2009-01-09 GnuCash IRC logs
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12:44:53 <Guy-> does 2.2.8 install cleanly over 2.2.7 on Windows?
12:46:09 <Guy-> wow, 60.7MB - I didn't realise this package was so huge, it's only around 2M on Linux... dependencies, I guess
12:47:56 <goodger> hell yes
12:48:04 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
12:48:11 <goodger> GTK is, to put it bluntly, a big fat mother
12:48:12 <warlord> Guy-: yes, 2.2.8 should upgrade cleanly over 2.2.8
12:48:14 <warlord> 2.2.7
12:48:38 <warlord> as for the size... yes, it's all about the deps.. On Linux the deps are in separate packages.. If you include all those packages in your size computation you'll find it's fairly comparable.
12:49:01 <Guy-> sure
12:49:21 <Guy-> maybe Windows will get real packge management someday...
12:49:23 <goodger> that's the beauty of UNIX, you can combine hundreds of very small tools together; in windows and macosx it all falls apart because you have to include every single one of your program's dependencies when distributing it
12:49:41 <Guy-> goodger: no need to convince me, I teach Unix/Linux administration :)
12:49:52 <goodger> nah, so long as proprietary software continues to dominate windows there will be no package management
12:50:40 <goodger> can you really imagine adobe and electronic arts, for example, agreeing on a common system for software distribution?
12:50:41 <Guy-> but at least for open source
12:51:03 <Guy-> so not every gtk-based package must include gtk
12:51:22 <goodger> not every gtk-based package does
12:51:38 <goodger> some of them make you install gtk separately, and people complain extremely loudly
12:51:59 <goodger> pidgin includes it by default but also has an installer that doesn't have it, that's probably the best way
12:52:49 <Guy-> the best way would be 'apt-get install pidgin' (or maybe a synaptic equivalent)
12:53:31 <goodger> yes, but then you have to install a package manager first, which is yet another start menu entry...
12:53:35 * warlord prefers yum install pidgin
12:53:36 <warlord> ;)
12:54:13 <goodger> ugh
12:54:52 <goodger> yum would probably suit windows quite well, actually, they share many characteristics
12:55:01 <goodger> ...anyway
12:55:35 <goodger> windows is going to remain forever ill-suited to having package managers run on it, and if you make people install a package manager to run only their open-source programs they will get quite annoyed
13:00:20 <warlord> I dont think it's window per-se that's ill-suited, but more the fact that windows can't aggregate software packages to make common shared packages across various apps.
13:01:40 <goodger> well... that's--- er...
13:01:49 <goodger> how is that not windows' fault?
13:03:50 <warlord> Solaris can't do it, either..
13:04:09 <goodger> neither can OS X
13:04:16 <goodger> it's a problem shared by all of them
13:04:43 <goodger> doesn't make windows any less crappy for doing it...
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13:44:36 <ElectricBill> Anyone have a clue how to get wide reports to not run off the paper or PDF at the right edge?
13:46:59 <warlord> export to html, load in firefox, and print from there?
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13:55:03 <ElectricBill> I guess I could do that.
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14:38:31 <ElectricBill> How do I put adjustments into the trial balance worksheet?
14:42:56 <warlord> I have no idea.. I've never used the Trial Balance report.
14:57:08 <ElectricBill> Is there a .deb for 2.2.6 available?
14:57:39 <ElectricBill> or 2.2.8?
14:58:56 <warlord> I'm sure there is, but we don't make them
14:59:02 <warlord> try launchpad?
14:59:25 <ElectricBill> awright
15:08:35 <Guy-> ElectricBill: doesn't apt-cache policy gnucash tell you?
15:09:10 <ElectricBill> root@flipper:/etc/init.d# apt-cache policy gnucash
15:09:10 <ElectricBill> gnucash:
15:09:10 <ElectricBill> Installed: 2.2.4-1ubuntu1
15:09:10 <ElectricBill> Candidate: 2.2.4-1ubuntu1
15:09:10 <ElectricBill> Version table:
15:09:11 <ElectricBill> *** 2.2.4-1ubuntu1 0
15:09:13 <ElectricBill> 500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/universe Packages
15:09:17 <ElectricBill> 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
15:09:32 <ElectricBill> Just hoping trial balance is broken.
