48 <warlord> Parsing of the template.
14:27:00 <warlord> Anyways, gotta run.
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15:32:32 <fell> I am an ignotant linux user. Have users of other OSes diff/patch-tools?
15:33:35 <jsled> do you mean "do they have diff/patch", or "do they have a platform-specific diff and patch tool"?
15:33:41 <jsled> I mean, the answer is basically "yes".
15:34:03 <jsled> OSX and even windows can get diff/patch through their respective 'nix toolchain projects.
15:34:25 <jsled> And there's improved diff and patch tools even for linux.
15:34:39 <jsled> Plus, most dvcs have their own diff/patch wrapper or tool.
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15:36:24 <fell> ok, jsled, run xmllint accounts/nl/acctchrt_full.gnucash-xea and you know, why I ask.
15:38:26 <jsled> I don't know what you mean. It's got the same namespace problems as all our other XML docs.
15:38:45 <jsled> I get basically the same output as running xmllint on accounts/C/acctchrt_full.gnucah-xea
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15:38:52 <jsled> Unless I'm misunderstanding you...?
15:40:33 <fell> My stable branch showed many "<act:commodity"
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15:43:02 <jsled> http://svn.gnucash.org/repo/gnucash/trunk/accounts/nl/acctchrt_full.gnucash-xea
15:43:39 <fell> and where is the ">"?
15:52:59 <jsled> Oh. Now I see.
15:53:07 <jsled> yeah, that's just broken.
15:53:18 <fell> I fixed the ">", inserted the namespace from de/SK04 and the <gnc-act:long-description> tag pair
15:53:47 <fell> and will sent it to -devel and -user
15:55:52 <fell> suggestions?
15:57:18 <fell> or should I reopen Bug 514455 to inform the authors or a new one?
15:58:02 <jsled> reopnening the bug is not a bad idea
16:09:15 <fell> I can not. I am neither author nor asignee.
16:11:52 <fell> but I can attach ...
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17:03:21 <fell> done.
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17:17:06 <joslwah> Does Andreas do all the bugzilla triarging?
17:17:25 <jsled> if anyone is doing bug triaging at this point.
17:17:48 <jsled> (I did every morning for a couple/few months, but I haven't in quite a while)
17:18:18 <jsled> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&short_desc=&product=GnuCash&long_desc_type=allwordssubstr&long_desc=&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&status_whiteboard=&keywords_type=allwords&keywords=&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&emailtype1=substring&email1=&emailtype2=substring&email2=&bugidtype=include&bug_id=&chfieldfrom=28d&chfieldto=Now&chfield=
17:18:18 <jsled> [Bug+creation]&chfieldvalue=&cmdtype=doit&order=Reuse+same+sort+as+last+time&field0-0-0=noop&type0-0-0=noop&value0-0-0=
17:18:26 <jsled> (grr.)
17:18:43 <jsled> is the bugs created in the last 28d … only a few are anything but unconfirmed.
17:20:08 <joslwah> Isn't the triaging the bit of going from unconfirmed to anything else?
17:21:47 <warlord> well, historically we tend to leave these as unconfirmed even after they are confirmed.
17:22:17 <joslwah> Oh. So how do the poor users know that anything is happening about it?
17:22:57 <jsled> nothing is.
17:23:55 <jsled> I always moved bugs out of unconfirmed if I could.
17:24:16 <jsled> (Or even if the bug was reasonably detailed such that I believed it was confirmed)
17:24:31 <jsled> (and/or didn't allude to it being a transient thing in the report itself)
17:26:08 <joslwah> Nod.
17:27:08 <joslwah> Admittedly there aren't that many open bugs at all.
17:27:32 <jsled> hmm?
17:28:08 <jsled> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=GnuCash reports 751
17:28:10 <joslwah> Hmmm. That was only those created in the last 28d isn't it. I might take that back if I saw the full list.
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17:40:22 <joslwah> I'm guessing that I can't close bugs can I? Since I've found two that are fixed in SVN. One was possibly never broken.
17:41:42 <jsled> joslwah: what's your bugzilla login?
17:41:49 <joslwah> If one of you wants to deal with them, bugs: 568399, 566974.
17:41:53 <joslwah> joslwah@gmail.com
17:42:24 <jsled> you should be able to now.
17:42:33 <jsled> do you care to do it regularly?
17:43:23 <joslwah> Thanks.
17:44:04 <joslwah> I don't know how regularly I can do it. I can try keeping an eye on them, but I tend to be rather bursty, having some time free at times, and then none for a week or more.
17:44:27 <jsled> well, I don't see much of a downside to leaving you on the list, there.
17:46:39 <joslwah> O.k. I'll see what I can do.
17:47:04 <fell> 568399 could be a dupe of the win calendar freeze
17:50:24 <joslwah> fell, Naaah. It isn't. I hit it when upgrading at one point, and then was glad to see the behaviour had reverted in SVN.
17:50:59 <joslwah> It was slightly odd in that a particular date was shown in the reconcile window, but if you changed it using +/- then it jumped to today's date and wouldn't shift.
17:51:08 <joslwah> Oh, and I'm on Linux.
17:56:05 <fell> Hm, I am quite not shure, if "works in svn" is enough for closing. I was waiting about one year after beeing applied in trunk and only on my request my XXX/XDR patch made it in 2.2
17:58:14 <joslwah> fell, Well. In the +/- bug case I've seen the effect the user is describing and can confirm that it isn't present in SVN. Not sure when next stable is going to be released, but I'm guessing that very few patches are going onto 2.2.8.