15:09:33 <Guy-> uh, hardy is quite old
15:09:56 <ElectricBill> Hardy is on my desk.
15:10:11 <warlord> i dunno.. 2.2.4 is rather old. you could change the ChangeLog files to see all the changes from 2.2.4 -> 2.2.8
15:10:14 <Guy-> you may want to upgrade to intrepid (or add hardy-backports to your sources.list, maybe someone backported gnucash)
15:10:41 <ElectricBill> I might use an intrepid box...
15:11:10 <ElectricBill> or ignore the trial balance problems... there are reports of errors, but I don't completely understand it.
15:11:45 <Guy-> you could also just roll your own .deb from the 2.2.8 sources
15:12:11 <ElectricBill> Got stuck at ./configure - GLIBC complaint. Lost patience.
15:12:35 <Guy-> no need to do it manually
15:12:43 <Guy-> make sure you have deb-src lines in your sources.list
15:12:49 <Guy-> then apt-get build-dep gnucash
15:13:04 <Guy-> cd /tmp; apt-get source gnucash
15:13:13 <Guy-> untar 2.2.8 sources too
15:13:22 <Guy-> copy debian directory from 2.2.6 sources to 2.2.8
15:13:25 <Guy-> cd to 2.2.8
15:13:38 <Guy-> edit debian/changelog, add text for new version
15:13:43 <Guy-> ./debian/rules binary
15:13:46 <Guy-> have a beer
15:13:49 <Guy-> voilá
15:14:03 <ElectricBill> Well, the beer part sounds like a good idea.
15:14:35 <ElectricBill> I've got 2.2.6 on another machine, so lemme see if trial balance problem is there too.
15:14:37 <Guy-> (this should work assuming the gnucash build system didn't change much between 2.2.6 and 2.2.8)
15:14:45 <ElectricBill> If not, I'll consider the build.
15:14:55 <Guy-> oh, yes, I meant 2.2.4, not 2.2.6
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15:15:39 <blahrus> anyone have dropbox .5.* build up for suse 11.1 ?
15:16:14 <ElectricBill> TB still NG on 2.2.6. So maybe I'll live without TB. I don't understand it anyway.
15:21:35 <warlord> Are you sure that your books are actually in balance?
15:48:50 <ElectricBill> Yeah. I've identified the [stock] transactions that throw off the TB.
15:49:21 <ElectricBill> I've also devised fudging transactions to compensate, but that sucks.
15:49:53 <ElectricBill> But maybe I'm wrong. What does "in balance" mean, exactly?
15:50:15 <ElectricBill> GC forces the basic accounting equation to work -- A=E+L
15:50:44 <warlord> ah, but when you exchange commodities it can throw that off..
15:51:13 <warlord> E.g., I buy 1 share of stock for $10. Then a week later I sell that share for $20.
15:51:19 <warlord> I have two "balanced" transactions..
15:51:40 <warlord> But the books are now out of balance -- I have a $10 gain that is not accounted for.
15:52:13 <ElectricBill> Right - that's about what I'm seeing. But I how should I deal with it?
15:52:40 <warlord> Explicit gain/loss
15:52:43 <warlord> See the docs.
15:52:54 <ElectricBill> OK - I'll look for that
15:54:08 <ElectricBill> I'm looking at tutorial/concepts. Izzat where? Section?
15:55:26 <warlord> Yes, that. Look at "Investments" or "Cap Gains"
15:58:13 <ElectricBill> Well, sorry - it's not jumping out at me. But...
15:58:31 <ElectricBill> I can say that I have explicitly accounted for gain/loss...
15:59:29 <ElectricBill> E.g.: split transaction - sell 11 shares XXX for 139.70...
16:00:49 <ElectricBill> 1) Put 137.70 into Assets:MyBrokerCash, 2) take .01 from Assets:Stocks:XXX 3) Put 137.69 into Income:CapGains...
16:01:03 <ElectricBill> And now TB is off by 1 cent.
16:01:28 <ElectricBill> So how do I get rid of that penny - or whatever amount?
16:01:46 <warlord> Why is there that .01 taken from Assets:Stocks:XXX?
16:02:28 <ElectricBill> That's the basis (disregard that it's a silly value a silly value - I've got other examples)
16:02:41 <ElectricBill> It was put there when the stock was purchased.
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17:48:34 *** warlord2 is now known as warlord
17:48:35 <warlord> @op
17:48:36 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
17:50:04 <warlord> so?
17:50:45 <warlord> :)
17:51:19 <jsled> Kevin_Manire: you need to malloc((strlen(desc)+1) * sizeof(char)) to get space for the null terminator
17:52:10 <jsled> Also, just by way of unsolicited review: you might want to use __file__ and __line__ (or whatever) for the error message printing.
17:52:23 <jsled> And, glib is your friend. :)
17:52:44 <Kevin_Manire> jsled I'm learning. I'll have to google on __file__ and line.
17:52:59 <Kevin_Manire> jsled I'm just too spoiled from .net. he he he, have to crawl before I can stumble.
17:53:12 * jsled gotcha
17:53:49 <Kevin_Manire> jsled I have about 5 years of unlearning to do.
17:56:51 <Kevin_Manire> jsled thank you for your help
17:58:20 <jsled> you're welcome.
18:00:25 <warlord> Now if only I could find a Linux equivalent to ExpandEnvironmentStrings
18:01:46 <Kevin_Manire> That doesn't exist?
18:04:18 <warlord> I'm trying to find it..
18:05:39 <Kevin_Manire> the code that does that should be in the bash source right?
18:05:58 <Kevin_Manire> whatever section does the shell script interprating.
18:06:23 <warlord> Maybe.
18:06:28 <warlord> I think I'll just ignore it for now..
18:06:42 <Kevin_Manire> interpreting*
18:07:42 <warlord> yah.. I'll worry about it later.
18:11:13 <Guy-> mmm, what's this ExpandEnvironmentStrings you're looking for? a library function to get the value of an environment variable?
18:12:56 <Kevin_Manire> In windows expandenvironmentstrings in a windows api call that will take a string an expand any environment variables it finds between % symbols. like "the home drive is %HOMEDRIVE%" might become "the home drive is C:"
18:13:07 <Kevin_Manire> warlord wants a linux equivelant.
18:13:49 <Kevin_Manire> unfortunately I'm a linux newbie, so I don't know :)
18:15:09 <warlord> I dont thnk there's a standard C API function for it.
18:17:50 <Guy-> no, neither do I
18:19:56 <Guy-> I also don't quite see how this is useful
18:20:10 <Guy-> can't you just use fprintf() and getenv()?
18:20:17 <warlord> Is not for you to understand.
18:20:49 <Guy-> OK
18:21:54 <Kevin_Manire> lol
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19:57:10 *** resplin has joined #gnucash
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20:11:56 <resplin> I'm trying to figure out how feasible it would be to add a checkbox to the register in gnucash, but I'm having trouble compiling from source. Is anyone around to offer some pointers?
20:14:37 <Kevin_Manire> There were some folks here earlier... but that was 2 or 3 hours ago.
20:14:48 <warlord> resplin: what problems?
20:14:58 <jsled> checkbox for what?
20:15:03 <jsled> what os/distro?
20:15:05 <Kevin_Manire> :) there they are
20:16:07 <resplin> Thanks. I'm on Kubuntu 8.04. Autogen is failing, but I'm having trouble reading the output. I haven't installed all the stuff from teh README.dependencies because I have some questions. Question 1: which version of aqbanking do I need: 1 or 2?