17:58:46 <joslwah> Anyway, it is time I got some zzzz's. Have a good day/evening/whatever the rest of you.
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18:53:50 *** Bob has joined #gnucash
18:54:20 <Bob> Hi, does anyone knows how to change the display font in Gnucash??
18:54:52 <jsled> in the application (menus and whatnot) or the register or the reports?
18:55:12 <Bob> in the application itself
18:55:31 <jsled> The gnome control panel. What OS/distro are you using?
18:55:47 <Bob> mandriva
18:56:51 <Bob> thank you, problem solved...I did not think of doing it this way!
18:57:10 <jsled> Ah, great.
18:57:26 <Bob> only that changes all the rest....
18:57:36 <jsled> System > Preferences > Appearance > Fonts is what I was going to say. Maybe it's slightly different for you.
18:57:56 <jsled> well, yes, you're setting the system-wide (well, gtk-wide) font.
18:58:06 <jsled> Why would you want it different for GnuCash?
18:58:28 <Bob> System > Preferences > Appearance > Fonts is what I did
18:58:53 <Bob> I am a peculiar person I guess....I just find the font too big in the accouts pages
18:59:29 <jsled> well, there's a FAQ entry about using a .gtkrc file to control things
18:59:35 <jsled> It's more about controlling the register font.
19:00:06 <jsled> But you might be able to figure out how to use that same mechanism to control gnucash's other gtk widgets (menus, buttons, account tree view) specifically.
19:00:34 <Bob> I know I'm going to get tons of protests here, but I think the look of the Gnome desktop needs some serious reworking
19:00:49 <Bob> where would I find this .gtkrc FAQ?
19:01:22 <jsled> you're not getting any protests from me, but this isn't the best place to contribute to that.
19:01:37 <jsled> In http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ
19:02:05 <jsled> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_change_the_register_colors.3F specifically
19:04:29 <Bob> thanks, I'll check this out
19:04:34 <Bob> good night!
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20:44:18 <fell> Hm, is there a total size limit for national account templates?
20:45:17 <fell> after I added the new SKR49 from the ML GC shows me no template any more.
20:45:55 <fell> befor the filesize of the directory was below 1 MB, now its above.
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20:57:20 <warlord> fell: I don't know of any limit per se, but it's certainly possible that there's a limit.
20:57:38 <warlord> It's possible someone thought "who would ever make a template bigger than a meg?"
20:59:02 <fell> some idea, how I can verify this?
21:00:20 <warlord> look in the code?
21:02:11 <fell> haha, the only piece code, which I _believe_ to understand is engine/iso*. everywhere else I am feeling lost.
21:02:46 <warlord> I'd have to grep in the code myself to find the place where it loads the example accounts.
21:03:04 <warlord> But I need to take off -- need to head back to my room then drive up to SF.
21:03:20 <fell> but you know the directory,where I should search.
21:08:46 <warlord> not really.
21:08:52 <warlord> i'd look in gnome-utils and gnome
21:09:01 <fell> thx
21:09:02 <warlord> but 'find . -name \*.c | xargs grep xxx" is your friend
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21:55:19 <francois248> Hi, How to record the following in Gnucash:
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21:57:26 <xi1> hello, I would like to report a bug in gnucash 2.2.4 (I am unable to run the latest since ubuntu doesn't seem to have a package for it).
21:57:57 <xi1> If I record a stock purchase, and use online quotes, and the online quotes are in a currency other than USD or any other currency account I have, it won't properly determine the value of the position
21:58:08 <xi1> I first need to make a cash account denominated in that currency and then the online quote will work correctly
21:58:15 <xi1> if this has been fixed in 2.2.8 I apologize
21:59:05 <xi1> if I then delete the temporary cash account, the online quotes continue to work fine
22:00:22 <francois248> Hi, How to record the following in Gnucash: I have an account (Expense:Gift) to record Christmass gifts. Let say I bought 50$ for each of my 3 children (150$). But I also bought gift for grand-parents and they are paying me back. But now my Expense:Gift account show me 300$ , 150$ from me plus 150 for grand-parents but in fact I only gave 150$.
22:01:43 <jsled> francois248: don't make the transaction recording the gifts you bought on behalf of the grand-parents as Expenses:Gifts. Make it {Assets:Money Owed To Me:Grandparents}.
22:01:50 <jsled> It's a loan you made, which is an asset to you.
22:04:37 <francois248> Got it! Thank's
22:05:05 <xi1> jsled are you a developer of gnucash
22:05:31 <jsled> somewhat. I don't know about stocks and multi-currency accounting.
22:05:49 <xi1> should i submit a bug report to a website or mailing list?
22:06:36 <fell> ubuntu muslim has GC 2.2.6
22:06:50 <xi1> muslim?
22:07:06 <fell> but some currency bugs are fixed in 2.2.7
22:07:14 <fell> http://distrowatch.com/ubuntume
22:08:18 <jsled> See "PPA" info at <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Ubuntu>, as well.
22:08:40 <jsled> xi1: you may want to see if it's come up on the mailing list, as well.
22:09:14 <jsled> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user
22:12:10 <xi1> thx
22:12:56 <fell> hm, I think, to get online quotes for specific currencies, you can enable them in the price or comodity editor by hand.
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23:27:50 <fell> jsled, where can I see, if my namespace header is complete?