20:16:30 <warlord> resplin: apt-get build-dep gnucash
20:17:22 <resplin> warlord -- that's a nice apt-get trick. Thanks.
20:18:04 <resplin> Wow, that's a lot of stuff.
20:18:16 <warlord> yes it is......
20:18:23 <resplin> Installing now.
20:18:53 <resplin> I'm trying to decide if implementing bug 527772 is within my abilities. I reported it a while back but it hasn't received much attention.
20:18:59 <resplin> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=527772
20:19:54 <resplin> I don't think it would be too hard--just need to add a checkbox (labelled 'D' for 'Documentation'?) to the register and a dialog like the reconcile tool to make it easier to use.
20:20:30 <resplin> But I'm mostly a pyqt or Java coder, so I'm trying to get oriented and I'm finding gtk pretty foreign.
20:21:47 <Kevin_Manire> I feel your pain resplin. I'm a .net OOP guy myself... brushing up on C has been pretty.... challenging so far
20:22:08 <warlord> glib/gobject is OOP.
20:22:11 <Kevin_Manire> and I should add fun.
20:22:12 <warlord> (as is much of GnuCash)
20:22:34 <Kevin_Manire> warlord I still need to learn how to use glib. :)
20:22:40 <Kevin_Manire> warlord its high on my priority list.
20:22:42 <warlord> glib is just an API
20:23:08 <resplin> warlord: thanks for the help. It's building now.
20:23:19 <warlord> cool.
20:24:13 <Kevin_Manire> warlord if you don't mind me asking. Which IDE do you use? Which IDE do you think most of the gnuCash developers are using?
20:24:45 <warlord> emacs + cmdln
20:24:49 <warlord> sorry, gotta run
20:24:51 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
20:25:50 <resplin> Kevin_Manire: is the register UI kept in src/gnome?
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20:26:37 <jsled> resplin: the register is in src/register/ :)
20:26:59 <resplin> jsled: Imagine that. <grin> Thanks.
20:27:26 <jsled> register-core/ is the core model; register-gnome/ is the gnome-specific bits; ledger-core/ is the register-as-account-ledger specialization
20:27:57 <Kevin_Manire> resplin I'm really new around here. I can't really offer too much at this point.
20:28:56 <Kevin_Manire> resplin gnuCash is really well documented though. My understanding is that GNU cash uses a model, view, controller design pattern. It has a seperate API just for manipulating the data.
20:29:22 <jsled> that's mostly true
20:29:50 <Kevin_Manire> jsled which part was incorrect?
20:29:51 <Kevin_Manire> :)
20:30:12 <jsled> there's a bit too much coupling and not enough ui-independent modeling/abstraction in some of the ui-related code.
20:30:34 <jsled> But pretty much every area uses MVC to some degree.
20:30:39 <resplin> Yeah. I'm running from source. Time to first build: 30 minutes. Better than most projects I have looking into.
20:30:47 <jsled> src/engine/ is the core "accounting engine" model.
20:30:54 <jsled> resplin: nice, and surprising.
20:31:20 <resplin> warlord helped me out.
20:31:27 <jsled> Being associated with gnucash for nearly 10 years, now, it feels much heavier in that respect than other project I've seen. :(
20:31:43 <goodger> mmm, 30 minutes to build is quite a long time
20:32:17 <goodger> unless you're comparing with projects whose codebases apparently predate the transistor and are impossible to configure, let alone compile (openoffice, firefox)
20:32:25 <resplin> Not 30 minutes to build. 30 minutes from "I wonder how long this it would take to implement that feature request I logged" through find the web site, checkout from svn, download dependencies, etc.
20:32:41 <goodger> ah.
20:32:44 <goodger> much better
20:32:50 <resplin> to "I'm actually running from source".
20:33:09 <goodger> excellent
20:33:15 <resplin> I never did get openoffice to build in a way that I could actually edit it.
20:34:03 <goodger> today it was 135 minutes from "sitting in front of ACC1 exam paper" to "writing down net profit in last question of ACC3 exam paper"
20:34:29 * jsled builds firefox regularly (*cough*Gentoo*cough* :). OpenOffice, otoh, only once …
20:34:34 <resplin> I still have nightmares about college exams, and it's been five years.
20:34:53 <goodger> resplin: I'm not at university yet
20:35:49 <resplin> So I'm looking at the register-core directory. I read the README which points to design.txt which no longer exists. And I scratch my head. . .
20:36:36 <jsled> hmm, that's unfortunate.
20:36:40 <goodger> jsled: have you ever built firefox from source from a moz tarball? it's virtually impossible. first you have to find the damned tarball on the site [searching for "source code" on the main site gives a message "no 'source code' found" underneath a sign that says "open-source" --- and when you've found the tarball you have to write a configuration file that feels like a tax return (you even have to tell it to build firefox as
20:36:40 <goodger> opposed to one of the other programs they apparently include in the same codebase), and then it takes about 90 minutes to build
20:37:04 <jsled> goodger: from the tarball, no.
20:37:12 <goodger> I don't recommend it, as per above
20:37:30 <jsled> heh
20:38:17 <jsled> resplin: the table-* files are the core model. The *cell.c are model abstractions of various cell types.
20:38:41 <jsled> IIRC, everything is a basiccell, too, so you should probably unerstand that early.
20:39:16 <resplin> I was thinking that the checkboxcell is exactly what I want, but I don't see how it's getting laid out into a register entry so that I can add one (under the R box).
20:41:15 <resplin> So it looks like this is OOP, but not C++ objects. How is inheritence handled?
20:42:08 <jsled> in what respect?
20:43:01 <resplin> I assume that a checkboxcell is inherited from basiccell, but I don't see any C++-ism (constructor, class, etc)
20:43:32 <resplin> Answer: it just includes basiccell, and so receives its interface. Interesting.
20:43:49 <jsled> kinda.
20:44:09 <jsled> By including BasicCell as the first element of the struct, it gets its fields.
20:44:33 <jsled> (and field-offsets for functions defined in terms of the BasicCell struct will work on CheckboxCell struts, too.)
20:44:58 <jsled> But look at gnc_checkbox_cell_init(…), and see that it sets the function pointers for enter_cell and set_value to overrides
20:45:10 <jsled> basically: manual vtable maintenance. :)
20:46:02 <jsled> All of GObject/GTK/Gnome is based on the same paradigms; GObject has a bunch of support for it (real interfaces, a type system, &c.)
20:46:27 <Kevin_Manire> jsled sorry, got called away by the boss.
20:46:39 <resplin> Thanks for the background jsled.
20:49:00 <Kevin_Manire> jsled what forced the developers to couple together modules?
20:49:12 <jsled> expediency
20:49:13 <Kevin_Manire> was it deadlines or lack of planning?
20:49:18 <Kevin_Manire> ahh, ok.
20:56:28 <Kevin_Manire> Well, time to go home for me. Catch you all later.
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21:09:38 <resplin> Where is the transaction kvp defined?
21:15:43 <jsled> lib/libqof/qof/kvp_frame.[ch]
21:16:58 <resplin> Thanks.
21:22:53 <goodger> "Your online banking service is unavailable between 12:00 am and 4:00 am." --- idiocy!
21:23:10 <goodger> if I want to do a reconciliation at 2:30am, I should be allowed to
21:23:38 <jsled> you are. just not during their maintenance window. :)
21:24:16 <jsled> s/just not/just not using their site/
21:24:41 <goodger> I can't without that site
21:25:04 <goodger> the bank is unsurprisingly closed so I can't access my statement at this time
21:35:29 <resplin> Okay, I'm having a hard time tying the concepts in the Design Document back to the source.
21:35:43 <jsled> implementation is the only truth.
21:36:04 <jsled> resplin: which concepts in particular?
21:36:04 <resplin> I have two questions: where are the specific members of the transaction kvp defined (not the kvp_frame object which is what you pointed me at before--and was helpful)
21:36:29 <resplin> And: where does the register put together a block of cells for display on the screen.
21:36:33 <jsled> ah. there is no definiton of the members of the kvp frame, I don't think. It's arbitrary KVP storage.
21:36:56 <resplin> So a KVP is created when it's needed and pushed in there ,then automagically stored by the engine?
21:37:04 <jsled> That being said, you could search the sources for all the frame setters.
21:37:10 <resplin> That would be nice, but I didn't expect it in a C app.
21:37:14 <jsled> why do you care about the kvp frames?
21:38:01 <resplin> I'm working on feature request 527772. I need to add a checkbox to the register for when a physical receipt exists for the transaction.
21:38:13 <resplin> And I would like to add a dialog for finding the ones that are not yet checked.
21:38:49 <resplin> I figured I'd add a checkbox under the R box in the register, and add a "documentation" KVP to the frame.
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21:40:13 <resplin> So if I create a KVP attribute in the frame, using the setter, the engine will persist it for me? I don't need to make any changes to the model?
21:40:21 <resplin> Pretty slick.
21:40:21 <jsled> correct
21:40:33 <jsled> I guess. I think you should change the model./
21:40:38 <jsled> The KVP frames are a hack.
21:41:01 <jsled> we model things (i.e., give concrete names to fields) for good reason.
21:41:12 <resplin> How would you suggest I implement this feature? I know almost nothing about this project.
21:41:33 <resplin> (I'm just scratching an itch)
21:41:38 <jsled> add a field to the transaction. Add a field to the ledger, I guess, like you're doing.
21:41:55 <jsled> I only say "I guess" because I wouldn't particularly use this feature, so I'd consider it clutter.
21:42:09 <jsled> I guess ideally there'd be some ui preference for it.
21:42:32 <resplin> Do you think it would get accepted to the main project? I figured the clutter would be pretty minimal, as there is a space below the Reconcile box on the two line ledger.
21:43:11 <jsled> trying to add something "under" the reconcile checkbox is tough because nothing else works quite like that.
21:43:16 <jsled> Just make it another column.
21:43:43 <jsled> as for the layout of the ledger, look in src/register/ledger-core/split-register-layout.c
21:44:16 <resplin> How is the "Action" box implemented? I figured this would be the same way.
21:44:31 <jsled> Action is a combobox, IIRC.
21:44:58 <resplin> What I mean is, it is in the second line directly under the Num box,
21:45:12 <jsled> Oh.
21:45:22 <resplin> Oh, but second line items are all for splits, so that's why it would be hard. Correct?
21:45:46 <jsled> Right. This seems like a Transaction property, not a Split property.
21:45:54 <resplin> That makes sense.
21:46:17 <resplin> Would the project accept a change to the transaction line of the ledger? Or is that space considered premium?
21:47:09 <jsled> I guess it'd be considered premium, but I'm not sure the change wouldn't be accepted.
21:47:21 <resplin> I was curious about your role in the project, so I checked out your bio online. I'll be in Burlington next week to stay with my inlaws.
21:47:25 <resplin> I love it up there.
21:47:35 <jsled> ah, heh. :)
21:48:05 <resplin> You telecommute? I've often thought about moving up there, but there isn't a lot of employment.
21:49:15 <jsled> I've been lucky in that respect. I worked for a Valley startup before, and just sort of decided I was moving away, not really expecting I'd be able ot keep the job for more than a few months … but for a variety of reasons it kept working well for a few years.
21:49:29 <resplin> Cool.
21:49:47 <jsled> Then, a previous manager had happened to move to MySQL, which is mostly remote, so I had a good in there.
21:51:14 <resplin> Very nice.
22:32:43 <resplin> I'm going to have to back-burner this. Thanks for the help, jsled.
22:32:54 <jsled> resplin: you're welcome
23:06:18 *** Jimraehl has joined #gnucash
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23:17:43 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
23:17:45 <warlord> dammit...
23:17:50 <warlord> missed reslin by minutes.
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